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        기획논문 : 불교의 가정 교육관과 실천에 관한 연구

        권은주 ( Eun Joo Kwon ) 한국교육철학회 2010 교육철학 Vol.41 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine Buddhist teaching, which was the philosophical foundation of traditional Korean society, in an effort to discuss how to conduct family education and what today`s school education and family education should be like. The explanation of a Buddhist human development theory about the existence of man and the meaning of family was analyzed, and the method of Buddhist family education and parents` right and responsibility for education were discussed. The fundamental concept of Buddhism is the conditional causation, which is based on the organic relationship among beings. Under this principle of conditional causation, human beings are considered subjective and creative beings who have the nature to attain Buddhahood through education. In Buddhism, a child is viewed as `a universal being,` not as `an imperfect being,` and children`s development is considered to be done by being affected and affecting their surrounding environments, which could be called a mutually dependent and supplementary relationship. In Buddhism, the meaning of family also lies in the cyclic relationship based on the concept of conditional causation. Family is not only the most fundamental unit of human relationship but also the starting point of the universe and the center for order in human life. As for the meaning of a family, a family could be defined as a community of truth where bodhisatta seeks after truth. And children are understood as ones who must be protected and educated at home. In the teachings of Buddhism, the rights and duties of parents and children are suggested as specific virtues. In addition, the Buddhist teachings propose the levels of children`s development and the appropriate methods and principles of education in certain situations. Among Buddhist educational methods, interrogatory, figurative and causal relationship-centered teaching methods focus on children`s situations and developmental level. The Buddhist teaching methods are very significant in that modern education places importance on individual development and characteristics and encourages diversity of education. The first step of practical Buddhist family education is fetal education that is based on the thought of life reverence. In Buddhism, an unborn child is regarded as a living being and is considered to impact on his or her parents, and parents are urged to provide fetal education. Besides, filial piety is viewed as a way to foster morality at home. In Buddhist thought of filial piety, one cannot be without his or her parents, and repayment of kindness to parents is taken for granted. Family function and the influence of parents get increasingly weaken these days, though a family is the basic unit of society. Under the circumstances, it is very worth doing to shed light on the meaning of children, the roles of parents and the method of family education in Buddhism that was the basis of family education in traditional society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노인 자기방임의 성별 차이

        권은주(Kwon Eun Joo),윤일(Yun Il),김순은(Kim Soon Eun) 한국노년학회 2018 한국노년학 Vol.38 No.3

        본 연구는 전국의 노인들을 대상으로 하여 자기방임의 성별 수준 차이와 위험요인 차이를 이해하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 남녀 노인의 자기방임 차이를 확인하기 위해 서울대학교 SSK 고령사회 연구단에서 2018년 조사한 「노인의 건강한 노화 및 웰다잉에 관한 연구 조사 결과보고서」의 남성노인 793명과 여성노인 1,089명을 비교하였다. 해당 자료를 대상으로 t-test와 χ2-test, 남녀노인 집단별 다중회귀분석을 실시한 결과 첫째, 남성 노인과 여성 노인 간의 자기방임 수준 차이는 유의미하지 않았다. 둘째, 자기방임 영향요인은 성별에 따라 차이가 두드러졌는데, 남성 노인에게서만 나타난 자기방임 위험요인은 연령과 계층인식이며, 여성노인의 경우 월 소득, 종교여부, 독거여부, 삶의 만족도, 사회적 관계망(자녀, 자녀 외)으로 드러났다. 셋째, 남녀 노인 모두에서 공통적으로 나타난 자기방임 위험요인은 우울과 사회적 지지(공적지원)이었다. 본 연구 결과에서 주목할 만한 점은 성별에 따라 자기방임에 대한 위험요인이 차별적으로 존재할 것이라는 가설을 경험적으로 검증하였다는 점이다. 특히 교환 이론과 여성주의 이론을 통해 본 연구에서 나타난 성별 특성이 합리적으로 설명될 수 있다.본 논의는 노인들의 성별에 따라 차별적인 정책적 접근이 이루어져야 함을 강조하며, 노인들의 우울감에 주목하여 사회적 안전망을 확충할 것을 제언하였다. This study aims to analyze gender differences in the prevalence of and risk factors for self-neglect among the elderly in South Korea. In order to investigate the differences between male and female elderly group, we compared 793 elderly men and 1,089 women from the data “Research on the Healthy Aging and Well-being of the Elderly” conducted in 2018. First, t-test and χ2-test and multiple regression analysis identified that gender differences in the prevalence of elder self-neglect was not statistically significant. Second, There are differences in risk factors affecting self-neglect between genders. age and class(perception) are the factors only affecting men. Income(monthly), having-religion, living-alone, satisfaction with life, social network are the ones only affecting women. Third, the risk factors for both men and women are depression and social support(public support). It is notable that we verify the empirical evidence supporting the hypothesis that risk factors for elder self-neglect may exist differently according to gender. In particular, gender characteristics revealed in this study can be reasonably explained through exchange theory and feminist theory. Therefore, we emphasize that the policy approach should be done depending on the gender of the elderly, and that the social safety net more paying attention to the depression of the elderly should be strengthened.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아동비만예방교육 CD-ROM 개발 및 효과분석

        권은주(Eun Joo Kwon),김혜경(Hye Kyeong Kim),김명(Myung Kim) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2008 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop the children obesity prevention program and to analyze how this program has an effect on students' degree of knowledge, attitude for obesity prevention. Methods: The study design was Compromise Experience Group Pre-Post Design. 238 students in the 4th and 5th grade of 4 elementary schools in Seoul were nonrandomly assigned to the study group(n=115) or the control group(n=113). The Program was applied for 3 times and surveys were conducted 2 times as pre-test and post-test. Results: 1. The obesity prevention CD-ROM was developed by analyzing of learners and educational facilities, selecting the study object and contents and producing educational methods and materials. The study contents were included definition, types, factors and side-effects of obesity, and It was contained dietary habit, exercise and life style for obesity prevention and healthy life. 2. Demographic characteristics were not significantly different between study group and control group. Among the subjects investigated, 27.8% of the study group and 38.1% of the control group stated that they had experienced in the obesity prevention program in past. 3. The obesity knowledge and attitude score after this obesity prevention program were improved significantly than before the program(P<0.001). Conclusion: The CD-ROM developed in this study for the children obesity prevention program was proven to be effective in improving obesity knowledge, attitude for the obesity prevention.

