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      • KCI등재

        스포츠센터 지도자의 감정노동과 직무만족 및 고객지향성의 구조적 관계

        김학권(Kim, Hak-Kwon),조형수(Cho, Hyung-Soo),윤상영(Yoon, Sang-Young) 한국사회체육학회 2015 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.62

        This study aimed to analyze the relationship in sports center instructors’ emotional labor, job satisfactions and customer orientation and to present the basic data to strengthen the market competitiveness with the result. The subjects of this study were 180 sports center instructors who were teaching over 5 sport items in Seoul. It was conducted through self-evaluation survey. The survey was conducted in 10 total sports centers from June 1st. 2015 to June 10th. 2015. Inappropriate questionnaires for the research materials were excluded. 146 samples out of 180 were used for the final analysis. The conclusions of the hypothesis were as follows: Hypothesis 1. Sports center instructors’ emotional labor will have a meaningful influence on their job satisfaction. The result of empirical analysis on hypothesis 1 was accepted. Hypothesis 2. Sports center instructors’ emotional labor will have a meaningful influence on the customer orientation. The result of empirical analysis on hypothesis 2 was accepted. Hypothesis 3. Sports center instructors’ job satisfaction will have a meaningful influence on the customer orientation. The result of empirical analysis on hypothesis 3 was accepted.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : ≪역경(易經)≫의 "인모귀모(人謀鬼謀)"에 관한 고찰

        김학권 ( Hak Kwon Kim ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2011 中國學論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        在古代,受人類經驗和知識水平所限, 如遇到難事, 人們寄希望於神靈, 希願依고其力量來解決這些難題。他們嘗試各種方法,試圖與神溝通而獲知神靈的意志, 在衆多占蔔法中, 蔔筮之占法的出現,受到衆人的推崇,得以流行。蔔筮可以說是與神溝通的手段, 也是上古人類解決所面臨難題的智慧。蔔筮是古代社會長期普遍流行之占法, 而事實上,蔔和筮在其形式和內容上是完全不同的兩種占法。蔔法系將龜甲獸骨燒灼察看其裂紋(象)而判斷其吉凶之占法,筮法系將蓍按一定的規則進行運算(數)而判斷其吉凶之占法. 周代占蔔是對殷商占蔔的繼承, ≪易經≫作爲周人占筮用的典籍受殷代影響, ≪易經≫卦爻辭中保存有有關"鬼謀"的天帝崇拜和鬼神尊奉的傳統信仰。但≪易經≫的卦爻辭中涉及"勤勉", "敬懼", "謹愼", "謙卑", "節制", "恒德"之德的內容更多。≪易經≫還强調"寬大和同", "誠信惠人", "憂患處事"的王道之義.。蔔法和筮法雖同爲上古巫術之一, 但筮法同其타巫術相比,就其思維內容來說, 人謀的成分增强, 理性主義因素增長, 從而爲≪周易≫這部古老的占書典籍向哲理化轉化提供了前提, 成爲中國哲學和中華文化的源頭之一。≪易經≫雖然是一部蔔筮之書, 但是由於其中包含有大量理性思維內容和生活智慧等, 因而成爲中國哲學的一個重要思想來源。根據以上論述, 可見≪易經≫一方面繼承了殷商蔔法之"鬼謀"傳統信仰, 同時更重視周代思潮-"人謀"的人文精神。這爲中國哲學和中華文化之人文精神建立作出了偉大貢獻。

      • KCI등재

        골프연습장 회원의 참가동기와 여가만족의 관계에서 여가 몰입의 조절효과

        김학권(Kim, Hak-Kwon),윤상영(Yoon, Sang-Young) 한국체육과학회 2018 한국체육과학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the effects of leisure flow driving range users` participation motivation and leisure satisfaction. Considering the driving range users" characteristics, this study analyzed what kinds of the moderating effects the leisure flow brought in the relationship between the variables. The subjects of this study were 3 00 adults using a college students for over a year in Korea. They were selected by convenience random sampling method among the adults who were over 8, in 2017. Inappropriate questionnaires for the research materials were excluded, through which 292 samples were used for the final analysis. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Health orientation, social orientation, and self-development, make good leisure use, in driving range users" participation motivation had positive influences on leisure satisfaction. 2. In these processes, the moderating effects of leisure flow were meaningful and the group with more leisure flow showed more leisure satisfaction in social orientation and self-development than in any other participation motivation.

      • KCI등재

        대학 배드민턴 선수의 자기관리와 운동지속의 관계 및 운동몰입의 조절효과

        김학권(Kim Hark-Kwon),윤상영(Yoon, Sang-Young) 한국사회체육학회 2020 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.80

        Purpose: This study analyzes the effect in the relationship between college badminton athletes’ selfmanagement and continuing exercise. Also, it analyzes how exercise immersion had moderating effects on the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables considering athlete’s characteristics. Through the analysis, this study aims to present the data needed to prevent college badminton athletes’ dropouts and holds their conviction on badminton. Method: This study surveyed the subjects who were selected by non-probability sampling and purposive sampling. The subjects were 250 college badminton athletes regsitered in Korean sport & Olympic Committee who participated in Korean College Badminton Competition (2018.07.11-2018.07.17) and National Autumn Badminton Competition (2018.08.12-2018.08.18). 238 sincere questionnaires among 250 were used in the final data analysis. Results: The results were as follows. First, the college badminton atlhetes’ training, interpersonal relations, mental health care, which were sub-variables of self-managemen, thad meaningful effects on continuing exercise. Second, the level of training and interpersonal relations had more effects on elevating the level of continuing exercise in the group with high exercise immersion level, Conclusion: The college badminton athletes’ self-management has meaningful effects on continuing exercise.

