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        여성시의 문학교육적 의미 연구 - 1920년대 김명순의 시를 중심으로 -

        남민우 ( Min Woo Nam ) 한국문학교육학회 2003 문학교육학 Vol.11 No.-

        The position of women`s poetry in the Literature Education has been at the margins. It seems natural because the literary works of women are few in the modern literary history and the value of those has not been positively evaluated. But this is problematic. That women`s poetry has been under-evaluated and under-producted is related to the andro-centric modern literary history and educational systems, in other words, patriarchism. Considering the equality of men and women in feminism`s perspectives, this status isn`t proper. Especially, the educational-correctness of this status is contradict to the essential objects of the education. In this view, this essay tries to discuss the meanings of the modern women`s poetry. To re-examinate the value of modern women` poetry, firstly, this essay reviews critically the andro-centric logics of the early modern literary history and modernization in 1920. And this essay tries to demonstrate the structure and meaning of most famous poetry of 金明渟91986-1951) in this period. Her poetry has been under-evaluated because of the andro-centrism of modern literary, but her works modernized the tradition of past women poetry and created the new perspectives of women in modern society, so she criticized the andro-centrism continued even though in the modernization period. The literature education is different from literary scholarships because it must produce the new subject of new society. So, literature education should be oriented to resolve the contradiction of the patriarchism and make the students recognize the contradiction of the patriarchism and have them think the re-relationship between men and women in new millenium. Therefore, Women`s poetry and its history in the modern literary history deserves to be taught and learned in the literary education.

      • 전통무예 천무극의 철학적 가치와 보존·육성 방안

        남민우 ( Nam Min-woo ) 한국안전문화연구원 2018 현대사회와 안전문화 Vol.1 No.2

        연구목적: 본 연구는 국내에서 창시무예로 분류되고 있는 전통무예 천구극의 철학적 가치와 보존 및 육성에 대한 방안을 제시하고 있다. 특히, 전통무예 천무극은 많은 무예가 그렇듯이 손과 발을 이용해 수련을 시작하게 되면서 파생된 수박희를 비롯해 화수도교본의 저자인 황기관장과 무덕관에 그 뿌리를 두고 있다. 이러한 역사성을 바탕으로 천무극이 내포하고 있는 철학적 가치는 청소년들의 인성함양에 있어 매우 중요한 교육 철학적 가치를 바탕으로 보존 및 육성될 필요성이 있다. 연구방법: 본 연구는 2013년을 기점으로 문헌고찰 방법과 참여관찰 방법을 통하여 내용을 구성하였다. 구체적으로 광범위한 문헌고찰을 통해 국내외에 발표된 연구논문과 고문헌 및 근대 문헌의 원문을 바탕으로 하였으며, 참여관찰은 본 연구자가 전통무예 천무극 창시자 이신 故 박영수 옹을 약 20년간 스승으로 모시면서 지난 2010년 소천하실 때까지 보고, 듣고, 배우고, 느낀 바를 심도 있게 기술하는 방식으로 이루어 졌다. 결론: 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전통무예 천무극의 어원은 “하늘이 내린 무예의 극”이라 칭하며, 천무극의 정신은 무언지신, 진리지신, 건아지신, 동의지신을 추구한다. 둘째, 천무극은 “무예는 실전이다”, “이론과 실기는 둘이 아니라 하나다” 라는 문무합일(文武合一)철학적 가치를 추구한다. 셋째, 전통무예 천무극 기술적 구성 원리는 작용반작용의 원리, 중심과 안정의 원리, 힘과 운동의 법칙 등의 기술적 구성을 토대로 한다. 넷째, 천무극은 청소년 인성교육에 있어 이론과 철학적 가치가 매우 높다. 다섯째, 천무극은 전통무예와 관련된 문화관광 상품으로서 그 가치가 매우 높다. Purpose: This study presents the philosophical value and preservation and upbringing of the Cheonmugeuk traditional martial arts which are classified as the creative martial arts in Korea. In particular, the traditional martial arts Cheonmugeuk has its roots in Hwangjeongjeon and Mudukhwan, the author of the Hwasan textbook, including Suh Park - hee, which is derived from the fact that many martial arts begin to practice using hands and feet. Based on this historical nature, the philosophical value implied by Cheonmugeuk needs to be preserved and cultivated based on the educational philosophical value which is very important in the development of the human character of the youth. Methods: This study is composed of literature review method and participation observation method starting from 2013. It is based on the research papers published at home and abroad through extensive literature review, and the original texts of ancient and modern literature. Participation observation was carried out in a way that the researcher described the past, hear, learn, and felt deeply in the past twenty thousand years, as a master of the traditional martial arts Cheonmugeuk. Conclusion: The conclusion is as follows. First, the etymology of the traditional martial arts Cheonmugeuk is called "the martial art of the sky", and the spirit of Cheonmuguk pursues the spirit of God, Truth, Truth, and Conscience. Second, Cheonmugeuk pursues the philosophical value of Munmu Iwase, "martial arts is a reality" and "theory and practice are two but one". Third, the Cheonmugeuk technical composition principle is based on the technical composition of the principle of action reaction, the principle of center and stability, and the law of force and motion. Fourth, Cheonmugeuk has sufficient theoretical and practical value in youth personality education. Fifth, Cheonmugeuk is worthy as a cultural tourism product related to traditional martial arts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        과목 중심주의와 통합적 문학 교육

