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      • KCI등재

        노인보호 전문인력 양성을 위한 교육프로그램 개발에 관한 연구

        김희년(Hee Nyon Kim),안혜경(Hye Gyung An) 한국노인복지학회 2001 노인복지연구 Vol.12 No.-

        This study was performed to find an efficient way to achieve high quality of care services for the elderly who suffer from dementia and physical incapability with activities of everyday living. Specifically, as a link in the chain of program which aims at developing professional workers who can provide good quality of care, the facilities of institutions, and physical conditions and the degree of activities of daily living of the elderly were assessed. Also, the socio-demographic characteristics and the degree of need for professional education of the staff who provide nursing services were assessed and analyzed. The results achieved from data analysis are as follows. First, the total of 11 institutions were studied in this study. Among all of those institutions, 6 were established by social welfare corporations; 2 by corporate juridical persons; In addition, the state government, the individual corporation, and the school corporation established 1 each. Second, the medical delivery system of each institution was evaluated. There were 1 institution which operates medical facility; 6 institutions which were connected with medical examination and treatment system of local medical institution; And, the last of 4 institutions did not have any medical provisions for their clients. The evaluation for admission of each elderly individual was made by nurses and social workers from 36.4% of institutions. Since the degree of illness of each subject were not relatively measured, separate admission evaluated by seriousness of illness was not made. Third, among the elderly who utilize adult day-care centers, the proportion of low-income elderly including those who get public assistance were 39.6%. And 21.6% were living alone without any help from their family. Most of the elderly subjects were suffered from economic hardship on everyday living. Fourth, in terms of the reasons for admission to day-care center, the proportion of elderly persons who did not have any family mernbei- were 14.9%; the elderly who had family member but no one to take care of were 32.1%; the elderly who had family rrember with job were 26.1%; And, the elderly admitted by the wish of their family were 3.0%. For 76.1% of total elderly individuals, it was almost impossible for taking care of their aged parents by their own. Fifth, Among the study subjects, the 25.4% of the elderly were suffered from dementia; 43.3% from the diseases with bones and sinews; 23.9% from strokes; 14.2% from high blood pressure. In terms of the activities of daily living, the percentage of elderly individual who need help with dining were 16.4%; 25.4% had difficulty with sitting down; 35.9% had problems with taking a bath; 21.6% with toilet use; 32.1% with changing their clothes; and 40.3% with outings. Sixth, the most serious problems the staff encounter were the shortage of staff and equipments. And, seventh, among the staff of the adult day-care centers being studied, 79.4% were working at the centers without taking any professional training to learn the method for caring elderly. 85.3% agreed on the necessity of professional training for taking care of frail elderly. The need for education developed by the researcher were appeared high by the average of 3.2787 points for the highest score of 4.

