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        김윤진(Kim Yoonjin) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2016 전남대학교 세계한상문화연구단 국내학술회의 Vol.2016 No.12

        Translation and culture is an inseparable relationship, the importance of both substances are becoming more huge and huge ever since the era of globalization has begun. The mainly discussed variables in study of translation before 1970s were fidelity and equivalence, which could restated as literal translation and liberal translation. However 1970 was the break out point of the argument in both literal and liberal translations, and now the Eugene Nida’s dynamic equivalence has ultimately positioned as new arrival and excluded both arguments beside. After the 1990s, by Susan Bessnet and Andre Lefevere, they have changed the ideological translation as reader’s legibility from intentions of the authors; therefore the importance of equivalence has switched over to the idea of cultural aspects. Thus the priority in translation is to maintain well-known cultural aspect in a certain country. After the study of translation has been settled down as a one of the subject in middle of 20thcenturybyWemer Koller, the focus of study has turned into educating translation plus regular course study based on the question of ‘How to instruct translation’. Furthermore, to expecting better diplomatic and economic relationship between Korea and Taiwan, the focus of the paper is not only to take a close look into the translating education systems in universities of both Korea and Taiwan in order to foster outstanding students in translating for the benefits in both countries but also to briefly examine errors and surfaces of education of translation to propose efficient way of education in translation.

      • KCI등재

        해외 자회사 자율성의 선행 요인과 결과 연구

        김윤진 ( Yoonjin Kim ),김창수 ( Changsu Kim ),박종훈 ( Jong-hun Park ) 한국국제경영학회 2022 國際經營硏究 Vol.33 No.1

        This study examines dual factors driving subsidiary autonomy and the subsequent impact on performance. We define autonomy as a role that can put its decisive plan into development without the interference of headquarters (HQ) and take charge of its strategic performance. We advance the idea that the more the HQ global orientation is inclined toward local responsiveness than global integration and the more local stakeholder demand influences the foreign subsidiary, the more subsidiary autonomy increases. An autonomous foreign subsidiary with the capability to find local specific resources and combine them with HQ resources will result in greater strategic performance as the strategic mix turns out to be a unique competitive advantage. In order to figure out the detailed context which strengthens the positive relationship between subsidiary autonomy and subsidiary performance, two antecedents were also employed as moderators. HQ global orientation which is more prone to local responsiveness than global integration turned out to enhance the positive link of subsidiary autonomy and subsidiary performance. Furthermore, subsidiary autonomy was revealed to partially mediate the relationship between local stakeholder influence and subsidiary performance. General supports were found in the model based on 177 Korean subsidiaries located in 19 host countries worldwide.

      • KCI등재

        항공객실서비스 품질 측정 모형 개발에 관한 연구

        김윤진 ( Yoonjin Kim ),김연성 ( Youn Sung Kim ) 한국품질경영학회 2017 품질경영학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        Purpose: Recognizing the limitations of the previous researches that measured the quality of airline service quality only with partial evaluation items of cabin service quality. the purpose of this study is to standardize and develop assessment of the airline cabin service quality with considering the characteristics of cabin service and customer needs. Methods: The proposed method of this paper was the empirical items of airline cabin service quality was derived through reviewing and comparing the previous researches, industrial indicators like Skytrax and KS-SQI and NCS. Results: The result of this research proposed CSQ (Cabin SERVQUAL) which could consist of seven dimensions, separated by five direct customer satisfaction factors and two indirect factors required for providing customer service. Conclusion: The developed CSQ can be used for airline service quality measurement which will achieve establishing a strategy to improve customer satisfaction and satisfaction of Airline's employee

