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      • KCI등재

        고등학교 『한국사』 교과서의 고구려(高句麗) 멸망기(滅亡期) 및 복흥운동(復興運動) 서술 분석과 제안

        김강훈 ( Kim Kang-hun ) 역사교육학회 2018 역사교육논집 Vol.68 No.-

        The aim of this article is to examine how Goguryeo declining period and revival movement is described in Korean History textbooks of high school. It is viewed as an international relationship in east Asia and the process of unification of the three kingdoms in Korean History Curriculum. This is a major view of the history at that time. However, there is a limit that the internal situation of Goguryeo can be handled carelessly. This is actually confirmed in the textbook description The background of the Yeon Gaesomun’s coup is described as an external policy conflict among political groups, and political operation in the declining period briefly mentions the relationship between Goguryeo and Silla. Also, the long-term and structural aspects of Goguryeo's collapse are not described. The description of the revival movement needs to reflect recent research results that the revival movement was widely in progress on most parts of the Goguryeo’s old territory. Many errors and misunderstandings have been found in the textbook descriptions and maps. In order to write a better textbook, I present related research trend and several ideas.

      • KCI등재

        요동지역의 고구려부흥운동과 검모잠

        김강훈(Kim, Kang-Hun) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2016 군사 Vol.- No.99

        Koguryo(高句麗) was fell by Tang(唐) in september, 668 and the Andong Dohufu(安東都護府) was set up in the territory of Koguryo. The people of Koguryo took up arms against the rule of Tang. The Mihang castle(未降城) in Amnok river(鴨綠水) north of status data of Samkooksaki(三國史記) jiliji(地理志) and route of force immigration tell us resistance was strong in the Region of Liaodong. Nearly 13 million of force immigration on a large scale prompted the resistance of people of Koguryo. Kommojam(劍牟岑) was the key person of the resistance against Tang. He commanded the local military forces as local governor of Kungmo castle(窮牟城) before fall of Koguryo. Kommojam and people in Kungmo castle had been experienced in that combined through a military command system. This became the base that organized the movement of revival military forces of the former Koguryo. Kommojam invaded the fringeland of Tang. It means that Kommojam who took up arms in Liaodong Region and the displaced peoples of Koguryo to Liaoxi (遼西) Region combined. They had affinity in the way that came from Liaodong Region and had planned resistance movement through route of communication of Liaodong to Liaoxi. In response to this, Tang started to suppress Go Gan(高偘) and Lee Kun haeng(李謹行). Go Gan was dispatched to Liaodong, Lee Kun haeng was sent out to Liaoxi. Nevertheless, military activity of Koguryo people had continued to 672 in Liaodong and Liaoxi Region. Although Kommojam proceeded towards Pyongyang area, there were numbers of Koguryo revival army in Liaodong Region. Therefore the military activities against Tang had held in Liaodong Region and resistance movement in Liaoxi which were concerned with that was not subdued without difficulty.

      • KCI등재

        신라 경덕왕대 백제 고지 정책의 시행과 그 배경

        金康勳 ( Kim Kang-hun ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2021 大東文化硏究 Vol.114 No.-

