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        영아 보육 시설기관의 영아 보육영역 및 보육 내용 선정에 관한 연구

        김희자,인치현 미래유아교육학회 1997 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate directors' and teachers' perceptions about curriculum objective and content areas in the infant educare centers in Seoul. The problems of this study were as follows : 1. What is the proper cturiculum objective and content areas between birth and below 1 year old infants? 2. What is the proper curriculum objective and content areas between twelve months and twenty - four months old infants? 3. What is the proper curriculum objective and content areas between twenty - five old months and thirty - six old months infants? For this study, 77 directors and 105 teachers were selected from the educare centers in Seoul. Investigator constructed a questionsare about educare contents based upon the antecedent researches and specialists advises. This questionnare consisted of three parts, that is, main educare objective areas, subareas of educare objectives, and the major educare content areas. Data were collected by the direct interview method and mail correspondents. Data obtained were summarized into frequency and percentage, and ststistically analyzed by x^2 techinque. The main results obtained in this study were summarized in the below. 1. Teachers and directors between birth and twelve months old infants of educare centers rated the physical development and emotional development area as the most important among five curriculum areas. 2. Teachers and directors between thirteen months old and twenty -four months old infants of educare centers rated language development and psysical development area as the most important among the five curriculum areas. 3. Teachers and directors between twenty five months old and thirty - six months old infants of educare centers rated cognitive development and social development area as the most important and among the five curriculum areas. 4. In the case of teachers' and directors' perceptions on subarea of educare curriculum, sensory - motor development, attachment, speech understanding, gross - motor development were rated as the most important subareas for infants belows 1 year old. Gross - motor development and seriation development were rated as the most important subareas for between thirteen months old and twenty - four months old infants. Finally gross - motor development, fine motor development, and good manner were rated as the most important subareas between twenty - five months old and thirty - six months old infants.

      • KCI등재
      • As You Like It의 Rosalind연구

        김희자 건국대학교 1991 대학원 학술논문집 Vol.34 No.-

        As You Like It is one of the most romantic Shakespeare's Romantic Comedies, This romantic comedy is led by Rosalind who is the most important character in As You Like it, and more complex and more intelligent than any other characters in Shakespeare's works. Since the Sexual Politics by Kate Millet, feminism has been one of the disting uished approaches to Shakespeare. Thus, the purpose of this study is to find the Shakespeare's feminism through Rosalind. While nearly all the basic conflicts arose by men, Rosalind is in trouble in this play. Orlando has a bad fortune because his elder brother Oliver does not treat him well after his father Sir Rowland de Boys died. At the beginning of the play, Rosalind got along with her bad fortune a little better by the help and love of cousin Celia. But after they went into Arden, Rosalind begins to govern every one she comes in contact with and thus makes possible the love between Orlando and herself as well as Silvius and Phebe, Touchstone and Audrey, and Celia and Olvier. She could overcome men-made conflict and make the complete harmony of ending by her disguise and witty conversation. Under her disguise and with intellectual wits, she tests Orlando's love and educates Orlando and herself to grow more round and mature person. Especially, her disguise gave her freedom from conventional ‘gender stereotypeing’sex role. Thus before marriage, Orlando and she could develop more intimate human relationship. These freedoms which Rosalind experienced light a full restoration of social order in the broader sense Shakespeare, by giving Rosalind every power and freedom, tells us that women also are the same human beings who have love, friendship, ambition, fear or hope, and through Rosalind, he also questions about the women's conventional roles and status.

