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        테르모퓔라이 전투에 투영된 스파르타 군인정신

        김정필(Kim, Jung-pil) 국방정신전력원 2019 정신전력연구 Vol.0 No.59

        테르모퓔라이 전투에서 크세르크세스 대왕이 이끌었던 페르시아 군대는 압도적인 수적 우세에도 불구하고, 레오니다스 왕이 지휘했던 300인의 용맹한 스파르타 전사들에게 큰 치욕을 당했다. 비록 스파르타 군이 테르모퓔라이 전투에서 완패했지만, 페르시아는 그리스 징벌이라는 전쟁목표를 달성하기 위해 값비싼 대가를 치러야 했다. 이 연구의 목적은 테르모퓔라이 전투에서 스파르타군이 보여준 강인한 정신력의 실체를 살펴보고, 이 정신력이 어디서 비롯된 것인지를 분석해 보는 것이다. 연구결과 스파르타 군인들이 강한 정신을 발휘할 수 있었던 것은 첫째, 사회적 영향 요인이 크게 작용했다. 스파르타는 수시로 반란을 꾀했던 헤일로테스들을 잘 다스려 안정적인 사회를 유지하기 위해 부와 권력이 집중되지 않은 평등한 사회, 싸워 이길 힘이 있고, 온 시민이 일치단결된 국가 및 군사조직을 갖추었다. 이처럼 안정된 사회를 바탕으로 스파르타 지배층은 강인한 정신을 소유한 스파르타 시민을 양성하는데 온 사회적 역량을 쏟아 부울 수 있었다. 둘째, 정치·경제적 요인이 한 몫을 했다. 스파르타는 어느 누구도 독점적 권력을 휘두르지 못하도록 철저하게 견제와 균형을 유지하는 정치체제와 국가가 경제적 삶을 책임지는 경제체제 하에서 스파르타인들은 강인한 정신력을 소유하게 되었다. 셋째, 무엇보다도 국가교육제도가 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. 모든 스파르타 남자는 국가주도의 체계적인 교육을 받고 자랐다. 교육의 목표는 국가에 대한 무조건적 충성심과 복종심, 어떤 악조건에서도 견딜 수 있는 인내심, 전쟁에서 기꺼이 목숨을 바칠 수 있는 용기를 지닌 강인한 전사를 키우는 것이었다. 이처럼 국가주도의 공교육을 통해 스파르타 사람들은 정신적으로나 육체적으로 강인한 전사로 재탄생할 수 있었던 것이다. The purpose of this study is to examine the Spartan military spirit shown in the battle of Thermopylae, and to analyze the factors that allowed the Spartan to exert their unyielding spirit. The research shows that Spartan soldiers were able to exert their strong spirit in the following reasons. First, social influences played a major role. Sparta was an equal society that had the power to fight and win. Based on this stable society, the Spartan ruling class was able to devote all its social capability to educate and train its citizens with strong spirits. Second, political and economic factors played a part. Sparta had a stable political system that kept thorough checks and balances to prevent anyone from wielding monopoly power. The Spartan lived a very ascetic life, seeking austerity and equality throughout their lives. The Spartan who grew up in this political and economic environment naturally acquired a strong spiritual power. Third, the national education system had a great impact. All Spartan men entered a public school called Agoge at the age of 7 and received 12 years of physical and mental training. Thus, through the stateled educational system, the Spartan were reborn as a strong warrior.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        프린팅기법을 이용한 하이글로시가구에 대한 연구

