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      • KCI등재

        한국, 중국, 일본의 국방외교 분석: 무관파견 현황을 중심으로

        김순수,성기은,인수,건우 (사) 한국전략문제연구소 2019 전략연구 Vol.26 No.3

        This work aims to analyze a military diplomacy of South Korea, China, and Japan with focusing on military attach. Dispatching and activities of military attaché have a great implication on evaluating the sending countries’ defense policy and diplomacy as well. A size of military attach office and the rank of military attach are determined by the sending countries’ consideration regarding relative importance of host countries. In this sense, we can estimate the degree of military cooperation between the sending and host country through the volume of military attach office and the rank of military attach. Also the size of military attach office and the rank of military attach provide a great implication in evaluating the sending counties’ overall diplomacy beyond military diplomacy. Empirical test results on military attach data show the followings. The South Korean diplomacy is influenced by international environment, and the Chinese diplomacy is mainly determined by the host country’s international status. The Japanese diplomacy is controlled by international trade. These test results display that the diplomacy of South Korea, China and Japan is operated under different mechanisms respectively. 본 연구는 한국, 중국, 일본의 무관파견 자료를 수집해 이들 국가의 국방외교를 평가하고, 외교정책을 분석했다. 무관의 파견과 무관부의 규모는 군사적 협력관계의 지표며, 국가의 외교정책에도 영향을 받는다는 점에서 분석에 의미가 있다. 분석 결과 한국의 외교는 국제정치적 환경에 큰 영향을 받으며, 중국의 외교는 국제적 지위가 중요한 결정요인인 것으로 확인되었다. 일본은 외교정책을 추진함에 있어 경제적 관계가 중요 변수임을 확인했다. 본 연구에서 동아시아 3개국의 외교가 각기 다른 메커니즘 속에서 작동한다는 함의를 찾았다.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한의 핵실험과 중국의 군사외교적 대응

        김순수,서춘식 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2010 한국군사학논집 Vol.66 No.2

        After the end of Cold War, China has considered North Korea's nuclear problem the most serious security issue of Korean Peninsular. China is giving emphasis on her political and military interests in the process of solution of North Korea's nuclear development problem. In this state of affairs, arguing for non-nuclear principle of Korean peninsular, China has resisted any military sanction against North Korea. The purpose of this study is to provide understanding about background of China's foreign policy biased in favor of North Korea. Findings of this study goes as follows. First, China's emphasis on dialogue and negotiation with North Korea is closely related to her attempt to build an image of China as peaceful and responsible powers. Second, it is also worth noting that China is worried about the undesirable effects of military sanction against North Korea on the stability of region, which is a very important condition for China's sustainable economic growth. Third, changes in China' foreign policy toward North Korea soon after the second nuclear test is originated from China's strategic thinking to enlarge her influence over international society. Finally, findings give a significant implication that China is implementing military diplomacy toward North Korea in order to balance and pull North Korea by means of carrot and stick method.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 군사외교의 이론과 실천

        김순수 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2014 한국군사학논집 Vol.70 No.1

        Why has China exerted effort into military diplomacy since the late 1990’s? This may have originated from the strategic decision of Chinese leadership to promote national modernization through reform and opening-up policy. Prior to this, Chinese leadership had been stuck in a ‘revolution’ and ‘struggle’ since the establishment of the country. However, it subsequently transformed into a nation of ‘construction’ and ‘stability’ through reform, opening-up and the end of the Cold War. With a new agenda, the leadership required a stable and peaceful security environment for successful economic reform, opening-up and national modernization. As a result, it performed military diplomacy with ‘all-direction’, ‘all-area’ and ‘multi-dimension.’This research aims to identify the theoretical and practical characters of Chinese military diplomacy. It focuses on reviewing general theories in military diplomacy and finding features in theory and practices of Chinese military diplomacy. The paper also delineates a typology of behaviors on the background and progress of Chinese military diplomacy with ‘all-direction’, ‘all-area’ and ‘multi-dimension.’What type of Chinese military diplomacy is aimed at the two Koreas? It may be a complex type of ‘symbol,’ ‘pulling’ and ‘balancing’ rather than a single type. Specifically, China implements military diplomacy toward South Korea based on the ‘pulling’ strategy, and adopts a ‘balancing’ strategy towardNorth Korea. This difference is not caused by the ideology but rather by Strategy on the Korean peninsula concerning Sino-U.S relations, changes of the domestic political environment and national interests.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        중국의 對남북한 인식과 기조에 관한 연구

