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        한국교회의 교회개척 형태의 변화에 관한 연구

        김주덕(Kim, Ju-duk) 한국선교신학회 2008 선교신학 Vol.17 No.-

        Since the introduction of Christianity in Korea, there has been a remarkable growth in the number of church members, despite its short history in the country. Subsequently, numerous churches have been and still are being founded in Korea, most of them being relatively new. Nevertheless, theological research conducted on the issue of ‘Church Planting’ has been not very fruitful. However, Peter Wagner began teaching about ‘Church Planting’ at the Fuller Theological Seminary in the USA from the end of the 1970s, which influenced Korean scholars in Korea. Due to his influence, many Korean scholars also started to study the topic of ‘Church Planting’ in Korea since the 1990s. Fortunately, since then, many Korean scholars have studied ‘Church Planting‘ in varieties of diverse ways in order to make the Korean Church stronger. When I look at context of the Korean Church nowadays, I get the impression that the foundation of new churches will carry on continuously. Moreover, ‘Church Planting’ has to occur throughout time, for the completion of the mission which was given to us by Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is my hope that theological research on ‘Church Planting‘ would continue to grow and become more successful in the future. In my study, I will research the relationship of the development of churches throughout time, from when they were first set up. My research will give good directions in order to create a strong church heading, thus be useful to show how to set up a strong, new church in Korea. First of all, in my study, I studied the meaning and necessity of ‘Church Planting’ in the Korean Church in Chapter II, followed by the introduction in Chapter I. I divided the form of ‘Church Planting’ in the Korean Church from the subject of church planting in Chapter III. In chapter IV, I subdivided the four forms of ‘Church Planting’ through each of the times, and I looked at the diverse characteristics of ‘Church Planting’ in the history of the Korean Church.

      • KCI등재

        한국교회 분쟁의 요인 분석

        김주덕(Kim Ju-Duk) 한국기독교역사연구소 2007 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.27 No.-

        가장 이상적인 교회와 신학은 어떤 관계여야 할까? 교회는 현실의 실제적인 삶의 문제와 함께 그 시대의 문화 속에서 존재할 수밖에 없을 것이다. 아니 그리할때 교회는 생명력을 잃지 않게 되고 그 시대 속에서 참된 존재 의미를 발견할 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 신학은 이와는 조금은 다르다. 적어도 신학은 교회와는 달리 실제적인 삶의 현실에 기반을 두어야만 하고 그 시대의 문제만을 연구의 대상으로 삼아야 하는 것은 아니기 때문이다. 그러면 과연 교회와 신학의 관계는 어떠하여야 하는 것인가? 1992년 기독교 대한 감리회에서 하나의 충격적인 사건이 발생하게 되었다. 한국신학의 토착화를 도모하고, 한국적 신학을 이루기 위해 새로운 신학적 해석을 꾀하던 두 신학자가 종교재판을 통해 교단으로부터 출교를 선고받고, 교수직을 박탈 당하게 된 것이었다. 이 사건은 감리교회뿐 아니라 한국교계의 커다란 충격으로 다가왔다. 이 글에서는 1992년의 종교재판을 간략하게 역사적인 방법과 신학적인 방법으로 분석하고 평가해 보고자 한다. 이는 교회와 신학이 대립하게 된 역사적인 원인과 신학적인 원인을 찾아봄으로써 한국교회와 신학이 대립과 다툼의 관계를 극복하고 이상적인 관계를 형성해 나갈 수 있는 길을 찾아보고자 하는 것이다. 또한 이는 앞으로 일선 현장에서 선교를 담당하고 있는 각 개 교회 목회자와 교권의 지도자들로부터도 인정받는 한국적 신학을 형성하기 위해 신학이 나아가야 할 방향을 찾는데 중요한 자료가 될 것이다. What is the ideal relation between the Church and theology? The Church should exist in the present and in the realistic, practical life of people. If the Church is not interested in the actual practical situations of people, the life of the Church will fade away. However, theology is different; it is not necessarily always based on practical life and present time. In the Korean Methodist Church, there was a major conflict between the Church and theology in 1992. When two theologians made an effort to establish an indigenous Korean theology, Church leaders expelled them after a religious trial. The Church leaders would not accept the theologies which were insisted on by ordained Methodist theologians in the Korean Methodist Church. In this study, using historical and theological methods, I analyze and criticize the conflicts between the Church and theology in Korean Church history. In particular, I will focus on the event of the religious trial in the Korean Methodist Church in 1992. The historical causes and theological issues of the religious trial will be examined in depth. It is intended to introduce a study of the formation of the Korean Church and the development of indigenous Korean theology. Also, it is meant to be a basic source whereby to solve the conflicts and to develop the relationship between the Church and theology in the Korean context. In addition, it is hoped that it can contribute to the establishment of an indigenous Korean theology supported by local churches and church leaders.