      • KCI등재후보

        지역사회복지시설 이용노인들의 여가활용실태 및 활성화에 관한 연구

        김희년(Hee Nyon Kim),정미숙(Mee Suk Jung) 한국노인복지학회 2004 노인복지연구 Vol.0 No.26

        본 연구는 노인의 여가문제가 노인 개개인에 국한된 문제가 아니라 지역사회 전체의 관심과 참여를 통해 해결해야 할 중요한 문제로 인식하고, 노인의 여가활용을 활성화하기 위한 방안을 찾기 위한 목적으로 이루어졌다. 2004년 4월 현재 진해시에 거주하고 있는 60세 이상의 남녀 노인 250명을 조사대상으로 하여, 설문지를 기초로 개별 및 직접 면담방식을 이용하여 자료를 수집하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS프로그램을 이용하여 분석되었고, 빈도분석, 교차분석, 1-검정, 카이스퀘어 검증, 회귀분석방법 등이 사용되었다. 조사결과를 요약해서 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 노인들의 여가시설 활용실태를 살펴보면 교육수준과 소득수준이 낮을수록 경로당을 이용하는 비율이 높았다. 둘째, 여가프로그램 중 복리 후생프로그램 이용경험의 경우에는 소득이 없고 연령이 많을수록 경로식당을 이용하는 비율이 높은 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 독거노인의 증가현상과 상관관계가 있는 것으로 판단된다. 셋째, 사회교육프로그램의 경우, 교육수준이 낮을수록 한글교실프로그램의 참여에 높은 관심을 보였다. 그리고 넷째, 가족내 소외감과 여가에 소요되는 비용이 여가활동의 만족에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이상과 같이 노인들의 여가시설 활용실태 및 욕구 등에 대한 조사 결과, 많은 노인들은 스스로의 낮은 교육수준, 경제적 빈곤, 건강약화 등의 신체적 특성, 소외감과 외로움 등의 부정적 심리 특성 등이 여가활동 참여에 소극적인 태도를 갖게 하는 것으로 파악되었다. 또한 여가에 대한 인식 및 여가정보의 부족과 시설에 대한 접근성 제약이 실제로 노인여가활동에 많은 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이상의 조사결과를 토대로 여가활용 증진을 위한 몇 가지 방안을 제시해 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기존의 경로당 시설 및 장비의 재정비와 운영과 관련한 재정적 지원의 현실화가 요청된다. 둘째, 지역사회에 거주하고 있는 노인들에게 노인여가복지시설과 시설에서 제공하는 여가프로그램에 대해 충분히 알고 이용여부를 결정할 수 있도록 지속적인 홍보를 실시해야한다. 셋째, 노인들의 다양한 특성과 욕구를 충분히 고려하여 노인들에게 실질적으로 필요하고 노인들이 원하는 여가프로그램을 개발 및 운영해야 한다. 그리고 넷째, 여가활동으로서의 노인자원봉사활동프로그램을 개발하고 육성해나가야 할 필요가 크다고 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to examine elderly people`s leisure lives including their unfulfilled needs and problems and to seek ways of improving their leisure activities, as the elderly`s leisure activity was an important issue that should be addressed at a societal level. The subjects of this study were 250 men and women at the age of 60 and over, who resided in Jinhae city in April, 2004. An individual interview was conducted based on structured written questionnaires. For analyzing collected data, SPSS 10.0 program was employed. Frequency distribution, t-test, x²(Chi-square) test, and multiple regression were the analytical methodsutilized. The findings of the study were as follows: In terms of using leisure facilities, those who were less educated or had lower income had tendency to utilize senior citizen centers most. Regarding their use of welfare programs, the low-income elderly utilized free lunch program more often, and this phenomenon indicated that the elderly who lived alone wanted to satisfy their needs for food utilizing free lunch program. As to their intention of participating in leisure programs, the less-educated elderly were more willing to take a Korean language class. In regard to the factors affected their satisfaction with leisure activities, a sense of alienation among family members and the cost of participation had an impact on their satisfaction with leisure life. The findings above suggested that the physical characteristics of elderly, including low educational level, poor economic status, poor health, and psychological characteristics, such as a sense of alienation and loneliness, made them take a passive attitude toward leisure activities. Moreover, their poor awareness of leisure life, lack of relevant information and inconvenience of transportation had a lot of impacts on their leisure activities. Based on the above-mentioned findings, there are some suggestions about how to help elderly people taking advantage of their leisure time. First, existing senior citizen centers should be equipped properly and managed efficiently, and given more financial support from local and central government. Second, leisure and welfare facilities and their programs should be well publicized for the elderly in community. Third, successful leisure programs that could address elderly`s needs and wants should be prepared. And, fourth, elderly volunteer programs should be promoted as part of the efforts to improve their leisure activities.