      • 고오트어 形容詞 變化 硏究

        金喜子 순천향대학교 1992 논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        Das Adjektiv hat im Deutschen eine dreifache Deklination, die starke, die schwache und die gemischte. Die starke Form herroscht bei attributivem Gebrauch ohne bestimmten Artikel. In diesem Fall ubernimmt das Adjektiv Kasusendungen des bestimmten Artikels. Die schwache Form herrscht bei attributivem Gebrauch mit bestimmtem Artikel. In diesem Fall nimmt das Adjektiv Endungen des bestimmten Artikels in Nominativ Singular aller drei Genera und Akkusativ Singular Neutrums und Femininums. In anderen Kasus nimmt das Adjektiv schwache Endungen. Die gemischte Form herrscht im attributivem Gebrauch mit unbestimmtem Artike. In diesem Fall nimmt das Adjektiv starke Endungen in Nominativ und Akkusativ Singular aller drei Genera. In anderen Kasus nimmt das Adjektiv schwache Endungen. Woraus haben sich die dreifachen Deklinationsformen Adjektivs hergeleitet? Um diese Frage zu beantworten untersuchte ich zuerst die Deklination des gotischen Adjektivs. Gotisch ist zwar Ostgermanisch, aber es ist die einzige Sprache, die zwichen Indogermanisch und Althochdeutsch geschriebene Belege hat. Das Adjektiv hat im Gotischen eine zweifache Deklination, die starke und die schwache. Der Artikel besteht noch nicht und das hin weisende Pronomen spielt die Rolle des bestimmten Artikels. Weil noch kein unbestimmter Artikel besteht, gibt es noch keine gemischte Deklination. Die starke Flexion ist aus der urspruglichen indogermanischen Adjektivflexion erwachsen und schlieβt sich an die vokalische Flexion des Substantivs an: a-o-Stamme, ja-jo-Stamme, i-Stamme und u-Stamme. In Gotischen hat sich das Adjektiv jedoch in einigen Kasus, wo substantivische Endung keine gute kasusbezeichnende Funktion besizt, an die hinweisende pronominale Flexion angelehnt. Die ursprugliche Flexion der adjektivischen i-und u-Stamme ist nur noch im Nominativ Singular aller drei Genera, im Akkusativ Singular Neutrums, so wie im Genitiv Signular Maskulinums und Neutrums. Alle ubrigen Kasus sind in die Flexion der ja-Stamme ubergetreten. In der starken Deklination nehmen Nominativ und Akkusativ eine Sonderstellung ein, indem sie sich bestreben, verschiedene Endungen zwischen allen drei Genera zu haben. Es laβt sich vermeiden, daβdie Endung, die im Nominativ oder Akkusativ gebraucht wird, wiederum im Genitiv oder Dativ gebraucht wird. Genitiv und Dativ zeigen die Tedenz, verschiedene formen aller Genera zu vereinheitlichen. Namlich sich Genitiv und Dativ Plural aller Genera an die hinweisende pronominale Flexion und infogendessen hat Dativ Plural aller Genera gleiche Endung. Indogermanisch kann durch Stammerweiterung mit Hilfe des n-Elements der n-Flexion Substantivierung eines Adjektivs vornehmen. Das Gotische hat diese Moglichkeit zur Ausbildung der schwchen Adjektivflektion benutzt. Infolgedessen stimmt die Adjektivflektion mit der Flexion der Substantivischen n-Stamme uberein: a-o-Stamme mit der Flexion der Substantivischen an-on-Stamme, ja-jo-Stamme un i-u-Stamme mit der Substantivischen jan-jo-n-Stamme.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 崔瓚植 小說에서의 家父長的 이데올로기

        金熙子 건국대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        The novels written by Choi Chan-Sik(1881∼ 1951) have some special features connected with fathers. In 「추월색 (The Moon Light of Atumn)」 and 「해안(The Beach)」, ect., parent of the young characters are both alive. But patriachal fathers image has died out. Fathers lost their power. In 「안의 성 (The Cry of a Wild Goose)」 and「춘몽 (The Dream of the Spring)」, only mother is alive. Therefore the father lies in hiding. Orphans appears in 「金剛門」(The Diamond Gate)」 and 「능라도(The Neungna Do Island)」. Most of them commits bigamy like the fathers of Chosen Dynasty. Through the novels fathers have no ocupations are out of work. Home and outside they experience shrinkage of power or break up their personality with decline of the Chosen Dynasty. The youngsters the main characters of the novel make it a ideal to marry in accordance with their own mind, their father alive or not. The story teller, who himself one of these youngsters, speaks loudly new life. Though they succeede to marry with their own mind and speak to break down old customs, some of them (orphans specialty) get married bigamously. It's the point of patriachal system, Heroins as To-young (The Neungna De Island) and Kyoung-won (The Diamond Gate) urge their matches to marry bigamously. This means women rather stick to old customs and upkeep Confucianism. The remarkable point is that there is resemblence of desire between sons and fathers. They have together the same object, the same desire of young school girl. It's the cause of domestic failure. At any rate Choi Chan-silk's fictions have strong reflection to his period.

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