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      • KCI등재

        한국 공공도서관장의 사회의식 및 생활.봉사에 관한 연구

        김포옥 한국비블리아학회 2000 한국비블리아학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구에서는 한국의 공공도서관장을 대상으로 그들의 사회적 의식과 생활전반에 관한 여러 의식을 조사하였다. 이를 위해 도서관장들이 인식하는 사회계층의 소속감이나, 연간수입 및 사서직종의 특성상 여성취업에 관한 의식, 그리고 도서관장으로서의 업무상 능력의 저해요인 등을 조사 분석하였다. 그리하여 이러한 제 요인들은 현직 도서관장들의 의식속에서 어떻게 나타나는가, 그들의 본질적인 특성을 찾아보고. 동시 미래 한국 도서관계가 지향하는 도서관장직의 형태를 고찰해 보았다. The purpose of this study was attempted to investigate the social opinion and their lives and jobs of the public library directors in Korea. The author attained data through questionaires by mail to about 180 directors of public libraries. The Major finding of this study are summarized as follows: 1) The more or higher the director"s revenue and degree of satisfaction for his/her revenur, and rich feeling in content for his/her job, the higher he/she recognize his/her social class. 2) Although many directors make it their principles to support for females to go to work. 87.4% of them also recognize the existence of discrimination by sex in attainment of their job positions. 3) Female directors feel more discriminated than male directors. Male are rather supporting or neutral for those discriminations. 4) The obstracles for conducting their jobs are insufficiency of budget for libraries. insufficiency of their job powers and so forth. 5) The Most disirable type of library directors is the mixed nature of type of research specialist and administrative specialist. Only the research talent is not sufficient for a library director and the administrative specialty is also strongly expected to the director.ctor.

      • KCI등재

        한국 공공도서관장의 사회적 배경 및 사회화과정의 고찰

        김포옥 한국비블리아학회 2001 한국비블리아학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 한국 공공도서관장들의 사회적 배경과 관장직을 달성하기까지의 사회화 과정에 대한 조사와 영향요인을 분석하고자 함에 있다. 조사 대상은 전국 188명의 공공도서관장을 대상으로 설문지를 통해 분석하였다. 중요사항을 정리하면 도서관장들의 성장거주지는 도시보다는 지방출신이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 관장들의 전직 경력으로는 사서직종 보다는 교원직이나 행정직 공무원이 대부분이었으며, 직무 수행을 위한 탐구적 생활자세나 의식은 지극히 저조한 것으로 분석된다. 동시 도서관 운영의 효율적 활동이나 서비스의 품질을 위한 외부 활동의 자세도 극히 부족하다. 미래 도서관장들의 의견은 어느 시기나 어느 지역에서던 질적 봉사를 높이고저 함에 노력해야 할 것이다. 그래야만 한국공공도서관계에서 전문직 성향의 도서관장이 되기를 희망하는 미래 후학들에게 새로운 의식의 변화를 기대할 수 있기 때문이다. The Purpose of this study is to point out some attributes of intrinsic and social background and status attainment process and a life-style of public library directors in KOREA. The data obtained from 188 respondents in 1999 were used for analysis. Some of the main findings are as follows: $\circled1$ The majority of the directors has a career as a teacher or local public administrators rather than a librarian. $\circled2$ The birth places of the directors are scattered all over the country. and those who were born in rural area account for about of all respondents. In rural area. it might be difficult for them to access information on newly developing profession like librarianship. $\circled3$ Although the educational level of directors themselves is higher than general public. $\circled4$ Library schools which give students high grade knowledge and training of library and information science are not so many, and hence directors are primarily local public administrators rather than qualified librarians. $\circled5$ Many directors did not aspire to become librarians. rather they got the post after they had been working as a teachers or lawyer, local public administrators. $\circled6$ If the library services of better quality are provided all over the country, urban or rural, and library schools in higher education are developed and have much more satisfactory substance, and abler library directors. And then we can expect that the qualified librarians's director system in public libraries will become an accomplished fact.

