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      • KCI등재

        의미연결망 분석을 활용한 영화 리뷰 시각화

        김슬기,김장현,Kim, Seulgi,Kim, Jang Hyun 한국정보통신학회 2019 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.23 No.1

        This study visualized users reaction about movies based on keywords with high frequency. For this work, we collected data of movie reviews on <Naver Movie>. A total of six movies were selected, and we conducted the work of data gathering and preprocessing. Semantic network analysis was used to understand the relationship among keywords. Also, NetDraw, packaged with UCINET, was used for data visualization. In this study, we identified the differences in characteristics of review contents regarding each movie. The implication of this study is that we visualized movie reviews made by sentence as keywords and explored whether it is possible to construct the interface to check users' reaction at a glance. We suggest that further studies use more diverse movie reviews, and the number of reviews for each movie is used in similar quantities for research. 본 연구는 <네이버 영화> 페이지의 리뷰 데이터를 수집하여, 출현 빈도가 높은 단어를 중심으로 영화 관람객의 반응을 시각화하는 작업을 수행하였다. 이를 위해 총 6편의 영화를 선정하여 데이터 수집 및 정제과정을 거쳤으며, 의미연결망 분석(Semantic network analysis)을 활용하여 단어 간 관계성을 파악하고자 하였다. 데이터 시각화 작업에는 UCINET과 함께 패키지화된 NetDraw가 사용되었다. 본 연구의 시사점은 문장으로 작성된 영화 관람객의 리뷰를 키워드 중심으로 시각화하여, 소비자들의 반응을 한 눈에 확인하는 리뷰 인터페이스 구현이 가능한지 탐색하였다는 점이다. 본 연구를 통해 영화 리뷰를 구성하는 키워드를 시각화하고, 리뷰 내용에서 영화별 특성의 차이를 확인하였다는 점에서 본 연구가 의미를 가진다고 하겠다. 후속 연구는 보다 많은 영화의 리뷰를 활용할 필요성이 제기되며, 각 영화별 리뷰의 수도 비슷한 양으로 맞추어 연구에 활용해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        강판 종별 표면 산화 거동에 관한 연구

        김슬기,이기만,KIM, SEULGI,LEE, KEEMAN 한국수소및신에너지학회 2018 한국수소 및 신에너지학회논문집 Vol.29 No.4

        An experimental study was conducted to investigate behavior of surface oxidation with steel type. The excess entalphy combustion in porous media system was applied to implement the direct radiation heating system. The surface oxidation thickness (SOT) in fuel-lean condition was thicker than the SOT in fuel-rich. Also, the SOT was increased by increasing residence time. Detailed explanations were given by SEM and EDS analysis.

      • KCI등재

        장애연극인 구술생애사로 본 1세대 장애예술인의 정체성: 장애예술 연구를 위한 비판적 시론

        김슬기(Seulgi Kim) 한국문화사회학회 2020 문화와 사회 Vol.28 No.3

        이 연구는 1세대 장애연극인의 구술생애사를 통해 장애인으로서 생애 경험이 연극인으로서 활동에 어떤 영향을 끼쳤는지 살펴보고, 나아가 동시대 장애예술 정책의 흐름을 전제로 장애 정체성과 예술가 정체성 사이 어떤 교섭이 일어나는지 그 구체적 과정을 재구성해보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 소아마비 마지막 세대인 연구참여자는, 국내 장애인권운동이 본격화하던 시기 여러 장애 단체에서의 활동을 통해 자신의 장애정체성을 구축했고, 그러한 장애 정체성을 기반으로 아직 장애예술이 무엇인지에 대한 인식조차 없던 시절 연극 활동을 하기 시작했다. 가족과 재활원, 학교, 그리고 직장생활에 이르기까지 다양한 환경에서 연구참여자가 경험한 사건들이 이후 그가 극단을 운영하고 작품을 창작하는 데 동력이 되었으며, 연구참여자는 주체성과 자율성이라는 원칙에 따라 장애연극인들의 성장을 도모하기 위한 다양한 활동을 전개해나갔다. 하지만 최근 몇 년 사이 정책적 담론으로 인해 충분한 이해와 준비 없이 장애예술에 대한 표면적 관심이 급증하면서, 연극인으로서 연구참여자는 또 다른 차별과 억압에 노출되었고 이제까지 경험해보지 못한 새로운 정체성의 위기에 직면할 수밖에 없었다. 연구자는 연구참여자와 함께 연극을 만드는 과정에서 이러한 혼란과 갈등을 마주하고, 비장애 연극인으로서 자기 성찰을 통해 연구참여자의 구술생애사를 다시 써 내려감으로써 장애연극인과 그들의 창작 활동을 이해하기 위한 근본적인 사유의 전환을 제안한다. 그리고 이로부터 현재의 장애예술 정책 담론이 내포한 한계를 비판적으로 고찰해 향후 장애예술 연구를 위한 시론적 토대를 마련하고자 한다. This study aims to examine the influence of the lived experience of a person with a disability on the activities as a theatre artist through the oral life history of the first-generation disability theatre artist and tries to reconstruct the process of negotiation between disability identity and artist identity based on present disability arts policy. The research participant, the last generation of poliomyelitis, established her own disability identity through activities in various disability groups during the early period of the disability rights movement in Korea. Based on that disability identity, she began to engage in theatre activities when nobody acknowledges the significance of disability arts. The events that the research participant experienced in various environments ranging from family, rehabilitation centre, school, and work-life provided her with insight to run a theatre company and create works. The research participant carried out various activities to encourage disability theatre artists in terms of subjectivity and autonomy. However, in recent years, due to the policy discourse, since the superficial interest in the disability arts increased, the research participant as a disability theatre artist has been exposed to discrimination and faced identity crisis that she has never experienced before. Confronting this situation in the process of making a theatre with the research participant, the researcher as a non-disabled theatre artist, proposes a fundamental shift in the approach to understanding the disabled theatre artists and their creative activities. From the self-reflection of the researcher, this study critically examines the limitations of the current disability art policy discourse for future research on disability art.

