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        해양레저스포츠 지도자의 조직요인과 자기실현 및 사회적 능력의 관계

        윤상문(Sang Moon Yoon),김언식(Eon Sik Kim),염두승(Doo Seoung Yeom) 한국사회체육학회 2010 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.41

        This study aims at looking into the relationship between self-actualization and social competence of a marine leisure sports instructor according to organizational factors. The data gathered according to research procedure were encoded according to coding guideline. Inputting the coded data individually into computer, the researcher inspected the data through descriptive analysis, one-way variance analysis, correlation analysis and standard multiple regression analysis according to analytical purpose by using the statistics program SPSS 14.0 version for Windows. The concrete findings of the research are as follows: First, there was some relation between organizational factors and self-actualization of a marine leisure sports instructor. Second, there was some relation between organizational factors and social competence of a marine leisure sports instructor.

      • 프리드리히 Ⅱ세와 계몽절대주의

        김언식 광주교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2001 初等敎育硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        Eine Antwort auf die Frage nach dem Begriff, und das heiβt zugleich : nach der Eigensta¨ndigkeit des aufgekla¨rten Absolutismus innerhalb der Geschichte der europa¨ischen Monarchie der Neuzeit konnte hier nur unter dem Vorbehalt versucht werden, daβ die fu¨r Friedrich den Groβen nachgewiesenen Zu¨ge sich bei den anderen Herrschern, die gewo¨nlich als aufgekla¨rt bezeichnet werden, wiederfinden. Wenn man den aufgekla¨rten Absolutismus als Typus versteht, der sich u¨ber einen la¨ngeren Zeitraum hin entwickelt hat, so entgeht man der miβlich Alternative, entweder seine Merkmale auf die Differenz zu reduzieren, die seine Vertreter von ihren Vorga¨ngern unterschied, order Begriff so auszudehnen, daβ Seine Bindung an den fu¨r Friedrich und sein Jahhundert so charakteristischen Vernunftglauben sich ga¨nzlich verflu¨chtigt. Vor allem aber la¨βt sich nach dieser Auffassung jedenfalls fu¨r Preuβen belegen, daβ der aufgekla¨te Absolutismus nicht nur ein Gedankengeba¨ude, sondern in groβ em Umfang Wirklichkeit war : der Zusammenhang von Sozialstruktur, Wirtschafts verfassung und Milita¨rsystem, der in den Hauptzu¨gen bereits von Friedrich Wilhelm I gestiffet worden war, ist aufgekla¨rter Absolutismus in der Praxis, auch wenn anzunehmen ist, daβ er in dieser Form noch nicht den Idealen Friedrichs entsprach. Schon zeigt sich, daβ in Preuβen nich nur mit Ru¨cksicht auf einzelne, gleichsam isolierbare Reformen im Sinne der Aufkla¨rungsphilosophie von aufekla¨rten Absolutismus gesprochen werden darf, sondern daβ sein Wesen in erster Linie darin bestand, daβ er den Staat und die historish u¨berkommenen Institutionen in ein zweckrationales System zu bringen suchte ; nur was der der Effizienz und Logik des Systems zuwiderlief, wurde abgebaut ; nur was sie befo¨rderte, wurde neu geschaffen. Dies war jedenfalls das Programm. Auf dem Gebiet der auswa¨rtigen Beziehungen erscheint die Erwerbung Westpreuβ Ens als ein Stu¨ck aufgekla¨rter Politik. Die Abschaffung der Tortur, der Toleranzgedanke, die Justizreform und das groβe Kodifikationswerk bleiben somit nicht die einzigen praktischen Errungenschaften dieses Regierungssystems. Aus vereizelten in die Zukunft weisenden Signalen aus einer im u¨brigen ru¨cksta¨ndigen Epoche werden sie in der hier entwickelten Sicht allerdings zu wichtigen Elementen eines durchaus in sich geschlossnen politischen Systems.

      • 바이마르 공화국과 극단주의

        김언식 전남사학회 2002 역사학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        Why can't the Weimar Republic be set free from Extremismus, even if similar difficulties can be seen in other countries? The democratic midway seemed to have stronger power in England, U.S.A. and France. Therefore the theme which in the Weimar Republic the fact that Extremismus was strong does not matter, but the fact that democratic midway was feeble matters, can probably be presented. The total history of the Weimar Republic contained a broad stream of antidemocratic, antiparliamentary and antiliberal emotion. Among the backgrounds on which such emotion was generalized, hitorical burdens can be emphasized. Among them the virtues of compromise and mediation that were not almost found in german tradition, real burdens that were caused by compelled peace in 1918 and thereafter inflation and civil wars were contained. The most important basis for the success of left and right extremists was the economic and social difficulties. While stronger social safety net snatched the social basis of Extremismus since 1949, because of difficulties in social and economic areas the new order of the Weimar Republic could not attract attention. The extremists of the Weimar Republic were not yet blamed then. Still they seemed to have good conscience and pushed democracy to defensive position. The Weimar Republic permitted the most freedom and it caused more uneasiness at last. This uneasiness by the loss of orientation formed chief psychological basis of Extrmismus. What the circumstances of the Weimar Republic were described to be uneasy, namely the description that the fall of the Western would happen before long or the unhappiness would come, was the burden against democracy. Only the extremists seemed to be able to save Germany from bankruptcy At least they were promising certain social safety and dream of the future. Even if theories and ways of extremists were insincere and demagogical, the circumstances were favorable to them, As they undertook to solve contemporary difficulties for the happier future, they seemed to have good conscience. But democrats were pushed to the defensive position. The political culture of the Weimar Republic that was distant from democracy was bottom on which antidemocratic forces of Germany grew. The precept of the Weimar democracy can be shown from what the democracy that did not grow from historical tradition, threfore was different from the emotion of the people is uneasy.

      • 초등 사회과 3학년 지역화 교수·학습자료개발 연구

        홍기대,손정선,김언식,김용조,이광성,김경운 光州敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2002 初等敎育硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        The purpose of this study is in developing locally-oriented teaching-learning materials to motivate students to effectively take part in activities using map and in improving the field work of social studies to plan a map learning and to give them the ability of practice. It represents the right order involved in teaching the activities using map after doing preceding learning : classroom, playground, and the environs of the school including to some learning methods such as a puzzle map, a correlative of learning. Field trip study planning and lesson-plan are designed in case of Sewage disposal plant, Duknam filtration plant, Bonchon industrial complex relating to field trip study. There are some effects expected which follow through this study. First, teachers are able to draw learner's interest in finding learning sources directly through the community where they live. Second, learners have active participation in class, motivation, drawing their interests through map learning by doing preceding study of learner-centered. Third, teachers can make use of it as useful tools to get high achievement goal with self-direct learning.

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