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金在植,具本守,金京善,李源吉,兪昌根,金慶淑,金重明 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1981 慶北醫大誌 Vol.22 No.2
梅毒血濟反應檢査가 依賴된 梅毒 168例와 非梅毒 103例 總 271例의 血淸을 사용하여 從來의 VDRL法과 最新의 改良 MHA-TP 1滴法으로 梅毒血淸反應을 實施하여 다음과 같이 要約할 수 있었다. 168例의 梅毒例에서 第一群 144例(85.7%)와 第二群 18例(10.7%)가 두 方法 모두 陽性으로 大部分을 차지하였고 VDRL 陰性이면서 MHA-TP 가 陽性인 例가 6例(3.6%)이었다. 非梅毒例 103例에서 VDRL 陽性이나 MHA-TP 陰性인 例는 12例(11.6%)이었다. VDRL 法과 MHA-TP 法의 銳敏度는 각각 96.4%와 100%이었고 特異度는 각각 88.3%와 100%이었으며 두 方法間의 同意率은 93.4%이었다. Totally 271 cases(168 cases↑fo syphilis and 103 cases of non-syphilis) were examined for serolo-gical reaction for syphilis by VDRL and MHA-TP 1 drop methods. In syphilis six cases(3.6%) showed negative VDRL while MHA-TP were positive. In non-syphilis, twelve cases(11.6%) showed biological false positive. The sensitivities of VDRL and MHA-TP were 96.4% and 100%, the specificities of VDRL and MHA-TP were 88.3% and 100% respectively, and the agreement between these two methods was 93.4%.
이종현,황오열,박정준,김경선,이도현 大韓成形外科學會 1986 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.13 No.2
The nose is in the shape of a pyramid, which is the most prominent and characteristic feature of the human face. Corrective surgery of the external nose is required for both functional and esthetic reasons. Our corrective rhinoplasty is applied through intercartilaginous or intercartilaginous and upper buccal sulcus incision (degloving procedure). The central theme of this paper is to emphasize a midface degloving procedure for the severe or broad hump nose. This approach is based on wide nasomaxillary skeletalization making possible direct observation and repair of the pathologic anatomy responsible for the deformity. In our experience, this approach has been more successful in correction the severe or broad hump nose than classic corrective rhinoplasty.