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        플라톤의 공간 문제

        김윤동(Kim, Yoon-dong) 대한철학회 2018 哲學硏究 Vol.145 No.-

        플라톤은 티마이오스 에서 자신의 우주론을 개진하면서, 우주제작자 제작의 본(本) 제작의 재료 제작의 장소 같은 핵심 개념들을 다루고 있다. 이 우주는 창조자인 데미우르고스가 영원히 존재하는 이데아를 본(本)으로 삼아, 무질서하고 혼란 가운데 있는 물질들에 도형과 수(數)의 원리에 따라 형태를 부여함으로써 제작된 것이다. 이 과정은 지성(nous)이 필연(anankē)을 설득하는 작업이며, 필연의 승복에 의해 양자는 결합하게 되어 우주를 탄생시키게 된다. 그런데 플라톤은 모든 생성물들을 자기 안에 받아들이는 ‘셋째 종류’ 즉 ‘공간’(chōra)을 우주생성 이전부터 존재하는 것으로 상정한다. 이것은 ‘어렵고 분명치 않은 종류’로서 ‘가장 포착하기 힘든 것’이기 때문에, 이에 관한 논의는 ‘그럼직한 이야기’(eikōs logos)에 그칠 뿐이라고 한다. 따라서 플라톤은 다양한 비유 즉 ‘수용자’, ‘유모’, ‘어머니’, ‘금’, ‘새김바탕’, ‘향유의 기초제’, ‘공간’, ‘자리’ 등을 통해 공간의 성격을 구명하려고 한다. 아리스토텔레스부터 현대의 학자들에 이르기까지 플라톤의 공간(chōra)에 관한 무수한 해석이 나왔는데, 대체로 세 가지 유형으로 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 플라톤의 ‘공간’(chōra)은 ‘빈 공간이다.’, 둘째, 그의 공간은 아리스토텔레스의 ‘제1질료’와 유사하다, 셋째, ‘공간’과 ‘질료’의 양 측면을 모두 가진다. 만일 ‘코라’가 ‘빈 공간’ 내지 ‘허공’(kenon)이라면 결국 무한한 공간이 될 것이다. 이것은 플라톤의 하나뿐인 유한한 우주와 상치된다. 그리고 ‘코라’는 생성물을 수용하는 것뿐만 아니라 생성에 영양과 힘을 제공한다. 다른 한편, ‘코라’는 ‘제1질료’와 유사하지도 않다. ‘코라’가 데미우르고스의 우주제작 이전에 존재 생성(제작 이전)과 함께 이미 있었으므로, ‘코라’ 자체는 제작의 대상이 아니다. 반면 ‘제1질료’는 4원소의 구성요소로서 기체(基體)이다. 모든 생성물들을 자기 안에 담고 있는 ‘자리’로서의 공간성과 ‘어머니’처럼 생성물들에 영양과 힘을 제공하는 질료성이 공존한다는 해석이다. 플라톤은 여기서 논리적 일관성을 결여하게 된다. 그 이유는 우주의 시작에서 한 축이 되는 ‘공간’을 논의할 때, ‘그럼직한 이야기’의 한계를 벗어날 수 없기 때문이다. 플라톤 자신이 명료하게 밝혀내지 못한 ‘공간’ 개념을 무리하게 해명하려는 시도는 또 다른 우(愚)를 범하게 될 것이다. Plato said that our cosmos was created from the union of nous and anankē in Timaeus. In addition to this, ‘the third kind’, namely chōra, exists already with genesis before the birth of the cosmos. Plato explains this chōra with several metaphors. That is, ‘receptacle’, ‘mother’, ‘gold’, ‘space’, ‘place’ etc. From Aristotle to contemporary scholars, generally three types of interpretations are presented. First, chōra is a kind of a ‘void.’ Secondly, chōra is Aristotle’s protē hylē. Thirdly, chōra has two aspects of space and matter. I will accept the third opinion. Plato’s chōra has both a spatial aspect and material aspect. Chōra is a place that accommodates all sensible things in itself. On the other hand, chōra seems to be a mother who nourishes sensible things like a child. In this, Plato lacks a logical consistency. The research of chōra can not deviate from the limits of eikōs logos.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        광릉 삼림군집내 주요 수종의 직경계분포에 (直徑階分布) 관하여

        김윤동 (Yoon Dong Kim) 한국식물학회 1977 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.20 No.4

