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        아리스토텔레스 형이상학에 나타난 실체 개념의 개별성 문제 ― 『형이상학』 Ζ를 중심으로 ―

        김덕천 ( Kim¸ Deok-cheon ) 한국가톨릭철학회 2005 가톨릭철학 Vol.0 No.7

        아리스토텔레스의 형이상학은 스승 플라톤의 초월적 참여론과 더불어 서구 존재론의 토대와 시원을 점하고 있는 기념비적인 연구 성과이다. 그러나 아리스토텔레스의 『형이상학』은 중세의 보편 논쟁에서뿐만 아니라 근현대에 이르는 2,000년이 넘는 기간 동안 숱한 아포리아들을 양산해온 가장 난해한 철학 논고 가운데 하나로 손꼽혀 왔다. ‘제1철학’으로 일컬어졌던 아리스토텔레스의 형이상학은 존재로서의 존재에 대한 원리적 탐구로서 존재로서의 존재 개념의 핵심은 실체에서 포착될 수 있는데, 실체 개념의 성격 문제는 그러한 실체가 구체적으로 어떠한 내포를 지니고 있으며 그것이 과연 개별적인가 보편적인 것인가 하는 쟁점으로 귀결된다. 아리스토텔레스는 서양의 정신사에서 최초로 존재 개별성의 의식적인 화두(話頭)를 제출한 사상가로서, 실재론-관념론의 알력과 개별-보편 상호 간의 관계 정립의 과제는 바로 이 사상가로부터 촉발된 것이다. 아리스토텔레스는 『범주론』에서 제1실체와 제2실체를 명시적으로 언급하고 있는 바, 제1실체가 이 세상에 실재하는 개별적 사물들을 가리킨다면, 제2실체는 능동 지성의 추상과 추상에 따른 술어화의 기제를 통하여 파악되는 동일한 공통 본성·형상·본질·보편 개념을 각각 가리킨다. 보편 본질이나 관념을 현실적 개별자들과 동의어적(同義語的)인 것으로 간주하고 이에 실체의 이름을 부여하고 있는 『범주론』은 실재론적 본질주의자로서의 아리스토텔레스의 면모를 상징적으로 드러내고 있다. 일반적으로 지금까지의 많은 주석가들은 『형이상학』의 핵심 논고들이 제2실체로서의 (실체적) 형상과 본질에 초점을 맞추고 있다고 생각해 왔으나, 1970년대 이후의 문헌학적 원전 판독의 결과들은 제2실체뿐만 아니라 제1실체 또한 변증법적 사유 실험의 중요한 변수로 작용하고 있으며, 나아가 제1실체를 대변해 주는 개별 실체와 다름이 없는 것으로서의 제2실체, 즉 실체적 형상이 『형이상학』의 경우에는 개별성을 담지한 것으로 논증되고 있다고 강변하고 있다. 이에 대하여 논자는 『형이상학』의 논변이 제1실체와 제2실체 모두를 취급하고 있으므로 논리 논문집인 『오르가논』의 일부로 구분되어 왔던 『범주론』이 본격적인 『형이상학』의 서론격에 해당한다는 점은 받아들이지만, 실체적 형상과 본질이 개별성을 확보하고 있다는 이른바 ‘개별적 형상론’의 주장에는 공감을 표명할 수가 없다. 왜냐하면 형이상학 핵심 논고의 번세한 변증 추론들을 종합하고 있는 Ζ권 13장 이후 Η, Θ의 논의들은 현실태인 전체로서의 물질적 제1실체와 가능태인 부분 혹은 구성요소로서의 실체적 형상이라는 이론적 구도하에 명백히 보편 본질의 실체적 개별성을 인정하고 있지 않기 때문이다. 아리스토텔레스가 이해하는 현상계의 참된 제1실체·궁극적 주체는 질료와 형상의 통일체이며, 이때에 형상은 동일성 및 통일성의 원리로 기능하고 질료는 비동일성의 원리로 자리 매김 된다. 그리고 동일성의 원리는 그것이 종적인 단일성이든 전체적 통일화의 맥락에서 본 수적인 단일성이든 하나임[一性]의 원리를 의미한다. 그러므로 질료는 개별화의 원리라기보다 비동일성 내지 차별성의 원리로 이해되어야 하며, 아리스토텔레스 형이상학에서의 실체적 형상은 결코 개체 차별성의 원인으로 작용할 수가 없는 것이다. Aristotle’s metaphysics, together with Plato’s theory of transcendental forms, is a monumental masterpiece that formulates the foundations of western ontological pursuit. However, the book Metaphysics has been evaluated for over 2000 years as one of the most aporetic philosophical writings not only for the ancient and medieval but even for the modern commentators as well. Aristotle’s metaphysics, called by the name of “first philosophy”, is the study of being as being, and the core of being as being is seized with the concept of substance. To understand the notion of substance, we should be able to know what intention the word substance has and that would lead us to the issue of whether it is individual or universal. As we know, Aristotle is a thinker who first cast the problem of individuality of being in western philosophy, and so, as was revealed in medieval controversy over universals, the tension between realism and idealism or the relation between individual-universal were triggered by himself. Aristotle explicitly mentioned two kinds of substances, namely the primary and secondary in Categories. To sketch briefly, primary substances denote individual things in nature contrasted with secondary meaning the same common nature, form, essence or idea that are grasped through the mechanism of predication brought from the abstraction in epistemology. And here Aristotle’s showing the identity of realistic essentialist for he regarded essence or idea as being synonymous with the real individuals. Generally so far, most scholars have thought that the central books of Metaphysics are focused on the notions of (substantial) form or essence as the secondary substance in Categories. But the philological commentaries after 1970s have assumed that besides the secondary primary substance as true real substance plays a pivotal role in dialectical thought experiment of Metaphysics and furthermore substantial form as the secondary substance synonymous with or representing the primary substance has individuality of being. With regard to this reasoning, I accept the fact that Metaphysics includes the inferences on secondary and primary substance as well and thus Categories which has been treated as a part of logical works Organon should be recognized as a practical prolegomena of Aristotelian metaphysics, but disagree on the argument, so called “theory of individual form” that the substantial form has individuality of being. Because discourses in Η, Θ starting from Ζ,13 have never ever granted the substantial individuality of universal essence under the theoretical scheme of actuality which is primary material substance as the whole and potentiality which is substantial form as the part or constituent of the whole. For Aristotle true primary substance or ultimate subject in this material world is a composite unity of form and matter, and now if the form functions as the principle of identity and unity, matter is established as the principle of non-identity. The principle of identity means principle of the one, whether oneness in form or oneness in number in the context of holistic amalgamation. Therefore the matter should not be understood as the principle of individuation but as the principle of non-identity or difference, and the form cannot be the cause of differentiation.

