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      • 부산지역 해양시문학의 현황과 과제

        남송우(Nam Song-Woo) 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2009 No.5월

        Recently the interest about regional study has increased. This is the result of post-modern approach toward all the cultural phenomenon which is centralized through modernization. This can be also found in the area of study of literature. So in Pusan region, the studies for Pusan region literature in various aspects were suggested. The ultimate goal for the study of regional literature is that how much the identification of the region appeared and how much the characteristic of the region gained the universality. That is to say, the priority task is to verify the identification of the region through the literature works. In this point, the discussion of identification of Pusan regional literature is an important task for the study of Pusan regional literature. Therefore, by what we should define the identification of Pusan regional literature for the study of Pusan regional literature should be the first consideration. Even though to define the identification of regional literature is not that easy, firstly we should consider that it is closely related with the locality of that region. With this consideration, the upmost point of Pusan regional literature is the character of ocean. Pusan region is based on the ocean environment geographically. So for the discussion of the identification of Pusan regional literature, sea literature is the first object of the discussion. When it comes to the point to define what the sea literature as one of the characteristics of Pusan regional literature, it cannot be easily defined. So first of all in this thesis I will check the features of Pusan regional literature focusing on the sea poetry. This task is to confirm how the sea poetry as the Pusan regional literature has its particularity and to find out the right direction for Pusan poetry through the objective confirmation of the status. For this task, the thesis is only focused on the poetry of poet who wrote or is writing in Pusan region. Even though there are many sea poetry which are written by poet who do not stay in Pusan, to check through the poet교 which is written by poets who are living in Pusan should be done first. There could be some common parts and difference between the poetry written by poet who are living in Pusan and poetry written by poet who are not living in Pusan. First of all, I will focus on poet who is living in Pusan and compare and distinguish with sea poetry of other region. This is because this kind of process is needed for the deeper study of Korean sea poetry afterward. In this thesis, first of all I will study the features of poetry of Kim Sun-sik and Kim Sung-whan, who are telling the experience of far away ocean. There poetry show vividly the spot of the action of sea poetry in which they experienced the ocean by themselves and wrote the poem based on that experience. This is the one of the direction which the sea poetry should take. However, it needs to get the meaning of essence over the simple stating of the reality of sea. That is to say, Kim Sung-sik expresses the severity of crossing over the North sea in a poem using the image of the war , but it needs to add the essence of life to obtain the depth of sea poetry. Telling the old boat and the abandoned ship, it is meaningful to personify them, but it needs to purse the meaning of the ship in the ocean more deeply. In Kim Sung-whan's poetry, there is realism of sea poetry in the part that it carries the reality of the labor of ocean to fish. Still, it is needed to make an image to differentiate the labor of the ocean from lands. The problem is that there are not poets in Pusan who can write the sea poetry after experiencing the sea like these two poets. This is quite an disappointing for the future of sea poetry in Pusan region that there are not poets who can experience the sea by themselves and write the poem based on that experience.

