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        김대중 평화사상의 형성과 정치적 실천

        김귀옥 ( Kim¸ Gwi-ok ) 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 2020 통일과 평화 Vol.12 No.2

        20년 전 김대중 전 대통령은 노벨평화상을 수상했다. 노벨평화상을 수상했던 공적은 한반도 분단 이후 처음으로 남북정상회담을 성사시켰고, 전쟁 없는 한반도를 만들기 위해 노력했기 때문인 것은 잘 알려져 있다. 그러나 일부 사람들은 김대중의 과격성이나 위험성에 대해 문제제기를 해왔다. 과연 김대중은 평화주의적 면모가 있는가, 또한 평화적 실천을 했는가를 규명해 보고자 한다. 이 글에서는 우선 김대중의 평화주의 사상은 어떻게 만들어졌는가를 살펴볼 것이다. 다음으로 김대중의 정치적 트레이드마크이다시피 했던 평화통일론의 방점이 통일론에서 평화론으로 옮겨가게 된 과정을 살펴보고자 한다. 다음으로 김대중의 정치인생과 함께 했던 호남에 대한 지역차별주의 문제를 살펴보면서 차별이라는 폭력을 평화로 극복하는 모습을 살펴볼 것이다. 이제 마지막으로 사회구조적 폭력으로서의 계급적 차별과 성차별 문제에 대한 관심과 지향과 함께 평화운동을 위한 주체로서의 시민사회 형성에서 김대중의 역할을 간략하게 살펴보고자 한다. Former president Kim Dae-jung was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 20 years ago. It is a well-known fact that he was awarded for the arrangement of the first inter-Korean summit since their division and his long effort to create a war-free Korean Peninsula. However, whether Kim was a dangerous radical has been debated by some people. Thus, this article intends to examine whether Kim was a pacifist and practiced peace in reality. The article begins with a brief introduction. The second section looks into the background of how Kim Dae-jung constructed the pacifist thoughts. The third section examines the peaceful unification theory, which was Kim’s political trademark, particularly on the process in which the focus shifted from the unification to the peace theory. This section also introduces the problem of regional discrimination against Honam, which had haunted Kim through his political career, and explores how he overcame the violence of discrimination through peace. This will be followed by the analysis of his orientations and policies on the social structural violences, focusing on the issues of class and gender discriminations. The section ends with a brief examination of Kim’s role as the leading actor of the peace movement in the formation of civil society and is followed by the conclusion, which summarises the central argument.

      • KCI등재

        OEM 수출기업의 ODM 수출기업으로의 전환시 장애요인에 관한 연구

        김귀옥(Gwi-ok Kim),배정한(Jung-han Bae) 한국국제상학회 2007 國際商學 Vol.22 No.3

          OEM export had played an important role on Korea up to 1990. The export amount made in OEM by Korean companies had been increased until the end of 1980s. However, since 1990, it has been decreased up to now. Therefore, many small-medium sized OEM exporting companies are transforming their exporting strategies to Own Brand or ODM(Original Development/Design Manufacturing) to maintain and develop their markets abroad.<BR>  For transforming their exporting strategies into Own Brand, small-medium sized OEM exporting companies need lots of financial and human resources to develop new products and their own brands for overseas marketing. Furthermore, they have to take a heavy burden of the low possibility of success. To avoid those burden, many large and small-medium sized companies which have been fulfilling OEM export are transforming their strategies to ODM export instead of Own Brand export.<BR>  Therefore, this article analyzes the obstacles which may occur in the transforming through the interviews with the ODM exporting companies which have succeeded in transformation from OEM to ODM. The main goal of this study is to contribute to Exporting Company"s transformation from OEM to ODM in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        냉전적 이산과 탈냉전적 공존의 전망

        김귀옥 ( Gwi-ok Kim ) 한국사회사학회 2013 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.99

