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      • KCI등재

        논문 : 이범석(李範奭)을 모델로 한 백화문 작품의 한국어 번역본

        김재욱 ( Jae Ug Kim ) 중국어문학회 2014 中國語文學誌 Vol.48 No.-

        This study examined the bibliographical information and general characteristics of Korean translation version of 5 written colloquialChinese works with Yi Beom Seok as its model (《韓國的憤怒》·<騎士的哀怨>·<露西亞之戀>·《北極風情畵》·<伽椰>). In chapter 2, the studyfigured out that there are several more translated versions of 《韓國的憤怒》which included 《Hyeoljeon》,<Cheongsanriui Gyeokjeon>(abbreviatedversion), <Cheongsanriui Hangjeon>and <Cheongsanriui Hyeoljeon>. Inchapter 3, the study examined the publishing process of short novelcollection 《露西亞之戀》which was serialized in 《Kukjesinmun》andpublished as a monologue under the title of 《Bangrangui Jeongyeol》, andalso figured out that <Aema ‘Mujeon’>and <Bulgaui Hyangsu>publishedin 《Wudungbul》were adapted versions. And, chapter 4 examinedpublication status of 2 abbreviated versions besides the translatedversion of 《北極風情畵》, another version of the translation by KimGwnagju, and translated version of <伽椰>which was part of 《荒漠裏的人》. The researcher found that the translated versions mentioned in thisstudy were distributed in Korea under the author name Yi Beom Seokexcept for 1 version. Yi Beom Seok was a prominent figure in politicswho served the chief of staff at the independence army, the first primeminister and the minister of defense of Korea. It is a matter of coursethat if works where he was the main character are distributeddomestically, the effect of those works could not remain in thearea ofliterature. As the study partially confirmed, while there were somedifferences in the translation period of the written colloquialChineseworks on him, those works apparently contributed to reinforce hispolitical status, and in turn, it had no less effect on the Korean societyfor rather long term. This is the most significant point of translationversions with Yi Beom Seok as the model among general Chinese modernliterary works distributed in Korea after the liberation of thecountry. The researcher did not conduct sufficient discussion why those works were published under the author Yi Beom Seok. From the researcher’spoint of view, this issue must be dealt carefully as it is a special type onthe contemporary literary exchange between Korea and China. Regardingthis issue, a further study will be carried out in the follow-up next <Astudy on Yi Beom Seom’s 《Wudungbul》while examining the literarysignificance of 《Wudungbul》, the memoir of Yi Beom Seok.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        세포성 혈관지방종

        김재욱 ( Kim Jae Ug ),이지범 ( Lee Ji Beom ),김성진 ( Kim Seong Jin ),이승철 ( Lee Seung Cheol ),원영호 ( Won Yeong Ho ) 대한피부과학회 2003 대한피부과학회지 Vol.41 No.8

        Cellular angiolipomas are benign fatty tumors that occur as multiple subcutaneous nodules on the extremities and trunks of young adults. Although clinically benign, they may occasionally mimic Kaposi`s sarcoma or pyogenic granuloma histologically. The most important distinguishing features are encapsulation, intravascular fibrin thrombi, septation, association with other more typical angiolipomas, and occurrence in healthy individuals. A 65-year-old man presented with multiple subcutaneous nodules on the trunk and extremities for several years. Histopathologic findings showed well-circumscribed septated intradermal tumor composed of vascular endothelial cells and spindle cells forming vascular spaces intermingled with scattered adipocytes, consistent with the findings of cellular angiolipoma. (Korean J Dermatol 2003;41(8) : 1065~1067)

      • KCI등재

        중국 현대 한인제재 작품 연구에서 한국적 관점 확립의 필요성 고찰 ― 무명씨(無名氏)와 이범석(李範奭)의 문학적 관계 연구를 중심으로

        金宰旭 ( Kim Jae Ug ) 중국어문학회 2020 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.73

        In this paper, the investigator discussed Yi Beom Seok’s “mistake” with the mark of the author in the publication of Korean translations of modern Chinese literary works whose archetype was Yi, the excavation and significance of novel Man in the Wilderness, and the essence of his autobiography Woodungbul, making a new starting point in the study of “literary relations between Wu Ming Shi and Yi Beom Seok.” Yi Beom Seok was a very unique type of anti-Japanese independence fighter-turned politician that planned and produced texts in which he was the main character against the modern world. He had no serious contemplation over his creative world as an author before his death. His literary activities involved developing his own narratives through Chinese-Korean ghostwriters and establishing his image as an anti-Japanese independence activist in the Korean-Chinese format. He was, however, an author with no doubt in that he continued to produce his oral and written texts based on his career, was directly involved in the publication and circulation of his texts, and was aware of his readers. Most of all, he was a speaker in stories of Korean people in the history of mainstream Chinese literature. A new approach to the study of “modern Chinese literary works related to Korea and Korean people” in the viewpoint of Korean people will present new materials and perspectives. Taking advantage of these changes to the viewpoint, researchers of Korea, China, and Japan will be able to approach the real aspects of this type of works.