        In this sampling obtained 7,108 measurements for all trees larger than 2.5㎝ (1.0 inch) dbh from seven stands in Kwhangnung. In terms of similarity indices seven stands are classified into three kind of forest coniferous, mixed, and broadleaved forest communities. For ten major tree species in a three forest communities the size distributions are studied. Two forms of size distributions were observed ; (1) linear relationships of log numbers of stem vs. size indicating stablesize distributions; (2) convex to bell shaped size distributions reflecting declining populations with a low natality rate. Survivorship analyses showed that successional trends seem to be: Pinus densilflora→Quercus aliena and Q. serrata→Carpinus laxiflora→C. erosa→Acer pseudosieboldianum var. Koreanum. These results agree with the results from ordination method. An alternate pathways that Pinus koraiensis seems to be replaced by C. laxiflora were observed. It seems that successional trend is not unidirection, but rather multi-directional.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        포도구균성 열상 피부 증후군 ( Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome ) 6 예

        김윤동(Yoon Dong Kim),박민수(Min Soo Park),서기범(Ki Beom Suhr),이증훈(Jeung Hoon Lee),박장규(Jang Kyu Park) 대한피부과학회 2002 대한피부과학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        The staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome encompasses a spectrum of blistering skin disease that ranges in severity from localized bullous impetigo to a generalized syndrome with cutaneous tenderness, widespread blistering, and superficial denudation or desquamation. This disorder is induced by the exfoliative toxin of Stapylococcus aureus. The intermediate form of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome may be seen that begin as localized bullous impetigo but evolve to produce regionally limited bullae and denuded areas that may or may not harbor causative microorganism. We report six cases of the intermediate form of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome in Daejeon for a short time. All cases occurred in children under 5 years of age and showed localized bullae and erythroderma with positive Nikolsky`s sign.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        악성 흑생종 35 예의 임상 및 조직학적 고찰

        김윤동(Yoon Dong Kim),김경호(Kyung Ho Kim),서기범(Ki Beom Suhr),이증훈(Jeung Hoon Lee),박장규(Jang Kyu Park) 대한피부과학회 2002 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.40 No.2

        N/A Background : Clinical features of malignant melanoma(MM) are known to be different according to racial and environmental factors. Recently, there have been reports of an increase of MM. Objective : We evaluated the incidence of tumors, age and sex distribution, tumor sites, and histopathological patterns. Methods : Clinical records were reviewed for 35 cases of MM with a histologically confirmed diagnosis for patients who visited the Department of Dermatology, Chungnam National University Hospital during the 20 years from 1980 to 1999. Histopathologic and clinical characteristics were also reviewed. Results : A total of 35 malignant melanoma cases diagnosed at Chungnam National University Hospital during the past 20 years from 1980 to 1999 were included for the clinico-histopathologic study. The ratio of man to woman with MM was 1 : 1.33 with a mean age of 55 years. Acral lentigenous melanoma was the most common clinico-histopathologic pattern. Conclusion : The incidence of MM has increased during the past 20 years. The common site, and histopathologic patterns show a significant difference from Caucasians.

      • KCI등재

        플라톤의 〈파이드로스〉편에 나타난 영혼의 문제

        김윤동(Kim Yoon-Dong) 대한철학회 2007 哲學硏究 Vol.103 No.-

        플라톤은 〈파이돈〉 편에서 영혼의 불멸성을 이데아와 영혼간의 유사한 성질에 근거하여 증명한다. 즉 영혼의 단일성, 불가분성, 독립성, 비가 시성에서부터 불멸성을 도출하고자 한다. 이 과정에서 영혼과 육체는 대립적 관계를 보여주며, 양자는 반대적 성질로 말미암아 불편한 동거로 일관한다. 영혼은 죽음의 연습을 통해 육체와 결별할 날만을 기다린다. 이에 반해 〈파이드로스〉편의 영혼불멸증명은, 영혼이 영원히 운동하고 스스로 운동하는 것으로서 모든 운동의 원인이라는 사실을 통해 수행된다. 영혼은 육체에 운동과 생명을 부여하는 실재이다. 따라서 영혼과 육체는 상호 불가분리적인 유기체를 이룬다. 이를 뒤따르는 신화는 영혼이 물질, 즉 영혼 없는 것에 대해 돌봄과 다스림의 임무를 지니고 있음을 보여준다. 이리하여 〈파이돈〉에서의 이데아계와 현상계, 영혼과 육체의 분리는 〈파이드로스〉에서 화해와 통일의 국면으로 전환된다. Plato demonstrates immortality of soul in 〈Phaedo〉, based on resemblance between Idea and soul. Namely he wants to get immortality from simplicity, indivisibility. independence, invisibility of soul. In this process, soul and body show opposite relation, and both survive in inconvinient condition. Soul waits only the day of departure through exercise of death. On the contrary, the demonstration of soul’s immortality in 〈Phaedrus〉 consists of the facts that soul as eternal-moving and self-moving entity is cause of all movements. Soul is reality that gives motion and life into body. So soul and body become inseparable organic body together. The myth in 〈Phaedrus〉 shows that soul ought to care and order to souless matter. So separation between Ideas and phenomena, and between soul and body in 〈Phaedo〉 converts to reconsiliation and unity in 〈Phaedrus〉.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        피부 편평세포암의 임상 및 병리조직학적 관찰