        이 글은 1년 가까운 기간 교토를 현지답사하고 교토 재일코리안의 다양한 사회 적 관계나 삶을 관찰한 후 10명의 구술생애사를 조사한 자료를 통해 작성되었다. 주로 교토 재일코리안 2세대(1명의 1세대와 1명의 3세대 포함)들의 재현적 기억과 생활 속에서 식민, 분단과 냉전, 탈냉전 과정에서 나타난 이산 경험을 고찰하였다. 이 연구를 통하여 우선 식민과 제국의 이산이 1세대들에 대한 기억을 통해 재현 되었다. 다음으로 분단과 냉전의 이산은 고국인 남한과의 순조로운 관계 형성의 좌절의 기억과 북한으로의 귀국으로 인한 가족의 북한으로의 재이산으로 나타났다. 셋째, 탈냉전시대 교토 재일코리안의 삶과 사회적 관계 속에 자리잡고 있는 냉전과 탈냉전의 중첩 속의 일본내 공존과 초국적 이산의 모습을 살펴보았다. On the basis of field researches on the life and social networks of Koreans in Kyoto, Japan, for 1 year and interviews with 10 Kyoto Korean residents (one is of the first generation, another of the third one, and the others of the second one) through oral history methodology, the paper examines the meaning of diasporic experiences of Koreans in Japan through the periods of the colonial age, the division of Korean Peninsula, the Cold War, and the Post-Cold War. The paper investigates the diasporic experience of the colonial period through the memory of the 1st generation. Their diasporic experiences of the division of Korean Peninsula and the Cold War had something to do with the memory of the frustration at re-making smooth relationship with South Korea and with their family’s repatriation and re-dispersion to North Korea. The Koreans’ experiences of transnational diaspora and coexistence in Japan’s society, which have been doubly influenced by the Cold War and the Post-Cold War, are observed in the life and social relationships of Korean in Kyoto at the post-Cold War age

      • KCI등재

        탈냉전시대 한국 통일교육의 딜레마

        김귀옥(Kim, Gwi-Ok) 역사비평사 2016 역사비평 Vol.- No.114

        Analysis of social studies textbooks published for South Korean middle school students in the post-Cold War era reveals that the unification education is a dilemma between anti-communist hostility and pro-unification consciousness. Textbook analysis has its own limitations and needs to be complemented by a class-participant observation method and in-depth interviews with teachers and/or students. Textbook analysis, however, still usefully allows us to discover the problems with textbook-based unification knowledge, the environment of unification education, and the closed textbook knowledge system as exemplified in the government-authored national history textbook publication system.South Korea’s current unification education is not trapped in the framework of the anti-communism. But if not intentionally, it is the case that the more educated about unification our teenagers are, the more hostile to North Korea and the more unwilling for reunification they become. It would appear that unification education for the 21st century could end up as another version of anti-communism. Here arises a dilemma and if the education system wants to escape from this, the good-evil scheme for the issue of division and unification of two Koreas should be abandoned and a more reflective way of education about the issue be developed. Before the unification issue, understanding of what the Cold War and the division of Korea have brought to us is required. Furthermore, the goal of the unification education ought to build a consciousness that Korean unification is not about Korean ethnocentric unification or capitalist absorptive unification, but about bringing peace in East Asia.

      • KCI등재

        일본식민주의가 한국전쟁기 한국군위안부제도에 미친 영향과 과제

        김귀옥 ( Gwi-ok Kim ) 한국사회사학회 2014 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.103