        김정필(Kim Jung - Pil) 한국조형디자인학회 2009 조형디자인연구 Vol.12 No.1

        In Korea, the furniture industry has developed since early times because of its local characteristics. Until the Goryeo period, stand-up living style and furniture were used due to an influence of China, but as sedentary living style was adopted in the Joseon period, structures of all the furniture were changed accordingly. However, in modern society, as western lifestyles were introduced and sedentary lifestyle was preferred because its convenience, the types of furniture changed a lot. However, as academic circles or industries relating to furniture imitate western furniture or import it insensibly rather than adapting it to our life and tradition, our furniture is losing its characteristics and furniture industry is falling down to the level of imitating products from other countries. As this society is globalized with similar human bodies or life styles, the styles of furniture are becoming similar. However, in an aspect of design, production of furniture with regional or industrial features can brings competitive power to furniture industry, but imitation only causes us to keep following advanced countries or industries. In addition, modern society is different from the time when wood, a natural material, was mainly used to make furniture. As new materials such as metal, fabric and plastic or new technologies and techniques to process them are developed, the aspect of furniture industry is rapidly changing. Customers continue to prefer wood furniture. To meet the needs of customers, many vinyl products were developed, but they did not satisfy our tactile sense or emotion though they had visual similarity. In this situation, we need further studies on how furniture can satisfy the needs of customers and have competitive power in furniture industries. To improve this present situation that collection of material lumber is limited for natural protection and we have more consumption than production of lumber, we should change the way we have used lumber so far. We should develop techniques to process and ornament plywood or M.D.F materials to make characteristics furniture of our own, which will contribute to formation of a new tradition of furniture making. So to overcome the disadvantages in the exterior of plywood or the materials of M.D.F, it is suggested that coating techniques should be developed. There are many coating techniques, but as durability of color-coated exterior is lacking though it looks beautiful, its disadvantages are exposed over time and it is suitable for furniture which is cheap or is only used for short period, but inappropriate for more elegant and durable furniture. To overcome such disadvantage, as our ancestors added Korean traditional paper to wooden furniture, we have developed a technique that decal comania is printed on acrylic fiber to decorate and protect the exterior of M.D.F. With this technique, we can make beautiful decorations of furniture which seems to be made of more elegant materials though furniture is made of M.D.F.

      • KCI등재

        한중 유의 한자어의 어순구조와 동의성 비교분석

        김정필(Kim, Jeong-Pil) 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.45

        In Korean, there are a number of Chinese character languages of similar type which have a same shape like Chinese vocabulary by using Chinese character from ancient times. However, because it is used in different circumstance for a long time, the meaning categories do not correspond each other among similar type words or Chinese character languages of reverse word order structure are often used as synonym. This diachronic meaning change of Chinese character language can be misunderstood or wrong expression in mutual education and learning process of Korean and Chinese. Moreover, it can compare wrongly the mutual synonymous relation or it can be used as wrong translation word in the comparison research of Korean-Chinese vocabulary. For example, Chinese ‘回答’ is translated into Korean ‘대답하다(Answer:对答)’ and Korean similar type word ‘Reply(회답:回答)’ is translated into Chinese ‘回信’. In additional, various reverse-order translation words are used like ‘介绍’ : ‘Introduction(소개:紹介)’, ‘盗窃’ : ‘Theft(절도:竊盗)’, ‘达到’ : ‘Reaching(도달:到達)’, ‘缩短’ : ‘Shortening(단축:短縮)’, ‘替代’ : ‘Replacement대체:代替) in translation process of Chinese-Korean.

      • KCI등재
      • 중국어 유사(범주) 개사의 변별 모형 분석

        김정필(Kim, Jeong-Pil) 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2018 No.10

        In the paper, first looked at the schematisation of ‘朝-往-向’ and ‘从-到’, which can be considered as ‘The move diagram’. Again, the similarities between "朝" and "从", "向" and " 到" are summarized centering on the differences. Although it is doubtful whether we can simply compare "朝" and "从", "向" and "到" on a uniform basis, it is still generally similar in terms of the contrast between "origin" and "end". First of all, if you look at the difference, The "direction" towards the end of "朝" only suggests "abstract mobility" such as the movement of the line of sight, but the object of "朝" is not directly related to the movement of the object. In contrast, "从" implies a strong mobility and arriving at the end of the journey at the same time as the start.

      • 중국어 방위사의 공간좌표와 인지초점

        김정필(KIM, Jeong Pil) 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2017 No.7

        When a speaker wants to provide location information of a target to a listener, it provides spatial information through a certain coordinate, a target point, and a starting point, a process, and an end point indicating a linear directional relationship do. In the Chinese language, a person or a directional word is often used as a main type mark for providing location information of an object. In addition to objective information, a cognitive focus of a speaker and a listener acts between coordinates and a target point. In other words, the position of the target object expressed by the directional director appears to be discord from each other in the coordinate and directional relationship, which shows that the speaker(or listener) is intervening between the coordinate and the target. Therefore, the article examines the direction indicated by localizers and the cognitive focus indicated confrontation each other in directional relationship between coordinate and target.


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