      • 방역 안전을 위한 항공객실서비스 고찰; COVID-19 팬데믹 대응을 중심으로

        김윤진 ( Kim-yoonjin ) 한국항공경영학회 2021 한국항공경영학회 춘계학술대회 Vol.2020 No.-

        COVID-19의 파급력은 우리 일상생활에 많은 변화를 주었고 국내 항공산업은 이 위기를 극복하고자 국가 방역 지침과 고객의 안전을 최우선으로 다양한 대책 마련에 노력을 다하고 있다. K 항공사는 운항이 중단된 여객기 하부 화물칸을 활용해 화물 운송을 강화하여 영업이익을 다각화하고 있으며, 항공서비스 전공학과 대학생을 대상으로 체험 학습 비행을 한시적으로 운영하는 등, 항공사의 특성에 따라 다양하게 대응하고 있다. 본 연구는 국내 K 항공사를 대상으로 COVID-19 상황의 항공사 위기관리 능력으로서 중요한 의미가 있는 방역 지침에 따른 항공사 객실서비스 변화의 연구를 통해 다음과 같이 고찰하였다. 첫째, 항공 여행 수요 하락에 따른 안정화와 항공방역 안전활동에 따른 객실서비스 변화를 알아보았다. 둘째, 비대면 문화의 확산에 따라 서비스 방법과 제공 용품이 변화하고 있으며, 이에 따른 세 개 좌석 등급별 변화항목 고찰을 통해 요구되는 개선 방안을 제안하였다. 본 연구는 COVID-19로 인한 위기 상황 속에서 항공사의 대응 방향을 이해하고 나아가 고객안전을 우선으로 하는 항공 객실서비스 개선에 관한 효율성을 높이고자 한다.

      • 고관절순 손상에 따른 고관절 연골의 압축변형패턴의 변화연구

        김윤진(Yoonjin Kim),박세희(Sehee Park),송용남(Yongnam Song) 대한기계학회 2013 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2013 No.12

        Articular arthritis has been known to be related with mechanical factors. In general, Shear force accelerates the degeneration of articular cartilage. Among many factors causing shear force in hip joint, acetabular labrum damage may be one of the key factors because acetabular labrum plays an important role for sealing synovial fluid. However, in our knowledge, there has been no study how the labrum effects on the flow of synovial fluid. The aim of this study is to compare the difference of the compression pattern changes in hip joint cartilage between the pig’s hip joint with labrum and without labrum. We took CT images every 3 minutes 8 times under cyclic loading of 2BW (Body Weight) and released the hip joint in the PBS (Ph 7.4) after full labrum tear. After 2 hours releasing the cartilage, we took CT images again in the same way. The images were constructed to 3D images and the volumes of joint space were measured by following the time sequence and we compared the results. In this study, we could see the pattern difference between intact labrum (volume reduction rate: 0.007) and labrum damage (volume reduction rate: 0.008).

      • 군 자살자에 대한 국가보훈 및 국가배상 연구

        김민영 ( Kim Minyoung ),김윤진 ( Kim Yoonjin ),신주영 ( Shin Juyeong ),이도감 ( Lee Doe Gam ),정동일 ( Jung Dongil ),지재욱 ( Ji Jaewook ) 서울대학교 BK21 법학연구단 공익인권법연구센터 2017 공익과 인권 Vol.17 No.-