      • KCI등재

        한국광복군의 항일투쟁과 중국현대문학(1917~1949) - 이범석의 항일투쟁을 반영한 작품에 대한 논의를 중심으로 -

        김재욱(Kim, Jae Ug) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2021 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.- No.74

        중국현대문학사에 나타난 광복군의 항일투쟁은 광복군 참모장 이범석의 항일투쟁을 묘사한 작품, 한국청년전지공작대의 문예활동을 반영한 작품, 한국청년전지공작대 기관지 『한국청년』에 투고한 중국 작가의 글 등을 통해 확인된다. 이 글은 이범석의 항일투쟁을 묘사한 작품과 그 번역본, 『우둥불』에 주목하였다. 이범석의 항일투쟁을 묘사한 작품은 광복군 소속 다른 독립운동가를 묘사한 작품과 달리 사전 기획된 것으로 중국은 물론 광복 후 한국의 사회·문화에도 직접적인 영향을 미쳤고, 이범석의 문학적 욕망도 직접적으로 표출되었다는 특징을 보인다. 중국문학사 전체에서 보아도 아주 이례적인 문학현상이다. 한국청년전지공작대는 나월환·한유한이라는 걸출한 인물과 부대원의 헌신적인 노력, 그리고 기관지 『한국청년』 발간으로 많은 중국인들에게 광복군의 항일투쟁을 알렸다. 또한 광복군에 편입된 조선의용대, 충칭(重慶)·시안(西安) 등 임시정부와 광복군의 주요 활동지에서 활동하던 독립운동단체·독립운동가가 조국의 독립과 항일을 위해 분투한 모습도 중국 작가의 눈에 포착되어 관련 작품이 발표되었다. 총 31편에 이르는 이러한 작품은 부록에서 목록을 제시하였다. The anti-Japanese struggle of Korea’s Independence Army can be found in the history of modern Chinese literature through works depicting the anti-Japanese struggle of Lee Beom-seok, who was the chief of staff at the Independence Army, works reflecting the literary activities of Korean Youths Battlefield Mission Corps( KYBMC), and works by Chinese writers submitted to KYBMC’s bulletin, Korean Youths. This study focused on Woodeungbu, which describes Lee’s anti-Japanese struggle, and its translations. The works depicting his anti-Japanese struggle were planned in advance unlike works depicting other independence fighters in the Independence Army. They had direct impacts on the society and culture of Korea after it took back its independence as well as China and expressed Lee’s literary desire directly. It is such an unprecedented literary phenomenon in the entire history of Chinese literature. KYBMC promoted the anti-Japanese struggle of Independence Army to many Chinese people through its prominent figures including Na Wol-han and Han Yu-han, the commitment of its members, and the publication of its bulletin, Korean Youths. Chinese authors captured the strenuous efforts of the Korean Volunteer Corps incorporated into Independence Army and also the Independence Movement groups and activists that were active in major venues of the provisional government and Independence Army including Chongqing and Xian for the sake of Korea’s independence and anti-Japanese struggle, publishing works related to them. Total 31 of these works were presented on a list in the appendix.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 항일투쟁과 현대 중국의 한국인 제재 시가 창작

        김재욱(Kim, Jae-ug) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2021 한국독립운동사연구 Vol. No.