      • KCI등재

        가족자원봉사활동에 대한 건강가정지원센터 가족봉사자들의 인식과 가족봉사프로그램 발전방안

        서홍란 ( Hong Lan Seo ),김희년 ( Hee Nyon Kim ) 한국가족관계학회 2012 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Family volunteering is a newly developed field in the area of volunteering. It has it`s own special meanings since it contributes to prevent and solve many problems our society encounters to be a community by promoting corporate efforts from both individual family and whole society. This study which was conducted utilizing participants of family volunteering program in Healthy Family Support Center is pursued to develop proper plan for family volunteering reflecting motivation. perception, attitude, and experience about activities they participate. For this purpose, in-depth interviews with 20 participants, several data such as monthly newsletter, volunteer`s activity evaluation sheet, volunteering application paper of Healthy Family Support Center were included to do qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis was also performed by utilizing 150 sheets to measure degree of satisfaction of family volunteers. It was turned out that degree of satisfaction of the family volunteers is generally high. Especially, the degree of satisfaction of family volunteers utilizing special skills is higher than those of participating in other types of volunteer activities. The participants in this study indicated that they have participated in the family volunteer program for educational purpose such as succession of family values to children, improvement of family relationship, and participating in communities activities. They described that family volunteer programs are beneficial to family as well as communities. However, they pointed out that the three components of family volunteer program-family volunteer, agency which in need of volunteer services, and family volunteering program center-are needed to change. This study revealed that program development and recruitment of proper agency for volunteer services are needed to meet the need of family volunteers. It also showed that the management of enlisted members of family volunteering is more important than the recruitment of new volunteers. Continuing education is also needed to help volunteers gain volunteer spirit, and special knowledge and skill to be used in special area.

      • 내외적 자원이 노인의 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향

        송혜숙(Hye-Sook Song),김희년(Hee-Nyon Kim) 한국사회서비스학회 2018 사회서비스연구 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구에서는 노인의 내적 자원인 자아통제감과 여가유능감, 그리고 외적 자원인 사회적 지지를 구성하는 세 가지 요인인 가족의 지지, 친구의 지지, 그리고 의미 있는 타인의 지지가 노인의 심리적 안녕감에 어떤 영향을 미치는 지를 파악하고, 그 결과를 토대로 노인의 심리적 안녕감을 향상시키는 효율적인 방안을 찾기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위해 연구대상자의 인구사회학적 특성, 주요변수들 각각의 수준을 검증하였고, 본 연구의 목적인 노인의 심리적 안녕감에 영향을 미치는 요인들이 무엇인지를 파악하기 위하여 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 5개의 독립변수와 5개의 통제변수를 모두 투입하여 다중회귀분석을 실시한 결과, 회귀식은 통계적으로 유의미하였고(F=8.592 p<.001), 종속변수인 심리적 안녕감을 29.8% 설명하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 독립변수들 중에서 노인의 심리적 안녕감에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 변수는 가족의 지지(β=.238)인 것으로 나타났으며, 자아통제감과 여가유능감의 β값이 각각 .237과 .179로 역시 의미있는 영향을 미치는 요인인 것으로 나타났다. 제시된 연구결과를 토대로 활용 가능한 여러 방안들이 제시되었으며, 실제 적용을 위한 사회구성원의 인식 및 행동의 변화, 그리고 효율적인 시스템 구축의 필요성이 강조되었다. This study was to find the factors affecting psychological well-being of elderly by analyzing relationships with sense of control, leisure efficacy, and social support which is composed of supports from family, friend, and significant others. Based on the factors found, an effective strategy to improve psychological well-being of elderly was suggested. To achieve this goal, socio-demographic characteristics and the levels of all other variables of the study subjects were investigated. And, multiple regression analysis was implemented to find factors to influence psychological well-being of elderly. 5 independent variables and 5 control variables with an dependent variable were used to do multiple regression analysis. The model was turned out statistically significant(F=8.592 p<.001), and explained 29.8% of psychological well-being of elderly. Among all independent variables, the support from family was the most significantly effective variable(β=.238), sense of control was second(β=.237), and leisure efficacy was third one(β=.179). Based on the study findings, several strategies were suggested. To develop psychological well-being of elderly, change of people s thoughts and acts, and necessity of implementing effective system were strongly commented.