      • KCI등재

        에딘버러 선교사 대회와 아시아

        김주덕(Kim,Ju-duk) 한국기독교학회 선교신학회 2010 선교신학 Vol.24 No.-

        The World Missionary Conference of Edinburgh 1910 exerted a wide and profound influence, awakening large expectations. For not only by Asian delegates presence but by their frequent contributions to the debates, they gave final proof that the Christian religion is now rooted in all those great countries of the Orient and the South. Edinburgh was the most representative conference ever held to consider the problems involved in the World wide expansion of Christianity. Through reports and discussions of its eight commissions with well organized subjects, it has helped and reflected the era of new missionary motives and questions. Furthermore, the International Missionary Council, which formed officially in 1921, can be originally traced to Edinburgh 1910. In this study, I have tried to clarify the contributions of Asians who participated the conference. Through their presentations and active participation in the conference, a brave and daring minority from Asia spoke of missionary failure against the affluent optimism of the Western World. Most of the delegates from Western nations had probably never heard such critical challenges and comments before. Most of all, I have studied the influence of the missionary conferences held in Asia on the Edinburgh Missionary Conference of 1910. I have researched the contributions of Asians to the conference through their active participation. Finally, I have estimated the overall value of Asian contribution to the Edinburgh Missionary Conference in 1910.

      • KCI등재

        이용도 목사의 교회갱신의 선교신학

        김주덕(Kim, Ju-duk) 한국선교신학회 2008 선교신학 Vol.19 No.-

        In the 1930s, new theologians who studied abroad, due to Japan’s cultural policy of the 1920s, wanted to recognize the Bible and theology of their own subjective opinion, and get out of the fundamental conversation of theology of the early Western missionaries. It caused a debate between Conservative and Progressive theology in the early churches in Korea. Through the “Hypothesis of Moses Copyright negation” and “Problem of the Interpretation of Women’s Rights”, which were condemned issues by Presbyterians in 1934, and also the “Abingdon Bible Commentary Incident in 1935”; early Korean church leaders, pastors, and even missionaries, who were educated by Conservative western missionaries, judged the change of the new theologians’ view. Pastor Sun Joo Kil, a leader of the “Pyong Yang Revival Movement” which was initiated by Missionary Hady in 1907, held his Bible crusades, and his successful spiritual revival movement kept until 1910. After him, Pastor Ik Doo Kim started the Healing Crusade, as a new step of the spiritual revival movement in 1920. There was also another man who wanted to revive the Korean church, based on the contemporary churches. He tried to reform the churches, not to be conservative but to be focused on spiritual approaches. His name was pastor Yong Do Lee. Unfortunately, Pastor Yong Do Lee’s Shimuyan, works were only recorded for five years from 1928 to 1933. He died when he was only 33. In spite of his short life, the Korean Churches were influenced greatly and changed by him. He was also thought as an enthusiastic and mystic theologian, and also even a preacher who had the element of heresy. The main theme of this thesis focuses on the renewal missions of today's Korean Churches based on Pastor Yong Do Lee’s works for renovating them. This research guides and provides the material to find out a certain way to build up the revival of the Korean Churches’ growth and advance.

