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      • KCI등재

        중국 호구제도 개선에 관한 연구

        김인식 ( Kim Insik ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2017 中國硏究 Vol.72 No.-

        The Hukou system is a household registration system in China which controls population mobility, in order to provide stable condition of economic development. Because it restricts the movement of rural population to urban area, fundamental rights of rural workers, who live in urban area are severely restricted. The restrictions are; freedom of residential mobility, rights of education and rights for social security system etc. Therefore, China is implementing changes and reformation of Hukou system consistently. Main reformation of the Hukou system are: to permit restricted rural workers have urban Hukou; to provide rural workers in urban area substantive support (such as?). The ideal method is to allow rural workers move into urban area freely, however, China disclosed that the strict restriction will be maintained. So it can be estimated that the reformation of Hukou system will not work as a radical solution but for alleviating substantive discrimination of the people living under rural Hukou system in the process of urbanization.

      • KCI등재

        중국 국유기업과 한국 공기업 개념의 비교 연구 -양국 현행법 규정을 중심으로

        김인식 ( Insik Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2015 中國硏究 Vol.64 No.-

        The State-Owned Enterprises of China and Korea are very similar entities but they are not perfectly the same. SOEs in both countries are the entities which government are their stakeholder. Both of them are somewhat independent in their business activities and they are controlled and supervised by government under related regulations. Both of them are facing similar problems such as low efficiency of management, inflexible system etc. Naturally, solutions regarding these problems are similar too. However, government`s ownership and commerciality are most important characters of Chinese SOEs. On the other hand, public interests are the core value of Korean SOEs. So their concrete notion and scope of SOEs are not exactly the same. The noticeable differences between Chinese and Korean SOEs are; first, Chinese SOEs are in charge of public interests, but according to existing law, there are almost no institutional systems to guarantee SOEs`` public role. In order to ensure stable activity of Chinese SOEs in public sector, it is very important to supplement institutional shortcomings. Second, there are significant differences in logical structures between the general laws about SOEs: ``Law on State-owned Assets of Enterprises``(China) and ``Act on the Management of Public Institutions``(Korea). Chinese law model is for controlling and managing state assets, especially assets of enterprise. It means there is no need to determine whether an enterprise is a SOE or not. The government can control and manage its own assets of whatever the enterprise is. On the other hand, Korean law model is for controlling and managing SOEs` activity. If the enterprise or the institute is designated as a ``public institute``, it has to owe some duty to report management condition etc. And if it isn``t designated as a ``public institute``, the government doesn`t have any laws, regulations or minimum standards regarding such situation. Chinese model is good for managing SOEs` assets efficiently; Korean`s model is better for managing SOEs`` public characters. Lastly, some Chinese SOEs already became global companies. Generally, government intervention has had negative influence upon SOEs` performances. However, some Chinese SOEs achieved significant success. Meanwhile, the Korean government and also the academic society are reviewing of the SOEs` past privatization. And they are finding more flexible, various style of SOEs` reform. Chinese government`s experience of managing enterprises could be meaningful implication for Korean SOEs` further reform.

