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        A Segmentation Method for Counting Microbial Cells in Microscopic Image

        김학경,Sun-Hee Lee,Myung-Suk Lee,Song-Bong Kim 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2002 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.4 No.3

        In this paper, a counting algorithm hybridized with an adaptive automatic thresholding method based on Otsu's method and the algorithm that elongates markers obtained by the well-known watershed algorithm is proposed to enhance the exactness of the microcell counting in microscopic images. The proposed counting algorithm can be stated as follows. The transformed full image captured by CCD camera set up at microscope is divided into cropped images of m n blocks with an appropriate size. The thresholding value of the cropped image is obtained by Otsu's method and the image is transformed into binary image. The microbial cell images below prespecified pixels are regarded as noise and are removed in the binary image. The smoothing procedure is done by the area opening and the morphological filter. Watershed algorithm and the elongating marker algorithm are applied. By repeating the above stated procedure for blocks, the segmented images are obtained. A superposed image with the size of 640 480 pixels as same as original image is obtained from the segmented block images. By labeling the superposed image, the counting result on the image of microbial cells is achieved. To prove the effectiveness of the proposed method in counting the microbial cell on the image, we used Acinetobacter sp., a kind of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, and compared the proposed method with the global Otsu's method, the traditional watershed algorithm based on global thresholding value and human visual method. The result counted by the proposed method shows more approximated result to the human visual counting method than the result counted by any other method.

      • Obstacle Avoidance of A Mobile Robot Using A Calibrated Computer Vision System

        트란안킴(Anh Kim Tran),김광주(Kwang Ju Kim),김학경(Hak Kyeong Kim),충탄람(Tan Lam Chung),김상봉(Sang Bong Kim) 한국동력기계공학회 2004 한국동력기계공학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The obstacle avoidance task that is assigned to a mobile robot is addressed in this paper. A path planning method, namely polynomial path planning approach, is employed to generate a collision-free trajectory. It is clear that the path varies according to environment structure. Then, by applying a nonlinear feedback control law, the MR is able to track the smooth polynomial path in order to reach a target point. The information needed for the designed controller can be obtained via a computer visioning system with a ceiling-mounted USB camera. Because the computer vision system is capable to determine the position of any interesting points or objects in the work-space, the system can serve for MR's navigation and localization tasks as well. The practical realization is done through the hardware and software design using PICI6F877 chip. That is, the vision and navigation controls are parts of high level while the device control with PIC chips are considered as low level controllers. The low level control is known as a PIC-based servo controller communicating with its high level counterpart using wireless protocol. Also, the experimental results show quite good performance with acceptable tracking errors.

      • KCI등재

        젠더 관점에서 바라본 영국의 재난피해자 지원정책에 관한 연구

        김학경 ( Hak Kyong Kim ) 한국경찰법학회 2014 경찰법연구 Vol.12 No.2

        The United Nations emphasizes the need to promote gender equality in disaster risk reduction initiatives and assistance policy. In Korea, there is a growing concern for gender-sensitive disaster victim assistance. Nonetheless, the field of gender-sensitive approaches for disaster management is not well researched, and accordingly has failed to draw the attention of academics as well as practitioners in the Korean context, despite its great importance in assuring resilience. In the UK, the Civil Contingencies Secretariat, which coordinates the multi-agency efforts of central government departments for effective disaster management at a national level, currently specifies a disaster victim assistance policy entitled ‘Meeting the needs of those affected by an emergency’ in its official guidance, ‘Emergency Response and Recovery’. Under these circumstances, the research attempts to draw gender-sensitive policy implications from the UK`s assistance policy for disaster victims, in order to provide cross-cultural lessons from a gender perspective. The policy implications drawn are as follows: ① the Introduction of ‘Female Police Family Liaison Officer’, ② Gender-sensitive mental health treatment for disaster victims, ③ Gender-sensitive allocation of disaster appeal funds, and finally ④ the Provision of disaster assistance for multi-cultural families from a gender perspective. The study further suggests that evidence-based research for more practical initiatives or programs should be conducted in the near future, based on the aforementioned policy implications.