      • KCI등재

        선교적 교회 목회자 만들기

        김주덕(Kim, Ju-duk) 한국선교신학회 2010 선교신학 Vol.25 No.-

        Despite the Korean Church' s short history , it prided itself on having 23 of the 50 biggest churched worldwide, as well 25% of the population being Christians. Furthermore, according to a report published in 200 9 by the Korean World Missionaries Association (KWMA), 20,84 0 Korean missionaries were sent to 169 countries in th at year. The report also mentioned the annual II. 5% increase of 1,736 Korean missionaries over the last 5 years . However, the numbers of the Korean Church have been decreasing steadily since The 1990s, losing its influence on Korean society. It is therefore strange, that whilst the domestic Korean Church IS losing its stature, The numbers of Korean missionaries arc soaring. Is it possible to overcome this crisis concerning the Kore an Church ? Can a way of resolving These problems be found? In this article, 1 will try to find the significant reasons behind the crisis as well as an answer and a way to resolve the situation facing the Korean Church , through looking at the early churches in the Bible. The meaning of the missional church through published writings will also be looked at. Finally, a way to train pastors of The current Korean Church in order to establish a missional church will be suggested. Firstly, on how theological seminary education should be changed, secondly, the need to g ive pastors permission to pastor s to work for to earn a keep to support Their daily life and lastly, the need for a change in The mind-set of The pastors. Consequently, The establishment of a missional church and The training of pastors could contribute to the growth of the Korean Church.

      • KCI등재

        한국교회 분쟁의 형태 변화에 관한 선교적 고찰

        김주덕(Kim, Ju-duk) 한국선교신학회 2010 선교신학 Vol.23 No.-

        It could be said that the Korean Church has improved through continuous diverse debates and division in its history. The debate in Korean Church history has begun after missionaries who came in early Korean Church history, so that it became different denominations. It my theses, I will study the diverse debate forms in the history of the Korean Church. For this, I will divide the Korean Church history in several periods according to the most important events. The first period is the 1910's in this period the Korean Church was established. The second period is 1930's, where there was theological debate between conservative theologies and liberal theologies. The third period is 1950's, when the Korean Presbyterian Church began to divide. The fourth period is 1970's: in this period there was a lot of debate over indigenization and 'Minjung' theology and also the conservative theology which made the churches grow. The final period is 1990's, in this period, conservative theologians and church leaders made super-size churches expel two liberal theologians who tried to establish the Korean theology in a Korean context. In my thesis, I will study the debate forms of each period and transitional phases in Korean Church history. It would not be possible, of course, to study all the denominations of the Korean Church. Therefore, I will research the Korean Methodist Church and the Korean Presbyterian Church, as the Korean Methodist Church has been in existence since the arrival of early missionaries who first came to Korea and also the Korean Presbyterian Church which has been most divided of the different denominations in Korean Church history. It could be helpful to find the new way of mission for unity and forgiveness in Korean church history.

      • KCI등재후보

        반영구화장 후처치 방법에 따른 워터베이스 착색도에 대한 연구

        권선미(Sun-Mi Kwon),김주덕(Ju-Duk Kim) 한국화장품미용학회 2021 한국화장품미용학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        Since semi-permanent makeup is able to shorten makeup time and make makeup look natural, there has been a rising interest in the cosmetic technique. However, it has been difficult to find an in-depth study on the degree of pigmentation, which has an influence on semi-permanent makeup sustainability. In addition, there have not been enough data to measure the degree and changes of pigmentation according to the post-treatment. Therefore, this study attempted to suggest objective data through color measurement according to the post-treatment method which can enhance pigmentation efficiency and shorten the treatment time. To compare post-treatment methods having an effect on the pigmentation of semi-permanent makeup, the pigmentation level of pig skin to which semi-permanent makeup was applied was measured, using a spectrophotometer. The collected data were analyzed, using SPSS WIN 25.0. In terms of analysis techniques, brown color was applied according to the post-treatment method and time of semi-permanent makeup. Then, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was implemented to examine L*, a* and b* of pig skin, and the results found the followings: In brown color, L* was the highest with 27.48 at 3-minute non-tapping and the lowest with 24.46 at 3-minute non-tapping. In terms of L*, 3-minute non-tapping was the highest. Regarding a post-treatment method, non-tapping revealed the lowest pigmentation while tapping was the highest. In semi-permanent, post-treatment methods, tapping on a target area was effective in enhancing a pigmentation level. The time settings (3 min., 6 min., 6 min.) were not absolute values but tendency. This study derived quantitative data on the post-treatment method of semi-permanent makeup and aimed to provide the highest post-treatment methodological information through an empirical study. However, it is obvious that there are differences between human skin and pig skin. Hence, there should be further studies on such improvements.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        최승희의 무대 분장과 색조화장의 비교분석에 관한 연구 -1930∼40년대를 중심으로-