      • KCI등재

        N. 프라이 장르론이 한국문학 장르론에 미친 영향 - 김준오를 중심으로

        남송우(Nam Song-Woo) 한국문학회 2006 韓國文學論叢 Vol.42 No.-

          The theory of genre of Jun-oh Kim has been studied in the respect of the history of effect in this thesis. Even thought there have been lots of theorists of genre who have influenced on the his work, this thesis rather focused the effect of theory of genre of N. Frey on that of Kim. It is confirmed that the theory of N. Frey has given a considerable influence on the search of theory genre or the discussion of historical genre of Kim. Most of all, his theological search for the form of presentation which is the importance aspect of the theory of genre is wholly based on the theory which was presented by N. Frye. The reason Kim was especially interested in this form was that the change of the form of the presentation brings about the change of the genre, which was neglected in the study of genre in Korean literature. The argument of the mixture genre was also the one of the important contents which Kim quoted from N. Frye.   What is cardinal in the theory of genre of Kim is however that he does not accept the theory of N. Frye in one-sided. He rather recognizes some limits and problems of the theory of N. Frye and accept it critically. Following parts are the points that Kim puts under consideration of the theory of genre of N. Frye critically.    (1) The theory of genre requires the discussion of both theological and historical genre but the theory of N. Frye lacks the historical concept of genre.    (2) The theory of N. Frye is lucid, delicate and original but toppled down on the Christian Evangelism so that he could not escape the limit of scientific and evangelic ambition as Paul Hernadi commented.    (3) The discord between the theory and the reality which naturally came from the schematism of the theory of genre, the lack of logical coherence and inequality are pointed out.   These finding out of problems is meaningful as it is the critical acceptance of the theory of genre of N. Frye. In the field of study of Korean literature, the genre study is vulnerable. The significance of the study of genre of Kim can not be denied because the work he has done was the proposition of the importance of the critic of the genre. Therefore the systematic study about it makes an opportunity to revitalize the genre study in Korean literature. I expect that the new chance can be prepared through effect study of other effect elements on the basis of the theory of genre of Korean literature.   The study of genre of Kim is not limited to the theory of genre. It is because that he practices the systematization of historical genre with the research of theological genre. The understanding of the theory of the genre of Kim will contribute to the frame of reference which reveals the character of field of Korean literature which accelerates the dismantle of genre. In other words, it presents the foundation which can explain the root of literature phenomenon which is diversified such as mixture genre, anti genre, super genre. That his discussion of historical genre is limited at certain period is, however, the assignment which should be done by the younger scholars. Even though his genre is standing on the continuity and diversity, the change is rather focused because of the limit of the discussion of specific period. The tasks are left that the theory of genre of N. Frye is too toppled down on the scheme as much as the theory of genre of Jun-oh Kim on the structure.

      • 동북아시아 지역의 문화정책의 흐름과 교류의 방향성 모색

        남송우(Nam, Song-Woo) 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2015 No.8

        I have researched three nation’s(Korea, china, Japan) cultural police in this paper. Chinese Communist Party declared the slogan “The way to development of Chinese socialism culture. and Chinese Communist Party invested greatly in the cultural content industry for to realize the china dream. Japanese government suggested the cultural powerhouse based on the Japanese studies. and this project is supported by the legal and institutional to fulfill international cultural interchange. Korean government have made law for the Gwangju, the hub city of Asia. Gwangju will be the most important cultural center of Asia in the near future. According to studies, korea, China, japan are will be come into conflict with international cultural policy in Asia. so We have to Prepare cultural strategy for the coexistence

      • KCI등재

        [논문] 문학 속에 나타난 생명지역주의의 한 모습

        남송우(Nam Song woo) 문학과환경학회 2004 문학과 환경 Vol.3 No.-

        In the viewpoint of bioregionalism, I analyzed two pieces of works, Han- bong Bae's poem 『The heron of Woopo marsh』 and In soo Kang's novel 『Teacher of a dull drink of water』 which treated the ecology of Woopo marsh as a space of living life and also the ground of ecological existence.<br/> Both of the poet and the writer converged into the revival of the marsh which had been losing its own figure due to the industrialization. They brought forward suggestions which are the formation of ecological community and constitution of ethics for mutual existence between the marsh and human being for the restoration of the marsh.<br/> These works thoroughly preserved the ecological understanding about the land which is the beginning of bioregionalism and revealed the Woopo marsh as the particular extent which enclosed the nature of bioregionalism.

      • KCI등재

        윤동주 시에 나타난 공간 인식의 한 양상 - 일본 유학 시절의 시를 중심으로

        남송우(Nam Song-Woo) 한국문학회 2005 韓國文學論叢 Vol.40 No.-

        I have explained the spatial recognition of Yoon's poem which were written after his study abroad in Japan. At the first time in Japan, he found out streets filled with conflict which was derived from his unestablishment in Japan and showed his emotion toward the recurrence to the place where he felt comfortable and familiar. This was well described in his emotion of loneliness and isolation. Even with the word "room" which he often used, he did not recognize it as cozy place which was separated from the outer world but as <a room with tatami floor in foreign country> which was in distance with himself. Also he did not find relief in this "room" but represented his will to go forward out of the "room" toward the world. In this case, he showed a different aspect about the "room" before his study abroad. Before his study abroad, the "room" was represented as the place of centripetal power where he came back form the world. However, during his study abroad, the "room" was changed to the center place where he revealed his will to move on toward to the murky world. It is the expansion of horizontal space. This sort of expansion can be seen also with the expansion of vertical space in the poem 『Spring 2』. It distinguishes the difference of his recognition of space in his poem from ones before the study abroad in Japan. This can be analysed as one of the aspects of confrontation capacity which came out of the process of shaping himself in the foreign place, Japan.