      • KCI등재

        요보호여성독거노인의 심리적 안녕감에 영향을 미치는 요인

        서홍란(Hong Lan Seo),김희년(Hee Nyon Kim) 한국정신건강사회복지학회 2010 정신보건과 사회사업 Vol.35 No.-

        본 연구는 경상남도 G시에 거주하는 307명의 요보호여성독거노인들을 대상으로 전반적인 생활실태와 심리적 안녕감에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 밝히고, 이를 토대로 심리·정신적인 건강을 향상시키기 위한 개입 방안을 제시하고자 수행되었다. 불안(anxiety), 노화에 대한 태도(attitude toward own aging), 그리고 외로움에 대한 불만족(loneliness dissatisfaction)으로 구성된 필라델피아 노인센터사기척도(PGCMS)를 사용하여 수집된 자료를 분석한 결과에 의하면, 주관적 건강수준이 전반적인 심리적 안녕감을 비롯하여 이것을 구성하는 모든 하위영역에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 선행연구의 결과와는 대조적으로 연령, 경제적 수준, 자녀의 수, 독거년 수 등 연구대상자의 인구사회학적 특성들은 심리적 안녕감에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않았다. 연구대상자들의 자녀보다는 이웃과의 만남이 불안, 외로움에 대한 불만족 정도, 그리고 전반적인 심리적 안녕감에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 요인으로 밝혀졌고, 또한 자기케어 전략이 전반적인 심리적 안녕감과 노화에 대한 태도에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 아울러 본 연구에서는 요보호독거노인을 대상으로 서비스를 전달하는 과정에서 정신보건사회복지사를 비롯한 실천가들이 갖추어야 할 전문적인 태도와 개입전략을 제시하였다. To examine the factors affecting psychological well-being, the data were collected from 307 frail elderly women who live alone in G city, Gyoungnam province. Based on the results of the study, intervention strategies were suggested for improving psychological and emotional health of the elderly. The Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale(PGCMS) was utilized as a tool to measure different aspects of psychological well-being of the study subjects. The scale is composed of anxiety, attitude toward own aging, and loneliness dissatisfaction. Subjective health condition was an important factor to affect the feeling of general psychological well-being and it`s all sub-categories. However, very different from existing study findings, socio-demographic characteristics such as age, economic status, numbers of children, a period of living alone did not significantly affect psychological well-being of elders. Instead of their children, contact with neighbors was a significant factor affecting anxiety, loneliness dissatisfaction, and general psychological well-being of elders. Also, self-care strategy was turned out as a significant factor to affect general psychological well-being and the attitude toward own aging. Finally, professional attitudes and intervention strategies which social workers and other professionals in mental health area must have in the process of service delivery for lonely frail elders were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        건강가정지원센터 가족자원봉사자들의 봉사경험에 관한 연구

        서홍란(Seo, Honglan),김희년(Kim, Hee-Nyon) 경성대학교 사회과학연구소 2012 社會科學硏究 Vol.28 No.2

        현상학적 접근을 한 본 연구는 가족자원봉사자들의 봉사경험을 묘사하고 이들이 가족자원봉사활동에 부여하는 의미를 밝히고자 수행되었다. 이를 위해 건강가정지원센터에서 가족봉사단원으로 활동 중인 10가족, 총 20명(부모 10명, 자녀 10명)을 대상으로 심층면접을 실시하였다. 질적 자료분석의 결과, 4개의 범주와 15개의 하위 주제가 드러났는데 이들 범주와 주제 속에 담긴 가족자원봉사활동 경험의 본질은 ‘가족사랑, 이웃사랑’이었다. 가족봉사를 처음 시작했을 때 가졌던 마음가짐, 참여자들의 연령, 그리고 개별 가족구성원이 봉사활동을 얼마나 즐기고 좋아하는지에 상관없이 참여자들은 ‘자신의 삶의 일부’가 된 봉사활동에 자부심을 갖게 되었으며, 가족봉사활동을 통해 가족과 이웃을 사랑하는 마음이 자연스럽게 발아되었고, 봉사활동의 경험이 쌓임에 따라 세상을 보는 시각도 자연스럽게 변화되었다. 본 연구는 그 결과를 토대로 가족자원봉사프로그램의 활성화를 위한 방안을 제시하였다. Utilizing the phenomenological approach, this study was pursued to describe the experience of family volunteering and to understand the meanings of it based on unique insights of the participants. For this purpose, 20 persons(10 adults and 10 children) from 20 families who are currently participating in family volunteering activities in the healthy family support center were chosen for in-depth interviews. As a result of the qualitative data analysis, it was possible to synthesize the data to four categories and 15 sub-themes. All in all, the true nature of family volunteering contained above categories and sub-themes was ‘the love among family members’ and ‘the love between neighbors’. Regardless of the mind-set at the time of beginning the volunteer activities, the current ages of participants, and the degree of satisfaction each family member experiences, the family volunteering experience gradually brought self-esteem of each participant regarded as ‘a part of each one’s daily living’. By doing volunteer activities, each participant started to love his or her family and neighbors. Also, as volunteer experience increases, the viewpoint about the world has also changed naturally. Finally, from the results of this study, the practical methods to promote family volunteering were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        신체적 질환이 노인 우울에 미치는 영향과 자기돌봄행위의 조절효과

