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        Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Production in the Rumen - Roles of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens A38

        김대옥,Tae Wan Kim,Ho Jin Heo,Jee-Young Imm,Han-Joon Hwang,Sejong Oh,Young Jun Kim 한국축산식품학회 2004 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is currently under intensive investigation due to its health benefits. A great deal of interest has been paid to the possible health-promoting roles of CLA, but there are not many studies available on the mechanism of CLA production by ruminal microorganisms. CLA is produced as an intermediate of the characteristic biohydrogenation process of linoleic acid(LA) in the rumen and its production has direct relationship to numerous environmental factors including particle association, substrate concentration, forage-to-grain ratio, pH, ionopore, bacterial cell density, etc. Some of these factors were known to affect hydrogenating activities of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens A38 which is an active rumen bacterium in CLA production. Dairy cow is a main source of CLA, and its level could be increased by dietary manipulation changing the physiological environment of rumen bacteria such as B. fibrisolvens A38. Therefore, the effects of various factors on ruminal biohydrogenation should be carefully considered to optimize not only CLA production, but also other fatty acid metabolism, both of which are directly affecting nutritional quality and functionality of dairy products. In this review, the relationship between various environmental factors and ruminal CLA production is discussed focusing on the CLA production of B. fibrisolvens A38.

      • KCI등재

        하나님 나라 도래 현실로서 예수가 선포한 희년의 특징 고찰

        김대옥(Kim, Dae-Ok) 한신대학교 신학사상연구소 2016 신학사상 Vol.0 No.174

        예수의 복음은 ‘하나님 나라’의 도래로 집약된다. 그것은 ‘온 백성에 미칠 큰 기쁨의 좋은 소식’으로써, 특히 1세기 이스라엘의 역사 현실에서 억압받던‘가난한 이’들에게 미치는 자유와 해방의 소식이었다. 그는 하나님 나라가 임해왔음을 선언하며, 이사야의 예고를 들어 고래로부터 이스라엘의 사회적 이상이 되어왔던 희년 실천을 자신의 메시아적 사명의 핵심으로 제시한다. 그는 희년 실천의 틀 안에서 하나님 나라의 실현이 구체화 될 것을 기대한다. 예수가 선포하고 기대한 희년에는 전통적인 이해를 뛰어 넘는 여러 특징들이 있다. 예수는 그의 희년 선포에서 하나님 나라의 분배적 정의에 초점을 두었고, 전통적인 50년 희년 주기를 넘어 즉각적이고 상시적인 실천을 기대했다. 그럼에도 그는 국가의 전면적 실천보다는 상황적 실천을 의도했다. 그는 자선 차원을 넘는 총체적인 회복으로써의 희년을 기대하고, 유대적 특수주의를 넘어선 보편 명령으로 확대했다. 선제적인 은혜의 선순환의 지속을 기대하며, 그것을 영생의 길로써 제시했다. 그것은 예수를 따르는 제자도의 전제였고, 희년 실천 거부에 대해서는 지속적인 비판이 따랐다. 마침내 희년 명령은 지상명령으로써 제시되었다. 예수의 지상적 몸이요 제자공동체인 교회는 희년 실천으로 구체화되는 하나님 나라의 복음을 회복해야 한다. 그 복음을 재확인하고 구체적인 실천 방향을 모색해야 하는 것은 무엇보다 그것이 교회의 정체성과 존재 목적의 문제이기 때문이다. The gospel of Jesus is summed up in the coming of the Kingdom of God. As “good news of great joy for all the people,” it was the news of freedom and deliverance especially for the poor who, as a matter of historic reality, were under the oppression in the first century Israel. Jesus proclaimed that the kingdom of God had come and by quoting Isaiah’s prophecy presented the practice of the Jubilee that had been the social ideal of Israel from old days as the core of his Messianic mission. And it was within the framework of practicing the Jubilee that he expected the reality of the Kingdom of God to be materialized. The Jubilee that Jesus proclaimed and expected has many characteristics that went beyond the conventional understanding. In proclaiming the Jubilee, he focused on distributive justice in the Kingdom of God and expected an immediate and continuing practice beyond the traditional fifty-year-cycle. At the same time, he intended Jubilee to be practiced depending on the circumstances rather than in a nation-wide scale by the state. He expected Jubilee as overall restoration that is more than acts of charity and expanded it beyond Jewish particularism as a universal command. He looked forward to the continuing good cycle of preemptive grace and showed the practice of Jubilee as the way of eternal life. As it was a precondition for the discipleship to follow Jesus, those who fail to practice Jubilee has been subjected to perennial criticism. The command to practice Jubilee presented itself finally as the great commission. The church, which is the earthly body of Jesus and the community of his disciples, ought to restore the gospel of the Kingdom of God that is to be realized in the practice of Jubilee. Reaffirming that gospel and seeking for specific methods of practice is called for because first and foremost this matter concerns the very identity of the church and purpose of its being.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        산화방지제 파이토케미컬이 건강에 미치는 영향에 대해 고려할 점