        중국에서 문학혁명이 시작된 1917년부터 일본이 패망한 1945년까지는 중국인에게 있어 생사존망의 시기였다. 가장 가까웠던 ‘조선’이 일본의 식민지가 되었으니 중국은 다음 차례였다. 이와 같은 특수한 시기 진행된 중국 작가의 한국인 관련 작품 창작은 단순한 한국인에 대한 감정 표현의 범위를 넘어섰다. 서로를 필요로 했던 양국 관계 외에 대체로 정치와 밀접한 관련을 맺으며 성장하였던 중국 작가의 어떤 희망과 설계도 반영되었다. ‘중국 현대 한국인 제재 시가’는 중국현대문학의 한 부분이다. 그래서 지금까지 이 연구는 주로 ‘항일’, ‘중한우의’, ‘약소민족’, ‘국제주의’, ‘인도주의’ 등으로 대표되는 중국현대문학의 주류 담론을 중심으로 관련 논의가 이루어졌다. 이러한 관점에서 진행된 연구에는 구조적인 문제점이 존재한다. 즉 중국 작가의 사상과 예술관은 주목을 받지만, 묘사 대상인 한국인은 객체 혹은 피동적인 요소로 취급받는다. 그런데 시가를 포함한 현대 중국의 한국인 제재 작품 창작은 국가의 위기에 반응한 중국 작가의 노력에 의해서만 진행된 것은 아니다. 국가 멸망 후 민족 부흥을 도모하는 한국인의 역할도 적지 않았다. 한국인을 묘사한 중국 현대 시가에 일찍이 중국문학사에 나타나지 않았던 중국 작가의 한반도인에 대한 극도의 우호적인 감정이 표현된 것은 한중 상호작용의 결과이다. ‘중국 현대 한국인 제재 시가’를 분석할 때 한국인의 항일투쟁이 일어나지 않았으면 한국인의 항일투쟁에 대한 찬양과 격려를 담은 한국인의 항일투쟁을 묘사한 시가가 중국문학사에서 사라진다는 사실을 인식하는 것은 중요하다. 필자는 중국현대문학의 주류 담론에 의한 연구에서 발견되지 않는 부분을 파악하기 위해 이 글에서 ‘3·1운동’, ‘윤봉길 의거’, ‘조선의용대와 한국광복군의 항일투쟁’을 중심으로 한국인의 항일투쟁과 중국 시인의 한국인 제재 시가 창작과의 관계에 대하여 논하여 보았다. In China, people were in a crisis of life or death between 1917 when the Literary Revolution started and 1945 when Japan collapsed. Its nearest neighbor “Joseon” became a colony of Japan, and China would have been the next. During these unique years, Chinese authors created works related to Korean people beyond the scope of simple emotional expressions about them. Growing up with close connections to politics in general in addition to the two nations’ relations that needed each other, these Chinese writers reflected their certain hopes and designs in such works. “Modern Chinese poems about Korean people” hold a place in modern Chinese literature. Previous studies on the topic usually discussed the mainstream discourses of modern Chinese literature represented by “anti-Japanese,” “friendship between China and Korea,” “weak and small people,” “internationalism” and “humanitarianism.” Researches conducted in this viewpoint had structural issues. That is, while Chinese writers receive attention for their ideas and artistic views, Korean people they depict are treated as objects or passive elements. Modern Chinese works were created about Korean people including poems not only by Chinese writers’ efforts in response to the national crisis, but also by Koreans’ roles to promote their revival after their country fell. It was an outcome of Korea-China interactions that Chinese writers created modern Chinese poems reflecting their extremely favorable emotions about the people of the Korean Peninsula, which were not found in the literary history of China before. When analyzing “modern Chinese poems about Korean people,” it is important to recognize that if there had not been Korean people’s anti-Japanese struggles, poems depicting their anti-Japanese struggles and containing admiration and encouragement for their struggles would have disappeared from the literary history of China. Trying to figure out what was not discovered in old researches based on the mainstream discourses of modern Chinese literature, the investigator discussed connections between Korean people’s anti-Japanese struggles and Chinese poets’ creation of poems about Korean people with a focus on “March 1 Movement,” “Yun Bong-gil’s heroic deed,” and “anti-Japanese struggle of Korean Volunteers Corps and Korea Liberation Army.”

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        선천성 멜라닌 세포성 모반 154예에 대한 임상 및 병리 조직학적 연구

        김재욱 ( Kim Jae Ug ),이지범 ( Lee Ji Beom ),김성진 ( Kim Seong Jin ),이승철 ( Lee Seung Cheol ),원영호 ( Won Yeong Ho ) 대한피부과학회 2003 대한피부과학회지 Vol.41 No.8

