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      • 18세기 김용경의 家系와 言論 활동

        김한신 ( Kim Hanshin ) 한국계보연구회 2023 한국계보연구 Vol.13 No.0

        영조 즉위 이후, 노론 세력은 이제 영조의 권력 아래 경종대의 죄명으로부터 벗어나려 했다. 영조대 초반 노론에게는 소론 討罪가 매우 중요했다. 경종대 당시 일어난 신임옥사가 誣獄이었고, 자신들은 언제나 충의에 기반을 두고 正論에서 있다는 것을 증명하려면 자신들을 공격한 소론 인사가 공개적으로 처벌을 받아야 했다. 이러한 입장이 노론에서 내세우는 辛壬義理였다. 金龍慶 역시 慶州金氏로서 노론의 일원이었다. 김용경은 소론의 김일경과 그와 함께 행동한 박필몽 등 5인의 처벌을 강하게 주장했으며, 김창집 등 노론 사대신의 명예회복에 중점을 두고 있었다. 이러한 방향은 영조가 구상하는 정국의 전망과는 달랐다. 영조는 왕세제였던 자신이 경종대 이래로 받은 무함을 밝히고 국왕승계의 정통성을 당당하게 드러내는 것이 중요했다. 그러한 전제 아래 각 세력으로부터 자신의 정책에 동조하는 인물들을 모아 ‘탕평’을 달성해야 했다. 영조는 정치세력을 중재하는 국왕으로서 김용경 등이 주장하는 노론만을 위한 의리를 전적으로 수용할 수는 없었다고 생각된다. This paper focuses on the censorial activities of Kim Yongkyeong(김용경) during the reign of King Yeongjo(英祖) in the late Joseon period. After Yeongjo came to the throne, the Noron faction(老論) tried to free themselves from the charge that they had conspired treason against the previous monarch, Kyeongjong(景宗). During the early period of Yeongjo’s reign, punishing the Soron faction(少論) was imperative for the Noron. To prove that the judicial investigations carried out by the Soron in 1721 and 1722 were based on false charges and that the Noron were always loyal to the dynasty, it was necessary for the Noron to punish the Soron publicly. This was justified with the fidelity of the Noron during the judicial investigations in 1721 and 1722. Kim Yongkyeong was also a member of the Noron and belonged to the Kyeongju Kim clan(慶州金氏). Kim Yongkyeong(김용경) strongly insisted on the punishment of Kim Ilkyeong(김일경) and Park Pilmong(박필몽), leaders of the Soron during the judicial investigations in 1721 and 1722. At the same time, Yongkyeong focused on regaining the honour of the four representative ministers of the Noron. Yongkyeong’s aim was not in harmony with the envisioned plans of King Yeongjo. Yeongjo emphasised his innocence in response to suspicions about the death of his predecessor, Kyeongjong. He was also concerned with promoting his authority and his right to the throne. With these aims in mind, Yeongjo gathered together some subjects who agreed with the policy of Tangpyeong(탕평), a kind of arbitration between opposing groups designed to strike a balance of political parties. Therefore, it was inevitable Yeongjo and Kim Yongkyeong would have different viewpoints when the latter demanded public support from the king to allow the Nor on to regain power.

      • KCI등재

        1598년 유성룡 실각과 主和誤國論 인식 분석

        김한신(Kim, Hanshin) 호서사학회 2020 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.95