      • KCI등재

        중국 인공지능 산업의 법률 규제에 관한 연구 -신산업에 대한 규제의 관점에서-

        김인식 ( Kim Insik ) 한중사회과학학회 2020 한중사회과학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        중국은 인공지능 산업을 중국 산업 전반을 업그레이드 할 수 있는 핵심산업이자, 미래 산업의 핵심업종으로서 다양한 지원을 아끼지 않고 있다. 그러나 새로운 기술의 발전과 새로운 업종의 출현은 반드시 다양한 문제를 발생시킨다. 인공지능 기술의 발전은 이를 선제적으로 규제하여 문제를 방지할 것인가 혹은 안정적인 발전을 보장하여 육성에 집중할 것인가에 대한 문제를 발생시킨다. 인공지능 기술에 대한 중국의 태도는 규제보다는 육성을 강조하고 있다. 이러한 이유는 첫째, 중국은 산업이 충분히 발전하지 않은 현재 상태에서 새로운 규제모델을 수립하기는 현실적으로 어렵고; 둘째, 인공지능 기술을 산업정책의 핵심으로 설정하고 있는 중국으로서는 규제가 신기술발전과 신흥산업 육성을 저해할 것을 우려하고 있으며; 셋째, 중국의 특수한 상황으로 인하여 일부 쟁점은 크게 문제가 되지 않기 때문으로 볼 수 있다. China is providing various support for the AI industry as a core industry that can upgrade the overall Chinese industry and as a core industry of the future industry. However, However, the development of new technologies and the emergence of new industries necessarily cause various problems. The development of artificial intelligence technology raises the question of whether to prevent problems by preemptively regulating it or whether to focus on fostering by ensuring stable development. China’s attitude toward artificial intelligence technology emphasizes fostering rather than regulation. The reason for this is: First, it is practically difficult for China to establish a new regulatory model in the current state where the industry is not sufficiently developed; Second, China, which has set artificial intelligence technology as the core of its industrial policy, is concerned that regulations will hinder the development of new technologies and fostering emerging industries; Third, it can be seen that some issues are not a big problem due to the special situation in China.

      • KCI등재

        중국 국유자본투자,운영회사 연구

        김인식 ( Insik Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2016 中國硏究 Vol.67 No.-

        Under ``The New Normal Era``, for sustainable development of economy, China is practicing several reformation policies like ``Reform of the supply front``, restructuring of industrial structure and redistribution of state-owned assets which are closely connected with reform of Chinese SOEs. China is about to introduce state-owned capital investment and operating company as main means of such reformation policies. The ``state-owned capital investment and operating company`` is a type of a holding company and its strength is in restructuring assets and systemized management. So if China use it as a marketization platform well-enough, it could be an effective measure of realization of ``separation of enterprise from administration``, systemized management and supervision of state-owned assets and realization of ``the mixed ownership economy``. However, the problems surrounding the Chinese SOEs are not solved. It is not because there are no policy measures, but because these are very complicated problems which involves Chinese economy, politics, society and many other factors. So even though state-owned capital investment and operating company is a suitable and effective measure in reform of Chinese SOEs, but the company itself cannot guarantee the success. It could bring along other problems like agency costs, unclearness of the role between State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council(SASAC). So the key points to this are not on the introducing the company itself, but on how to utilize them effectively.

      • KCI등재

        중국 창업기업 지원 법률 및 제도 연구

        김인식 ( Kim Insik ) 한중사회과학학회 2018 한중사회과학연구 Vol.16 No.2

        In order to support start-up enterprises, China carries out several policies, including ones that supports the enterprises passively; such as reforming of legal environment and creating and raising fund for the establishment of start-ups. The corporate legal system of China is still in the “past”. It is a significantly difficult for the start-ups, that they don’t have sufficient fund and human resources. In order to reduce such administrative burden, China is trying to reform its corporate legal system, including of reforming corporate capital system, simplification of administrative procedure and delegation of authority. Meanwhile, China is trying to establish public and private platform for the start-up by establishing several large-sized funds for the enterprises and implementing tax breaks and creating supporting policies for college & graduated students.

      • EISC 임베디드 코어의 Pipeline 성능 향상을 위한 Selective Pipeline Flush 구현

        김인식(InSik Kim),김선욱(Seon Wook Kim) 대한전자공학회 2016 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.6

        This paper proposes a hardware structure that can improve performance at the deep pipelined Extendable Instruction Set Computer (EISC) processor with a branch predictor. When the branch misprediction occurs, the processor flushes all the pipeline stages, thus wastes a lot of clock cycles. The deeper pipelined processor incurs higher branch misprediction penalty. By introducing our Selective Pipeline Flush(SPF) Logic, we could reduce the branch misprediction penalty and improve the total performance of the EISC embedded processor core.