      • KCI등재

        성이심(成以心)의 『인역(人易)』에 나타난 실천철학(實踐哲學)으로서의 역학(易學)

        김학권 ( Hak-kwon Kim ) 한국공자학회 2015 공자학 Vol.29 No.-

        盤谷 成以心은 임진왜란과 병자호란의 거듭된 전란을 겪고 난후 국가질서가 문란해지고 백성들의 삶이 피폐하게 됨으로써 정치ㆍ사회적 불안이 가중되고 있었던 조선 후기의 유학자였다. 반곡은 당시 사회의 시대적 과제를 해결하고, 평화로운 세상을 이루기 위한 길은 모두가 자신의 심성에 내재된 도덕성을 일상의삶 속에서 적극적으로 실천하는 데에서 비롯되는 것임을 주장하고, 그 주장의 정당성을 확보하기 위해 『周易』의 이론에 근거하여 인간의 도덕행위를 당위의 실천규범으로 절대화한다. 이러한목적에서 저술된 易書가 바로 그의 『人易』이다. 따라서 반곡의『인역』은 심성의 발현에 의한 도의실천의 당위성을 ‘擬議’의 형식으로 구체화하여 제시하고 있는 반곡의 독창적인 易書로서 다음과 같은 특징을 지닌다. 첫째, 반곡은 『인역』에서 天人一理의 義理易을 지향한다. 그는『인역』의 궁극적 목적은 사람들로 하여금 심성의 자각과 발현을 통해 하늘이 부여한 천부적 본성(天理)을 몸소 실천함으로써 天人合一의 경지에 이르도록 하는데 두고 있음을 강조한다. 둘째, 반곡은『주역』의 陰陽動靜의 상호작용을 통해 천지만물의 생성변화가 지속적으로 전개되는 것처럼 우리의 몸과 마음간의 交化作用에 의거한 心身 양면의 수양을 통해 人性의 완전한실현자로서의 성인을 목표로 삼는 聖人易을 추구한다. 그는 血氣의 몸에만 치우친 공부나 性情의 마음에만 치우친 공부는 결국도교나 불교의 이단으로 빠져들게 되는 것인 바, 血氣의 몸과 性情의 心은 하나로 혼재되어 있지도 않고, 각기 떨어져 따로 존재하지도 않는 관계를 이루고 있는 것이므로 서로의 상생작용을 통해 궁극적으로 심성에 내재된 天理(太極)를 구현하고자 하는것이 바로 유교가 추구하는 바요, 이를 온전하게 실현하는 자가곧 성인이라는 것이다. 셋째, 반곡은 일체의 言動을 『주역』의 원리에 따라 행하는 ‘言動卽易’의 德行易을 주창한다. 그는 『주역』의 근본 취지가 자연현상의 원리나 법칙에 대한 객관적 이해나 세속적 이해득실의 예견을 위한 점술로서의 趨吉避凶의 추구에 있는 것이 아니라 어느 때 어떤 일에서든 우리의 본성에 내재된 도덕성이 온전히발휘되는, 즉 덕행의 실천을 도모하는 데에 있음을 역설하며, 길흉이란 것도 결국 내 자신의 선악에 따른 결과임을 강조한다. 결론적으로 반곡의 『인역』은 天人一理의 義理易을 지향하고, 交化身心의 聖人易을 추구하며, 言動卽易의 德行易을 주창함으로써 일상적 도의실천의 절대적 당위성을 이론적으로 확립하기 위해 저술된 실천철학으로서의 易書였다. Bangok Seong Isim(盤谷 成以心) was a Confucian scholar in the late Joseon dynasty when the society that was built upon the Confucian ideal has been devastated by repeated wars with the Japanese and the Manchurians. The wars have caused various social conflicts and troubles to pile up; social order was collapsing; and the lives of ordinary people were being more and more impoverished. As a Confucian scholar, Seong demanded everyone to realize one’s innate moral nature and earnestly practice it in order to remove all social problems and restore the world into a secureand peaceful society. As the theoretical justification, he based his argument on the Yijing and defined morality as the absolute code of conduct. The book Innyeok(人易) is a work he wrote precisely for this purpose. Thus, Innyeok is no longer a divination book in the original context of the Yijing but a theoretical work on moral cultivation that argues for moral practice. Hence, Innyeok is Seong’s ingenious work on the Yijing in which he explains how the individual moral practice is only natural because it is a manifestation of one’s innate nature. The book has following characteristics. First, Seong maintains that Heaven and men share the single li(天人一理), and explains the mandate(命) in comparison with the Great Ultimate(太極). Second, what Seong Isim aspired for was the Yijing of the Sages, that is, the edification of mind and body(交化 心身). Third, Seong Isim argues for the Yijing of Virtuous Conduct, that is putting one’s words and acts against the Yijing(言動卽易). In conclusion, Innyeok was a book on the Yijing that was written in order to establish the absolute theoretical foundation for why men must act morally.