        김순수 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2011 한국군사학논집 Vol.67 No.1

        It is very important issue to find an answer to questions as to what is China's intention to repeat push and pull game between two parties of the Korean peninsular and what is strategic elements that made China keep alliance with North Korea and partnership with South Korea, respectively. With these concerns in mind, this study aims to analyze release of the Chinese government and literatures on China's policies and to compare China's perception of South and North Korea presented in major medias in China,Chinese Diplomacy White Paper and Defense White Paper. Findings show that China's strategic thinking and perception toward the Korean peninsular go as follows. First, China's strategic thinking and perception toward the Korean peninsular is not fixed but has continuously changed. Change in external and internal environment surrounding China and Chinese leaders were conductive to this change, and especially two elements were decisive in this change. Second, if this state of affairs is considered,China is likely to consider national interests first rather than ideological factors in seeking to adjusting China's strategic thinking of the future and China's perception toward South and North Korea. However, China will do this in a long term with the aim of either 'balancing' or 'pulling' purpose rather than in a short term integrated way.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 중앙아시아 외교전략: 군사안보 관계를 중심으로

        김순수,양정학 (사) 한국전략문제연구소 2017 전략연구 Vol.24 No.1

        China, due to its rapid economic growth, is expanding its influence in Central Asia as a springboard for its economic, diplomatic, and military capacity being enhanced in the international community. However, while China’s Central Asian policy is ostensibly pursued with the intention to expanding its influence in the region, China has shown a tendency to avoid challenging the interests of the United States and Russia. This article aims to examine the Central Asia diplomatic and security strategies that are explicitly related to China’s security and national interests from the military perspective. Previous such studies consist mainly of diachronic analysis of China’s Central Asian strategy, in comparative studies on the strategy and policy of other major powers such as the United States and Russia. In addition, studies have been conducted that analyze specific elements of China's Central Asian policy. However, there has been almost no research on China and the Central Asian relations from a military security point of view. Accordingly, in this article, after reviewing phases of relationship development between China and Central Asia, the main issues between China and Central Asia, Such as SCO and CSTO, bilateral and multilateral military cooperation, and China’s overseas bases are analyzed. 중국은 급격한 경제성장과 함께 국제사회에서 강화되고 있는 경제·외교·군사적 역량을 발판으로 중앙아시아에서 자국의 영향력을 확대해 나가고 있다. 하지만 현재 중국의 대 중앙아시아 정책은 이 지역에서 자신의 영향력을 확대하려는 의도 속에서 추진되고 있지만 한편으로는 미국이나 러시아의 이해관계에 정면으로 도전하지 않으면서 추진된다는 특징을 보이고 있다. 이 글은 중국의 안보 및 경제이익과 매우 밀접한 관계를 지닌 중국의 대 중앙아시아 외교전략을 군사안보적 관점에서 고찰하고자 한다. 또한 이를 통해 중국이 중앙아시아에서 어떻게 미국·러시아 등 강대국의 견제를 최소화하며 자국의 영향력을 강화시키고 있는지 살펴보도록 하겠다. 기존의 연구는 통시적으로 중국의 대 중앙아시아 전략, 미국·러시아 등 다른강대국과의 전략 및 정책 비교가 주를 이루었으며, 또한 특정 영역을 중심으로 중국의 중앙아시아 정책을 분석한 연구가 대부분이었다. 하지만 군사안보적 관점에서 중국과 중앙아시아 관계를 조망한 연구는 많지 않다. 이에 이 글은 중국의 중앙아시아 외교전략을 단계별로나누어 변화과정을 검토한 후, 중국과 중앙아시아간의 주요 군사안보 현안이자 쟁점인 상하이협력기구(SCO)와 집단안보기구(CSTO), 양자 및 다자간 군사교류협력, 그리고 중국의 해외기지 운용사례 등 군사안보적 측면에서 분석을 시도하였다.

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