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        황반부이상을 나타내는 여러 망막질환에서 선택적초시력시야계 결과분석

        김응석,남우호,유승영,곽형우,Eung Suk Kim,Woo Ho Nam Seung Young Yu,Hyung Woo Kwak 대한안과학회 2006 대한안과학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        Purpose: The Preferential Hyperacuity Perimeter (PHP) is a device designed to monitor the development of choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patients. Recent studies have reported the efficacy of the PHP in early detection of AMD. To evaluate hyperacuity, a dot deviation signal is flashed to the central 14 degrees of the macular visual field and the patient`s perceived hyperacuity defect is recorded. The purpose of our study was to identify the role of the PHP in analyzing visual functions of patients with maculopathy caused by retinal diseases other than AMD. Methods: Seventy-four eyes of 55 patients with macular abnormalities caused by various retinal diseases (44 eyes of diabetic retinopathy, 6 eyes of central serous chorioretinopathy, 24 eyes of other retinal diseases) underwent PHP, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and fluorescein angiography (FAG). Results: Of the 74 eyes with maculopathy, 60 eyes (81%) were positive on the PHP. By disease, 40 eyes (40/44, 91%) with diabetic retinopathy, 3 eyes (3/6, 50%) with central serous chorioretinopathy and 17 eyes (17/24, 71%) with other retinal diseases were positive. Among them, the location of hyperacuity defect lesions determined by PHP correlated well with the location shown on OCT and FAG in 6 eyes (6/40, 15%) with diabetic retinopathy, 1 eye (1/3, 33%) with central serous chorioretinopathy and 5 eyes (5/17, 29%) with other retinal diseases. Conclusions: Many retinal diseases that lead to maculopathy revealed a hyperacuity defect on PHP when the lesion was located not only in the retinal pigment epithelium but also in the outer retinal layer. Special attention to the patient`s visual acuity and visual field defects is required when analyzing PHP results since these factors can influence the PHP evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        -5.0~-8.5디옵터의 근시안에서 라섹(LASEK) 수술시 사용한 저농도 마이토마이신의 각막혼탁억제 효과

        김응석,진경현,Eung Suk Kim,M,D,Kyung Hyun Jin,M,D 대한안과학회 2007 대한안과학회지 Vol.48 No.5

        Purpose: To evaluate the effects of the prophylactic use of mitomycin C in low concentration and short duration (0.01%, 60 sec) in inhibiting haze formation after laser epithelial keratomileusis (LASEK). Methods: Forty-two eyes of 71 patients with refractive error from -5.0 D to -8.50 D were enrolled in this study. The eyes were divided into 2 groups according to the use of mitomycin C. All eyes were examined for refraction, UCVA, BCVA, and the incidence and degree of corneal haze before surgery and at 1, 3, 6 months after operation. Results: Fifty-one eyes were operated by LASEK with intraoperative application of 0.01% mitomycin C for 60 seconds and 20 eyes were operated by LASEK without mitomycin C. There was no statistical difference in UCVA, BCVA, and spherical equivalent between 2 groups. In the study group, the degree of corneal haze was 0.54±0.39. 0.38±0.48, 0.30±0.50 at 1, 3, 6 months after operation and in the control group, 0.92±0.58, 0.79±0.66, 0.50±0.60 at 1, 3, 6 months after operation respectively. The difference in the postoperative corneal haze between 2 groups was statistically significant at 1, 3 months after operation, but at 6 months the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions: In this study, intraoperative single use of mitomycin C in lower concentration and short duration could reduce the formation of corneal haze effectively in early postoperative period after LASEK. A more longterm period of follow up will be required to assess the continuous effect of mitomycin C on inhibiting corneal haze after LASEK.