        서홍란(Hong Lan Seo),정윤경(Yun Kyung Jung),김희년(Hee Nyon Kim) 한국노인복지학회 2013 노인복지연구 Vol.0 No.61

        본 연구는 신체적 질환이 우울에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고 자기돌봄행위가 신체적 질환과 우울의 관계를 조절하는지 탐색하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위해 경상남도 K시에 위치한 노인복지시설을 이용하고 있는 1,000명의 재가노인들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 이중 516부를 자료분석에 사용하였다. 본 연구에서는 연구대상 노인들의 건강상태와 우울수준을 우선 살펴보았고, 이어 노년기의 우울에 영향을 미치는 인구사회학적 변수들을 통제한 후에 신체적 질환과 자기돌봄행위가 우울에 미치는 영향을 분석하였으며, 마지막으로 우울과 신체적 건강상태의 관계에 있어서 자기돌봄행위의 조절효과를 검증하였다. 분석결과에 의하면 만성질환이 있다고 응답한 노인이 만성질환이 없다고 응답한 노인보다 우울점수가 높았고, 질병의 수가 많을수록 우울점수가 높았으며, 자기돌봄행위의 수준이 높을수록 우울점수가 낮게 나타났다. 질환의 수와 자기돌봄행위의 상호작용효과가 유의미하게 나타나 질병의 수가 노인 우울에 미치는 영향은 노인들의 자기돌봄행위수준에 따라 차이가 있음이 검증되었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 자기돌봄행위를 증진하고 노년기의 우울을 예방하기 위한 실천방안을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of physical health condition on depression and moderating effect of self-care performance between those two variables. Analysis utilized 516 elderly subjects selected from 1,000 older adults who are 65 years and over currently using community service agencies for elderly in K city, Gyoung Sang Nam Do. Health condition and depression of study subjects were examined. Then, after controlling for socio-demographic variables which could affect depression in old age, the effects of physical health condition and self-care performance on depression were analyzed. Finally, moderating effect of self-care performance between two variables described above was examined. Presence of chronic illness and the numbers of illness were proved to be the factors which gave statistically significant effects on depression. It was turned out that as the degree of self-care performance increased, the score of depression decreased. The moderating effect of self-care performance in the association between the number of illness and depression was also significant. Based on the study results, the practical strategies for depression intervention related with physical illness and self-care performance were discussed.