        김윤동(Yoon Dong Kim),서기범(Ki Beom Suhr),이증훈(Jeung Hoon Lee),박장규(Jang Kyu Park) 대한피부과학회 2002 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.40 No.1

        N/A Background:The cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) is a malignant proliferation of the keratinocyte of the epidermis. It may have the potential to metastasize distally in contrast to the cutaneous basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Our lives were being lengthened gradually and our society was being polluted by many causative factors. Because many kinds of cutaneous malignant tumors occurred to the aged and resulted from the severe pollution, a lot of people have been interested in SCC. Objective:In this study we investigated the recent trend of the cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in clinical and histopathological aspects. Methods:Seventy one cases of SCC who had visited the Department of Dermatology, Chungnam University Hospital during the last 17 years(between 1983 and 1999) were confirmed in histopathological review. The observation of occurrence rate in years, age and sex distribution, onset, site, cause, histopathological malignancy and treatment was done, retrospectively. Results:1. The occurrence of the cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in males was one and half times more than in females(M>F:1.63x). Age distribution showed almost above 60 years old(about 74%). 2. The common sites (in decreasing order) were face(56%), extremities(upper>lower), other sites and most etiologic factors were idiopathic(71%), in 2cases metastatic. 3. Histopathologically, the subtype of SCC was verrucous(7%), acantholytic(10%), spindle cell(6%), and the degree of differentiation was well-, moderate-, poor-differentiated (respectively 25%, 32%, 20%), and SCC invaded to full dermis(84%) and subcutis(9%). 4.Various treatments were done and among them the simple excision(53%) was common. 5.case recurred and four cases metastasized to adjacent lymph node. One case expired. Conclusion:We investigated the recent trend of the cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma through our cases of SCC who had visited the department of dermatology, chungnam university hospital. (Korean J Dermatol 2002;40(1):25~30)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Cluster분석에 의한 버어리종 담배품종의 분류

        안대진,김윤동,Ann, Dai-Jin,Kim, Yoon-Dong 한국연초학회 1983 한국연초학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        To obtain basic information on the breeding of burley tobacco, classification of 41 varieties was carried out by using the cluster analysis of correlation coefficients and taxonomic distance based on twenty-one agromonic characters. Eight characters, such as days to flowering, length of flower axis, internode length, leaf length, yield, leaf angle to stem, vein angle to midrib and plant height, were useful in monothetic classification. Forty-one varieties were classified into four groups (I, II, III and IV) with weighted variable group method (WVGM ) and weighted jai. group method(WPGM), whereas the results classification of 33 varieties among them by WVGM were coincident with the results by WPGM. As for the characteristics of each group, group I related to late maturity, tall height and high yield, group II related to intermediate maturity, tall height and low yield, group 19 related to early maturity, intermediate height and low yield, and group W related to early maturity, short height and intermediate yield.

      • KCI등재

        점봉산 신갈나무 ( Quercus mongolica Fischer ) 림의 경신 과정에 관한 연구

        김성덕(Seong Deog Kim),김윤동(Yoon Dong Kim) 한국산림과학회 1995 한국산림과학회지 Vol.84 No.4

        Regeneration process of a mongolian oak forest in Bukam-Ryeong area, Mt. Jumbong, Kangwon-Do, was studied in relation to its structure. The dominant trees of the stands came up beyond 10m in height. The upper-tree layer was highly dominated by oaks, and they distributed horizontally in random. Oak trees of the middle layer and the lower layer were few in number and small in basal area, and tended to be distributed contagiously. In the trees of the upper layer, the distribution of the age tended to be two modal type which has the mode of 70 and 230 years in plot. In the horizontal distribution of these trees, some of the even-aged cluster which were constituted of several trees, were found. The rate of the stern diameter increment during first 25 years of the oaks in upper layer were higher than those of the same species in the middle layer. These results showed that after the forest canopy had been broken out, the seedlings which were established in dense there grow with the decreasing density and some of these, of which distribution became in random, would constitute the canopy.

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