      • KCI등재후보

        노인의 여가스포츠 참가와 사회적 지원 및 여가만족의 관계

        김학권(Kim Hak-Kwon),윤상영(Yoon Sang-Young) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The aim of this study is to examine-with evidences-the The Relationship between Leisure Satisfaction and Leisure Sports Participation, Social Support of the Elderly, the degree of Participation, Leisure Satisfaction which were based on the preceding studies of the same theme and hypothetical models. For this study, over-60-year-old male and female residents in Seoul in 2008 were set as a collected group. The total questionnaires were 300. In the final analysis, 219 questionnaires were used. The questionnaires-Questions about the Self-Actualization Leisure Sports Participation and Leisure Satisfaction-were used for collecting the data. After analyzing the factors, 6 subordinate factors in Leisure Sports Satisfaction, 3 factors in Social Support were extracted. The reliabilities in the questions of Leisure Satisfaction and the questions of Social Support were .818~.864, and .848~.926. Multiple Regression Analysis and Path Analysis were used for the data analysis in this study. The results of the data analysis are following: 1. The frequency, term, and intensity of Leisure Sports have influence on Social Support 2. The frequency, term, and intensity of Leisure Sports have influence on Leisure Satisfaction. 3. The Social Support of Leisure Sports participants has influence on the Leisure Satisfaction.

      • KCI등재후보

        기혼여성의 골프참여자와 운동몰입경험 및 가정생활만족의 관계

        김학권(Kim Hak-Kwon),조형수(Cho Hyung-Soo) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of this study to examine closely between the golf participation of married women and exercise flow experience, household life satisfaction. To get the best result of this study, this was to select a popular of married women, who they hold a membership in golf drive ranges located at Seoul and Kyung-ki Province. The number of 320 were sampled among the population selected about end, and the final number of the population was 303. Tool for data collection is <Questionnaire for the relationships the golf participation of married women and excercise flow experience, household life satisfaction>, and the result of reliance shows excercise flow experience α=.730, household satisfaction α=.7104~.8394. The analysis used in this study for the data analysis is through t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis Based upon the purpose of this study and research method, the final conclusion were warranted as below: Firstly, there is significant relationship socio-demographic characteristics(i.e. age, job, income level, family construction, houshold labor time, family shape) between excercise flow experience, Secondly, there is significant relationship socio-demographic characteristics(i.e. age, job, income level, family construction, houshold labor time, family shape) between household life satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        골프연습장 이용고객의 자기관리와 여가만족의 관계에서 여가몰입의 조절효과 분석

        김학권(Kim, Hak-Kwon),윤상영(Yoon, Sang-Young) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the effects of driving range users’ self-management and leisure satisfaction. Considering the driving users’ characteristics, this study analyzed what kinds of the moderating effects the leisure flow brought in the relationship between the variables. It was also believed to present the basic data to help activate the golf as a leisure sport and strengthen the market competitiveness of driving ranges. The subjects of this study were 240 adults using a driving range for over a year in Seoul. They were selected by convenience random sampling method among the adults who were over 30, living in Seoul in January, 2015. Inappropriate questionnaires for the research materials were excluded, through which 215 samples were used for the final analysis. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Interpersonal management, training management, and mental management in driving range users’ self-management had positive influences on leisure satisfaction. 2. In these processes, the moderating effects of leisure flow were meaningful and the group with more leisure flow showed more leisure satisfaction in interpersonal management than in any other managements. 3. The group with less leisure flow showed more leisure satisfaction in mental management than in any other management.

      • KCI등재

        골프연습장 이용고객의 여가몰입과 여가만족 및 심리적 웰빙의 구조적 관계

        김학권(Kim, Hak-Kwon),김태운(Kim Tae-Woon),윤상영(Yoon, Sang-Young) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        This study aims to examine the structural relationship between driving range users" leisure flow, leisure satisfaction and psychological well-being, activate golf as a leisure sport, and provide basic data to help strengthen market competitiveness of a driving range. The subjects were 2 40 adults using a driving range for over a year in Seoul. They were selected stratified cluster random sampling method among adults who were over 30 lived in Seoul in January, 2015.. Inappropriate questionnaires for research materials were excluded, through which 215 samples were used for final analysis. The conclusions are as follows; Hypothesis 1, driving range users" leisure flow has a positive influence on leisure satisfaction, is accepted by analyzing the data. Hypothesis 2, driving range users" leisure flow has a positive influence on psychological well-being, is accepted by analyzing the data. Hypothesis 3, driving range users" leisure satisfaction has a positive influence on psychological well-being, is accepted by analyzing the data.

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