        1598년 명의 軍門贊畫主事 丁應泰의 조선 탄핵이 있었고, 선조는 유성룡이 명 조정으로 직접 사행하여 변무하기를 기대했다. 그러나 유성룡은 북경에 사행하지 않았다. 이후 삼사의 탄핵이 계속되어 유성룡은 주화오국의 비판을 받게 되었다. 유성룡은 宋代 秦檜에 비유되었다. 이는 조정에서 강화를 주도한 행위가 국가를 그르쳤다는 공격을 역사적 사실로 뒷받침하는 작업이었다. 유성룡이 이에 대한 반박을 시도하면 할수록 그는 진회와 같은 인물로 낙인이 찍힐 수밖에 없었을 것이다. 그러나 1594년(선조 27) 이래 대신들 대부분은 조선에서 강화 교섭을 부득이하게 수용해야 한다는 사실을 알고 있었다. 무엇보다 명 측의 군사 지원이 필요한 상황에서 명군 지휘부와 갈등을 겪게 된다면 군사 지원을 받기 어려워질 수 있었다. 또한 조선군의 대오를 정비하고 군사력을 강화하기 위해 시간을 확보해야 할 필요가 있었다. 주화오국론은 이러한 사정을 도외시한 비판이었다. 이러한 비판이 왜 유성룡에게 집중되었는가도 중요한 문제이다. 유성룡은 1598년까지 영의정과 도체찰사를 겸임하며 내정과 함께 군사 정책을 총괄하고 있었다. 따라서 유성룡을 공격한다는 것은 지금까지의 군사정책을 집행한 수장을 끌어내린다는 의미로 볼 수 있다. 그와 동시에 유성룡 공격을 발판으로 정국의 주도권을 장악하고 이전과는 정반대의 정책을 펼쳐 보이겠다는 의도이기도 했다. 당시 유성룡을 비판하면서 조정의 요직으로 진출하는 北人 勢力의 움직임을 주목해야 하는 이유가 여기에 있다. 유성룡이 시행한 정책의 실상과 그에 대한 평가가 부합되어야 하는 것은 아니다. 그러나 그렇기 때문에 더욱 그러한 차이가 일어난 원인과 평가의 전개 과정이 분석될 필요가 있다. 이를 통해 전란기와 전란을 마감하는 시기 사이에 나타난 유성룡 실각이라는 현상의 의미를 반추할 수 있는 것이다. In 1598 Ding Yingtai(丁應泰), zanhuazhushi(贊畵主事) of Ming China, brought a charge against Joseon to the emperor that Joseon had cheated Ming. Seonjo(宣祖) wanted Yu Seong-ryong to go Beijing(北京) to clarify the misunderstanding in front of the emperor. But Yu did not. Thus the censorate(三司) of the Joseon Court continued to impeach that he was disroyal to his king, expanding the blame forward the crime of spoiling the state by advocacy of Peace Negotiation(주화오국). In this impeachment, Yu Seong-ryong was compared to Qin hui(秦檜), Chancellor of Song(宋) China who was regarded as traitor claiming advocacy of peace negotiation with Jin(金). The case of Qin hui was used as historical evidence to make attack Yu seriously. So it framed Yu not to refute their criticism. If Yu Seong-ryong refuted the censorate was false, it would make the situation worse for him. It is natural that Yu’s military contribution during the wartime did not receive good estimation from the Joseon Court. There is no particular reason why he had to get compliment from the court. Here, the issue we should pay attention to arises. It is quite important to analyze the gap between his contrbution and bad estimation. Through this analyzing we could think over the meaning of Yu Seong-ryong’s being out of office happened at the time the war is about to end.

      • KCI등재

        中國 中世 觀音信仰의 민간사회 확산과정

        김한신(Kim, Hanshin) 중국고중세사학회 2016 중국고중세사연구 Vol.39 No.-

        This article explored the popularization process of the Guanyin cults during the Medieval period of Chinese history. The established researches on the Guanyin cult mostly treated the cult as beliefs of a sub-deity of the Buddhist Pantheon. Although the Guanyin was a Buddhist Bodhisattva who redeemed people in distress, the deity had been completely turned into a popular deity whom people usually asked for secular helps of the earthly lives during the early medieval period of Chinese history. In particular, this research focused on the two mediums for the transformation of the Guanyin cult. This study carefully considers the two significant means of dissemination of the Guanyin cults, “Relevant Legends of Guanyin’s Responsive Manifestations (觀音應驗說話)” and “Great Compassion Mantra (大悲咒)” of the “Dhāraṇī of the Bodhisattva With a Thousand Hands and Eyes (千手千眼陀羅尼)” in the historical context. When Kumārajīva (鳩摩羅什) translated “the The Universal Door of Boddhisattva Guanshiyin (觀世音菩薩普門品)” of the “Lotus Sutra (法華經)” into Chinese during the Six Dynasties period, the relevant legends of Guanyin was passed from person to person through the oral tradition, and it contributed to the creation of Guanyin’s image as a tutelary deity in the local community. Since the Tang Dynasty period, the esoteric Buddhism (密敎) had exerted a dominant influence on the Chinese Buddhism and systemized the ceremonies and rituals of the Guanyin worships. As a result, the esoteric Buddhist incantation ceremonies like the recitation of Great Compassion Mantra began to be introduced to the Guanyin cults. Due to these new ways, the popular beliefs of Guanyin who would save the people from distress could spread throughout the whole China during the Medieval period of Chinese history. Consequently, this research presents a new approach to understand the nation-wide propagation process of the Guanyin cults.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중학교 역사 교과서 조선 시대 서술 비교 및 검토