      • KCI등재

        영국의 기업과실치사 및 기업살인법에 대한 연구: 도입 시 검토되어야 할 법적 쟁점 중심으로

        김학경(Hakkyong Kim) 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2018 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.8 No.4

        불문법 체계의 전통을 가지고 있는 영국에서는 판례를 통해 확립된 동일성의 원칙에 입각하여, 각종 산업현장에서 발생하는 사망사건 등에 대한 기업(법인)의 형사책임을 인정하고 있었다. 다만 동일성의 원칙은 경영진에게 사망의 위험을 인식하는 내심상태가 입증되어야 하므로, 실제적으로 영국 내에서 기업의 형사책임을 묻기가 쉽지 않았다. 이러한 문제점을 극복하기 위하여 영국은 “2007년 기업 과실치사 및 기업살인법”이라는 특별 성문법을 제정하게 되는데, 동 법률의 제정을 통하여 영국기업의 안전문화가 대폭적으로 향상되었으며 각종 산업재해 사망사고가 격감했다는 법적 평가를 받고 있다. 이와 대조적으로 우리나라에서는 세월호 사건·옥시 가습기 사건·구의역 스크린 도어 사망사건 등 다양한 산업재해사건이 계속해서 발생하고 있지만, 기업 자체에 대한 형사적인 책임은 여전히 인정되지 않고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 기업의 형사책임을 인정하는 법제도의 도입 시 우리에게 필요한 입법방향성을 제시하기 위한 목적으로, 비교법적 관점에서 영국의 기업과실치사 및 기업살인법을 살펴보았다. 다만 본 연구는 기존 연구에서 다루어지지 않았지만, 검토의 필요성이 있는 법적 쟁점사항 다섯 가지를 도출하여 이러한 쟁점사항 위주로 향후 입법방향성 등을 검토해보았다. In English criminal law, a corporation is regarded as a juristic person in the same legal status as a natural person and so can be not only capable but also convicted of committing criminal offences. However, corporations could be convicted of manslaughter in the past, only when senior management was proved to have the appropriate mens ra, in other words, knowledge that its action or lack of action would allow a crime to be committed. In reality, proving criminal negligence at a trial was not easy, and so obtaining convictions was rare. To solve such a legal limitation, the UK enacted the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 which permits companies and organizations in the UK to be found guilty of corporate manslaughter, when senior management’s gross breach of duty of care leads to causalities at their industrial sites. In contrast, no legislation, acknowledging corporate criminal liability for deaths at industrial sites, exists in Korea, despite reoccurring industrial disasters, such as the Sewol ferry disaster, the Oxy humidifier disinfectant disaster, the Guui station screen door death etc., in which culpable corporations avoid criminal liability. In this context, the research attempted to look into the aforementioned Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 with a view to deriving some legal lessons, especially, applicable when proposing similar legislation in Korea. Noticeably, the paper tried to select and then explore the five legal issues, which have not been discussed in previous research but must be considered when enacting in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영국의 범죄수익 민사환수제도에 관한 연구

        김학경(Kim Hak Kyong) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2014 경찰학연구 Vol.14 No.3

        Korea’s legal system has only a criminal forfeiture system that serves to recover the proceeds of crime. The criminal forfeiture requires a criminal trial and conviction, which means that the government must first establish guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt” or such that the judge is “intimately convinced”. However, the death of Yoo Byung-eun, who was responsible for the sinking of the Sewol ferry, brought an end to criminal proceedings, including criminal forfeiture. This issue can provide a strong impetus for the imposition of a civil forfeiture system in Korea, sometime in the near future, particularly in order to compensate for the disadvantages of a criminal forfeiture system. In contrast, a civil forfeiture system is a separate action from any criminal proceedings, and requires a “balance of probabilities” standard of proof (a lower burden of proof). Most importantly, civil forfeiture can be employed to forfeiture proceeds of crime, even after the defendant has died, fled the jurisdiction or is immune from prosecution. Therefore, if Korea’s legal system had a civil forfeiture, it could be argued that the late Yoo’s assets could still be confiscated. The UK is the birthplace of a civil forfeiture system, and in the UK, civil forfeiture proceedings are initiated in the name of “Civil Recovery” under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. Neither cash proceedings nor proceedings for a civil recovery order require a prior criminal conviction in the UK. Under these circumstances, the research attempts to explore the UK’s civil recovery system by using a descriptive approach, and finally provides policy implications for Korea’s potential civil forfeiture, particularly from the perspective of a comparative study.