      • 김해지역 노인들의 노인여가복지시설 이용실태와 활성화방안에 관한 연구

        김희년 仁濟大學校 2005 仁濟論叢 Vol.20 No.1

        현재 우리 사회는 인구의 고령화, 핵가족화, 가치관의 변화 등으로 인해 전통적으로 개별 가족이 수행해왔던 노부모부양기능은 약화되고 있고, 이의 보완 또는 대체라는 측면에서 지역사회의 역할이 강조되고 있으며, 따라서 가족과 상호보완적인 노인복지서비스 시스템을 구축할 필요성이 강조되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 김해지역에 거주하는 노인들의 다양한 욕구들 중에서 노후의 삶에 중요한 영향을 미치는 여가생활의 욕구를 충족시키고 궁극적으로 노인이 만족스러운 삶을 영위해 나갈 수 있도록 가족부양체계와 상호 연계된 노인여가프로그램의 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 이러한 연구목적을 수행하기 위하여 본 연구는 문헌조사와 현장조사 및 설문조사 방법을 병행하여 진행하였다. 조사대상자는 김해지역에 거주하는 60세 이상의 노인 123명이었으며, 조사기관 및 시설은 노인을 대상으로 복지서비스를 제공하는 6개 기관이었다. 설문조사를 통해 수집된 자료는 윈도우용 SPSS 10.0을 사용하여 분석하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 김해지역노인들의 전반적 생활실태와 여가생활실태 및 욕구가 파악되었다. 또한 파악된 결과를 토대로 노인여가서비스 프로그램의 개선을 위한 제언이 노인을 위한 프로그램, 노인을 이해하기 위한 프로그램, 그리고 노인에 의한 프로그램의 각기 다른 세 가지 관점에서 제시되었다. Considering the rapid changes of our society in terms of the population aging, constricting family size and structures, and individual view about values, traditional informal elderly support system pursued by caregivers in the family has become weakened. Therefore, the role of community as a supporter or substitute for elderly care-giving has become emphasized. And, there is a urgent need for the establishment of elderly support system covering both informal and formal factors. The leisure activities are very important factor of individual's well-being especially in old age. This study tries to present the direction of desirable leisure programs to meet various needs of the elderly in Gimhae area. To achieve the purpose of the study described above, review of the literature, field study, and survey method are employed. The subjects of this study are 123 elderly residents 60 years of age and above in Gimhae area. The 6 service agecies and institutions to provide welfare services to elderly populations are participated in this study. The collected data based of survey are analyzed by SPSS WIN 10.0. As a result of this study, the elderly's over-all life conditions, and situations and needs of leisure activities are clarified. In addition, this paper suggests three different perspectives and strategies to improve leisure programs for the elderly. They are the program for supporting elderly to utilize, the program to understand elderly, and the program operated by elderly.

      • 노인의 사회참여 실태와 활성화 방안

        김희년 인제대학교 2010 仁濟論叢 Vol.25 No.1

        Currently, our country is experiencing population aging and declining birth rate in high speed which make people staying in old age relatively quite long period of time. They bring rapid change of population statistics such as increasing index of aging and dependency ratio of aging, and they become big burden to our society and cause big social problem, In this study, many types of problems elderly people in our society encounter were discussed, and plans to promote social participation of elderly were presented as a method of increaing happiness and well-being in old age. The background facts to bring negative change with current elderly population can be specifically described as follows , First, declining birth rate and lengthening average life-span cause increas of ratio and numers of people who are 65 years of age and over. Second, there are decrease of income and economic dependency of old population ingeneral, Third, because of increasing numbers of elderly people who belong to old-old age group, there is also increasing need of care for everyday living for group of elderly people. Fourth, there are change the way of thinking of care old parents and increase of emotional and financial burden from family of elerly parent. Fifth, there are difficulties of utilization and participation of leisure in old age , And, sixth, life style change and value system change cause lose of roles and role conflicts, and they make elderly people having psychological alienation and physical isolation. To promote well-being of elderly population, elderly’s social participation must be increased. In this study, specific areas of social participation good to be pursued by elerly population were discussed They are economic area related with productive activity in old age, educational area including inter-generational education, leisure area related with volunteer activities in old age, sexual activity related with psychological, emotional attachment and maintainment, and activities for promoting elderly’s own rights, These areas are important because, by active participation of elderly population, they can be important members of society, Current state of each area and problems elderly people encounter and strategies to overcome difficulties were discussed, Especially, offering social role by job offering related with eldrely’s need is stressed as a very realistic and efficient strategies.

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