        김한신(Kim, Hanshin) 호서사학회 2021 역사와 담론 Vol.- No.97

        6종의 중학교 역사 교과서에서는 조선 역사의 핵심적인 특징을 요약하여 결론적으로 전달하고, 어렵지 않아야 하며, 본문의 흐름을 해독할 수 있는 역량에 중점을 두었다. 그러한 취지 아래 「조선의 성립과 발전」에서는 건국과 제도의 정비, 국가의 기틀 마련, 새로운 정치세력의 발생 등을 소개했다. 「조선 사회의 변동」에서는 ‘변화’라는 대주제 아래 정치, 제도, 사회, 경제, 사상 등 영역에 나타난 새로운 움직임을 정리했다. 교과서의 집필진은 학생들이 역사에 접근하기 쉽도록 유용한 도판자료와 그에 어울리는 본문을 배치했다. 그러나 성의 있게 만들었음에도 학생들이 시기구분, 현상 간의 인과관계와 상관관계, 시기 내에서의 맥락 등에 관한 질문을 연상하기에는 역부족이라는 생각을 지울 수 없었다. 역사에서는 하나의 사실을 접하고 왜일까라는 질문을 가지는 능력이 더 중요하다. 글자가 많다고 학생들이 읽기 어려워할 것을 걱정할 것이 아니라 역사를 읽고 질문하는 흥미를 느낄수 있도록 해야 한다. 그런 점에서 교과서에서 서사와 맥락의 관계를 읽는 연습이 중시되기를 바란다. There are 6 versions of middle school history textbook in Korea which were published by 6 publishing companies. As for the despcription on Joseon Korea, textbook writers focused on summing up and conclusion, not being difficult, and comprehending after reading the description. Under the writing purpose the chapter “the establishment and development of Joseon” introduced founding Joseon and system reorganization, stabilizing, and the appearance of new political group. The next chapter “the change of Joseon society”, from the transformation view, showed new movement observed on politics, institution maintenance, society, ecconomy, thoughts. The writers of the textbooks used drawing data and simple description in order to approach history text easily. Despite they made it carefully, it is inadequate for students to think over questions about period classification; causality and interrelation through phenomenons; context to understand the specific period. It is important to have questions ‘why’ after knowing a historical fact in a lesson. Maybe we worry that students would find it difficult to read on many sentences. But we should try to make students express their questions in spite of that difficulty. I wish the reading training on natrration and context in Joseon history would be put emphasis on forward.

      • KCI등재

        제2차 진주성전투 이후 황진(黃進) 추서(追敍)와 17세기 기억의 형성

        김한신 ( Kim Hanshin ) 호남사학회 2022 역사학연구 Vol.85 No.-

        임진전쟁기 제2차 진주성전투에서 전사한 黃進은 17세기 이후의 조선사회에서 전란 초반의 전황을 이해할 때 반드시 언급되는 인물 중 하나였다. 그는 임진전쟁 발발 직후 호남 방어에 전력을 다했으며, 충청병사에 승진된 이후 활동범위를 확대하여 삼남의 보전에 초점을 맞추어 임무를 수행했다. 1593년 6월 제2차 진주성전투가 시작되었고, 황진은 다른 군·민과 함께 진주성을 사수하다 전사했다. 조선 조정으로 전달된 보고에서 황진이 중과부적임에도 ‘力戰’하다 전사했다는 사실이 강조되었다. 조정에서는 서둘러 황진 등 전사자에게 상을 내리고 추증했다. 황진의 공훈은 당대를 넘어 17세기 이후 사대부 사이에서 기억되고 기록으로 전승되었다. 황진의 기억에서 주목해야 할 특징은 황진이 후손들 사이에서만 顯彰된 것이 아니라 사대부들 사이에서 그의 기록이 수정, 보완을 거치며 당대를 설명하는 敍事 중 일부를 구성했다는 점이다. 황진의 史實은 私撰記錄과 官撰史書에서 병행 수록되어, 그의 면모와 전공을 재조명하는 가운데 당대사의 실상이 복원될 수 있었다. Hwang Jin(黃進) can be remembered as one of the most well-known figures who died as a war hero in the second Jinju Fortress battle in June 1593. During the Joseon period in the seventeenth century, people certainly referred to him whenever they discussed the early stages of the Imjin War. Right after the outbreak of the Imjin War, Hwang Jin did his utmost to defend Jeolla(全羅) and he was later promoted as the Provincial Army Commander of Chungcheong(忠淸兵使) to focus on preserving the three southern provinces of Joseon, namely, Chungcheong, Kyungsang(慶尙), and Jeolla. Eventually, in late June 1593, when the second Jinju Fortress battle began, Hwang Jin was killed while fighting bravely with his troops and the people of the castle against the Japanese army. According to the reports sent to the Joseon court Hwang Jin “fought valiantly” until the end(力戰) despite facing an overwhelming number of the enemies. The Joseon court immediately conferred prizes and granted posthumous honours to Hwang Jin and his colleagues. Hwang Jin’s meritorious service throughout the war was remembered long after his death and was recorded by some Confucians, the upper class of Joseon since the seventeenth century. Remembering Hwang Jin was crucial not just for commemorating him among his descendants but also for constructing a part of the entire narrative to explain the Imjin Wartime by famous Confucians later on. The historical facts about Hwang Jin were documented in both private and official history, which led to the restoration of the realities surrounding the Imjin War by shedding light on his personality and devotion to Joseon.

