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      • KCI등재후보

        기독교와 인성(人性)

        김충만(Kim, Chung-Man) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2016 인문학논총 Vol.40 No.-

        경성대학교는 기독교 정신을 건학이념으로 세운 기독교 대학이다. 따라서 경성대학교가 인성(人性)을 갖춘 지성인을 양성한다고 할 때 이는 기독교적 인성을 함양한 자로 교육한다는 것을 뜻한다. 그럼 기독교(성경, 하나님)가 목표하는 인성은 무엇인가? 그리고 이를 어떻게 성취할 것인가? 이를 위해 먼저 2장에서 기독교와 성경의 인간론을 살폈다. 기독교가 지향하는 인간은 하나님의 형상으로 창조되었으나 죄로 말미암아 타락하여 하나님과 분리된 인간이다. 그런데 예수 그리스도의 십자가의 죽음과 부활을 통해 다시 회복되고 구원을 얻었고, 마침내 온전한 사람이 될수 있는 은혜를 입었다(에베소서 4:13-15). 하나님은 이를 성경을 통해 온전한 인성의 사람으로 만들어 가신다(디모데후서 3:15-17). 경성대학교가 채플(교목실)과 강의를 통해 성경을 가르치는 이유가 여기에 있다. 향후 경성대학교가 인성교육 특성화 대학으로 발돋움하기 위해 이를 3장에서 더 발전적으로 제안해 본다. KyungSung University(in the following as KSU) is a christian higher institute founded on the faith of Christianity. The emblem that signifies KSU is to fully equip students with genuine christian Gospel. What are then those perspectives sheer based on Christianity (or, if differently put, God and the Bible) and how can we at KSU maximizely implant the perspectives on students? For this purpose in mind, starting with the second chapter, I extensively explored the human nature viewed from christian and biblical points. The status of our human beings drawn from Christianity delineates is the dismal helplessness when the first mankinds revolted against the goodness of God. The image of God in which we were created was lost and broken relationship with God ensued. However, the vicarious death and resurrection of Jesus Christ made the lost image and broken relationship in and of us completely restored and guides us to grow up to "mature manhood" in Him (Ephesians 4:13-15 from ESV). By showing throughout the Bible, God completes "us in every good work"(2 Timothy 3:15-17). Biblically educating students at KSU in every good way is thus the very reason why KSU chaplain"s office and bible related lectures are readily available. In this sense, I want to make a further suggestion on the forseeable picture of KSU committed to building up students" sound character in the third chapter.

      • 동남참게 초기유생에 대한 생리 생태학적 연구

        김충만(Choong Man KIM),정규화(Gyu Hwa CHUNG),한창희(Chang Hee HAN) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1994 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        The present experiment was designed to obtain the adequate condition of temperature, daylength and salinity on the gonadal maturation of adult female, spawning and hatching of egg, and growth of larvae of the freshwater crab Eriocheir japonicus. Gonadal maturation was influenced by water temperature, but not daylength. GSI of female crabs more increased in experimental regime of 18℃ than that of 10℃ without regard to photoperiod conditions(12L/12D and 15L/9D). However, in both photoperiod conditions of 26℃ regime, GSIs were not changed, and vitellogenic oocytes were not observed. Spawning was considerably influenced by water temperature and salinity without regard to daylength. Vitellogenic female crabs did not spawn at 10℃ in any conditions of salinity. However, at 18℃ and 26℃, over a half of rearing female crabs spawned in condition of 30% sea water(salinity 9.6‰) and 60% sea water(salinity 19.2‰), while no spawned females appeared in freshwater condition(salinity 0.0‰). In 20% sea water(salinity 6.4‰) and less conditions, ovigerous female crabs removed eggs from the abdormal egg-chamber of one s own self before hatching out. However, all ovigerous female crabs hatched out in 40% sea water(salinity 12.8‰) and more conditions. Hatching rates were 33.3% and 83.3% in 40% sea water condition and in 60% and 80% sea water conditions, respectively. In experiment of effects on temperature on hatch out of eggs, hatching rates of eggs were 66.7% and 83.3% at 18℃ and 26℃, respectively. whereas, at 10℃ and 32℃ conditions, ovigerous females died or removed eggs before hatching out. In investigation of days required to hatch out from brooding time according to the water temperature, required days to hatch out were 28.0±1.7 days in 18℃ condition and 14.0±0.3 days in 26℃. In 20% sea water and less conditions, zoea larva died before metamorphosing to larvae of megalopha stage. However, in 40% sea water and more conditions, zoea larva metamorphosed to megalopha stage. Rates of metamorphosed zoea larva to megalopha stage were 32%, 44% and 48% in conditions of 40%, 60% and 80% sea water, respectively. Under rearing condition of 80% sea water, all of the first stage of zoea larva reared at 10℃ did not metamorphose to the second zoea stage and than died within 24 days. At 15℃, 16% of zoea larva metamorphosed to the fifth zoea stage. However, larva metamorphsing to meglaopha stage were observed from 20 and 14 days rearing at 20℃ and 26℃, respectively.