      • KCI등재

        현존자녀수(現存子女數)와 이상자녀수(理想子女數)의 관련성(關聯性)

        김응석 ( Eung Suk Kim ),이승욱 ( Seung Wook Lee ) 한국보건사회연구원 1988 保健社會硏究 Vol.8 No.2

        This study is a part of the series of the study on the association between the ideal and actual numbers of children. Based on the interview data collected from the National Fertility Survey conducted in 1985 by the Korea Institute for Population and Health. 8,414 cases were analyzed Although the ideal number of children is used to be established before having any birth and consequent births are affected by the number, it could be changed throughout mothers` fertility history. Bearing this point in mind, we found the followings: 1. The distribution of the ideal number of children by age indicated that the age and number are highly correlated. The proportion of women who preferred two children as the ideal number was the highest, however, as the age increased, the proportion was decreased. The proportion of those preferring more than two children was rather increased. 2. The differentiation between urban and rutal areas showed that the urban residents want less children than those in the rural area. 3. The ratio of ideal number of children per women decreased to 2.0 compared to 3.9 in 1967. However, the data did not count the male and female composition. At the same time, the ratios were 1.9 for the urban residents and 2.2 for the rural Also, the number dec-reased as the age increased. 4. The comparison between the numbers of ideal and actual children was made. The pro-portion that the two numbers agreed was 33.1%, and that having more actual children than ideal number was 22.6%. The other 44.3% had more actual children. As expecteded, the actual number of children in the aged women exceeded the ideal number of children. 5. For those who terminated childbearing, the proportion that the two numbers agreed was 35.9%, and that having more ideal children than the actual was 12.4%. The other 51. 7% had more actual children. Compared to this, the proportions for those still under child- bearing process were 30.2%, 8.3%, and 61.5%, respectively. 6. Those who terminated childbearing tend to have less actual children in urban area and younger age groups. However, the predominant proportions belongde to having more actual children in the age groups over 35 years old.

      • KCI등재

        현(現) 피임실천자(避姙實踐者)의 피임방법수용(避姙方法受容)과 부원임신(不願姙娠)에 관한 실태분석(實態分析)

        김응석 ( Eung-suk Kim ),이상헌 ( Sang-hun Lee ) 한국보건사회연구원 1990 保健社會硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        現在 우리나라의 避妊實踐率은 77.1%로 거의 先進國水準에 가깝다. 하지만 이러한 避妊實踐率이 곧 避妊의 質을 說明해주는 指標는 아니다. 예를들면, 우리나라의 人工妊娠中絶數가 每年 正常的으로 出生하는 아이의 두배에 가까운 實情에 있다. 따라서 本 硏究에서는 現 避妊實踐者들에 대한 避妊受容過程 및 避妊失敗妊娠經驗을 살펴봄으로써 우리나라 家族計劃對象婦人들의 避妊受容에 있어서의 問題點 및 脆弱點을 把握하여 이에 대한 對案을 摸索해 보고자 한다. 1. Background The current Korean population situation has approached the level of the developed countries with TFR at 1.6 and the contraceptive practice rate at 77.1 % in 1988, but it has been estimated that the number of induced abortions per year is almost twice as great as the number of births. This means that the contraceptive practice rate is not the index of contraceptive quality, so the objectives of this study are to analyze the contraceptive acceptance process and unwanted pregnancy experience of current contraceptive acceptors and to suggest a counterproposal for dealing with the problems or the weak points in the contraceptive acceptance process. 2. Date and Methodology This study uses data from the 1988 National Fertility and Family Health Survey conducted by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, and it analyzes the current contraceptive acceptors, 5,082 people, in the above survey data. This study used the SPSS-X package program. 