      • 中國의 類書考

        金抱玉 全北大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        The Purpose of this study is to study the development of Chinese and Korean Encyclopedias, Ryu-Seo (類書), analyzing its form and content. Ryu-Seo is an ancient book which is similar to the encyclopedia of these days. Especially, it is the book involved with all of the knowledge about oriential studies. In China, the Ryu-Seo encyclopedia originated from the King Mun-Je(文帝) of the Wi(魏)-Dynasty. The Development of the encyclopedia Rhy-Seo is as follows; 'Hwa-Chon-Pyeon-Pyag'(華村遍略) was created during the Je(齊)-and the Yang(梁)-dynasty, and 'Su-Mun-Jeon-O-Ram'(修文殿御覽) was formulated during the Dang(唐)-and Song(宋)-dynasty. Ryu-Seo blossmed the Cheong(淸)-dynasty, in which 'Tae-Pyeong-O-Ram'(太平御覽) was made. Ryu-Seo can be catagorized into three periods by the development of its form and content: Firstly, it is concerned with the ancient customs and events. The next period consists mainly of words and letters. Then, the third period was concerned with both historical events and phrasology rather than individual words. 'Um-Bu-Gun-Ok'(韻府群玉) is the oldest Ryu-Seo of all that was inherited in China. Imitating the form and system of the 'Um-Bu-Gun-Ok the Korean people created the 'Dae-Dong-Um-Bu-Gun-Ok'(大東韻府群玉) which was admitted as the first completed encyclopedia in Korea.

      • 전북지역 도서관 사서직의 직무현황 분석 및 문제점 : 공공도서관을 중심으로

        김포옥 全北大學校 人文科學大學 圖書館學科 文獻情報學會 1989 全北文獻情報 Vol.3 No.-

        A Library is the fundamental character of culture in a country and it is also barometer of culture in its community. Every cultural reality, however, can hardly come to fruition in a short time and so, it will be effected through a long time and tradition. This study aims at catching up how the above-mentioned public libraries have an influence on culture of its community people. For this purpose, the actual conditions of the public libraries have been investigated and analyzed and as a result of it, the problems have been reilluminated from the nation-wide point of view. And in the new changes, developing improvement measures have been tried th find. How to study was on the bais of the actual materials of the on-the-spot survey, the interviews with the working officials and the response by way of questionnaire. Summing up the investigated and analyzed contents are as followings. In the above mentioned province, therefore, number of the public libraries are very limited compared with number of the people. and so, it is very essential to increase the public libraries in the province. In terms of the actual conditions, the public livraries lags far behind the other provinces in Korea from this library field. The present chronic conditions are the budgetary deficit, the collections insufficient to the legal minimal standards, the lack of professional librarians ignorance of the people and library managements by unprofessionals, etc. The hinders the progress of the public libraries and to circulated them from the people. The improvements and the solutions to the above-mentioned problems are as follows. 1. To recruit the personnal sufficient to the legal standards and to reorganize the offices and to turn upward the highest class of librarian's position above the 4th class. 2. To secure collections sufficient to the legal standards and to streghten the extension services. 3. To organze th ecouncil composed of the chief librarians of the public libraries including the working chiefs in the province and to develop the works-in-hand of the libraries from the level of decision-making. 4. To organize the librarian training group and to study the working problems and to seek the qualified improvement of librarians. 5. The management of the public libraries in the province are, at present, under the Ministry of Education and the local government takes the financial power. So both should be shortly unified. 6. To do regularly the course of how to use library materials for the community people and to seek the inducement measures for the people through the various cultural events. 7. The public libraries organize the mutual cooperation networks and to seek the system automatized plans of free use of library materials and every library works. 8. To enlarge book mobile system actively and to infiltrated into the daily living of people deeply. Finally, What the present writer would like to speak to the chief liberarians of the public libraries the human aspects of librarians should not be ignored no mater how excellent a library organization may be. In addition to this, the present writer is sure that the farreached future of our library organization will depend the librarians.