      • KCI우수등재

        중세 동아시아 해상교역의 재구성 - 김영제, 『고려상인과 동아시아 무역사』, 푸른역사, 2019 -

        김한신(Kim, Hanshin) 동양사학회 2019 東洋史學硏究 Vol.149 No.-

        The East Asian maritime trade between 11th century and 14th century is represented by the remarkable activities of the maritime merchants. Private enterprise, rather than state regulation, played the salient role in the emergence and expansion of maritime trade in East Asia. Although the amazing performances of the East Asian merchants such as Koryo merchants, Song merchants, and Hakata merchants had caught the eyes of historians, the previous researches on them had been mainly carried out from national historical perspective. The book, Koryo Merchants and the History of East Asian Maritime Trade, however, challenges the existing common ideas about the medieval East Asian maritime trade with the transnational perspective. In terms of the nationality of the maritime merchants, the author of the book argues that the China-born merchants who settled down in Koryo or Japan owned the Peaked-bottom-ship (尖底船) and led the trade between China and Koryo or Japan. In addition, according to his research, the traders were not largely constrained by the seasonal wind on the East Asian seas. The author of this book shows several typical East Asian maritime merchants who was born in China but later on settled down in Koryo and married Korean women. They did not only carry out the trade between Koryo and Song but played the significant diplomatic roles. Their trading goods, however, included cheap household goods besides luxury items. Since the household goods had price competitiveness, the traders could export them overseas. Due to his devoted studies, many aspects of the East Asian maritime trade during the Medieval period could be restored. As the author mentioned in this book, however, there are still in many aspects open to future further researches, which will be carried out with the transnational perspective, in the true sense of word.

      • KCI등재

        金代 多民族的 제국의 건설과 제천의례의 정비

        김한신(Kim, Hanshin) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2020 역사문화연구 Vol.76 No.-

