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        사회선교의 정당성과 전망에 대한 고찰

        김회권 한국실천신학회 2021 신학과 실천 Vol.- No.73

        이 논문은 먼저 한국교회가 왜 사회선교에 무관심한가를 분석한 후, 한국교회가 어 떻게 개인전도를 넘어 사회선교를 수행할 수 있는 가능성을 탐색한다. 이 논문의 목 적은 한국 복음주의 교회의 사회선교를 장려하기 위함이며, 사회선교를 수행해야 할 정당성과 사회선교의 유익과 제한성을 환기시키는 데 있다. 이 글의 중심논지는 “교 회의 선교는 개인의 회심을 넘어, 사회적 성화를 기도(企圖)하는 사회선교를 포함하고 있다”는 것이다. 이 논지를 뒷받침하는 논거는 세 가지이다. 첫째, 성경적 근거이다. 모세는 오경의 세 가지 법(출 21-23장 계약법전, 레 17-26 장 성결법전, 신 12-26장 신명기법전)을 통해 하나님의 해방과 자유를 영속화하기 위 해 입법적 토대를 구축했다. 예언자들도 모세가 설계한 이상사회에 대립되는 악한 폐 습들과 악한 법령들을 척결하려고 애썼다(사 10:1-2). 예수 그리스도의 하나님 나라 선포도 모세와 예언자들이 설계한(마 5:17; 눅 24:27) “이상적 사회”를 이 땅에서부터 세우려는 사회선교 사역이었다. 둘째, 선교신학적 근거이다. 예수 그리스도의 지상명령(마 28:18-20; 행 1:8) 안에 사회선교가 내포되어 있다. “만민들을 예수님의 제자로 만드는 사역”은 예수님이 명 하신 것을 사회생활의 공적 영역에서 실천하고 적용하도록 돕는 지속적인 사역이기 때문이다. 바울의 이방교회개척 사역은 그레코-로만 사회에 전혀 새로운 사회인 “하나님의 에클레시아”를 건설하는 사회선교행위였다(행 19장). 셋째, 교회사적 근거이다. 2천년 내내 교회의 선교는 개인들에 대한 복음을 전파해 회심시키는 활동임과 동시에 개인전도를 통해 중생을 맛본 그리스도인들이 펼친 사회 선교 활동들을 포함하고 있다. 이 논문은 19세기 영국 감리교도들의 사회선교, 19세기 중반의 윌버포스와 클래팜 섹트의 노예무역 폐지운동, 그리고 20세기 중반의 미국 가 톨릭 노동자 운동을 모범적인 사회선교의 사례들로 제시한다. 끝으로 사회선교의 정당성을 논증한 후에 이 논문은 사회선교의 유익과 한계도 지 적하며 마무리된다. 이 논문의 결론은 교회가 이제 ‘희어져 추수하게 된’ ‘세상’이라는 밭에 사회선교사를 파송하시려는 하나님께 응답해야 한다는 것이다. Following an analysis of why the Korean church has neglected its social mission, the present essay seeks to explore how the Korean church can fulfill this task simply beyond personal evangelism. The aim of the present article is to both encourage Korean evangelical churches to engage into social mission and discuss its legitimacy, its benefits, and its limitations. The central thesis of this paper is that the original mission of the Church includes efforts to sanctify the larger society in which it is anchored, in accordance with the biblical value and norms of an ideal society, as well as its efforts to convert individuals to Christianity. The present essay offers three ideas to support this thesis. Firstly, throughout the entire Bible, God commands His people to build an ideal society which will be sustained by dual covenants(the vertical covenant between God and Israel, and the horizontal covenant between individuals and their neighbors), and will thus remain an equitable and free, just and righteous community. Moses and the Mosaic prophets thus applied themselves to building and sustaining the nation of Israel on the rock of such covenant laws as Exod 21-23, Lev 17-26, and Deut 12-26(cf. Isa 10:1-2). Jesus of Nazareth’s proclamations of the coming of God’s kingdom were a social mission to realize all the prophetic visions of an ideal world(Matt 5:17; Lk 24:27). Secondly, a social mission is included in the Supreme Commission of the risen Lord(Matt 28:18-20), who commanded his apostles to make all the nations and peoples of the world his disciples- a mission that seeks to have Jesus’ commandments be realized in the public sphere of social life. Even the gentile mission of the apostle Paul was carried out with a view to creating an ecclesia in which both Jews and gentiles will be reconciled with each other through the blood of Jesus Christ(Acts 19). Thirdly, there have been many exemplary social missions that have borne witness to the legitimacy of the Church’s social mission, which include the 19th century British Methodists’ social mission, the mid-19th century anti-slavery trade movement of Wilberforce, and Dorothy Day’s mid-20th century Catholic Worker movement. Finally, the present essay adds some discussion on the effect of social mission and its possible limitations. It concludes that the Church should respond to God, who seeks to build a society that approximates God’s kingdom by sending His social missionaries into ‘the larger world,’ “the fields ripe for harvesting.”