      • 장시간 착좌 시 착좌 전략에 따른 상체의 생체역학적 변화

        김슬기(Seulgi Kim),이일석(Ilseok Lee),강상현(Sang Hyeon Kang),진상은(Sangeun Jin) 대한인간공학회 2019 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2019 No.5

        Objective: This study investigated the change of body postures according to various lower extremity seating strategies while prolonged sitting. Background: Previous studies has been studied various chair designs, but they are limited in that they just simply focused on the low back posture in a short time. Method: A total of 16 adult male and female healthy participants were recruited, and asked to sit for 45 minutes and watch a video without any restriction. Each participant visited three times for testing three different sitting strategies including upright sitting, semi-standing, kneeling posture. Body kinematics was measured with a motion capture system including the lumbar flexion angle, the pelvic tilting angle, the head flexion angle, and the rounded shoulder angle. Body kinetics was captured with a forceplate, and used to calculate mean and standard deviation of the center of pressure (CoP) in anterior-posterior axis. Results: In all three sitting strategies, lumbar flexion angle, pelvic tilt angle, head flexion angle and round shoulder angle were significantly different according to sitting strategy and time, but there was no significance in its interaction effect. The upright sitting showed the greatest variation while 45 min sitting with a negative effect on the lumbar lordosis, head flexion and rounded shoulder angle, and the magnitude of negative effects was increased with time. CoP also showed an increase of postural sway over time in upright sitting. Conclusion: The effect of time was clear in all three strategies by showing more postural changes and an increase in discomfort rating. Among three sitting strategies, the upright sitting was worst in all kinematics variable, while the kneeling and semi-standing postures showed more neutral sitting postures while 45 min prolonged sitting. In this study, we propose a seating strategy considering lower extremity such as semi-standing and kneeling rather than upright sitting under the prolonged sitting condition. Application: The office chair should be designed under the consideration of the lower extremity postures such as the position of foots, the knee supporter, and the seat inclination angle.

      • KCI등재

        안전보건표지판의 인식률 향상을 위한 평가 및 개선안 도출

        김슬기(Seulgi Kim),진상은(Sangeun Jin),남연경(Yeonkyung Nam) 대한인간공학회 2020 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.39 No.2

        Objective: The goal of this study was to identify the recognition rate of the safety signs used to communicate the risk in industry, and to improve the safety signs revealed to have low recognition rate. Background: The safety signs are used to communicate the existence of risk throughout the symbols regardless of the worker"s knowledge level. Especially, the importance of the pictogram is emphasized by the increase of foreign workers. However, there has been no study testing and improving recognition rate of the safety signs. Method: A total of seven safety signs were selected for further improvement based on a series of tests suggested by ISO 9186 (Graphical symbols) which requires more than 66% of recognition rate to use the safety signs. Then, the safety signs were improved by a guidance provided by the AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts). Finally, the rank tests were performed on the various designs to select three alternative designs for each sign, which is best to describe the meaning of each safety sign. Finally, a survey was conducted to select the final improvement safety sign among the three improvement designs for each eight signs. Results: As a result, six safety signs (emergency exit, corrosive warning, lift no boarding, machine /equipment no boarding, sensitive material warning, green cross) showed an increase in understanding and achieved 66% of the recognition rate suggested by ISO. However, two safety signs (no object movement, laser beam warning) confirmed the need for further improvement. As a result of analyzing the difference in understanding before and after the improvement of the safety signs, the "no object movement" sign increased 13.25% from the recognition rate of 0% before improvement, but did not meet the ISO standard, and the "laser beam warning sign" decreased in understanding rate. Conclusion: In this study, the design of eight safety signs was improved. The design of the six safety signs, except for "no object movements" and "laser beam warnings", could significantly increase the comprehension rate, when used in actual industrial sites. Application: The results could be used to prevent the industrial accidents by providing a better understanding of the safety signs.