        자살사고는 군대 내 사망사고의 65%를 차지할 정도로 그 중 가장 높은 비율을 차지해왔다. 이에 대해 국방부는 자살사고가 발생한 주요 원인을 망인의 개인적 원인에서 찾으며 군대라는 환경적 원인은 축소해 왔다. 하지만 군대의 폐쇄성·비자발성 등 의무복무의 특성을 고려한다면 군대 내 자살은 군대라는 환경적 요인으로부터 자유롭지 않다. 그럼에도 불구하고 기존의 보상체계는 자살을 했다는 이유만으로 다른 군대 내 사망자와 달리 국가의 책임을 축소하였다. 본 연구는 이러한 점에 문제의식을 가지고, 첫째 다소 복잡한 군대 내 자살자에 대한 보상절차를 분석하였고, 둘째 이 과정에서 국가의 책임이 옅어지고 군대 내 자살자가 현저한 불이익을 받는 부분을 지적하고 대안을 제시하였다. 군대 내 자살자에 대한 보상절차는 크게 국가유공자 및 보훈보상자 보상 제도, 국가배상 제도, 군인연금법에 의한 사망보상금 및 유족연금을 받는 방법이 존재한다. 국가배상법 제2조 제1항 단서가 적용되는 경우 다른 법령과 국가배상법의 관계는 ‘다른 법령’에 따라 보상을 지급받을 수 없을 경우에만 국가배상을 신청할 수 있는 보충적 관계를 형성한다. 현 보상체계에 대한 문제점으로 첫째 국가유공자 및 보훈보상대상자 보상제도에 따른 보상을 받기 위해서는 직무수행 혹은 교육훈련과 자살 간 상당인과관계를 원고가 증명해야 한다는 점이 있다. 군대는 위계질서에 의해 통제되는 폐쇄적 집단이기에 군대와 이해관계를 달리하는 외부인의 접근이 쉽지 않아 증거가 은폐되기 쉽다. 보훈보상자법의 제정 목적 및 성질, 가해자의 위험영역 내에서 발생한 사고의 경우 가해자에게 증명책임을 부과하는 위험영역이론을 고려할 때 상당인과 관계에 대한 증명책임은 원고가 아닌 국가가 부담해야 한다. 둘째 망인의 유족이 국가배상법을 통해 민사상 손해배상을 청구하는 경우 과실상계가 문제된다. 군 자살자에 대한 국가배상 판례들을 보면 통상적으로 자살자에 대한 과실을 70~80%로 책정하여 배상의무자인 국가의 책임을 20~30%로 제한하고 있다. 의무복무라는 특성상 같은 법리가 적용되더라도 군 자살자 사건들은 다른 사안에 비해 국가의 책임이 더 막중하다. 그럼에도 불구하고 시위참가자 국가배상에 관한 판결, 산업재해피해자 국가배상에 관한 판결 및 기타 환경에서의 자살에 관한 판결과 비교해보면 군대 내 자살자에 대한 국가배상의 과실상계비율은 지나치게 높다. 적어도 다른 손해배상 유형들과의 형평에 맞도록 원고 측 과실을 완화하는 것이 필요하다. 국방의 의무를 다하고 있는 나의 가족, 나의 친구가 있는 군대를 건강하게 지켜나가는 것 또한 우리 사회를 안전하게 만드는 방법이다. 이를 위해 군인들의 자살을 최소화시키는 노력과 더불어 자살한 군인들에 대한 사후적 보상도 제대로 갖춰놓아야 한다. 이를 위해 ①자살군인에 대한 보훈보상체계를 정비하고 입증책임을 전환하며 ②국가배상에서의 과실상계 인정비율을 합리적인 수준으로 낮추기를 제안한다. Among soldiers' death, death by suicide accounts for the largest proportion, reaching 65% of the total. Ministry of National Defense finds key cause of suicide exists in individual factors including personal aspects of the deceased, minimizing the effect of environmental factors. However, considering the closed environment of the military and compulsory military service which excludes spontaneity, the environmental factors of the military have no less effect on suicide. Nonetheless, compared to other deaths, the current compensation system does not fully compensate suicides as the nation abandons its responsibility. Based on this critical context, this article first looks through the relatively complicated compensation procedures for suicidal soldiers. Second, it points out the problems of the unbalanced system which imposes huge disadvantages to a suicidal soldier and advantages to the government. Finally, this article suggests alternative solutions to the pointed problems. The compensation for suicidal soldiers consists of the assistance according to Act on the Honorable Treatment Support of Persons, etc. of Distinguished Services to the State and Act on Support for Persons Eligible for Veteran’s Compensation, the compensation according to State Compensation Act and pension given to the bereaved family according to Military Pension Act. When the Article 2(1) of State Compensation Act is applied, State Compensation Act plays supplementary role for other statutes, as compensation for one who may receive compensation 'under other statutes' is not allowed. The first problematic aspect is that it is required of a plaintiff to prove the reasonable causation between suicide and official duty or training courses to get compensation by Act on the Honorable Treatment and Support of Persons, etc. of Distinguished Services to the State and Act on Support for Persons Eligible for Veteran’s Compensation. However, evidence could be easily concealed in the military because of its exclusive hierarchy and limited accessibility. Considering the purpose of Act on Support for Persons Eligible for Veteran’s Compensation and risk-taking theory which imposes burden of proof to a person in charge, it should be the government who should be imposed burden of proof in a military suicide case. Second, the contributory negligence issue arises when the bereaved family sues the government for civil responsibility and compensation. In most military suicide cases, government responsibility is limited to 20~30% when the negligence of the deceased accounts for up to 70~80%, which is unusual. It is hard to understand the deceased should take great responsibility, considering compulsory military duty and harsh disciplines that the deceased had to go through. Compared to other kinds of cases related to wounded demonstrators, industrial accidents, and other suicides, military suicidal cases show unreasonably high contributory negligence rate. At least, it should be normalized in balance with other cases. It is also our duty to keep the military which my family and friends serves sound and safe. Thus, we have to build ex post facto system to compensate suicides in the military. For this, first we suggest to rearrange support and compensation system, and second to transfer plaintiff’s burden of proof to respondent’s.

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