      • KCI등재

        WCC의 ‘종교간 대화와 종교포용주의’의 성서적 근거

        김회권 한국구약학회 2014 구약논단 Vol.20 No.1

        The present essay explores how Abraham’s understandings of God El Shadday were enriched and made adjustable as he interacted with Canaan’s indigenous peoples on various occasions. The purpose of this study is first to show to what extent justifiable WCC-led inter-faith dialogue and its religious inclusivism may be and to point out their limitation. To this end, the present essay engages Lee Hyungki an ardent advocator of WCC's inter-faith dialogue and his vehement opponent, Choi Duck Sung in debate. The present essay is inclined to take side with Lee Hungki when he argues for WCC-led inter-religious dialogue and mutual learning policy, based on two grounds: A case of Abraham's progressive understandings of God clearly shown in the Book of Genesis and the Possibility of God's being known to other peoples and civilizations than Israel via Natural Revelation. The thesis of the present article is that Abraham’s religion grew much mature and was enriched in the course of his multi-faceted contacts and interactions with several indigenous peoples of Canaan. Genesis 12- 25 present at least four scenes in which Abraham enriched his previous knowledge of God, widened, and deepened his earlier understandings of God when he meaningfully encountered Canaanite peoples such as Mamre, Melchizedek, Beershebaean Canaanites, and the God of the Moriah mount. In each encounter with Canaanite names of God, Abraham gained a more mature understanding of God. The four scenes of Abraham’s renewed understanding of God shed some positive light on the WCC-led inter-faith dialogue for making a Christian understanding of God more mature and balanced. Furthermore, the present essay provides a concise overview of major biblical attestations saying that non-Israelite peoples may be enabled to gain a certain understanding of God, the God of Israel via Natural Revelation. Based on the foregoing discussion, the present essay concludes that a close exploration of Abraham’s progressive understandings of God justifies the WCC-led inter-faith dialogue and mutual enrichment program via inter-religious contacts and interactions. 본 논문은 이형기와 최덕성의 저작들에 전개된 WCC 신학에 대한 논쟁에 비추어 창세기에 나타난 아브라함 종교의 종교 대화적, 종합적 발전과정을 추적한다. 이 논문의 논지는 “아브라함 종교는 위로부터의 계시뿐만 아니라 옆으로부터의 하나님 계시를 수용하여 발전을 거듭했다”는 것이다. 즉 하나님의 위로부터의계시를 통해 창조된 아브라함의 종교와 신앙은 인근문명권의 타종교들과의 대화,통섭, 접촉을 거치는 동안에 발전을 거듭했다고 본다

      • KCI등재

        Bell's Palsy 환자에서 두면부 경혈의 적외선 체열촬영의 활용

        김회권,김동민,하선윤,고형균,남상수,김용석,Kim, Hyee-Kwon,Kim, Dong-Min,Ha, Seon-Yoon,Koh, Hyeong-Gyun,Nam, Sang-Soo,Kim, Yong-Suk 대한침구의학회 2007 대한침구의학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        Objectives : The aims of this study are to find out proper methods to assess Bell's palsy with DITI and to validate the correlation between DITI of acupoints and the H-B scale. Methods : 36 Bell's palsy patients and 10 healthy people were measured. We checked thermal differences between abnormal and normal acupoint sites measured by using DITI and the H-B scale. Results : There was no significant thermal difference between abnormal and normal sites. The H-B scale was significantly correlated with thermal differences between $ST_6$ and $TE_{17}$. Conclusions : DITI was useful for evaluating the severity of Bell's palsy.