        N/A Background : Congenital melanocytic nevus(CMN) is regarded as benign, however it can be transformed to malignant melanoma. Thus, careful follow-up is mandatory. Objective : To identify the clinical and histologic characteristics of CMN. Method : We evaluated the clinical characteristics of CMN from 154 patients diagnosed at the Department of Dermatology in Chonnam National University Hospital from January, 1993 to December, 2002. Histopathologic exam was done from 50 patients. Results : Female was more common(62.3%) and most cases(96.8%) were clinically apparent at birth. Medium-sized nevi(1.5cm≥, <20cm) was most common(75.3%). The commonest location was on the head and neck region(45.5%). Most lesions were brown, dark brown or black in color, and flat-surfaced or slightly elevated in contour. About half of the cases manifested excessive hair growth on the surface and the possibility to have hair was positively correlated with the size of CMN. Some cases accompanied with neurofibromatosis, nevus flammeus and vitiligo were observed. Large CMN, compared with medium-sized or small CMN, involved deeper in the dermis. In 25 cases(50%), nevus cells involved the skin appendages, nerves, and vessels. Conclusion : Medium-sized CMNs on the head and neck were most prevalent. Some cases were associated with other diseases, especially pigmentary and vascular disorders. There was positive correlation between the size of CMN and the possibility to be hairy and, larger CMN tended to involve deeper in lower reticular dermis. (Korean J Dermatol 2003;41(8) : 1028~1033)

      • KCI등재

        尹奉吉 의거를 제재로 한 중국현대문학 작품과 그 특징

        김재욱(Kim, Jae-ug) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2016 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.55

        중국 현대에 나타난 윤봉길의사를 묘사한 문학 작품은 특정 시기에 집중적으로 발표된 시사성·경향성이 비교적 높은 작품으로 상대적으로 다양한 출신·연령·직업·당파에 속하는 작가들이 창작에 참여했고, 각각의 작품에 나타난 중국 작가의 윤봉길의사와 상하이의거에 대한 인식·묘사·평가는 예외 없이 모두가 긍정적이다. 지금까지 발견된 ‘윤봉길의사 관련 중국현대문학 작품’ 16편(수)은 기본적으로 중국인의 항일의식을 고취하기 위해 창작된 문학 작품으로 미학적 관점에서 보았을 때 일부 작품을 제외하면 개념화의 흔적이 남아있다. 하지만 이들 작품은 거시적 관점에서 볼 때 한중이 동일한 적(일본 제국주의)을 맞이한 시기 중국 현대 지식인의 고대와 다른 한국인관을 구체적으로 보여 주었다는 점에서 적지 않은 문학사·한중문학교류사적 가치를 찾을 수 있다. 특히 이들 작품은 식민지 시기 한국 문학에서 나올 수 없는 윤봉길의사의 구체적인 항일투쟁을 묘사한 문학 작품이라는 점에서 한국인에게 특별한 의미가 있다. Literary works that Patriot Yoon Bong-gil is described in modern times of China are works high in topicality and tendency, which were intensively published in a special time. Writers who belong to diverse backgrounds, ages, jobs, and factions participated in the creation. Awareness, description, and evaluation on Patriot Yoon Bong-gil and his heroic deed in Shanghai shown in each literary work are all positive without exception. 16 works of Chinese modern literature related with Patriot Yoon Bong-gil, which have been found until now, are literary works that were created to infuse anti-Japanese sentiments among Chinese people. When seen from an aesthetic view point, they include traces of conceptualization except some works. However, when all the works are seen from a macro perspective, in that Chinese modern intellectuals showed viewpoints of Koreans different from ancient times in the time when Korea and China faced the same enemy(Japanese Imperialism), lots of values of literary history(Korean and Chinese literary interchange history) can be found out. Especially, these works have special meanings to Koreans in that they described a concrete anti-Japanese struggle of Patriot Yoon Bong-gil which can not come out in Korean literature in the Japanese colonial period.

      • KCI등재


        김재욱 ( Kim Jae-ug ) 한국중국어문학회 2018 中國文學 Vol.94 No.-

        Since studies on Chinese Modern Korea and Korean related Literary Works of Chinese and Korean scholars mainly focused on the subject mainstream consciousness of Chinese modern literature, the discussion on heterogeneous factors such as object, surroundings, and tributary has been neglected. Now, therefore, it is necessary to analyze and study the universality and specificity of this type work, which are hidden in the subject and mainstream consciousness by operating the heterogeneous·object elements. This paper is to observe the effect of the anti-Japanese activities of Korean patriots on Chinese writers’ awareness toward Korea and change·development of the narrative with a focus on works depicting Koreans resisting Japan and to examine an example that Chinese literature begins to meet with world literature while changing from tradition to modern times, interaction of Chinese-Korean literature exchange, specificity of modern literature exchange.

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