3. Results and Conclusion The results of this study follow : First, the current contraceptive acceptors` choice of method depended on the socio-demographic characteristics of the individual. Those who are lower than 29, higher than high school group and urban residence more used vasectomy, condom, menstural cycle and withdrawal than those in other groups. Second, the mean experience number of contraceptive methods for current contraceptive acceptors was 2.2. That is, current contraceptive acceptors have used at least two other contraceptive methods. The past contraceptive experience rate of tuballigation acceptors was 42.2 percent and that of condom acceptors was 40.0 percent. That of menstural cycle and oral pill acceptors, Both were 32.0 percent. That is, temporary contraceptive acceptors were inclined to stop contraceptive use or change contraceptive method. These temporary contraceptive acceptors were probably exposed to the danger of unwanted pregnancy because they accepted a temporary contraceptive method. Third, considering that the acceptance of sterilization after accepting such a temporary contraceptive method as the oral pill, the condom, the menstural cycle was the general inclination, it would appear that the government has neglected publicity and education on the use of temporary contraceptive methods. Fourth, most people have practiced induced abortion before and after accepting sterilization. That is, most people misunderstand induced abortion and look upon it as a kind of the contraceptive method. Fifth, most married women wanted the first and second pregnancies, but they gradually have increased the unwanted pregnancies after the third pregnancy. Finally, more than half did not want the last pregnancy. Sixth, the rate of the contraceptive failure of such temporary contraceptive acceptors as IUD, condom, menstural cycle, withdrawal, was 30~37 percent. The rate was a little high, but the rate of the contraceptive failure of oral pill acceptors was very low, and the rate of unwanted pregnancy experience caused by contraceptive failure of sterilization acceptors was 27~28 percent. Last, the rate of unwanted last pregnancies among tuballigation acceptors was 60 percent, and that among IUD and other method acceptors was 51 ~52 percent. The practice rate for induced abortions of last pregnancies among tuballigation, IUD and other method acceptors was 44~51 percent, and the practice rate for induced abortion of unwanted last pregnancies was 82~84 percent. Pregnancies caused by contraceptive failure among those accepting temporary contraceptive methods before the acceptance of sterilization have almost all ended with induced abortions. Especially, 82~84 percent of unwanted last pregnancies among current contraceptive acceptors have ended with induced abortions : current sterilization acceptors probably accepted sterilization as a way of avoiding the problems caused by unwanted pregnancy. If current sterilization acceptors used the temporary contraceptive methods correctly before accepting sterilization and if they had succeeded while using the contraceptive they have wanted to use, they probably would never have been willing to accept sterilization. This phenomenon was probably caused by a shortage of correct information about the use of the temporary contraceptive method. The forthcoming government program will, therefore, need to offer a counterproposal for reducing the induced abortion rate and for maternal-child health. The government should strengthen the publicity for and education on temporary contraceptive methods for birth interval practice.