      • 노무용역 공급업체 변경과 해고제한법리

        김인식(Insik Kim) 고려대학교 노동문제연구소 2012 노동연구 Vol.24 No.-

        본 논문은 노무용역 공급업체가 변경되는 경우에 신규 용역업체와 (구 용역업체소속)근로자들 사이를 중심으로 근로관계 성립 및 해고제한법리, 나아가 부당노동행위를 살펴보았다. 우선 당사자 간에 묵시적으로나마 의사합치에 의한 근로계약의 성립을 인정할 수 있는 여지를 검토하고, 이어서 비록 당사자 간 그러한 의사합치는 물론이고 신?구 용역업체 간 영업양도 계약이 없더라도 신 용역업체의 사전적 (단독)의사와 사후적 ‘노무용역 공급업’ 특유의 ‘영업’ ‘양도’ 요건을 충족하는 경우에는 ‘영업양도에 의한 고용승계’가 인정될 수 있음을 논의했다. 그리고 이러한 묵시적 근로계약관계와 영업양도에 의한 고용승계가 인정되지 않는다고 하더라도 신규 용역업체 내지 원청회사의 언행이나 관행에 의하여 해당 용역 사업장의 근로자들에게 ‘고용승계에 대한 정당한 기대권’이 인정되는 경우라면, 신규 용역업체의 정당한 이유 없는 고용승계 거절에 대하여 ‘부당해고’와 같은 효과를 인정하고 원청회사의 정당한 이유 없는 고용승계 방해에 대하여는 민?형사상 조치를 취할 수 있는 근거를 마련해야 한다는 점에서 ‘고용승계기대권’ 법리를 판례의 기간제근로자에 대한 갱신기대권 법리 차용을 통해 검토했다. 또한, 묵시적 근로계약관계 성립 인정이나 고용승계기대권 인정에 있어서 직·간접적 근거가 되어 주며, 경우에 따라서는 최후의 보루로서 근로자보호 방안이 되는 ‘신의칙’을 검토해 보았다. 그리고 위와 같은 법리를 통해서 ‘노무용역 공급업체 변경 시’ 신규 용역업체와 (구 용역업체 소속이었던)근로자들 사이에 근로관계가 인정된다면, 이에 반하여 신규 용역업체가 직접적으로 고용승계를 거절하거나 간접적으로 근로조건 악화를 조건으로 내걸면서 고용승계 배제를 제시하는 경우 ‘현행법상의 제반 해고제한 법리’가 구체적으로 어떻게 적용되어야 하는지를 살펴보았고, 나아가 ‘변경해고 법리’의 적용을 긍정하면서 그 구체적 적용 방법도 검토해 보았다. 또한, 마지막으로 신규 용역업체가 자신의 용역계약 개시일 이전에 부당노동행위를 행하는 경우 그에 대한 제재 가능성을 검토하였다. This thesis examines the legal theory on establishment of labor relation, restriction of dismissal and unjust labor practice between newly contracted labor service company and previously hired (by ceased labor service company) laborers in case of labor service provider replacement. First, this study considered whether an establishment of labor relation by agreement is admitted, if not explicit. Then discusses ‘succession of labor relation due to transfer of business’ may be admitted in case ex ante intention of newly contracted labor service company exists and ‘the business’ and ‘the transfer’ requisites which are unique in ‘labor service provider’ business are met ex post even if there is no such agreement and no transfer of business was contracted. In case we don’t admit labor relation by implied agreement or succession of labor relation due to transfer of business, if legitimate right to expect succession of labor relation’ is allowed to employees in such labor service workplaces, this study examinates ‘the right to expect succession of labor relation’ theory, borrowed from precedent rulings on right to expect renewal of labor relation for temporary workers, so as to treat refusal of succession of labor relation by newly contracted labor service company same as unfair dismissal and to provide legal basis to ask for civil or criminal liability against main contractors interfering succession of labor relation without legitimate ground. Also discussed in this thesis is ‘the rule of fiduciary duty’, which provides direct or indirect legal basis for labor relation by implied agreement or right to expect succession of labor relation and in cases provides ultimate ground in protecting laborer. And this study further examined how restrictions of dismissal in current law are applied in specific cases once labor relation is admitted between newly contracted labor service company and previously hired (by ceased labor service company) employees by above discussed legal theory against the company refusing to approve succession of labor relation or indirectly suggesting exclusion of succession of labor relation by offering deteriorated terms of contracts. And Lastly, this study considered possible legal sanctions available when newly contracted labor service company conducts unjust labor practice before the commencing date of the labor service contract.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        효율적인 애니메이션을 위한 모션 에디팅 방법의 계산량분석에 관한 연구