        This article mainly examines the revision of state sacrifice ritual for heaven (祭天儀禮) during the Jin Dynasty(lasted from 1115 to 1234). The Jurchen regime, in an effort to build a multi-ethnic Empire, tried to reorganize the traditional Chinese state ritual system. When the Jurchen Jin Dynasty conquered the central plain of China, the nomadic conqueror faced many difficulties in governing the polyethnic society. They, however, overcame the initial difficulties within a relatively short time period and could have a dignity as a Chinese Dynasty. Although the traditional studies on the Jurchen success focused mainly on the so-called ‘sinicization(漢化)’ for the key to their success, the recent researches argue that the Jin Dynasty’s ‘sinicization’ was not just ‘assimilation’ to the Chinese civilization but a kind of smart adoption of the Chinese system for embracing the various ethnic groups in their new territories. Their revision of the state sacrifice ritual system, therefore, could be considered one of their policy orientation toward the foundation of the multi-ethnic Empire. Besides the state ritual system, the multi-ethnic traits of the Jin Dynasty could be found in their institutional and cultural diversity. First of all, they provided new political, governmental and legal systems to cover all diversities of their ethnic groups such as the Jurchen, Han, Bohai(渤海), and Kitan(契丹). In terms of the religion, they also gladly embraced the Chinese religions like Buddhism and Daoism under the premise of their cooperation with the Jurchen rule over the Central Plain. The Jurchen government, in short, pursued the institutional and religious policy that could harmonize the various ethnic groups in their territories. In addition, their revision of the state sacrifice ritual system can be understood in the same context. Among the state ritual system of the Jin Dynasty, this research mainly deals with a couple of state sacrifice rituals for heaven like the worship ritual for the Sun (拜日) and the worship ritual for the Heaven (拜天), which were originated from the Jurchen tribal ritual in common. Although these worship rituals were performed according to the regulations of the Confucian rituals system in principle, the rituals still contained strong feature of the traditional Jurchen ethnic traits in their contents. The process of their being transferred into the Chinese Confucian ritual system became an invaluable precedent for the following nomadic Empires such as the Yuan and the Qing. 본 논문은 금조 제천의례의 특징을 분석한 연구로서, 금조는 다민족적 제국의 건설의 일환으로서 제천의례를 새롭게 정비하였음을 밝히고 있다. 새롭게 중원을 지배하게 된 금조는 초기 상당히 단시간동안에 혼란을 극복하고 중원왕조로서의 면모를 갖추게 되었다. 기존의 연구에서는 이들의 성공적인 중원지배의 비결로서 소위 ‘한화’ 정책의 성공을 언급하고 있지만, 그 ‘한화’의 본질적인 모습은 단순한 중국으로의 동화가 아니라 여진족과 한족을 비롯한 여러 다민족 집단의 문화를 포용하기 위한 중원 시스템의 채택이었던 것이다. 금조의 제천의례 정비의 과정은 다민족적 제국의 건설이라는 금조의 정책적 지향을 선명하게 반영하고 있다. 제천의례 이외에도 금조의 다민족적 특성은 그들의 제도적·종교적 多樣性에서도 찾아볼 수 있다. 우선 그들은 정치제도·행정제도 및 법률제도에 있어서 여진인과 한인 그리고 발해인과 거란인을 포용할 수 있는 제도를 창조해내었다. 종교에 있어서도 자신들의 샤머니즘과 더불어 중원의 종교인 불교와 도교를 적극적으로 받아들이되 사회적 안정과 금조 정권의 통치에 반하는 경우에는 단호하게 탄압하기도 하였다. 요컨대 금조 정권은 안정적이고 항구적인 중원지배의 수단으로서 여진인과 다른 민족들이 조화를 이룰 수 있는 제도적·종교적 정책을 추구하였고, 제천의례 역시 그 한 부분이었음을 알 수 있다. 본 논문에서 다루고 있는 拜日의례 즉 태양에 대한 숭배나 拜天의례 즉 하늘에 대한 의례는 본디 여진 고유의 禮俗에서 기인한 것이었다. 이러한 제사는 국가제사의례 시스템에 편입되는 과정에서 그 형식적으로는 전통적인 유교의례 규정에 따라 거행되었지만 그 내용에 있어서는 그 본래의 예속적 전통이 유지되었다. 결국 금조 황제는 유교적 제사의례의 전통을 따르면서도 여진의 전통을 그 속에서 보존하는 방법을 개발하였던 것이다. 그리고 이러한 제사의례 정비과정은 이후 등장하는 유목민족 왕조들의 典範으로 중요한 의미를 지니고 있었던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        北宋 朝廷의 民間信仰 統制

        김한신(Kim, Hanshin) 동양사학회 2015 東洋史學硏究 Vol.130 No.-

        This article examines the historical transition in the state’s and the elites’ responses to the popular religions during the Song Dynasty period (960-1279). Above all, this article focuses mainly on the efforts of Northern Song reformers’ to establish the rigid control system which regulate the whole local religions within the Song territory. They tried to establish the procedure of granting titles and plaques to the local religions for the first time in the Chinese history. The previous researches on the establishment of the procedure during the Northern Song argues that the Northern Song reformers made great efforts to build up the control system to deal with the political crisis which they were facing with. It is, however, significant to consider that the Northern Song reformers did not just regard the control over the popular religions as expedient measures but their approaches toward the local religions were also a part of their greater plan of restoring the Confucian Ritual Order. Although the Northern Song reformers’ new approach finally failed to keep the rigid control over the popular religions, their greater plan was passed down to the Southern Song local elites of the Southern Song period who tried to realize it in the local level.

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