        김대옥(Dae-Ok Kim),이창용(Chang Y. Lee) 한국식품과학회 2021 한국식품과학회지 Vol.53 No.2

        과일, 채소, 곡물, 견과류 등에 함유된 파이토케미컬은 심혈관질환, 암, 퇴행성신경질환 등을 유발하는 활성산소의 바람직하지 않은 영향을 방지하는 산화방지제로 역할을 한다. 이처럼 유해물질로 간주되었던 활성산소는 최근에 면역 및 다른 생리적 반응 신호에서 인체에 유익한 역할을 하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 여러 연구에 따르면 활성산소는 신진대사 건강을 증진시키는 필수 신호 전달 물질로 작용한다. 따라서, 산화방지제가 활성산소의 신호 전달에 간섭하는 것은 전반적인 이점에 의문의 여지가 있다. 그러므로 건강상의 이익을 위해 파이토케미컬을 기능성 식품과 보충제에 적용할 때 활성산소가 미치는 영향을 이해하기 위한 연구가 반드시 필요하다. 본 논문은 활성산소에 관한 연구를 계획하는 식품학자 및 영양학자들에게 가능한 연구 방향을 제공하고자 활성산소의 새로운 역할과 다양한 파이토케미컬의 호메시스를 간략하게 다루고 있다. Phytochemicals in fruits, vegetables, cereals, and nuts, advertised as “antioxidants”, combat undesirable effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body. These undesirable effects include cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders. Although ROS were initially considered to be primarily damaging agents, ROS have been discovered to play a role in signaling immune and other physiological responses in recent years. Several studies have demonstrated that ROS act as essential signaling molecules to promote metabolic health. Therefore, the overall advantage of the interference of ROS signals by antioxidants could be questionable. Future research is required to understand the implications of the application of phytochemicals in functional foods and supplements for health benefits on ROS levels in the body. This study describes the new roles of ROS and hormesis of various phytochemicals to provide a possible research guideline to food and nutrition scientists.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        커큐민이 건강에 미치는 효과 - 재평가

        김대옥(Dae-Ok Kim),이창용(Chang Y. Lee) 한국식품과학회 2021 한국식품과학회지 Vol.53 No.5

        커큐민은 산화방지능, 항염증, 항우울, 항균, 항종양 등의 다양하고 유익한 생리학적 활성이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 또한, 커큐민은 면역조절, 대사조절, 신경보호 효과도 가지고 있다. 지난 10년 동안 13,000편 이상의 연구 논문에서 커큐민의 건강상 이점에 대한 연구가 발표되었음에도 불구하고, 아직까지 전 세계 어느 나라에서도 커큐민을 의약품으로 시장에 출시하지 못하고 있다. 긍정적인 결과가 많음에도, 건강상의 이점을 내세우는 대부분의 연구는 커큐민의 다양한 화학적 거동을 고려하지 않은 시험관실험 및 동물실험에 기반으로 하고 있다. 커큐민은 PAINS이자 IMPs 중의 하나로 알려져 있다. 따라서 엄격한 연구 설계에도 불구하고, 인체적용시험 및 임상시험은 특별한 이점을 입증할 수 없었다. 이 논문에서는 커큐민의 다면적 특성을 검토하여 커큐민의 부정적 특성이 이로운 효과와 균형을 이룰 수 있도록 하고 건강상의 이점을 더 잘 이해할 수 있는 잠재적 연구 방법을 제안하고 있다. Curcumin is known to possess diverse beneficial physiological effects including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-microbial, and anti-neoplastic activities, as well as immune-modulating, metabolism-regulating, and neuroprotective effects. However, despite more than 13,000 research papers published during the last ten years regarding the health benefits of curcumin, curcumin has not been introduced in the market as a pharmaceutical agent in any country. Despite the abundance of positive findings, most investigations that tout its health benefits are based on in vitro and in vivo studies that fail to consider the protean chemical behaviors of curcumin, which is known to be a pan-assay interference compound and an invalid metabolic panacea. Therefore, human clinical trials, despite rigorous study design, have been unable to prove specific benefits. This article reviews the pleiotropic properties of curcumin so that they can be balanced against its beneficial effects and suggests potential research avenues to better understand its health benefits.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        선교사 영성의 기초로서의 산상수훈