        이지홍,김인식,김성수,Lee, Jihong,Kim, Insik,Kim, Sungsu 제어로봇시스템학회 2002 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.8 No.1

        Regarding efficient development of computer graphic animations, lots of techniques for editing or transforming existing motion data have been developed. Basically, the motion transformation techniques follow optimization process. To make the animation be natural, almost all the techniques utilize kinematics and dynamics in constructing constraints for the optimization. Since the kinematic and dynamic structures of virtual characters to be animated are very complex, the most time-consuming part is known to the optimization process. In order to suggest some guide lines to engineers involved in the motion transformation, in this paper, we analyze the computational complexities for typical motion transformation in quantitative manner as well as the possibility for parallel computation.

      • KCI등재

        Detection of Serum IgA and IgE Antibodies in Experimental Animals Infected with Echinostoma hortense

        Yong-Suk Ryang(양용석),Insik Kim(김인식),Kyu-Jae Lee(이규재),Ji-Sook Lee(이지숙) 대한의생명과학회 2000 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.6 No.2

        호르텐스극구흡충 피낭유충을 흰쥐 및 마우스에 경구 감염시킨 후 실험동물의 혈청 및 장액에 대한 IgA 및 IgE 항체가 변화 추이를 ELISA방법으로 비교 분석하였다. 감염 흰쥐에서 혈청의 경우 IgA와 IgE 항체가를 대조군과 비교해 볼 때 유의한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 그러나 장액의 IgA 항체가는 감염 후부터 계속 증가하여 8주에서 최고치 (0.47±0.11)를 나타냈다. 감염 흰쥐에서 충체 회수율은 8주까지 계속 충체 수가 감소하는 경향을 보였는데 특히, 장액의 IgA 항체가 성적이 최고치를 나타낸 기간에 유의한 감소 성적을 나타냈다. 감염 마우스 혈청에서의 IgA 항체가는 감염 기간동안 계속적으로 증가하여 감염 8주에서 최고치 (0.45±0.01)를 보였으며, IgE의 경우는 감염 후부터 7주까지 증가하여 7주에서 그 최고치 (0.23±0.02)를 보였으나 그 이후 다시 감소되었다. 장액의 경우 IgA 항체가는 감염 후부터 증가하여 8주에서 최고치 (0.14±0.01)를 보였으며, 이는 혈청 IgA의 항체가 변화와 유사한 경향을 보였다. 감염 마우스의 충체 회수율은 감염 후부터 계속적으로 감소하였으며 7주와 8주에서 유의한 감소를 보였는데 (p<0.05) 이것은 장액에서의 IgA와 IgE, 혈청에서의 IgA의 항체가 최고치를 나타낸 기간과 일치하였다. 이상의 결과에서 호르텐스극구흡충 감염 마우스에 있어서, IgA 및 IgE 항체가의 유무는 충체의 배출 (expulsion)에 일부 연관되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. The change in mean absorbance values for IgA/IgE in rats and mice infected with Echinostoma hortense metacercariae was studied from the 2nd week to the 8th week after infection. Serum and intestinal luminal content (ILC) levels of IgA/IgE were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The mean absorbance values obtained from IgA in the rats' ILC increased from the 2nd week to the 8th week after infection. The peak value (0.47±0.01) appeared in the 8th week. The mean absorbance values of IgE in the rats' ILC didn't increase significantly (p>0.05). The worm recovery rate decreased at a slower pace after infection. The duration in which the peak value of IgA in rats' ILC appeared was similar to that in which the worm recovery rate declined significantly. Serum levels of IgA/IgE in mice increased gradually from the 2nd week after infection. The peak value (0.45±0.01) of IgA appeared in the 8th week, and that (0.23±0.02) of IgE appeared in the 7th week after infection. The ILC level of IgA in mice continued to increase after infection, and reached its peak in the 8th week. The change in IgA/IgE in the serum and IgA in the ILC of mice was inversely related to worm recovery rate. As a result of this experiment, it is supposed that IgA/IgE may play an important role in the expulsion of Echinostoma hortense.

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