      • KCI등재

        膽正格 刺鍼이 밤번 근무 후 간호사의 자율신경에 미치는 영향

        김회권,이상훈,김용석 대한침구의학회 2007 대한침구의학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Objectives : The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of Sa-am acupuncture (Damjeonggyeok) on autonomic nervous system in night nurses by heart rate variability. Methods : Five night nurses were divided into two groups. We checked their HRV once after sleeping for night and 5 times after working for night, 4 times after operation. We operate Sa-am acupuncture (Damjeonggyeok) and sham acupuncture twice by turns for group A and in reverse order for group B. We checked responses of HRV change after operations. Statistical analysis was performed by using the SPSS Win. Ver. 13.0 for analysis about correlation between data, and Baysian analysis using WinBUGS(Ver. 1.4) for comparison between Sa-am acupuncture (Damjeonggyeok) and sham acupuncture. Results : The median overall decrease for difference in responses of low-frequency power in normalized units (LF (NU)) was -16.56 (-28.88, -6.446), the median overall increase for difference in responses to high-frequency power in normalized units (HF (NU)) was 16.25 (8.104, 28.6) and for the median overall decrease for difference in responses to the ratio of low- to high-frequency power (LF/HF) was -1.846 (-3.922, -0.069), 95% credibility intervals being shown in brackets. VAS of stress was correlated with LF (NU) and HF (NU), LF/HF (p<0.01). Conclusion : Sa-am acupuncture (Damjeonggyeok) might have sympatholytic and parasympatho- mimetic effects.

      • KCI등재

        Tonic Spasm을 호소하는 Transverse Myelitis 환자 증례보고

        김회권,배기태,김동민,남상수,김용석 대한침구의학회 2006 대한침구의학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        Objective : The purpose of this case is to report the improvement after treatment about tonic spasm of a transverse myelitis patient. Methods : We treated the patient with acupuncture therapy and herbal medicine from the 19th July 2006 to the 4th October 2006. At first we used Ssanghwa-tang until the 24th July 2006. After that we used Samul-tang until 2nd August. Lastly we used Yukmigihwang-tang until the 4th October 2006. And we used acupuncture at Asi points and used Sheng Ge of Liver from beginning to end. We checked the patient with frequency of tonic spasm and other symptoms. Results : After two months of treatments, frequency of tonic spasm decreased and abdominal muscle rigidity, visual disturbance, ocular discomfort and oppressed feeling in the chest were improved. 본원 입원 치료받은 환자 1례의 경과는 다음과 같다.1. 사물탕 가감방 복용 이후 tonic spasm의 발생빈도와 기타 임상증상의 변화가 없었다.2. 육미지황탕 복용 이후 tonic spasm의 발생빈도가 1일 30회 이상에서 점차 감소하여 일주일간 복용 이후 10회 이하로 증상 발생되었으며 42일 복용 이후에는 0-1회로 발생빈도가 감소하였다.3. 육미지황탕과 침구치료를 받는 동안 眼昏, 眼澁, 腹筋硬直, 胸悶 등의 증상이 소실되었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        시편 89편에 나타난 다윗 왕조의 정치신학

        김회권 한국구약학회 2008 구약논단 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of the present paper is to explore the political theology of the Davidic covenant as embedded in Psalm 89 with special focus on the dynamic relationship between myth and history. For this end the present essay makes an exegetical inquiry into Psalm 89 with a religion-of-history approach to the tension lying between the history of the Davidic covenant and the ancient Near Eastern creation myths. Starting from the assumption that characteristic of the religion of Israel is a perennial and unrelaxed tension between the mythic and the historical, the present essay argues that Israelite religion is continuous with the religions of Israel's neighbors, and hence continuous with a mythological tradition. I agree with F. M. Cross when he argues for the commonality between the Davidic kingship and the central, cosmogonic myth of the Canaanites in threefold areas: (1) a divine warrior battles against a god of chaos; (2) the divine warrior is victorious; and (3) the divine warrior becomes king and receives a royal palace. Cross observes that this pattern appears in some Old Testament texts in its pure, mythical form. Through this exegetical and comparative inquiry of the Davidic covenant in Psalm 89, the present essay offers a new way of understanding the Davidic Covenant as an intersection of myth and history. Finally, the present essay concludes that the political theology of the Davidic dynasty can be best understood in the dialectical dynamic between history and myth, eventually contributing to the preservation of the people of Israel as a community who had survived many historic catastrophes in expectation of the coming of a Davidic messiah to take the vacant throne of David. 본 논문은 삼하 7장 12-16절을 시적으로 변용시킨 시편 89편에 나타난 다윗 언약을 연구하고자 한다. 주석적 방법과 종교사학파적 연구를 통하여 다윗 언약의 신화적 구조를 부각시켜 신학적 자산가치를 부각시키며, 나아가 다윗 언약이 왕실의 정치적 서술이 아니라, 하나님과 이스라엘의 관계를 계약적 영속성을 표현하는 신학적 유산임을 밝힌다.