      • KCI등재

        소년(少年)/소녀가장가정(少女家長家庭)에 대한 복지(福祉) 지원방안(支援方案)

        김응석 ( Eung-suk Kim ),이상헌 ( Sang-hun Lee ) 한국보건사회연구원 1994 保健社會硏究 Vol.14 No.2

        정부의 지원을 받고 있는 少年/少女家長家口는 해마나 增加하여 1993년 말 현재 7,322가구에 달하고 있다. 이들 家口의 發生原因도 부모의 사망에서 점차 부모의 가출/행방불명, 재혼 및 이혼 등으로 인한 缺損家庭 또는 家庭解體로 변하고 있다. 이러한 現象은 정부나 사회단체의 支援負擔을 가중시킬 뿐 아니라 이들 서비스의 要求도 多樣해 이에 대한 對策이 時急함을 알 수 있다. 따라서 少年/少女家長의 가구 및 가족의 構造的 特性 및 發生原因을 파악하고 이들이 받고 있는 支援實態을 分析하여 지원방안을 마련하는 데 目的이 있다. 本 硏究는 政府에서 保護·管理하고 있는 少年/少女家長家口 7.322가구 중에서 931가구를 選定하여 面接調査한 資料를 분석한 것이다. 소년/소녀가장가구의 대부분은 親戚과 동거하고 있었고 소년/소녀가족만 함께 사는 경우는 26.5%이였다. 그리고 自家所有率이 10.3%로 낮고, 대부분이 親戚의 집이나, 정부에서 제공하는 貨貸永久아파트에 居住하고 있어 아직도 住宅問題가 심각한 상태였다. 소년/소녀가장가구는 대부분 아버지의 死亡後 어머니의 가출/행방불명, 재혼 등으로 인해 發生하고 있으며, 부모가 모두 死亡한 경우는 25.1%였다. 父母의 死亡原因은 질병으로 인한 사망이 가장 높았고 交通事故 및 産業災害 등이었다. 그리고 偏父母를 비롯한 缺損家庭이 家族解體로 이어지는 理由는 부모의 貧困과 家族間의 갈등이었다. 경제적 지원자 및 지원단체는 정부나 사회복지 단체가 主軸이 되고 있으며 親戚과 宗敎團體가 그 다음이었다. 一般企業體도 다수 參與하고 있으나 支援程度가 아주 낮았다. 이들 支援者나 志願團體는 군부보다 도시에 偏重하는 樣相을 나타내고 있다. 非經濟的 支援에서는 親戚의 支援이 가장 높았고 그 외 政府나 宗敎團體의 도움이 있었으나 소수에 지나지 않았다. 따라서 經濟的 支援은 정부를 비롯한 사회복지단체 등 여러 團體가 支援하고 있지만 非經濟的 支援은 아주 낮아 情緖的 支援에 역점을 두어야 할 것이다. This study analyzes the actual living status, government`s and non-government`s supporting programs, the perception and the attitude on supporting program for teenage family heads. Out of 7,322 teenage family heads currently enrolled in the government`s supporting program, 931 cases were interviewed by field workers. The purpose of this study is to grasp the teenage family heads` characteristics, desires and the causes, to seek for the welfare measures for teenage family heads. Major findings of this study are as follows. First, 64.7% of teenage family heads presently live with their blood relatives. 26.4% of them live only with their brothers and sisters. Second, Only 10.3% of teenage family heads have their own houses. The rest of them live with their blood relatives, neighbour, etc or live at the permanent rental apartment supplied by National and Provincial governments. Third, The causes of teenage family heads are due to their parent`s death or divorce, their mother`s remarriage, leaving home after their father`s death, etc. The cause of their parent`s death is mainly the disease like cancer The next reasons for their parent`s death are traffic accident and industrial injuries. Fourth, The main reasons for their parent`s divorce, remarriage and leaving home are severe destitution and conflicts among their family members. Fifth, The supporting organizations for these teenage family heads are government, private welfare foundation, religious association, neighbour, blood relative, social institutions such as private enterprizes, Saemaul Women`s Association, Rotary and Lions Clubs, etc. Among these supporting organizations, government and private welfare foundation are most responsible for the financial support to care for and assist these teenage family heads. The degree of the financial support of these organizations in metropolitan, medium and small cities is higher than that in county and small town. In the case of emotional support, the main assistant of these teenage family heads is a blood relative. Except for blood relatives, government comparatively assists and cares for these teenage family heads more than the other supporting organizations. The emotional support of these organizations to care for and assist these teenage family heads is relatively inactive comparing with the financial support of these organizations. Therefore, in the future, a home care system by a blood relative for these teenage family heads should be developed. If some teenage family heads do not have their blood relatives, government will strive to find a sponsor for these teenage family heads in order to care for and assist them in their homes.

      • KCI등재

        호흡재활 가정 운동프로그램의 실제

        김응석 ( Eung Suk Kim ),장지훈 ( Jee Hun Jang ),김명화 ( Myung Hwa Kim ),김동현 ( Dong Hyun Kim ),원광희 ( Kwang Hee Won ),성기홍 ( Ki Hong Seong ) 대한체육학회 2002 대한스포츠융합학회지 (jcses) Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the variation in the basal physical fitness and cardio-pulmonary function after 12week-exercise program, and to develop home-based exercise program for pulmonary rehabilitation. Twenty patients with chronic lung disease were randomly assigned to 2 groups; one was exercise group(n=10), and the other was control group(n=10). Anthropometrics, basal physical fitness, pulmonary function at resting and during exercise were measured before and after 12week-exercise program repeatedly. Exercise program was consisted of warming-up, aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, warming-down, and practiced 5 times a week, 65-75 min/time with the intensity under RHR + 40bpm for 12weeks. After their participating in 12week-exercise program, significant increase were shown in back strength(p<.05), sit & reach(p<.05), walking distance for 6min(p<.01), one second rate(p<.05). The tendency to increase was shown in body weight, BM, grip strength, peak power, VO_2 max, oxygen pulse, HR max, maximum ventilating volume. In conclusion, 12week-exercise program in this study was seemed to have positive effects on chronic pulmonary patients` health, and to have the possibility as home-based exercise program for pulmonary rehabilitation.