        1951년부터 1954년까지 한국군에 설치되었던 한국군위안부제도는 일본식민주의의 결과물이었다. 1945년 8월 15일에 일제로부터 식민지 조선은 해방되었지만 식민주의가 청산되지 않은 채 수립된 대한민국의 모든 국가 기구에는 일제의 인적요소나 물적 요소가 그대로 남아 있었다. 뿐만 아니라 일본식민주의가 남긴 군사문화도 한국 군사문화에 지속되었다. 그러한 일본식민주의 군사문화 중 하나가 한국전쟁기에 설치되어 운영된 한국군위안부제도였다. 이 글에서는 한국전쟁기 한국군대에서 한국군위안부제도가 만들어지게 된 원인을 식민주의 문제에 초점을 맞춰 규명하였다. 우선 역사적 사실로서의 한국군 위안부제도를 간략하게 짚어보고, 둘째 한국군위안부제도를 누가 만들었는가를 규명했다. 마지막으로 한국군위안부와 일본군위안부와의 공통성을 짚어본 후 일본식민주의와 얽힌 문제 해결을 위한 과제를 제시하였다. The comfort women system of the Korean Military that was operated from 1951 to 1954 resulted from Japanese colonialism. Though Colonial Korea (Chosun) was liberated from Japanese Imperialism in 1945, all the state apparatuses of the Republic of Korea were still under the influence of Japanese colonial legacies. There remained Japanese military culture in the Korean military. One of Japanese military cultures was the military comfort women system, whose Korean version was made and managed during the Korean War. This paper examines the cause of the comfort women system of the Korean Military, focusing on its relation to Japanese Colonialism. It firstly reviews the historical facts about the comfort women system of the Korean Military through Hoo Bang Jun Sa (『後方戰史』) written by ROK army headquarters in 1956. Secondly, it investigates who made the Korean military comfort women system. And lastly, it inquires the commonalities between Korean comfort women system and Japanese comfort women system and proposes solutions on the problems concerning Japanese Colonialism.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 중소 OEM 수출기업의 ODM 수출기업으로의 발전전략에 관한 연구 - 사례분석을 중심으로

        김귀옥(Kim Gwi Ok),배정한(Bae Jung Han) 한국무역상무학회 2007 貿易商務硏究 Vol.33 No.-

          At present, more than 80% export made by Korean small-medium sized companies is OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing). But OEM export of made-in korea products has been facing limitations from 1990s. Some leading companies among those small-medium sized companies which have been fulfilling OEM export are transferring their exporting strategies to Own Brand or ODM (Original Development/Design Manufacturing) and some of their strategies successful. However, most of small-medium sized OEM exporting companies are still groping for some ways to upgrading to Own Brand or ODM exporting strategies.<BR>  Therefore, this article deals with how the leading ODM exporting companies have been transferred from OEM to ODM exporting strategies. It also discusses the primary factors of success and barrier and how to develop the ODM exporting strategies based on investigating literature and interviews with the leading ODM exporting companies.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 시대 한국 이산가족의 정체성과 새로운 가능성

        김귀옥 ( Gwi Ok Kim ) 한국사회사학회 2009 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.81

        오랫동안 한국 사회에서 월남/월북은 적대적이거나 공존하기 어려운 코드로 자리 잡혀 있었다. 즉 월남가족에게는 ‘반공전사’, 월북가족에게는 ‘빨갱이’ 가족이라는 낙인이 사회 깊숙이 내면화되어 있었다. 그러나 21세기 진행되고 있는 탈냉전의 훈풍 속에서 한반도의 월남과 월북에게 드리워져 있던 반공전사와 빨갱이의 정체성의 내부적으로나마 조금씩 해체되어 가고 있다. 이 글에서는 담론 분석을 토대로 하여 우선 냉전 시대 월남가족 정체성과 월북가족 정체성이 어떻게 담론되었으며 냉전시대에 월남가족이나 월북가족의 존재 방식을 살펴보고, 탈냉전시대 남북 이산가족 상봉 과정에서 보이는 이산가족에게 내면화되어 있던 냉전적 낙인의 변화상을 살펴보고 마지막으로 앞으로 남북에 걸쳐 이산가족의 새로운 공동체, 이산 다문화가족의 형성 가능성을 짚어보았다. For a long time, the words, Wolnam/Wolbuk, have been recognized as mutually antagonistic or incompatible with each other in Korean society. While Wolnam family was strongly branded as an anticommunists, Wolbuk family was deeply stigmatized as Reds. But in the warm breezes of post-Cold War, these stigmas are being gradually and internally dissolved out. First of all, this paper examines the identities and survival ways of Wolnam and Wolbuk families in the Cold War area by discoursive analysis of text concerning dispersed families. And it tries to find how their identities and stigmas have been undergoing a change since the 16 occasions of exchange visits of the dispersed families in the post-Cold War. Lastly, it looks into whether there is a possibility for a new type to alternative family to arise across dispersed families of North and South Koreas.