      • KCI등재

        벤자민 네탄야후의 유사신학적 정치수사와 세대주의의 위험한 공생의 선교학적 함의 분석

        김회권 한국실천신학회 2020 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.68

        이 논문은 이스라엘의 총리 벤자민 네탄야후의 유사신학적 정치수사의 선교학적 함의를 분석하고자 한다. 이 논문의 목적은 두 가지이다. 첫째, 이스라엘 우파정당 리 쿠드당의 총리인 벤자민 네탄야후 총리의 정치적 수사에 담긴 신학적 차원을 비판적 으로 검토하는 데 있다. 둘째, 네탄야후의 유사정치적 정치수사에 악용될 소지가 있는 세대주의 신학의 약점들을 선교적 효용성의 관점에서 비판하는 데 있다. 최근에 한국 의 일부 보수적 그리스도인들은 반정부 시위에 나갈 때 미국 국기, 태극기, 그리고 이 스라엘 국기를 들고 나간다. 일부 기독교신자들이 이스라엘 국기를 반정부 시위현장 에 가게 된 배경은 일부 대형교회에 스며든 세대주의 신학과 그것의 열등한 변용인 크리스챤 시온이즘의 영향으로 밝혀진다. 이들은 이스라엘이 회개하여 재림 예수님을 예루살렘에서 영접할 것이라는 종말시나리오(롬 11:25-26)에 발맞춰 현재 이스라엘 국 가에 호의적이며 한국도 메시아의 나라인 이스라엘과 우호적인 관계를 맺어야 한다고 주장한다. 이들은 대체로 이스라엘 총리 네탄야후의 대(대)아랍강경책을 지지하며 아 랍민족을 기독교의 적인 이슬람 세력의 대표자들이라고 경계하거나 적대한다. 이런친이스라엘 여론은 이슬람에 대한 공포심을 유발하여 아랍 국가들 모두를 기독교의 잠재적인 적으로 보는 결과를 가져올 수 있다. 이에 이 논문은 네탄야후 총리의 유사 신학적 정치적 수사의 논리를 분석하고 그것에 호응하도록 분위기를 조성한 세대주의 자들의 친이스라엘적 종말론을 비판적으로 검토한다. The present essay seeks to make an analysis of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's pseudo-theological and political rhetoric and its missional implications. The purpose of the present paper is twofold: First, it aims to critically examine the theological dimension discernible in the political statements and utterances that Netanyahu has made in the capacity of both the leader of the ruling Likud Party and the prime minister of the Israeli government. Secondly, it aims to bring public attention to the misguided convictions of a group of contemporary dispensationalists domestic and abroad. In recent times, some conservative South Korean Christians have conspicuously flown three national flags in their weekly anti-government demonstrations: the American flag, the South Korean flag, and the Israeli flag. Their use of the Israeli flag in particular can be traced back to the theological influence of pro-Israel contemporary dispensationalists both domestic and abroad. Recently, a circle of theologians named ‘The Israeli Theology Forum’ has emerged, with their main goal being to disseminate their pro-Israel and dispensationalistic eschatology to churchgoers at large. It is said that those who have been regularly flying the national flag of Israel have been brought under such dispensationalism and its inferior variant, Christian Zionism. Fully convinced of the eschatological drama of Rom 11:25-26, according to which the nation of Israel will make a nation-wide repentance to God and welcome Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, they insist that Korea should enter into a mutually beneficial and peace-enhancing diplomatic relationship with the nation of Israel, to which Jesus Christ will ostensibly first come in his second Advent. They are generally supportive of Netanyahu's hostile upper-hand policy against neighboring Islamic states, and even position themselves against the Arabic-Islamic nations under the belief that Muslims are the enemy of Christian faith. It is likely that their pro-Israel and anti-Arab stance will cause a shift of public opinion toward Islamophobia in South Korea, which may then come to regard any Arabic nations and peoples as potential enemies of Christianity. In response to the current affairs facing these pro-Israeli and dispensationalistic church folks, the present essay proposes to analyze the pseudo-theological and political rhetoric of Netanyahu with special attention to pro-Israel dispensationlists’ central assertions that seek to make Netanyahu’s pseudo-theological and political utterances sound like a Christian confession about the eschatological mission of the nation of Israel.

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