        김대옥 ( Dae Ok Kim ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2010 복음과 선교 Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to argue that the Sermon on the Mount is Jesus blueprint for building the Kingdom of God on this earth, and to show that it is an appropriate manual for missionaries, the agents of the kingdom of God, to realize Jesus` vision of Kingdom-life on this earth. Missionaries are to, in the light of the Sermon on the Mount, be led to reflect upon spiritual problems in their selves, and to learn that the Sermon on the Mount serves as the foundation for Christian spirituality by which the continuous fulfillment of the Kingdom be realized. With this aim in mind, the study is comprised of three parts, and each represents a significant aspect of the Sermon on the Mount which in turn serves as the spiritual foundation for the missionaries. The first aspect of the spiritual foundation found in the Sermon on the Mount is its being the ``Kingdom of Heaven. ``The ``kingdom`` described in the Sermon on the Mount is not so much a utopia after death as a reality embodied in the midst of the problematic world ``here and now.`` ``The Beatitudes`` is presented as the heart of our Kingdom-seeking life, which serves as the determining principle for the rightful condition of heart, and rightful attitude toward God and life. Missionaries are expected to sustain the inner life of devotion, keep the identity as the salt and light, and guide people to live the life of glorifying God. The second aspect of the spiritual foundation found in the Sermon on the Mount is its demand to be ``lived out`` in our daily lives. A normative life of a missionary should be a life of seeking spiritual growth and wholeness. There is a sense in which a missionary holds a heavenly ``secret`` with which mere formal and superficial spirituality is avoided. Missionaries may reverently recognize that God is the living God, have hearts for neighbours and pray for them, and do not neglect to pray for themselves either. However, it is not to be missed that the essence of spirituality of the Sermon on the Mount is not just praying but to live out its rules. It is to uphold God`s expectation of perfection as the goal by which they pursue God`s kingdom and seek to realize the Golden Rules. The third aspect of the spiritual foundation found in the Sermon on the Mount is its revelation of the spiritual crises for us to overcome. The Sermon on the Mount manifests the depth of spiritual sickness and distortions of the believers and offers the ways for restoration. First, it penetrates and reveals the formalism and legalism in the life of believers. Secondly, it convicts religious hypocrisy, self-centered desire for material gain, and secularism. Thirdly, it exposes such ungodly tendencies such as judging others, egocentric demanding, laziness, idolatrous obsession for success, life of boasting, etc. The manifestation of the kingdom challenges these spiritual crises and demand that they be dealt with and get rectified before we go to ``the village down the mount`` (the world). The Sermon on the Mount is the perfect spiritual foundation for missionaries (1) to overcome their spiritual problems, and (2) to build the kingdom of God firmly in the lives of individuals and communities.

      • KCI등재

        ``이스마엘 언약``과 그 성취 연구

        김대옥 ( Dae Ok Kim ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2011 복음과 선교 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to argue that God established a covenant with the Muslims who are the spiritual descendants of Ishmael, which the writer calls it Ishmaelic Covenant, just as Christians are those of Abraham, and that God provides the salvational plan for them in the Christ, And that the ``Ishmaelic Covenant`` belongs to the ``Abrahamic Covenant``, and the later is being completed by the former. In order to do this, the writer pursues the history of Ishmael and his descendants in the records of the Bible, especially focusing on the God`s covenant that was given to them and its fulfillment. In doing so, the writer tries to suggest some ideas in order for ``Abrahamic covenant people`` and ``Descendants of Ishmael``, who have lived for long time in hostility, to live together in peace. First of all, the writer provides the background of the birth of Ishmael and his life by arranging the ``Ishmael narrative`` that is recorded in Genesis chapters 16, 17, 21 and 25 briefly. Then he adds some stories told in the Quran, the holy book of Muslims, whom the writer considers ``the descendants of Ishmael.`` Then the writer deals with ``Ishmaelic covenant`` which is the core part of this article. This term is newly made by the writer through biblical research, which has been ignored by the ``covenant people.`` But the writer thinks that it should be dealt properly as the Abrahamic covenant, since the life and history of the descendants of Ishmael have been maintained according to this covenant. They became great nations by this covenant, though lived in the wilderness, and lived in hostility against all the brothers having warlike character. Finally the writer discusses the fulfillment and expectation of the ``Ishmaelic covenant`` in the Bible. God has been faithful to the people fulfilling the covenant. To conclude, the writer suggests that the people of ``Abrahamic covenant`` and those of ``Ishmaelic covenant`` who have been in the relationship of hostility and conflict for a long time, should exert all possible efforts in order to re-recognize each other as brothers together who have been descended from one God and one father Abraham, and to build up win-win relationship each other.

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