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        중국의 반부패 조직기구와 법률체계를 통해 본 법치주의

        김순옥 ( Soonok Kim ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.3

        중국은 90년대 후반 이후 줄곧 법치주의를 표방해오면서 반부패법에도 이를 적용시키는 제도화의 노력을 하고 있다. 이 연구에서는 당정의 반부패 조직기구 운영과 법률체계를 통해 중국의 법치주의 단계를 파악하고자 한다. 본 연구는 세 가지 분석을 시도한다. 첫째, 당정 및 사법기관의 반부패 조직기구를 살펴보고 둘째, 기율위원회와 검찰원 법원의 관계를 파악하고 셋째, 반부패법의 법률체계를 분석할 것이다. 연구결과에 의하면 반부패 기구는 당정과 사법권에 포진돼 있으며 중국공산당의 기율위원회가 최상위 기관의 기능을 수행하고 있다. 기율위원회와 검찰원 법원의 관계에서 사법권의 독립성이 제대로 확보되지 못하고 의존적인 관계가 지속되고 있다. 반부패법은 다른 법체계로 대체되고 있으며 당의 규율이 최상위법에 위치해 있다. 현재의 중국 반부패 법치주의 정도는 당의 통치와 제도가 혼합된 형태라고 판단된다. 중국당국이 추구하는 법치주의 실현을 통한 민주사회 달성을 위해서 광범위한 법치체계의 개혁이 지속적으로 필요하다. Since the late 1990’s China has made efforts to keep up with the rule of law by trying to institutionalize anti-corruption laws. This study intends to investigate the stage of Chinese rule of law through the operation of the anti-corruption organization and the legal system run by the government and its ruling party. For the specific content of analysis the paper focuses on three aspects; (1) the anti-corruption organizations of the government-ruling party and judicial institutions; (2) understanding the relation between the Discipline Committee and the prosecution; (3) looking into the legal system of anti-corruption laws. Research results indicate that the anti-corruption organization is controlled under the government-ruling party and the judicial branch while the Discipline Committee of the Chinese Communist Party is at the top. The relationship between the Discipline Committee and the provincial council and the prosecutor’s court forms a dependable relationship. The anti-corruption laws are replaced by other legal systems, and the ruling party’s rules have the highest authority. Accordingly, what is acknowledged through the level of the rule of law of China’s anti-corruption legal system is that it represents a combination of the ruling party’s rule and system. Therefore, in order to achieve a democratic society through the realization of the rule of law, expansive progress of reforming the legal system seems to be in demand.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 자연발화 음성코퍼스의 남성 모음 포먼트 연구

        김순옥(Kim, Soonok),윤규철(Yoon, Kyuchul) 한국음성학회 2015 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to extract the vowel formants of the ten adult male speakers in their twenties and thirties from the Korean Corpus of Spontaneous Speech [4], also known as the Seoul corpus, and to analyze them by comparing to earlier works on the Buckeye Corpus of Conversational Speech [1] in terms of the various linguistic factors that are expected to affect the formant distribution. The vowels extracted from the Korean corpus were also compared to those of the read Korean. The results showed that the distribution of the vowel formants from the Korean corpus was very different from that of read Korean speech. The comparison with English corpus and read English speech showed similar patterns. The factors affecting the Korean vowel formants were the interviewer sex, the location of the target vowel or the syllable containing it with respect to the phrasal word or utterance and the speech rate of the surrounding words.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 자연발화 음성코퍼스의 연령별 모음 포먼트 비교 연구

        김순옥(Kim, Soonok),윤규철(Yoon, Kyuchul) 한국음성학회 2015 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.7 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to extract the first two vowel formant frequencies of the forty speakers from the Seoul corpus[8] and to compare them by the age and sex. The results showed that the vowel formants showed similar patterns between male and female speakers. All the vowels in each age group and all the age groups in each vowel had main effects on either of the formant frequencies. Whereas in English, the vowel space of the older age group moved slightly to the upper right side relative to the younger group, the location of the vowel spaces of the Korean vowels were not as consistent.

      • KCI등재

        튜링 테스트를 통한 챗GPT의 거절 화행 비교 연구 -비윤리적 질문을 중심으로-

        김순옥 ( Kim Soonok ) 한국텍스트언어학회 2023 텍스트언어학 Vol.55 No.-

        The present paper aimed to examine the patterns of refusal speech acts in response to unethical questions from both humans and ChatGPT and strategically assess whether ChatGPT's responses reached a level of similarity to human responses. To conduct the research, refusal speech act strategies of humans and ChatGPT were analyzed and compared in the context of unethical questions. The research findings revealed differences in the refusal speech act strategies of humans and ChatGPT, and these differences were found to diminish ChatGPT's level of humanization.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 자연발화 음성코퍼스의 남녀 모음 포먼트 비교 연구

        윤규철(Yoon, Kyuchu),김순옥(Kim, Soonok) 한국음성학회 2015 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.7 No.2

        The aim of this work is to compare the vowel formants of the ten adult female speakers in their twenties and thirties from the Seoul corpus[7] with those of corresponding Korean male speakers from the same corpus and of American female speakers from the Buckeye corpus[4]. In addition, various linguistic factors that are expected affect the formant frequencies were examined to account for the distribution of the vowel formants. Formant frequencies extracted from the Seoul corpus were also compared to those from read speech. The results showed that the formant distribution of the spontaneous speech was very different from that of the read speech, while the comparison between the female and male speakers was similar in both languages. To a greater or lesser degree, the potential linguistic factors influenced the formant frequencies of the vowels.

