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      • KCI등재

        Beyond Contrast: additional functions of lax, tense, and aspirated stops in Korean

        김다히 한국중원언어학회 2014 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.33

        Linguists have identified various functions that speech sounds fulfill for a successful communication. In phonology, the focus of analysis has typically been on the distinctive function by which speech sounds distinguish lexical meaning. The aim of the current paper is to review studies proposing functions of speech sounds other than the distinctive function and to show how specific speech sounds fulfill these additional functions by focusing on the lax, tense, and aspirated stops in Korean. From corpus analyses and a review of phonological theories, it is suggested that there are potential links between the statistical distributions of sounds (i.e., relative frequency of the members of a contrast) and the function that a certain member of a contrast fulfills. Findingsqualify the widely held assumption that occurrence frequency and information are inversely correlated. Considering the additional functions that speech sounds fulfill, a more frequent member of a phonological contrast should be regarded as a source of information regarding segmenting speech stream, rather than conveying less amount of information for speech communication.

      • 영어 문장 말 폐쇄음의 파열 양상

        김다히,Kim, Da-Hee 대한음성학회 2005 말소리 Vol.53 No.-

        This experimental study aims to test the hypothesis that the occurrence of English sentence-final stop release is, at least, partly predictable by examining its phonetic context. 10 native(5 male and 5 female) speakers of American English recorded, in a sound-proof booth, sentences excerpted from novels and the natural documents on the World Wide Web. Based on the waveforms and spectrograms of the recorded sentences, judgements of the release of a sentence-final stop were made. If the aperiodic energy of a given final stop lasted more than .015 second, it was considered to be "released." The result reveals that English sentence-final stops tend to be released when they are 1) velar consonants, 2) preceeded by tense vowels, and 3) coda consonants of content words. The phonetic environment in which final stops are often released can be characterized by the articulatory comfortableness and the need for release burst noise, without which the final stops may not be correctly perceived. By examining the release of English final stops, it is concluded that the phonological events, which had been considered to occur rather "randomly," in fact, reflect the universal tendency of human speech: to minimize the speakers' and hearers' effort.

      • KCI등재

        Duration modulation in Korean stops: nonlocal similarity avoidance vs. timing regulation

        오미라,김다히,강희조 한국음운론학회 2020 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.26 No.1

        This study examines the duration modulation of C1VC2V- sequences in Korean. We conducted two production experiments to test the effect of nonlocal stops on durations of segments. In Experiment 1, Seoul and Gwangju Korean speakers recorded C1aC1ata and C1alata (C1 = lenis, aspirated, and tense stops) sequences. The results showed that C1VOT of aspirated stops was significantly shorter before another aspirated stop, as in Mongolian (Svantesson and Karlsson 2012), but that neither F0 nor H2-H1 were affected. The follow-up experiment, in which the types of stimuli were increased, provided two more findings. First, the trigger of shortening is ‘long VOT’ rather than the laryngeal feature [asp]. As well as the C1 aspirated stop, the C1 lenis stop shortened the VOT of the C2 aspirated stop. Second, the shortening effect is bidirectional. Not only C2 long VOT shortened C1 VOT, but also C1 long VOT shortened C2 VOT. This cannot be accounted for by segmental OCP or gradient dissimilation because the effect is purely phonetic, and the two stops do not become more different. We argue that the data is explained by an isochrony tendency which modulates long periods of segments. In addition, we adopted a V-to-V interval to account for the duration modulation beyond syllables.

      • KCI등재

        한국인과 한국어 학습자의 단모음 발화

        김정아,김다히,이석재,Kim, Jeong-Ah,Kim, Da-Hee,Rhee, Seok-Chae 대한음성학회 2008 말소리 Vol.65 No.-

        This paper attempts to analyze the characteristics of Korean vowel production by 12 Korean native speakers and 36 adult learners. The analyses have been performed with investigations of F1and F2 values. Results showed that there's no significant difference between /ㅔ/ and /H/ and between /ㅗ/ and /ㅜ/ in Korean native speakers' pronunciations. The distinguishing tendencies found in the analyses of foreign learners' pronunciations are fronting and lowering of /ㅗ/ by English speakers, backing and heightening of /ㅓ/ by Japanese speakers and backing and lowering of /ㅏ/ by Chinese speakers. For the limitations of this paper, it has a meaning of a preliminary study and could be developed into further research to show the order of acquisition and L1 transference.

      • KCI등재

        인공와우 시뮬레이션에서 나타난 건청인 영어학습자의 영어 말소리 지각

        임애리(Yim, Ae-Ri),김다히(Kim, Dahee),이석재(Rhee, Seok-Chae) 한국음성학회 2014 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.6 No.3

        Although it is well documented that patients with cochlear implant experience hearing difficulties when processing their first language, very little is known whether or not and to what extent cochlear implant patients recognize segments in a second language. This preliminary study examines how Korean learners of English identify English segments in a normal hearing and cochlear implant simulation conditions. Participants heard English vowels and consonants in the following three conditions: normal hearing condition, 12-channel noise vocoding with 0mm spectral shift, and 12-channel noise vocoding with 3mm spectral shift. Results confirmed that nonnative listeners could also retrieve spectral information from vocoded speech signal, as they recognized vowel features fairly accurately despite the vocoding. In contrast, the intelligibility of manner and place features of consonants was significantly decreased by vocoding. In addition, we found that spectral shift affected listeners’ vowel recognition, probably because information regarding F1 is diminished by spectral shifting. Results suggest that patients with cochlear implant and normal hearing second language learners would experience different patterns of listening errors when processing their second language(s).

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