        김지은(Ji-Eun Kim),김주덕(Ju-Duk Kim) 한국화장품미용학회 2021 한국화장품미용학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        Based on Choi Seung-hees world of work, this study analyzed the characteristics of stage makeup, an important language that represents the artists worldview and the mission of the times, and examined differences from everyday makeup. In Analysis I, research was conducted focusing on Japanese colonial era activities at home and abroad during the first half of his activities, and in Analysis II, his activities in North Korea after liberation. The world of Choi Seung-hees work, which emphasized harmony of good, colorful colors, and static beauty through inheritance and transformation of tradition, is also shown in various ways through the characteristic aspects of stage makeup. The characteristic aspect of modern dance makeup, which is the main feature of the early stage, embraces much of the characteristic aspects of Japanese kabuki. However, Choi Seung-hees world of work was reinterpreted based on the unique traditional dance of Asian countries, so the sculptural features were slightly different in stage makeup depending on the theme. Choi Seung-hees fashion and makeup methods, which were admired as a trend symbol in Japan as well as Joseon, seem to have been influenced by Western makeup methods. However, for new women, makeup was an expression of ones willingness to reject patriarchal practices and function as an independent person and a member of society, so Choi Seung-hees makeup was more than just a pursuit of beauty.

      • KCI등재

        홍삼추출물에 의한 유전독성 감소효과(Ⅱ) - 배양 NIH3T3 세포에서 MMS에 의한 유전독성의 감소에 미치는 홍삼추출물 처리효과

        차재영 ( Jae Young Cha ),유병수 ( Byung Soo Ryu ),조철오 ( Cheol O Joe ),김인호 ( In Ho Kim ),박민우 ( Min Woo Park ),황계훈 ( Jae Hoon Hwang ),김주덕 ( Ju Duk Kim ),박종군 ( Jong Kun Park ) 대한화장품학회 1998 대한화장품학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        알킬화제인 MMS에 의한 유전독성의 감소에 미치는 홍삼추출물의 영향을 배양 NIH3T3 세포계에서 분석하였다. ImM의 MMS를 30분 간 처리한 후 정상 배지에서 배양한 시간간격에 따라 세포의 생존를은 증가하였는데 홍삼추출물이 함유된 배지에서 배양한 경우는 약 17%정도 증가한 생존률을 보였다. MMS 처리 후 감소된 DNA 복제가 정상배지 배양시간에 따라 증가하는 정도도 홍삼추출물을 후처리 할 경우 현저한 증가를 보였다. MMS 상해를 회복하기 위한 절제회복능은 홍삼추출물을 처리할 경우 유의미한 증가를 보였다. 이러한 절제회복과정중 효소에 의한 절제단계가 홍삼추출물 처리에 의해 활성화됨을 단사절단 분석을 통하여 규명하였다. 자외선 상해의 경우와 비해서 MMS 상해의 절제단계를 활성화하는 홍삼의 효과는 약간 떨어지는 것으로 보이나, MMS 상해회복의 전과정에 대한 홍삼의 효과는 자외선 의 경우와 유사하였으며, MMS 상해에 의한 DNA 복제억제의 완화나 세포생존률은 자외선의 그것들보다 홍삼에 의해 더 증가된 측면을 보였다. 이 상의 결과는 홍삼추출물이 MMS 상해의 절제회복에 유의미한 증가를 보이며 따라서 유전독성을 감소시키는 항노화제로써 사용할 수 있음을 시사한다. We have studied the effects of red ginseng root extract on the decrease of MMS-induced genotoxicity in cultured NIH3T3 cells. The increase in survival and the recovery from DNA synthesis inhibition in MMS-treated cells as a funtion of normal medium incubation time was potentiated, at a rate higher than those in UV-irradiated cells, by the presence of the ginseng extract. The extract also increased the MMS-induced excision repair as determined by unscheduled DNA synthesis. The amount of MMS-induced DNA single strand breaks that are accumulated by polymerase inhibitors was increased, but at a rate lower rate than in UV-induced strand break, by the presence of the extract. These results suggest that the red ginseng extract increase MMS-induced repair and could be used as a reagent for protecting alkylating agent-induced genotoxicity and cytotoxicity.

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