        이 글은 신라 경덕왕대 백제 고지 지역을 대상으로 시행된 정책을 검토하고, 그것의 시행 배경을 신라인의 발해 인식과 관련하여 살펴본 것이다. 신라 지배층은 발해에 대해 말갈이 주도하여 건국한 국가로 인식하였는데, 752년 김태렴이 이끈 대일 사절단이 귀국하면서 발해를 고구려계승국으로 파악하는 인식이 왕경에 확대되었다. 이러한 인식은 발해에서 시작하여 일본을 거쳐 신라로 유입된 것이다. 신라는 사회경제적으로 열악한 처지에 있던 백제 고지 지역민이 이러한 인식에 영향을 받아 백제부흥의식을 표출하는 것을 억제할 필요가 있었다. 웅천주정에 장군 3인을 두어 반란에 효율적으로 대처하는 체계를 갖추는 동시에 반란을 억제하는 효과를 노렸으며, 효행을 실천한 향덕을 포상하여 국왕에 대한 충성을 유도하였다. 경덕왕은 통제책과 회유책을 병행하여 백제 고지 지역을 안정시키고자 했던 것이다. This article analyzes politics implemented toward old territory of Baekje in King Gyeongdeok era and examines its background through cognition on Balhae in Silla. Silla's ruling class recognized Balhae as a country founded by Malgal. However, it changed in 752 when Kim Tae-ryeom Mission returned from Japan. Cognition that Balhae is successor of Goguryeo had rapidly spread in capital. This cognition began with Balhae and had flowed Silla via Japan. The people of the old territory of Baekje were in poor socioeconomic conditions. Silla tried to suppress they have consciousness of succeeding Baekje by the information of 'Balhae is successor of Goguryeo'. King Gyeongdeok had implemented control and conciliation policies. He announced the establishment of Janggun to counter a revolt in Woongcheonju-Jeong. In order to induce loyalty to the king, he rewarded Hyangdeuk handsomely for filial piety.

      • KCI등재

        책성 권역의 고구려부흥운동과 고정문(高定問)

        김강훈 ( Kim Kang-hun ) 역사교육학회 2017 역사교육논집 Vol.65 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to investigate the political trends of around Koguryo’s downfall in Chaekseong area(柵城 圈域). The Tomb epitaph of a Koguryo refugee Yi Ta-in(李他仁) and Tang(唐) government official Yang Hyun-ki(陽玄基) used for this study. Yi Ta-in of the highest local governor in Chaekseong area surrendered to Tang troops in February 668. He was appointed a local governor of Dodokbu(都督府) which was installed in Chaekseong area after Koguryo downfall. Tang claimed Gimi(羈?) ruling which acknowledge local influential person of Koguryo. But Yi Ta-in had stayed in capital of Tang. So Tang strongly had ruled Chaekseong area. This was the cause of the Koguryo Revival Movement. Ko Jung-mun(高定問) had taken up arms against Tang between December 668 and April 669. He commanded the local military forces as local governor of Chaekseong area before fall of Koguryo. This was a base for the revival movement. Also, his last name Ko(高) had an effect on revival movement. Because of this, Ko Jung-mun became the center of the revival movement. Ko Jung-mun’s troops was suppressed by Tang forces stationed in Chaekseong area and he was killed. At this time, jangsa(長史) Yang Hyun-ki(陽玄基) of Dong-Chaekju-Dodokbu(東柵州都督府) took the leading role. This shows that Tang's dominance in Chaekseong area worked strongly.