        남민우 ( Min-woo Nam ) 청람어문교육학회 2015 청람어문교육 Vol.55 No.-

        This paper tried to critically review the subject-centralism in the Korean Language educational field and to propose the integrated literary education. The subject-centralism is the obstacle that could not realize the goals of the Korean Language education and establish the integrated literary education method. The integrated language education and literary education is the key method of realizing the goals of the Korean Language education and improving the integrated language ability of students. In this point of view, to establish the integrated literary education we need to try work out the misunderstanding of the meaning of the term of ‘literature’ in the Korean Language education field. And we try to make the educational list of literary works and the programmed literary course book for practicing the integrated literary education.

      • KCI등재

        욕망론의 관점에서 본 김수영 시의 특징

        남민우 ( Min Woo Nam ) 청람어문교육학회 2013 청람어문교육 Vol.47 No.-

        This study tried to find out the characteristic of Kim Soo-young`(1921-1968) poem from the desire-theory`s perspective. Hegel` and Lacan`s desire theories acknowledge the positive aspect of desire. Desire is a critical mental-device to improve the development of mind. The drama of desire in the Kim Soo-young`s poem does prove the positive aspect of desire too. His poetic subject intensively pursues a desire for the real poem. In the process of doing a desire for the real poem, His poetic subject denies most of others. But he is to be aware of the other`s value by the true dynamics of desire. This realized the poetic subject with self-recognition and other-recognition. Because of this evolution, the Kim Soo-young`s poetic subject can get the status of a symbolic father of real poem.

      • KCI등재

        국가수준 국어과 학업성취도 평가의 시행 체제 개선 방안

        남민우 ( Min Woo Nam ),가영 ( Ga Yeong Nam ) 한국어교육학회 2011 국어교육 Vol.0 No.134

        The purpose of the present study was to search for ways to improve implementing the National Assessment of Educational Achievement (NAEA). For this purpose, this study examined the process and contents related to the development, scoring, and result reporting of the NAEA, mainly in 2010, then presented main difficulties on implementing the NAEA and possible solutions as follows. Firstly, the NAEA has got to implemented on a large scale, so the number of the interested parties are increased. As a result, it is hard to reach an agreement among them. Therefore, a stable consultative group such as National Assessment Governing Board in U.S. should be formed and a legal ground for implementing the NAEA also should be established. Secondly, the NAEA has tried for compare achievement levels of students to those for the previous year. For it, the assessment framework for NAEA should be systematically established, and test equating programme also should be developed and elaborated more. Moreover, the manual for developing the NAEA test item should be prepared and the system for training competent test developers should be built. Lastly, the NAEA has included the construct items, so scoring and reporting them takes much time and money. Also, it becomes more important to establish the scoring system for securing its reliability, validity. Therefore, KICE has developed the online scoring system and elaborated consistently. More importantly, it is necessary for keeping persuading people about educational significance of the construct item, by extension, essay test itself.

      • KCI등재

        전후 박인환 시의 영웅주의에 대한 성찰과 지양 양상 연구

        남민우 ( Min Woo Nam ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2015 국어교육 Vol.0 No.150

        The postwar poems of Park, Inn-hwan(1926-1956) represent the problem of war in the reflection of Heroism. To the Psychoanalysis theory of Freud, Heroism is the negative disposition that the war incur in the inside of human. Therefore, Heroism and the war need to be critically reflected. Park, Inn-hwan had recognized the problem of Heroism after he had suffered the 6.25 war and reflected the nature of the Desire. He had also realized that he had the disposition of Heroism in the period between 1945 and 1950. After 6.25 war, Park, Inn-hwan had tried to overcome the mental problem from Heroism and the Desire in the reflection of Heroism. Most of his poems after 6.25 war had the characteristic of the reflection of Heroism. Especially the dialectic of the book as symbol and the landscape as symbol is the important style of his poems. And his postwar poems also have the frame of reflection of the ideology. Therefore his postwar poems deserve to be remembered the classic of postwar poems.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학 체험기반 전공 수업 사례와 학습성과 분석