      • KCI등재

        학습장애 진단 의뢰 과정에 대한 초등학교 일반교사의 인식 : 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 중심으로

        김슬기(Kim Seulgi),김자경(Kim, Jakyoung),서주영(Seo Juyoung) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of the elementary school general teacher s learning disability diagnosis request process. As a participant in the study, 10 elementary school teachers who had experience in requesting a diagnosis of learning disabilities or who had been in charge of students with a risk of learning disabilities were collected for nomadic purposes and divided into two groups to conduct a focus group interview. The content of the interview was conducted through qualitative analysis through open coding, and five categories - ‘understanding of learning disabilities’, ‘diverse characteristics suspected of learning disabilities’, ‘reasons in difficult to request a diagnosis of learning disabilities in the field of education’, ‘difficulty in supporting students with risks of learning disabilities and learning disabilities’ and ‘various demands for effective learning disability selection and support’ - 17 subcategories were derived under research topics. The results will be the basis for diagnosis and supports the students with risks of learning disabilities 본 연구에서는 학습장애 진단 의뢰 과정에 대한 초등학교 일반교사의 인식을 알아보기 위해 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 실시하였다. 연구대상은 B · U광역시 및 G도 소재 초등학교에 근무하는 3년 이상의 교육경력을 가진 일반교사이며 총 10명의 교사들을 연령 · 성별에 제한을 두지 않고 5명씩 2그룹으로 나누어 실시하였다. 인터뷰 내용은 개방형 코딩을 통한 질적 분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 ‘학습장애에 대한 이해’, ‘학습장애로 의심되는 다양한 특성’, ‘교육현장에서 학습장애 진단 의뢰가 어려운 이유’, ‘학습장애 · 학습장애 위험군 학생 지원의 어려움’, ‘효과적인 학습장애 선별과 지원을 위한 다양한 요구’의 5개의 범주가 도출되었으며, 이를 중심으로 17개의 하위범주가 도출되었다. 본 연구결과는 학습장애 위험군 학생을 보다 적극적으로 진단 의뢰하기 위한 방안을 마련하는데 토대가 될 것이다.

      • 장시간 입식-좌식 작업대 사용 전략에 따른 생체역학적 변화 분석

        김슬기(Seulgi Kim),추한박(Hanbo Zou),진상은(Sangeun Jin) 대한인간공학회 2020 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2020 No.10

        Objective: This study investigated the changes of muscle activation and body kinematics while using dynamic sitting and sit-standing workstation. Background: Although the sit-standing workstation and dynamic sitting strategy environment are an effective way to reduce the biomechanical loads in prolonged static posture, there have been no studies comparing the two conditions for prolonged scenario. Method: A total of 12 healthy participants were recruited and asked to change postures in every 15 minutes (total 60 minutes), while using a computer without any restriction. Each participant visited twice to test ‘sit-semi standing’ (dynamic sitting) and ‘sit-standing’ conditions. Muscle activation was measured in lumbar elector spinae(LES), rectus abdominis(RA), and gluteus maximus(GM), and the center of pressure(CoP) was captured by a forceplate and used to calculate standard deviation in M-L direction and A-P direction, and sample entropy. The body kinematic was captured by a motion capture system and used to calculated lumbar flexion angle. Results: LES showed significant differences in 10, 50, and 90%ile NEMGs in which the "sit-standing" showed greater activation patterns than in "sit-semi standing". In addition, the ‘sit-standing’ condition showed a broader distribution of NEMG than the ‘sit-semi standing’ condition denoting unexpected motions in the standing workstation. GM showed a significant interaction between Conditions and Time in 10, 50, and 90%iles NEMGs, and revealed significantly greater muscle activation in "sit-standing" than in "sit-semi standing". In addition, the movement of CoP was significantly bigger in "sit-standing" than "sit-semi standing", but complexity of movement captured by the sample entropy was significantly smaller in "sit-standing" revealing a simple and patterned movement but bigger movement in the ‘sit-standing’ condition. Conclusion: ‘Sit-semi standing’ showed more positive biomechanical evidences than ‘sit-standing’ for reducing the discomfort of the body in an office environment. Application: The office chair should be designed for providing various sitting postures including ‘semi-standing’ in which a larger trunk-knee angle and a smaller knee angle are required.

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