      • KCI등재

        지역문학 연구에 나타나는 탈근대성의 양상

        남송우(Nam, Song-Woo) 한국문학회 2008 韓國文學論叢 Vol.50 No.-

        본 논문은 제주지역과 광주지역 그리고 대구․경북지역 문학 연구에 나타나는 현상을 탈근대성의 입장에서 살펴본 것이다. 제주와 광주 지역 문학연구에서는 그 지역이 지닌 4․3과 5․18이라는 역사적 특수성에 바탕한 지역 정체성을 문학 연구의 방향성으로 보여주었고, 대구․경북지역은 선비정신 나아가 유교라는 지역의 전통적인 사유방식을 지역의 정체성으로 삼아 논의가 진행되었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 각 지역마다의 정체성에 기반을 둔 문학 연구가 지역문학 연구에 있어서 기본 방향이란 점에서 지역정체성의 문제가 결국 중요한 화두가 될 수밖에 없다. 이러한 지역문학 연구에서 나타나는 지역 정체성의 추구가 탈근대성으로 해석될 수 있는 이유는 다음과 같다. 첫째는 지역이 지닌 특수성의 추구를 통해 보편성을 해체시킨다는 점에 서 탈근대적인 양상을 찾아볼 수 있다. 이 지역적 특수성은 기존 연구에서 나타나는 보편적인 가치체계를 허물 수 있는 토대를 제공한다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 이러한 지역적 특수성의 인식은 하나의 중심을 전제한 보편적 세계인식을 해체한다는 점에서 탈근대적이라 할 수 있다. 둘째는 앞선 논의에서 나타난 지역의 특수성에 기초한 결과로서 나타나는 현상이다. 즉 각 지역마다의 특수성을 다 인정함으로써 유일성보다는 다양성을 추구한다는 점에서 탈근대적인 모습을 지닌다고 본다. 근대성이 유일성을 추구해왔다면, 탈근대성은 다원성을 추구하는 경향을 지닌다. 이런 측면에서 지역문학 연구에서 나타나는 특성의 하나는 각 지역마다의 주체성을 인정하고, 이를 토대로 유일성을 초극하는 다양한 지역문학의 체계를 세워간다는 점에서 탈근대적인 성향을 지니고 있다고 할 수 있다. I have researched the phenomenon found in the literature study of Jeju, Gwang Ju, and Dae-gu, Kyung-buk region in the aspect of postmodernism. In the study of Jeju and Gwang-ju region, it showed the regional identity as the direction of literature study based on the historical characteristic which the region possesses. In the study of Dae-gu, Kyung-buk region, it was revealed that the study was based on the spirit of scholar, also Confucianism, which is the regional traditional method of reasoning as the regional identity. In that the basic direction for regional literature study is based on the regional identity, it is the problem of regional identity that must be the topic of the discussion. In fact, there are various topics dealt in the regional literature study. Various aspects like the regional writer, work, and background can be discussed. The topic, however, should be dealt ultimately in the regional literature study is the regional identity, which can be found in the work deals with the region. Still, the regional identity cannot be easily defined. The regional identity of one region is not unchangeable but formulated changing at the same time. The regional identity comes from the characteristic of the region. The region is consists of three components; the space which consists of physical background, the human as the subject of life, and the society as the human group. Therefore, it is the concept which is constructed as the result of reasoning of human being, accumulated and mingled of various layer of human lives. The region itself, is a cognitive being, which exists as conceptual structure rather than exists objectively as real being. That is, it has the characteristic of imaginative community which is constructed in imagination by regional members' classification. It means that the regionalism should be understood not by simple geographical or structural aspects but relational and contextual aspects. The issue is that as the recognition of these regions are discussed newly, there are various investigation works being realized for creating the regional image. Especially for the researchers of regional literature, the investigation of the regional identity is the nature of the study and also the critical issue as the ultimate destination. The part which should be realized in the study of the regional literature study should find the characteristic of that region, which is, the regional identity and be given the consequence and be systematized in the work. Then it is need to explain about in what aspects the pursue of regional identity has the characteristic of Postmodernism. First, it is Post -modern in point that it is to deconstruct the universality through the pursue of the particularity of the region. Until now, the main current of Korea literature study was limited to the writer or works which consist of center in the history of literature. The writer, the object of literature study was the people who were at the center of history of Korean literature. However, owing to the study of regional literature, the established frame of literature study is being demolished as the regional writers, who were not evaluated properly, are newly evaluated and discussed. Also the writer who were evaluated in the history of Korean literature as well as the regional writer are being newly evaluated. In the basis of the evaluation, the particularity of the writers is considered. The regional particularity has the importance in the aspect that is provides the foundation for demolishing the universal system of value. The recognition of the regional particularity is post-modern in aspect that it deconstruct the general recognition of world. However, the regional study in the Korean literature is place in the hybrid situation of postmodernism and modernism in aspects that Korean literature study has been pursing the global universality through the Korean virtue and the particularity of region should seek after the un