      • KCI등재

        618-629년 영류왕의 대외정책과 고구려-당 · 신라 관계의 변화

        김강훈(Kim Kang-Hun) 고구려발해학회 2020 고구려발해연구 Vol.66 No.-

        고구려 영류왕대 대외정책은 여러 차례 변동되었는데, 이 글은 618-629년을 분석 대상으로 삼았다. 영류왕은 순탄하게 왕위에 올라 평원왕과 영양왕의 정치를 계승하고자 시도하였다. 영류왕과 고구려 지배층은 6세기 말 이래 대외정책을 계승하여 당과 우호적인 관계를 수립하고 중원의 정세 변동에 예민하게 대응하면서 남방으로는 신라를 공격하여 독자세력권의 회복을 추구하였다. 한강 유역으로 고구려의 공세가 강화되자, 신라는 626년 당에 개입을 호소하였고 당 태종은 삼국 간 화평할 것을 종용하였다. 그에 따라 고구려는 기존의 대외정책을 계속 추진하기 어려워졌다. 사신으로 파견된 유학자 朱子奢는 『춘추좌전』을 강설하여 고구려가 회맹을 요청하도록 유도하였다. 고구려는 고구려 · 신라 · 당의 회맹을 요청하면서 신라에 대한 공격을 중단하고 한강 유역을 회복할 수 있는 수단으로 회맹을 활용하려고 시도하였다. 대외정책의 변동은 영류왕과 그에 동조한 정치세력이 추진한 것이었다. 628년 봉역도 헌상은 626년 회맹 요청의 연장선상에서 이루어진 것이었다. 영류왕은 국제정세의 변동 속에서 능동적으로 대처하며 실리적 외교를 시도하였다. 하지만 629년 8월 신라가 고구려의 낭비성을 공격하여 빼앗으면서 고구려의 대외정책은 실패로 돌아갔다. 대외정책을 둘러싼 정치세력 간 갈등이 심화되었으며 대외정책은 다시 변동될 수밖에 없었다. King Yeongryu aimed to succeed to the policy of government operation of King Peongwon and King Yeongyang. The same thing happened with foreign policy. One was to establish friendly relations with Tang. The other was southward advance on lower Han River basin. Emperor Tang Taizong exhorted an immediate ceasefire and expected to hold Hoemaeng(會盟) in 626. The two pillars of foreign policy have become impossible to proceed at the same time. King Yeongryu chose peace with Silla in the priority of friendly relations with Tang. However, he didn’t unilaterally accept Tang"s demand. King Yeongryu tried to use Hoemaeng as a means to restore the Han River basin. He suggested the Hoemaeng with Goguryeo-silla-Tang. The same intention was to send a map of the Han River basin to Tang, which marked it as Goguryeo territory. King Yeongryu actively sought national interest in response to the changes in the international situation. These attempts can be regarded as pragmatic diplomacy. However, his foreign policy failed and political confrontation intensified as Nangbi fortress was taken away by Silla.

      • KCI등재

        629년 신라의 낭비성 전투 승리와 그 의미

        김강훈(Kim Kang-Hun) 한국사학회 2020 史學硏究 Vol.0 No.138

        이 글은 629년 8월 신라가 고구려군이 주둔하고 있던 낭비성을 공격한 사건을 분석 대상으로 하였다. 신라가 낭비성을 선제공격한 배경, 신라군의 편성과 전략, 낭비성 전투의 실상, 신라의 승리가 가지는 군사·외교적 의미를 살펴보았다. 신라는 626년 대당외교를 통해 당을 움직이는 데 성공하였다. 당은 고구려를 압박하였고, 고구려는 신라에 대한 공격을 중단하였던 것이다. 백제는 628년 가잠성 공격에 실패하고, 이후 내부의 정치적 상황으로 신라를 공격하는 것이 여의치 않았다. 신라는 자국에게 유리한 정세가 형성되자 한강 유역의 방어체계 구축을 목표로 포천 반월산성으로 추정되는 낭비성 공략에 나선 것이다. 신라 원정군은 본대와 별동대로 구성되었다. 본대는 3명의 장군이 각각의 단위부대를 지휘하는 삼군으로 편성되었으며 총사령관인 대장군 김용춘이 통할하였다. 별동대는 1명의 장군이 지휘하였다. 신라군의 전략은 主攻部隊와 助攻部隊를 별도로 운영하여 主攻지역에 적의 증원을 방해하는 견제공격이었다. 별동대가 비열홀을 거쳐 고구려의 동쪽 변경을 공격함으로써 고구려는 평양 방어를 우선하였고 낭비성 구원을 위한 병력 파견에 제한을 받을 수밖에 없었다. 낭비성 전투는 野戰이었다. 소규모 보루 정도의 규모였던 낭비성의 방어상 취약점을 보완하기 위해 고구려는 사전에 낭비성 남쪽 개활지에 방어시설인 坑을 설치하였다. 中幢幢主로 전투에 참여한 김유신이 坑을 무력화시키면서 결국 신라는 낭비성을 차지하는 데 성공하였다. 군사적인 측면에서 낭비성 전투의 의미를 찾는다면, 비열홀의 군사적 중요도가 제고되었다는 점을 지적할 수 있다. 고구려는 도성의 안전을 담보하기 위해 비열홀을 확보할 필요가 있었고, 반대로 신라는 고구려를 압박할 수 있는 전략적 거점으로 비열홀을 활용하고자 하였다. 이후 비열홀 지역을 둘러싼 신라-고구려, 신라-당의 갈등과 대립은 낭비성 전투의 경험이 크게 영향을 미쳤다고 여겨진다. 외교적인 측면에서도 낭비성 전투의 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 신라는 조공책봉관계를 이용하여 자국에게 유리한 정세를 조성한 후 이를 활용해 국익을 획득하였다. 여기서 신라가 7세기 중후반 전개했던 실리적 대당외교의 시원적인 모습을 확인할 수 있다. Silla attacked Nangbi fortress of Goguryeo in August 629. The main force, led by commander Kim Yong-chun, attacked Nangbi fortress, believed to be Banwol fortress in Pocheon. A detached force, led by a general, moved northward through Biyeolhol and attacked the eastern frontier of Goguryeo. Silla’s strategy was Holding Attack. It has curbed the reinforce of Goguryeo troops in major battle area. Main effort of the Silla army won by concentrating on Nangbi fortress, the objective of operations. Kim Yu-shin"s desperate fight was a factor in victory. The historical significance of this victory in Silla history are following. Military importance has been raised for Biyeolhol areas. Through diplomacy, Silla moved Tang to stop Goguryeo from attacking Silla and defeated Goguryeo. The strategic use of the tribute appointment relationship was the origin of the pragmatic diplomacy during unification of three kingdoms. However, there was a problem of strained relations between Tang.