      • KCI등재후보

        하나님 나라 백성으로서의 교회(敎會)의 본질과 목적

        김충만(Kim, Chung-Man) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 인문학논총 Vol.44 No.-

        교회란 무엇인가? 교회에 대한 부정적인 시각이 팽배해 가고 있는 이 시점에 한국교회는 좀 더 깊이 자성하면서 예수 그리스도께서 인정하는 살아 있는 교회로의 회복을 위해 몸부림쳐야 한다. 이를 위해 가톨릭과 개신교 양 교회의 정의와 시발점에서부터 교회의 형성 과정에 이르기까지 비평적 고찰을 통해 교회의 본질과 존재이유를 주의 깊게 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 교회의 정의(定義)에 대하여 고찰한 다음(2장), 이어 3장에서 교회의 기원(起源), 4장에서 지상 교회의 출현(出現), 5장에서 교회와 하나님의 나라에 대해 살펴봄으로서 결론적으로 ‘교회는 예수 그리스도를 주님으로 고백하고 그리스도의 통치를 받는 하나님의 백성이다’라는 교회의 정의를 얻고, 하나님 나라 통치를 경험하고 확장하기 위해 존재하는 교회의 본질을 재확인하고자 한다. As more people are growing to view churches negatively, churches in Korea should take this threatening issue heartily both to answer for the challenge and to restore churches whose head is Jesus Christ. Having the two objectives in mind, I will critically examine the definition, grounding, and churches’ formation viewed from the Catholics and Protestants. Also the present perspective on the church proclaimed by both churches(Ⅱ), the origin of the Church (Ⅲ), the burgeoned earthly church(Ⅳ), and the Church and the Kingdom of God(Ⅴ) are further looked over. This thesis, I firmly believe, will lead to the definition and conclusion for the Church composed of the people of God confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord.

      • KCI등재

        저독성 접촉점화 추진제의 액주 충돌 실험에 대한 분석과 고찰

        김충만(Chungman Kim),강홍재(Hongjae Kang),이경환(Kyounghwan Lee),이종광(Jongkwang Lee) 한국추진공학회 2023 한국추진공학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        The research on low-toxic hypergolic propellants has increased since 2000. Many research groups have studied the evaluation methods of the ignition performance to develop low-toxic hypergolic propellants. Ignition performance could be evaluated through a drop test and a impinging jet test. The impinging jet test could simulate the actual rocket operation environment with simple experimental equipment. Combustion instability caused by the ignition methods could be observed in the impinging jet test. In this paper, We introduces various experimental methods for the impinging jet test and analyzes important results from previous studies.

      • KCI등재후보

        기독학교 교목의 정체성과 사역 비전

        김충만(Kim, Chung-Man) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 인문학논총 Vol.43 No.-

        경성대학교는 1955년 故 김길창 목사에 의해 ‘기독교 정신’으로 세워졌지만 건학 이념 보다는 대학의 성장과 발전이라는 현실적 목표를 추구해 왔다. 하지만 2014년에 경성채플과 기독교 정책과목들의 개설, 2015년에는 경성대학 교회를 설립하여 건학 이념 구현의 토대를 마련하였다. 본 논문 2-3장에서는 이러한 사명을 감당하는 교목의 정체성과 사역에 대한 문헌 연구와, 교목실 사역을 돌아보았다. 특별히 2016년 2학기 경성채플을 수강하는 692명(성별/ 남–274/39.6%, 여–398/57.5%, 무응답–20/2.9%, 종교별/ 기독교-108/15.6%, 천주교-35/5.1%, 불교-102/14.7%, 무교-440/63.6%, 기타-7/1%)을 대상으로 실시한 채플 평가와 만족도 분석을 통해 교목사역의 현재적 유의미성과 앞으로의 사역 비전을 제안한다. KyungSung University committed to ‘Christian Gospel’ was founded by the late reverend Gil Chang Kim in 1955. KyungSung has put more efforts on the highest standards of academic excellence over the last 60 years. Since 2014, several core classes focused on Christian Gospel were instituted through KS Chapel and Global KS. Celebrating 60th anniversary in 2015, KSU Church was officially dedicated to strengthen Christian Gospel and Campus Ministry. While treating in the 2nd and 3rd chapter of this paper, I introduce the office of KS Campus Chapel to answer for the identity and Christian ministry with further written studies. Particularly, I analyzed 692 students" questionaries of 2016 Second Semester (sex: male students 274 or 39.6%, female 398 or 57.5%, and none 20 or 2.9%; religion: Christians 108 or 15.6%, roman catholics 35 or 5.1%, buddhists 102 or 14.7%, atheists 440 or 63.6%, and none 7 or 1%). By this way, I want to suggest the present significance of and future tasks of Christian schools" campus chaplain ministry.

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