      • KCI등재

        중국조선족문학사에서의 윤동주 연구현황 일고

        남송우(Nam Song woo) 한국문학회 2014 韓國文學論叢 Vol.68 No.-

        중국조선족문학사에서는 윤동주 시인에 대한 연구가 1980년대 후반부터 시작되었기에 한국문학사 속에서의 윤동주 연구와 비교하면, 연구의 양이나 질적인 측면에서 많은 차이를 보이고 있다. 그렇지만 중국조선족문학사에서의 윤동주 연구는 역사전기적 연구방법론에서 출발하여 구조주의적 방법론으로 접근을 시도하기도 했으며, 윤동주 시에 나타난 시간과 공간을 분석하는 시 작품 자체에 주목하는 형식주의적 연구방법론으로의 접근도 확인할 수 있었다. 특이한 것은 윤동주 시인이 근원적으로 이민자의 삶을 살았기에 디아스포라적인 입장에서 윤동주 시인의 삶의 정신을 시를 통해 해명해보려는 시도가 이어지고 있다는 점이다. 또한 윤동주의 시와 삶을 정확하게 재구할 수 있는 역사적 사실을 현지에서 정확하게 고증해서 정리해주고 있다는 점도 주목할 만한 연구이다. 즉 한국의 윤동주 연구자들에게 도움이 될 만한 새로운 정보를 제시하고 있는 윤동주의 삶과 관련된 현장 연구는 중국조선족 문학연구자들만이 할 수 있는 고증작업이란 측면에서 의미가 있다. This is about the current situation of study of Yoon Dong ju in Korea Chinese Literature History. There are quite a difference in quality and quantity of Yoon Dong ju research between Korean Chinese Literature Study and Korean Literature Study as the former started the late 1980s. The difference in Korean Chinese study are there are some studies started from the historical biology study and tried to some structuralism approach while some are found to apply the formalism method to focus on the poem itself as analysing the time and structure shown in the poem. What gets an attention is that there is a point of view to regard him as an immigrant himself so it tries to elucidate his poem in the stance of Korean's diaspora. Also there have been some historical evidence studies of Yoon to help us understand his life and poem in more concrete ways. This is to say, this kind of historical study which surely helps Korean researcher can be done only by Korean Chinese researchers. It, however, is not in such a phase to study his individual work to be studied in various method like in Korea. This shows that Korean Chinese Literature researchers need to be more receptive for Korean Literature History of Yoon to get deeper and wider understanding of his poetic world.

      • KCI등재

        윤동주와 윤일주 동시 비교 연구

        남송우(Nam Song-Woo) 한국시학회 2007 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.19