      • 만학도의 삶의 의미가 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향

        권은주 ( Kwon Eun-joo ),장재혁 ( Jang Jae-hyuk ) 한국보건복지융합학회 2018 노인의료복지연구 Vol.10 No.2

        This survey research is conducted to test the effects of the meaning of life of opsimaths on their psychological well-being. The research data were collected from 559 opsimaths who studied social welfare in universities located in Daegu and Gyeongbuk provinces and surveyed through structured questionnaires from April 11, 2017 to April 29, 2017. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 program. The results are as follows. The psychological well-being of the opsimaths were affected by their perception of the meaning of life. Particularly, the main sub-variables among the meanings of life were the pursuit of meaning and the existence of meaning in life. In conclusion, the higher their perceived meaning of life, the higher their psychological well-being.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『대승기신론소 · 별기』에 나타난 마음이론의 유아교육적 의미 연구 Ⅰ

        권은주(Kwon, Eun-Joo),신양재(Shin, Yang-Jai) 한국영유아보육학회 2014 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.86

        본 연구는 원효의 『대승기신론소』와 『대승기신론별기』에 나타난 마음이론의 규명과 마음이론의 유아교육적 의미 탐색을 목적으로 하고 있다. 연구결과에 따르면 마음은 절대평등?진리의 진여 측면(眞如心)의 마음과 개념적 인식구성의 현상 측면(生滅心)의 마음이 다르면서 하나인 마음을 이루는 중층구조이다. 또한 마음의 과정은 현상계에 대한 인식구성(不覺)과 진여 실현(覺)의 두 측면이 하나의 과정으로 진행되며 이들이 서로 의지해서 이루는 상호관계성(相待原理)에서 마음이 점차로 진여가 된다. 이 마음이론은 유아의 마음함양 교육에 존재론, 인식론, 가치론 등의 이론적 토대를 제안한다. 즉 마음이론은 주객구별이 없는 절대평등의 세상(平等法界)이라는 존재론적 가정, 마음이 모든 앎의 근원으로서 있는 그대로의 참으로 그러한 실상(眞如)에 대한 앎이 진리의 조건이 되는 인식론적 가정, 나남의 구분이 없는 절대 선(善)의 실천을 추구하는 가치론적 가정 등을 전제로 한 마음함양의 교육 가능성을 제안하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to interpret Wonhyo(617-686)"s theory of mind in the light of educational theory and find the implications for early childhood education. According to his theory of the mind, the mind has the twofold structure, which consists of the Mind of Suchness(眞如心) and the Mind of Change(生滅心). The Mind of Suchness is the ultimate Reality and contains the whole world without the division of subject and object. The Mind of Change constitutes knowledges of worldly things and phenomena and works toward awakening in the mind of Suchness. The cultivation of the mind through good education should be presupposed for realization ultimate standards, the Suchness. The theory of mind in Taeseung Kieshin non So?Byelkie gives implications in metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical assumptions of our early childhood education and curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        신체활동 프로그램이 유아들의 기초 체력에 미치는 효과

        권은주(Kwon Eun-Joo),고영희(Ko Young-Hee) 한국영유아보육학회 2010 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.63

        본 연구의 목적은 신체활동 프로그램을 통해서 유아들의 기초 체력향상에 유의적인 효과가 있는가를 검증하고 어떠한 신체활동 프로그램이 특정 기초체력에 유의적인 영향을 미치는가를 규명하고자 하였다. 본 연구를 위해 대구시에 위치한 유치원에 다니고 있는만 5세 유아 30명을 실험집단으로, 참여하지 않은 30명 유아들을 비교집단으로 구성하였다. 두 집단을 신체활동 프로그램 수행 전과 수행 후로 나누어 교육효과가 있는가를 규명하기 위해 독립표본 t-test를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 유아들을 위한 신체활동 프로그램은 유아들의 유연성, 민첩성, 순발력의 향상에 크게 기여하는 것으로 파악되었다. 한편, 근력과 근지구력, 평형성의 향상에 대해서는 유의적인 효과가 없는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of the study is to investigate a process of the changes in early childhood basic strength through physical activities which can be performed by early childhood training institutes to nurture early childhood of a sound mind and a sound body. The research surveys basic physical strength among 30 early childhood at the age of 5 from D Kindergarten who had participated in the early childhood physical training program and 30 early childhood at the age of 5 from L Kindergarten who had not participated in it. The results is as the following; Those early childhood who had participated in the program shows higher ① instantaneous reactionary force; ② flexibleness; ③ nimbleness than those of the other group. But, The result of the study don't have effects on increase of ① the muscular strength and muscular stamina; ② sense of equilibrium. On the basis of the results obtainable from the analysis, it appears that the early childhood physical training program proves to have an influence on an increase in the early childhood basic physical strength. Needless to say, I think that further research and inquiry would be required for more reliable generalization of the results.

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