      • KCI등재

        679~681년 보장왕(寶藏王)의 고구려(高句麗) 부흥운동(復興運動)

        김강훈 ( Kang Hun Kim ) 역사교육학회 2013 역사교육논집 Vol.50 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to investigate the resistance to Tang (唐) of refugees in the Liaodong(遼東) area after the Koguryo(高句麗) downfall. The conclusion are following. After fall of Koguryo, refugees resisted rule of Tang. Many castles especially become free from the Andong Dohufu(安東都護府) in the Liaodong area. And it participated in the resistance to Tang. Although entered into the lull state, it interfered with the Korean Peninsula attack of Tang. And refugees attacked Tang troops. Finally the Andong Dohufu moved to the Liaodong castle by the resistance movememt which occur in late 675. And Tang dispatched King Bojang(寶藏王) in Liaodong. After coming back, Bojang adapted itself to the policy of Tang. By the way, Yon Namsaeng(淵男生) died in January, 679. And in order to suppress revival movement of Togyul(突厥) in November, 679, Yingzhou Dodok(營州都督) went to the war. King Bojang tried revival movement with the Koguryo refugees and Malgal(靺鞨). Chengbang(城傍) which consisted of Koguryo refugees was utilized in the military wing. Silla which has grasped the situation of Liaodong connected marital relationship to the Bodeokguk(報德國). On the other hand, Silla dispatched the army to Biyeolhol(比列忽) in January, 681. Because Tang became aware of revival movement. Eventually King Bojang was exiled to Gongju(?(공)州) in the beginning of 681. The Koguryo refugees were hustled into Tang again.

      • KCI등재

        고구려 멸망 이후 부여성(扶餘城) 권역(圈域)의 부흥운동

        김강훈 ( Kim Kang-hun ) 대구사학회 2017 대구사학 Vol.127 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to investigate the resistance to Tang of refugees in the Buyeoseong area after the Koguryo downfall. Kao-tsung of Tang dynasty attempt the imperial Tour to Yang ju. But mandarin opposed the imperial Tour. The reason for this is Koguryo Revival Movement in Buyeoseong area. Eventually emperor abjured the travel. Buyeoseong area`s local leaders who collaborated with Andong Dohufu prompted the resistance of people of Koguryo. The part of Sokmal Malgal had joined in it. The Dang government detached Yi Ta-in to counteract for revival movement of Buyeoseong area. He attained a measure of success. Nevertheless revival military forces in Buyeoseong area remained as shown by `Koguryo and Malgal` attacked the Bulnoseong in 673. The Dang government soundly did not govern Buyeoseong area. Finally Buyeoseong area was ruled out Andong Dohufu in 677. (Kyungpook National University/history151017@naver.com)

      • KCI우수등재

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