      • KCI등재

        한국 공공도서관의 재난대비 실태와 대응방안 연구

        김포옥,Kim, Po-Ok 한국문헌정보학회 2006 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        최근 세계 각 지역에서 지진과 태풍 및 쓰나미와 같은 각종 재난과 재해에 관한 뉴스가 보도되는 가운데 우리나라에서도 역시 지진이나 테러 등의 영역에서 자유롭지 못한 것으로 여겨진다. 도서관 역시 많은 이용자가 출입하는 장소로 각종 재난의 대책을 미리 준비하여야할 기관이다. 이에 연구자는 서울. 대전, 전북지역의 공공도서관 75곳을 대상으로 비상시 재난대책에 관한 현 실정을 분석하였다. 각 도서관마다 재난의 유형별 발생 원인과 복구방안 등을 검토하였고, 도서관 운영 중 재난관리상의 요소와 시설 및 장비요구 인적담당요원의 고용과 배정실태 및 이용자를 위한 안전강좌의 시행과 교육방법등 4가지요소를 기초로 면밀히 조사 분석하였다. 검토 후 각 요소별에 따른 문제점 분석과 함께 그 해결방안 및 미래 재난대책을 위한 개선점과 제안점 등을 정리하였다. Recently, there have been a number of news reports on natural disasters, like earthquakes. typhoons, floods and tsunami, all over the world. Korea does not seem to be safe from such disasters or terror threats. As places with high numbers of visitors. libraries need to take preventive measures to be prepared for such disasters and threats. This paper analyzes the current status of emergency measures adopted by 75 public libraries in Seoul. Daejeon and Jeonbuk in Korea. For each library surveyed. the causes of and ways to recover from disasters were reviewed and detailed analyses were carried out in low areas: Implementation of preventive measures disaster management and equipment, status of human resources and assignment of people to disaster recovery, safety courses offered to library users and training methods. In addition, each area was analyzed in regard to possible solutions and ideas for improvement, as well as suggestions to upgrade disaster recovery systems in the future.

      • KCI등재

        광복이후 한국 공공도서관사 연구 -일제하 공공도서관제도의 영향을 중심으로-

        김포옥,Kim Po Ok 한국문헌정보학회 1991 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.20 No.-

        The study has tried to analize and appraise how did public library system under the Japanese imperialism affect the establishment and managemant of Korean public libraries. To achieve the purpose of the above-mentioned study, the contents of $\ulcorner$Japanese library statute$\lrcorner$ under Japanese imperialism and the current $\ulcorner$Korean library law$\lrcorner$ have been mutually compared, at the same time, the vestiage of Japanese imperialism in view of the establishment, personnel administration and reading systems have been concretely investigated, analyzed and compared. The conclusions obtained from the above are as followings. 1. In those days of the Korean Liberation, the situation of Korean public libraries was such as it under the Japanese rule and so, their names were only changed. However, as a part of its independent activities, the national library have once carried out the various programs such as the training of professional librarians, the establishment of the new classification schedule and the chief Librarian and deputy Librarian from the professional librarians in the office regulations, and they were well worth being the good examples for today's Korean library circle. Though the Goverment of the Republic of Korea had been formally established, the situation of the library circle was very dull owing to the Korean war for a long time. In 1963, $\ulcorner$The Korean library law$\lrcorner$ was promulgated, but the establishment of public libraries did not give satisfactory results because of the institutional fragility. In the 1980's the importance of library was embossed from the viewpoint of life-long education and the number of libraries was increased. However, there were still the remaining vestiges of Japanese library system in the practical library services. 2. After the Korean Liberation, the influnces of public library system under the Japanese imperialism showed in the office regulation of national library and the Korea library Law were also in the legal mechanism. In particular, the regulations of $\ulcorner$The staff-member of public library$\lrcorner$ and $\ulcorner$Admission fee of public library$\lrcorner$ including the chief librarian have referred to the library system under the Japanese imperialism since the liberation day to date. 3. At that time of the Korean Liberation, the U.S.Military Government Office had decided that the public library administration should be attached to the administration of local and internal affairs in accordance with the Japanese administative system. As a result, the public libraries had been forced to be indirectly affected by public library system under the Japanese imperialism for twenty years since the Liberation. 4. Since the Liberation, the personnel adminstration of public library has been so far on the steps of model under the Japanese imperialism. As the result of the field survey, the position standards of local chief librarians, non-professional character, the extra post system and the preponderant appointment of non-professional offices have analyzed by the influence of Public library system under the Japanese imperialism. Therefore, the Government authorities-concerned must readjust the standards of qualification and the divided duties corresponding to the position of public library staff members and to stipulate expressly in the revised library law. In addition, the regulation of the admission fee should be also actively detected for the free adminssion of library users. 5. Since the Liberation Day, the reading methods of public library have been so far similar to reading method under the Japaness imperialism. For example, the admission fee levied, the complicated procedures of using books including entrance and exit of a library, no-admission system, the limited lending books, the deposit system of outdoor lending books and the suret

      • KCI등재

        데이터세트 기록물의 기술요소에 관한 연구

        김포옥,윤수영,Kim, Po-Ok,Yun, Soo-Young 한국비블리아학회 2007 한국비블리아학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        With the rapid spread of the practice of collecting and treating data by using a data base system, it's increasingly more critical to approach data sets in the same manner as general records in the collection, evaluation, preservation, and utilization process. Despite the importance, however, the interest level in data sets in Korea's records management is very low. In order to suggest basic items to regard data sets as records and manage them systematically, this study examined the descriptive elements of data set records. descriptive elements of data set records were suggested by comparing and analyzing those ones adopted by the agencies that regarded data sets as records and provided the concerned service as well as the descriptive rules of electronic records set by the advanced nations in records management based on the descriptive areas of ISAD(G).