      • KCI등재

        특 집 : 경찰작용에 대한 법적 쟁점 ; 경찰의 메르스 자가격리 무단이탈자 위치추적에 대한 비판적 고찰

        김학경 ( Hak Kyong Kim ),이성용 ( Sung Yong Lee ) 한국경찰법학회 2015 경찰법연구 Vol.13 No.2

        Korea’s outbreak of MERS, first reported on May 20 2015, has sparked national fear. To prevent its spread, Korean health authorities has kept over 2300 people, who were in contact with patients with MERS but have not developed any symptoms yet, under quarantine, particularly most at home. The problem is that some of them broke house quarantine rules, and fled away, elevating the likelihood of developing into a pandemic in Korea. Therefore, health authorities tracked the mobile phones of the home quarantine elopers in partnership with the Korean police. Especially, the police have claimed that the phone location tracking is legitimately conducted under proper legislation, emphasizing that this is an unavoidable measure for the sake of public order and security. Here is the research question, “Can the police locate the home quarantine elopers through mobile phone-tracking under the aforementioned acts, even if they don’t provide consent?”. To provide an answer to the question, the research attempts to analyze the legal conditions of location-tracking in the acts respectively: the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information, the Personal Information Protection Act, and the Protection of Communications Secrets Act. Then, the study finally tried to apply the analyzed conditions to the given question, noticeably demarcatthe limits of the acts.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 디바이스 ʻ복호화 명령ʼ 제도에 관한 비교법적 고찰 - 영국의 수사권한규제법 및 테러방지법 중심으로 -

        김학경(Hakkyong Kim),정제용(Jeyong Jung) 대검찰청 2021 형사법의 신동향 Vol.- No.71

        작년 11월 추미애 前 법무부 장관에 의하여, 이른바 ‘휴대전화 비밀번호 공개법안’이 뜨거운 정치적 논쟁의 대상이 되었다. 휴대전화의 비밀번호 공개는 복호화 명령의 한 부분을 구성하고 있는데, 이러한 복호화 명령 입법화에 대한 정당성을 부여하기 위한 근거로서, 영국의 입법례인 ‘수사권한규제법’(RIPA)이 제시되기도 하였다. 하지만, 자기부죄거부의 원칙에 반하다는 법조계 및 인권단체 등의 반대 목소리도 상당하였다. 문제는 이러한 목소리와 대조적으로, 기존 선행연구에서는 영국 등 해외 입법례나 판결 등을 근거로 국내에서도 충분히 도입될 수 있는 제도라는 점이 강조되고 있었다는 사실이다. 비교법・제도적 연구에서 있어서 기본 중 하나는 해외 제도나 정책에 대한 구체적인 ‘사실적’ 분석이라 할 수 있다. 하지만 국내 선행연구에서는 위 영국수사권한규제법상의 복호화 통지 제도에 관한 구체적이고 깊이 있는 조사와 분석을 찾아볼 수 없었다. 또한 ‘테러방지법’(TA) 부칙 제7편에 테러의심자에 대한 복호화 명령 제도가 규정되어 있음에도 불구하고, 이를 설명하고 있는 국내 연구는 전혀 찾아볼 수 없었다. 이러한 선행연구의 한계를 인식하고, 본 연구에서는 복호화 통지(명령)제도의 근거법이라고 할 수 있는 수사권한규제법(RIPA) 및 테러방지법(TA) 부칙 제7편 그리고 각각의 실무지침 등에 대한 상세한 사실적 분석을 실시하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 영국 복호화 통지 제도에 관한 분석을 토대로, 복호화 도입 가능성이나 위헌성 문제 등 향후 우리의 법규범적 담론에 대비한 비교법적 출발점을 제시하고자 하였다. In November 2021, the then Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae ordered the Ministry of Justice to consider proposing the enactment of a special law like UK’s Regulations of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) which can compel suspects to disclose the password for their digital devices such as mobile phones and laptops. Simultaneously, serious criticism was raised at that time, maintaining that the Korean Constitutional right against self-incrimination would finally bar such a bill. Since then, Korea has been no stranger to policy debates over mandatory key disclosure. Despite such denunciation, the analysis of Korean literature regarding mandatory decryption, however, shows that a nuanced law like UK’s Regulations of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 can also be enacted in Korea, arguing that forcing the disclosure of encrypted keys only does not infringe the constitutional privacy-related right. Nevertheless, the problem with the current literature review is that there has been no research conducting in-depth analysis and examination of RIPA and its mandatory decryption notice. Moreover, although Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2002 (TA) also requires persons to unlock their digital devices through any form of access control including disclosure of password or application of fingerprints, no Korean literature has investigated it either. Keeping these research limitations and gaps in mind, this paper looked into UK’s Mandatory Decryption Notice, particularly focusing on RIPA and Schedule of TA. Finally, the author(s) hope(s) that this comparative study will be a starting point here in Korea for robust academic discourse surrounding the encryption debate.

      • KCI등재

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