        남민우(Min-Woo Nam),이해듬(Hae-Deum Lee) 구성주의유아교육학회 2018 구성주의유아교육연구 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 대학의 체험기반 전공 수업사례를 분석하여 체험기반 수업의 핵심요소를 추출하고, 학생들의 수업 만족도와 일반 수업과의 강의평가 점수를 비교하여 학습성과를 분석하였다. 대학에서 시행하고 있는 전공 수업사례를 분석한 결과 체험기반 수업의 핵심요소는 수업설계 측면에서 요구분석, 현장 중심 실제적 문제(과제), 구체적인 강의계획(이론과 체험의 조화로운 서례)이 있으며, 체험활동 측면은 팀 학습활동, 커뮤니케이션, 수행평가, 자기성찰 등이 도출되었다. 체험기반 수업에 대한 학생 만족도를 분석한 결과 전반적으로 7.0점 만점에 6.0점 이상의 매우 높은 점수를 나타냈으며, 특히 일반 수업에 비해 학생들의 수업 참여를 보다 적극적으로 유도하였으며, 이는 자기주도적으로 수업 관련 실제 체험을 해 볼 수 있다는 점에서 학생들의 만족도가 매우 높게 나타났다. 체험기반 수업의 강의평가 점수는 일반 수업보다 더 높게 나타나 학생들에게 긍정적인 평가를 받는 것으로 분석되었다. 전반적으로 체험기반 수업은 학생들의 적극적인 수업 참여를 유도하였고, 학생들이 수업 내용을 이해하는데 일반 수업보다 효과적이었으며, 이러한 체험기반 수업은 참여 학생이 다른 학생들에게도 이 수업을 추천하고 싶다는 반응으로 이어지고 있었다. This study analyzed experience-based major classes in university case and extracted core element of experience-based major classes and analyzed learning achievement by comparing learning satisfaction and result of lecture evaluation of general major classes and experience-based major classes. This study drew core elements of experience-based classes from analyzing major classes in university. It is as in the followings, in instructional design aspect need analysis, field-based practical problems(projects), detailed lecture plan and harmonious design with theory and experience, in experience activity aspect learning activity, communication, performance assessment and self-examination are turned out core elements. This result of satisfaction analysis of students about experience-based classes showed generally high score at 6.0 out of 7.0. Experience-based classes drive students to participate in the class more actively so students are satisfied in terms of they can do self-directed participation about classes. The score of lecture evaluation of experience-based classes are higher than general classes. It means students evaluate experience-based classes as positive. Experience-based classes induced student to participate classes actively and it is more effective than general classes to understand contents. This study show students who participate experience-based classes want to recommend it to other students.

      • KCI등재
      • 대학 강의평가에서 수강인원에 따른 차이 검증 및 가중치 적용 방안 연구

        남민우(Nam, Min-Woo),조은순(Cho, Eun-Soon) 한양대학교 교육공학연구소 2014 학습과학연구 Vol.8 No.2

        본 연구는 4년간(7개 학기)의 강의평가 결과를 활용하여 매 학기 별 수강인원에 따른 강의평가 점수 차이를 비교.검증하고, 강의평가 점수의 획일적 적용에 대한 형평성 문제를 해결하기 위해 수강 인원 별 가중치 적용 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위해 지방 M대학의 4년간 총 7학기 개설강좌 중 강의 평가를 실시한 15,597과목을 분석하였다. 주요 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 10명 단위의 수강인원에 따른 강의평가 평균점수 분석 결과 수강인원이 많을수록 강의평가 평균점수는 점점 낮아지는 경향을 나타냈으나, 수강인원 51명 이상의 과목에서는 모든 학기에서 일관된 경향치가 나타나지 않았다. 둘째, 다양한 수강인원 단위로 강좌규모를 그룹핑하여 강의평가 점수 차이를 검증한 결과 1~20명, 21명~50명, 51명 이상의 강좌규모로 분류하였을 때 모든 학기에서 수강인원에 따른 그룹 간 강의평가 점수가 통계적 유의성이 발생하여 수강인원에 따른 강의평가 점수 차이를 가장 대표할 수 있는 수강인원 단위로 결정하였다. 마지막으로 수강인원에 따른 그룹간 차이를 보정할 수 있는 가중치를 산출한 결과 그룹간 평균 차이를 보정할 수 있는 가중치는 표준형 1.043, 중대형 1.075로 분석되었으며, 본 연구에서는 수강인원에 의해 영향 받을 수 있는 강의평가 문항에 한해 가중치를 적용하는 방안을 제안하였다. This study examined the comparisons of semester-end lecture evaluation scores to analyze average evaluation score differences based on the class sizes and to solve standardized application of course evaluation results to assess the quality of each class and lecturer. After analyzing 15,597 courses for seven semesters consecutively, this study found that the more student number up to class size 50, the lower lecture evaluation scores showed. However, increasing students number at the size of more than 50 students did not show consistent condition of student number directly explaining course evaluation scores. Secondly, this study also found that statistically significant differences were showed at the class size of student number 1-20, 21-50, and over 50. This phenomenon explains that the criterion of optimum class size is needed to put weight control for quality assessment at each course. Finally, this study concluded that the compensating weight control scores are 1.043 for regular courses and 1.075 for large courses with consideration of lecture evaluation items which are influenced by class size.

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