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        도서관 저작권보상에 대한 집단인식 비교연구

        김포옥,이진숙,Kim, Po-Ok,Lee, Jin-Suk 한국과학기술정보연구원 과학기술정보센터 2004 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Vol.35 No.3

        본 연구는 도서관이라는 공간 내에서 저작권법이 적용되는 범위와 지적재산권의 제한사항이 어떻게 인식되고 실행되어지는가를 연구하고자 하였다. 특히 최근 이용이 활발해지고 있는 디지털 원문 자료를 중심으로 이용자들의 원문 자료의 이용실태를 통해서 저촉성에 관한 관심이 어떻게 나타나는가를 저자집단과 사서 및 이용자등의 3개 집단으로 나누어 분석조사 하였다. 그리고 각각의 집단별로 저작권법의 인식도가 어떻게 나타나는가를 상관 분석하였다. 아울러 조사과정상에서 나타나는 문제점과 그에 따른 해결방안을 제시하여, 미래 우리사회의 저작권법에 대한 인식의 저변확대를 위한 참고자료로서 제공하고자 하였다. This study, considering the many disputes in today's society centered around copyrights, aimed at analyzing and investigating the scope of application for copyright laws in library, whether where is a reach or not, and also the procedures and cognitive degrees in copying and transmission of copyrights materials. Especially the usage of the digital resources built by major domestic libraries have been looked at, and how they reveal the cognitive degree of copyright laws toward various social stratums have been analyzed. Research subjects in each social stratum were firstly classified, which centered around university library users, authors as well as librarians in each university library public access post, then the difference of understanding toward copyright laws between each of these 3 groups was analyzed, and also at the same time the problems in usage authorization procedures of copyrighted materials in library were analyzed. so that the solutions to such problems can be found.

      • KCI등재

        일제하의 공공도서관에 관한 연구

        김포옥,Kim Po Ok 한국문헌정보학회 1979 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        The Purpose of this study is analyzed that (l) How the public Libraries under the Japanese Rule since the end of the Yi-Dynasty were recepted and generated by the people and (2) How they were organiged and managed. (3) Also it examined that how they affected the development of the libraries of today. 1. The following are the analyzed results: Three types of the public Libraries under the Japanese Rule for a period of 36 years engaged busily in colonization were Private's Public Libraries, Local Self-Government's Libraries and the Central Governmental Libraries, and were in order established. 2. They were eatablished by individuals, Confucian School Foundation, Young Men's Clubs, School Associations, Korean brethren residing abroad, or The Press Centering around the Local Self-Governments and the Japanese Government-General. 3. In 1932 of the period of the Japanese Rule, the number of Libraies gained the summit and reached 80 Libraries. The Public Libraries including the Central Governmental Libraries remained in existence until the end of the War had been kept up the functions of the Libraries, but the Private Libraries operated by the Koreans were very small and poor. As a result, most of them were closed up and some Libraries transferred their controls to the public. Until the end of the war, only a little over 10 Private Libraries were Kept up. From the aspects of it's organization system, the most of their libraries replaced their chief librarians with non-professional county-headmen or Local supporters. From the aspect of collections, they wate mainly consists of Japanese books for the proper quidance of the public thought based on the ideology of Japanese Rule to Korea and on the industrial promotion rather than books about Koreanology or Western books. At that time, the Library users were with the jobless men and students as the central figures. And the next ranking by the social position of readers was children, farmers, merchants, industrialists, public servants, miscellaneous and educators. Their reading tendencies laid stress on linguistics and literature, physical sciences and medicine, While the reading trend of military sciences and medicine, while the reading trend of military sciences and engineering were very inactive. This was because the Japanese Government-General had not kept the military collections on file. Besides, they were reluctant to make Korean's learn the professional knowledge and so the main reference materials of technology not provited. Most of the Libraries put practiced in circulation services were very important circulation in withinder of the reading room rather than in outside of the Library building. On the other hand, their circulation services has above came with many limitations. As stated above, the public Libraries' managements and activitives under the period of Japanese Rule were the way and means to achive the colonial and imperialistic purpose of the Japanese Empire.

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