        Children's verses of Yoon Dong-Ju and Yoon Il-Ju have been examined in the aspect of comparative literature. Even though Yoon Dong-Ju had left to study abroad, leaving his hometown for a long time, these two poets had spent time together as brothers. It can be easily assumed that younger brother Yoon Il-Ju was influenced by his older brother Yoon Dong-Ju because he had many chances to read his brother's works as well as he published his brother's literary remains. Most of children's verses of Yoon Il-Ju were written after his brother's pass away. In this aspect, it is not difficult to confirm that Yoon Dong-Ju influenced Yoon Il-Ju's children's verses. These influences were categorized in three aspects in this thesis. First, it can be pointed out that the form of 2~3 stanza is mainly used. While Yoon Dong-Ju preferred 2 stanza, Yoon Il-Ju used 3 stanza more often. Tribrach and couplet by stanza is commonly used. Both of them used sensible expression, especially reduplication such as onomatopoeic and mimetic words. Second, two poets used many poetic dictions about nature, like human, animals, and plants as subject materials and concepts. We can see their concepts were quite similar as both of them used chick or chicken as subject of their poet. This shows that Yoon Il-Ju expanded his own world in his poem on the basis of concept of Yoon Dong-Ju. Third, there are several poems about children, which shows that they tried to realize the purity and innocence like children writing poem about children. The analysis of poems shows that while Yoon Dong-Ju described children as active while Yoon Il-Ju's children rather static. It is a delicate difference between these two poets.

      • KCI등재

        「리니지」에 내재된 이중의 정치담론

        남송우(Nam Song-Woo),권유리야(Kwon Juria) 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.18

        The computer game Lineage ranked top over foreign game of world War-craft according the 9th January news from National Assembly broadcasting. The Government also is planing to give the omnidirectional support to revive Korean game industry. It reveals the serious change of recognition that Lineage is not just a game in imaginative world. It is also quite true in the inside of the game. A game is not attractive enough to get user's attention for a long time if it focuses only to satisfy game user's trifling instinct. Lineage shows the aspect of sharp conflict of humans desire not in imaginative but real world. Moreover, it shows the various relational conflict as intention to awake current politics In this point, Lineage can be ‘a different version of current politics’. The vast blood pledge of Lineage copies the aspect of modern network life. The blood pledge system makes people recognize the war one of systems, proclaim permanent state of emergency to the world. Here, a individual is a changeable surplus being. The individual volunteerly enjoys to subordinate to ruling ideology and ask for mightier dictatorship. Rationality and irrationality coexist in current politics in Lineage. Though civic resistance like Baatz liberation war may be a rational intention to verify ruling ideology, majority's corruption makes to distinguish irrationality and rationality uncertain. In sum, Lineage shows ‘the gloomy portrait of today’ by ‘dual political discourse’ of virtue and evil, legality and illegality, power and resistance. Though capitalism is called the political microscopic diffusion, as more incessant the error of capitalist, more vast the size of politics. Merely it is not recognize as political reductionism, which is, all aspect like culture, society, economy, etc. return to politics is doubled dexterously. The reality is not usual and Lineage, which realize this reality, is more serious. This is why we have to pay attention to the game Lineage.

      • KCI등재

        부산 지역문학 속에 나타난 부산성의 모색

        남송우(Nam Song Woo) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2006 인문사회과학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        지역학에 대한 관심이 늘어나면서, 부산학에 대한 관심이 새로워지고 있다. 지역분권이 제대로 이루어지려면, 그 지역에 대한 특성이 먼저 파악되어야 한다. 이런 측면에서 부산성의 파악은 부산학 연구에서 선결되어야 하는 과제이다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위한 하나의 방안으로서 문학 작품 속에 나타난 부산의 모습을 통해 부산성을 파악하고 했다. 그 구체적인 대상으로 소설과 시 두 장르를 선택했다. 소설과 시에 나타나는 부산성의 특성은 우선은 개방성이란 점에 초점이 맞추어 진다. 이 개방성은 부산지역이 지닌 지리적 특성에서 비롯되기도 하지만, 여러 지역에서 유입되는 사람들이 함께 살아가는 지역이 지닌 역동성과도 매우 긴밀하게 연관되어 있는 점으로 보인다. As the interest in regional study grows, the study of Busan also has been increased with new aspect. The analysis of the region should be preceded to fully realize the decentralization of power in this respect, the research of characteristic of Busan is the priory task to be solved in the study of Busan. One of schemes for this task can be found through the study of literature of Busan area in which features of Busan are shown. For more concrete research, novel and poetry were selected. In these two genres of literature which reveal the characteristic of Busan, the openness was more focused than other features. It can be explained as a geographical advantage, but seems to have more intimate relation with dynamicity of the region in which people from various places come and coexist.

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