      • 어린이박물관의 힐링 공간으로서의 가능성 모색

        김순옥 한국고고미술연구소 2021 동원학술논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        Do Children Need ‘Healing’? As part of the national museum branding project, the Chuncheon National Museum is focusing on the brand value of creating “the ideal museum of the Korean people.” As an extension of this idea, it came to focus on the concept of a “healing museum.” Naturally, the value of “healing” has also been incorporated into expectations regarding the role of the Children’s Museum scheduled to open there in 2021. This led us to question whether the concept of healing, which is generally mentioned in the context of ordinary adults, is applicable to children also. It is a fact that children also experience a lot of stress. They feel stress when in an unfamiliar situation, when they are frightened or in pain, or when they have to do something that they lack confidence in or do not want to do. Things that are trivial to adults can be very stressful for children. If these various types of stress are not relieved it is evident that the defense mechanism of “avoiding reality” will go into action. It can be suggested that one means of avoiding reality is “over immersion” in the digital world. Children’s over immersion in, or addiction to, the digital world is generally focused on TV, games, social media, and smartphones. Diagnosis and Treatment by Doctors, Prevention at the Children’s Museum First, we selected “digital” as the means of prevention for digital “over immersion.” Experts advise that exclusion of digital elements when children are already in a state of digital over immersion is not helpful in methodological terms. The Chuncheon National Museum judged that it was not necessary to take extreme measures and make the Children’s Museum a digital-free environment. Rather, the “digilog” method of presentation is a realistic alternative and the decision was made to apply digital technologies to make the most of analog sensibilities. Second, it was thought necessary to divert children’s “concentration” (energy used for immersion) elsewhere. In other words, the idea was to change the object of immersion from the “digital” world to something else, to help children find a shelter for their avoidance from reality, for whatever reason they sought it, not in the digital world but in nature and the ecology or in some other beautiful, peaceful reality. This approach encourages children to believe that that a place that gives them comfort and satisfaction exists in the analog world. Third, it was decided that it was necessary to help children release their “concentration” (energy used for immersion) in a different way. As is well known, for children “healing” means “play.” The Children's Museum must be an important platform for play. In this context, a play environment was created so that children who do not know each other can meet, run around, shout, fight, adjust to each other, communicate, and cooperate. The “energy” or the “aggression” with which they immersed themselves in the digital world can be released in a different way or different form through physical activity. A Place Where Adults Empathize and That Children Enjoy First, guardians (parents) should empathize with their children. Children are the main players in the Children’s Museum project. But as it is difficult for children to visit the museum alone, parents, teachers, and others should also be considered. In the planning stage, it may be that the needs of the should be considered ahead of the children. From the beginning the design concept for the Chuncheon National Museum’s Children’s Museum was a healing space that parents, and indeed all adults, would want to visit. Second, children should essentially have fun. From the perspective that for children “healing” means “play” we set out to create a space where “children meet other children and have fun” (Children+Children Zone: Establishing friendship). The idea was to arrange “an encounter with strangers” for children who do not have many opportunities to meet people they don’t know. In addition, there are devices that lead to “unexpected cooperation,” a space that is oriented to individual activity will not satisfy the planning goals even if children are in the same space. In addition, a space where children can come into contact with cultural artifacts and observe and appreciate them in detail (Children + Cultural Heritage Zone: Observation) was established. For children, who are so digital-friendly that it is easy for them to overindulge, the idea was to inspire their interest and empathy through “digilog” presentation. Finally, a space where children and educators meet (Children + Program Zone: Expression) was also created. The educator may be an educator belonging to the museum, a freelance artist, a parent or a teacher from an external educational institution. Programs More Important than Hardware Opening the Children’s Museum is only the beginning. On several occasions advisors pointed out that the programs are more important than the hardware. In this regard, the framework of the 4Cs was borrowed to build and supplement healing contents: Critical thinking in regard to contents for children, Communication focused on interaction with the local community, Collaboration that maximizes the effects of unexpected collaboration between different types, and Creativity aimed at creative operation. These 4Cs are considered to be the core values for the capabilities of future workers in the AI era, and the concept was borrowed to develop the operational strategy of the Children’s Museum. Children’s Museum as a Place for Stress Relief The key idea of the project to create the Children’s Museum at the Chuncheon National Museum was to establish a place where children find healing through play without “prohibition and control” and “tasks and evaluation.” Therefore, we hope that the museum will be a place where children can relieve stress. That is, we hope that it will be a place of healing not only for children suffering digital over-immersion but for all children. It must be noted that the contents introduced in this paper are the traces of our thinking process, not the perfected final results. Any different opinions will be taken as advice, and agreement as welcome encouragement.

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