      • KCI등재

        한국 구술사 연구 현황, 쟁점과 과제

        김귀옥 ( Gwi-ok Kim ) 한국사회사학회 2006 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.71

        The purpose of this paper is to present an introductory overview of how oral history research in South Korea is currently being conducted. Furthermore, this paper also examines some of the issues presently affecting oral history. And then this research takes a careful look at the upcoming trends and methodological discussions that will influence oral history research. Finally, I propose that oral history archives must be established by national or non-governmental funds in order to develop Korean studies as well as oral history research.

      • KCI등재

        미용학 연구방법론 교재목차 개발에 관한 연구

        김귀옥 ( Gwi-ok Kim ),여인자 ( In-ja Yeo ),김혜진 ( Hye-jin Kim ),이창식 ( Chang-sik Lee ),양은진 ( Eun-jin Yang ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2014 미용예술경영연구 Vol.8 No.1

        Deriving type of research methodology, in order to increase educational satisfaction of the student studying research methods the study wanted to develop a cosmetology research methodology textbook table of contents for cosmetology. For this, we investigated a research methodological syllabus that was adopted by beauty school curriculum at a domestic graduate school. We also derived a fixed type of syllabus from a research methodology in comparision with related reference books for cosmetology. Then we corrected and completed by refecting opinion of advisory importance that was derived about a textbook table. After we suggested a final textbook table of contents analysis result until chapter and section. As a result, a level of lecture of a cosmetology research methodology final textbook table of contents in this study is a understanding of a research methodology, what essay is, matters that require attention of essay system, research and ethic of researcher, searaching a material, a type of research, a research procedure, a topic of research, a research proposal, an introduction, a theoretical background, a research method and a result, a conclusion, a reference, a supplement and english abstract writing, evaluation about a research, publishing an essay, and a result. This research, on account of lack of the opportunity to obtain the materials related to cosmetic methodology, is not regarded as comprehensive research. However, as it is attempting to directly understand and explain realistic education circumstance, this research reflect educational reality, which has essential meaning. Henceforward, in order that efficient and future-oriented beauty science majors to entance, more and more dicerse and advanced methods should be performed with the active coorpeation of each professor's subjects

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 남성 부재와 시집살이 여성

        김귀옥(Kim, Gwi-Ok) 역사비평사 2012 역사비평 Vol.- No.101

        This paper is founded on 19 elderly women’s narratives on the Korean War, which were discovered in their Sijipsali narratives investigated for 2 years from 2008, i.e., narratives of women who had lived with their husband’s parents and families. The 19 elderly women were from the 10s to the 30s during the Korean War, and 16 of them were married and lived with their husband"s parents and families. While men’s war narratives were mainly based on their heroic exploits, elderly women’s war narratives showed the following. Firstly, they wanted to evade or drop the war narratives. Secondly, their memories on the war were based on their experience. For an example, several persons among them called the Korean War ‘the June War’ or ‘the November War’, etc. And they might have little anti-communist dichotomical consciousness that South Korean army was good and North Korean army was evil. Thirdly, their Sijipsali narrative was remembered as that of their husband’s absence, extreme poverty, and severe discrimination by their husband’s families during the war. After their husbands were conscripted during the war, they had to support their children and husband’s families on behalf of the husband. Fourly, the women had realized that although the husband was bad, a bad husband was better than absence of husband. Lastly, they seemed to have a kind of heroine consciousness that they had overcome such adversities. Although they were different from each other individually, they sometimes played the same role to protect a patriarchism, nationalism, and anti-communism.

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