      • KCI등재

        제왕절개분만자의 사회경제적 특성과 관련요인에 관한 연구

        김응석 ( Eung-suk Kim ),변용찬 ( Yong-chan Byun ),이상헌 ( Sang-hun Lee ) 한국보건사회연구원 1991 保健社會硏究 Vol.11 No.2

        제왕절개수술방법에 의한 분만율은 증가하는 추세에 있다. 이러한 현상이 모체나 태아의 위험을 사전에 예방하는데 있다고 할때, 제왕절개분만에 관련되는 요인이 무엇인지, 이에 관한 관심도 역시 커지고 있다. 본 연구는 제왕절개 분만자의 사회경제적 특성, 임신 및 출산력, 산전관리내용이 膣式분만자와 어떤점에서 차이가 있는지 규명하는 데 있다. 연구결과는 의료시설의 근접성이 높은 대도시에 거주하고 교육이나 소득이 높은 상위계층과 농촌에 거주하고 교육 및 소득이 낮은 하위계층간에 제왕절개 분만율의 차이가 큰 것으로 나타나고 있다. An attempt was made to study the difference between Cesarean section(C-section) acceptors and vaginal delivery acceptors in terms of their socioeconomic characteristics, pregnancy related factors, and pre-natal care status by using data from the National Fertility and Family Health Survey conducted by the Korea Institute for Population and Health in 1988. Information about 2,874 mothers, who had their last children between 1983 and 1988, were used in this analysis. According to the survey results, an over-all rate of about 11.9 percent of women accepted C-sections in Korea. Those who had higher levels of education or who had higher monthly incomes are more likely to accept C-sections than their counterparts. Those who reside in large cities also are more likely to accept C-sections than those who reside in rural areas. Women who were delivering their first child were more likely to accept C-sections than women who had given birth more than twice, but the mother`s age at delivery and the number of induced abortion did not seem to affect the likelihood of accepting a C-section. The amont of pre-natal care received during pregnancy affected the likelihood of accepting a C-section, whereas time of the first visit for pre-natal care did not seem to affect it. Finally, those who select hospitals for their deliveries are much more likely to accept a C-section. These findings indicate that women with higher socioeconomic status seem more likely to accept C-sections than women with a lower socioeconomic status, reflecting that those who can afford a relatively expensive delivery method such as a C-section seem more likely to accept the C-section as a delivery method.

      • KCI등재

        정보시각화에서 퍼포먼스로의 미학적 확장

        김응석(Eung Suk Kim),윤준성(Joonsung Yoon),임경호(Kyung-Ho Lim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2012 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.12 No.10

        본 연구에서는 정보시각화의 미학적 작품이 공연 예술로 확장할 수 있는 가능성을 고찰한다. 정보 시각화는 정보의 시각적 전달이라는 기능적 충족 외에 몰입과 상호작용적 특성이 고려되는 관객과의 관계가 더욱 중요지고 있다. 이에 본 논문은 정보시각화의 정보 전달 과정이 하나의 공연으로 확장된다면 관객입장에서 감각적 센소리엄(Sensorium)을 증대 시킬 수 있는 요소를 고려할 필요가 있음을 주장하고자 한다. 이에 벤 루빈(Ben Rubin)과 마크 한센(Mark hansen)의 작품(2001)을 분석하여, 정보시각화 분야의 정보전달이라는 기능적 요소 외에 하이퍼매개(Hypermediacy)를 통한 관객과의 센소리엄을 증대 시키는 요소를 고찰해 본다. 공연적 자아(the performing self), 공연적 인터페이스(the performing interface),극적 패턴(the dramatic pattern)의 3가지 요소가 필요함을 제시하여 관객과의 센소리엄 관계를 탐구한다. 이 글을 통해 정보 시각화에 기반을 둔 미학적 작품들을 공연예술의 관점에서 확장하여 이해하고 해석하는데 기여하고자 한다. This study will research the possibility about the extension from aesthetic artwork of information visualization to performance area. In information visualization fields, the function of transmitting information is important factor. In addition, the relationship with the audience concerning immersion and interactivity is also significant. Therefore, if an artwork in information visualization can extend to a performance, this study proposes that it is necessary to consider what elements are needed to intensify sensorium for the audience in that artwork. In order to solve that question, this study introduces and analyzes the installation artworks by Ben Rubin and Mark hansen in 2001. From this case study, we suggest three elements-the performing self, the performing interface and the dramatic pattern-to amplify sensorium by hypermediacy for the audience. This research would contribute to the understanding aesthetic artworks based on information visualization in terms of performing arts.

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