      • 초등학교 교사의 체육과 지도 능력에 대한 연구

        김덕천,김정식,박문환,박기호,한철언 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 1997 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.3 No.2

        This research intends to suggest a guideline for physical education by evaluating teaching abilities of both experienced male teachers and novice male and female teachers in elementary school. A survey was conducted for this purpose and the questionnaire is made up of total 38 questions with Likert's five scale of measurement. The self administration method is used and the data is processed in SAS package(Window ver 6.11). The followings are the results of the research : First. Experienced teachers are superior to novice male and female teachers in every factor except for that of faculty. Second. Novice female teachers excel in the factor of faculty, instruction and knowledge while novice male teachers in factor of research, attitude and effort. Third. The reciprocal factors in elementary school teachers' physical education are as follows : the factor of research is related to that of attitude and knowledge : the factor of attitude is that of knowledge and effort : the factor of faculty is that of knowledge. Fourth. The result of analysing teaching abilities of physical education by the factor and the group, and analysing the factor and the group's reciprocal action with two - way ANOVA appeared significantly as follows : the factor relation was in the order of attitude, effort, faculty, instruction, research, knowledge, and the group relation was in the order of experienced teachers, novice female teachers, novice male teachers. Fifth. As a result of analyzing teaching abilities of the physical education by the group, novice female male teacher as well as experienced teachers were worthy of notice. Novice female teachers were shown in the order of instruction, research, knowledge, faculty, effort, attitude, and novice male teachers were in the order of knowledge, attitude, research, effort, faculty. Experienced teachers were in the order of knowledge, research, faculty, instruction, effort, attitude. Sixth. The result of analysing teaching abilities of physical education by the factor with one - way ANOVA was that attitude, instruction, and effort were not significant, but research, faculty, and knowledge appeared as noteworthy factors.

      • KCI등재

        중·고등학교 스포츠 참여에 관한 연구

        김덕천(Duk Chun Kim) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 1998 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.15 No.-

        This study researched and analyzed the preference of sports for physical and psychologically developing highschool and middleschool students, and basketball, soccer, badminton, bowling, swimming, cycling in other were the sports student participated the most. Comparison between sex shows that male students actually participate more on sports like basketball, soccer, on the other hand female students participated more on recreational sports such as bowling, badminton, swimming. Also students prefer team sports rather than individual sports. Male student had preference for team sports. On the contray female students preferred individual sports. It show that participation in sports differs between sex. The survey showed that indirect participations were higher than direct participation. The mast common reasons for indirect participations are lack of time, ability, and indifference. And the professional sports are more preferred than amateur sports. Male preferred professional and female prefered amateur sports and also highschool students preferred professional and middle school student liked amateur sports more. The research also showed that most common means viewing sports was through Mass media rather than visiting stadiums or arenas.

      • KCI등재

        각국의 생활체육정책 비교연구

        김덕천(Duk Chun Kim) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 1999 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the present condition and the measure for the promotion of `sport for all` in several developed countries, and to catch hold of the present condition of our policy our `sport for all` policy. I want to be more excellent policy of `span for all` for some years to come. The demand of `sport for all` has been come to the fore front. That is the demand of the times to heal problems of the world. The task of the highest priority of developed countries is that the people enjoy various sports in improving the quality of life and national fitness. In the United States, the Federal Government and the Local Governments have encouraged a variety of sports program. The Government of German has exerted his effort to expand and improve the facilities of `sport for all` through Golden Plan and supported every kind sport clubs, in the United Kingdom, a nongovernmental organizations are trying to popularize `sport far all` through the supporting of companies. Since 1995, The Government of Japan has upbringing local sport clubs combined. In Spite of the demand of the times, `sport for all` policy of our country is nothing but a temporary expedient because of national nonchalance and the scantiness of facilities. So, We must map out long-term strategies to expand and improve the facilities for `sport for all`, propel continuously strategies, cultivate excellent leaders, and improve a given condition of `sport for all` to connecting with local self-governing body.

      • KCI등재

        심리적 훈련기법에 의한 사격선수의 경기력 향상방안

        김덕천(Duck Choun Kim),한철언(Choul Eun Han),손종열(Jong Youl Son),강현민(Hyun Min Kang),하웅용(Woong Young Ha) 한국사회체육학회 1998 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to remove competitive trait anxiety in the scene of sports relation to the improvement of athlete`s shooting performance through mental practice. The result of this study were as follows; First, experimental group maintained stability and consistency in comparison with control group. Second, Experimental group showed higher development than control group in monthly average exercise records.

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