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        1950~1960년대 기상재해와 농촌마을의 대응 - 대천일기와 대천마을을 사례로 -

        공윤경(Kong, Yoon Kyung) 한국지역지리학회 2019 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        본 연구는 윤희수의 대천일기(1954~1971)를 사례로 기상재해가 농업과 농촌마을에 미치는 영향 그리고 농민, 마을, 정부의 대응에 대해 살펴보고자 한다. 농업에는 기상재해 중 태풍이나 집중 호우의 영향이 크기 때문에 일기에는 이에 대한 기록이 많이 나타난다. 1954~1971년 동안 부산에 30회의 태풍이 내습했으나 대천마을과 농업에 악영향을 미친 태풍은 3회, 호우는 5회였다. 기상재해로 큰 피해를 입었을 때 마을은 물품(생필품, 수해방지용품) 지원과 경제적 지원을 받을 수 있었다. 대천천에 접한 농경지(육두락)는 피해가 잦은 곳이었기 때문에 윤희수는 무너진 제방을 복구하는 일을 반복하였으며 공사비용은 농민이 부담하였다. 마을 차원의 대처와 복구의 경우 동장, 통장 그리고 각종 마을 위원들이 주도하였고 작업은 마을 주민, 정부 조직, 고용된 인부에 의해 추진되었다. 1960년대 재해대책은 기상재해가 발생한 후의 구호 또는 응급복구가 대부분이었다. 정부의 근본적인 방지대책이 부재했기 때문에 이로 인한 피해는 전적으로 농민들의 몫이었다. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of meteorological disasters on agriculture and rural village, and the actions of farmers, village, and government in Daecheon Diary(1954~1971) of Yoon. Because of the large impacts of typhoons and heavy rain during a meteorological disaster in agriculture, there are many records in the diary. Thirty typhoons entered Busan in 1954~1971, but three typhoons and five torrential rains had adversely affected Daecheon Village and agriculture. When it was hit hard by a weather disaster, Daecheon Village was able to receive goods(necessaries, items for preventing flooding) support and economic support. Because the farmland(Yookdulak) facing the Daecheon Stream was a frequent place of damage, Yoon repeatedly restored the broken levees and the cost of the construction had to be paid by the farmer. In the case of coping and restoration of village-level, a chief of Dong, a village headman and members of the committee led the works, and the works were carried out by villagers, government organization and hired laborers. Disaster measures in the 1960s were mostly relief or emergency recovery after a meteorological disaster. Since the government did not have a fundamental preventive measure, the damages were entirely the farmers’ burden.

      • KCI등재

        농촌에서 도시로의 공간구조 변화와 특성

        공윤경(Yoon Kyung Kong) 한국지역지리학회 2013 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구는 부산 북구 화명동을 대상으로 농촌에서 도시로의 전환에 따라 나타나는 공간구조의 변화 과정을 고 찰하고 화명동 내외부의 관점에서 획일화, 위계화 등 공간구조의 재구성에 따른 문제점과 특성을 파악해 보고자 하였 다. 산업화, 도시화로 인한 도시공간의 팽창으로 농촌에서 도시로 변한 화명동은 고유의 자연환경, 자연마을 등이 사 라지고 주거, 상업지역 등으로 바뀌었다. 이에 따라 역사적, 구체적 장소는 사라지고 개발과 발전이라는 명목 하에 전 국 어디서나 볼 수 있는 아파트를 중심으로 연출되는 공간의 균질화와 획일화가 이루어졌다. 하지만 주민들의 힘과 노력으로 지켜낸 화명동 고유의 역사와 관습, 기억과 흔적들 그리고 생태하천으로 변모시킨 대천천 등에서 화명동만 의 특이성을 드러내고 있었다. 또한 동질적인 농촌공간이었던 화명동은 아파트 공급주체와 규모, 산업시설의 종류와 분포, 주민들의 구성 등의 측면 에서 이질적이고 다층적인 도시공간으로 변하였으며 이는 공간뿐 아니라 주거, 교육, 문화 등의 세분화, 위계화를 야 기하고 있었다. 특히 대규모 아파트밀집지역으로 개발된 화명3동은 화명2동과 큰 격차를 드러냈으며 과거 중심지였던 화명2동은 주변화 되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 화명2동에는 생태주거공동체와 교육문화공동체를 중심으로 살 기좋은 마을을 만들기 위한 주민들의 움직임과 노력이 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of spacial structure from rural space to urban space and to examine the characteristic of spacial restructure focusing on the Hwamyeong-Dong of Buk-gu in Busan. Hwamyeong-Dong has changed from rural area to urban area because of spacial expansion owing to industrialization and urbanization. The unique natural environment rural village etc. were disappeared and instead the apartment complex commercial building and so on were built. For this reason historic and concrete place were vanished and so the spacial homogenization and uniformization were formed centering around apartment complex. But the singularity of Hwamyeong-Dong exposes in the way that unique history custom and memory trace of Hwamyeong-Dong preserved through the support and effort of the residents and that the Daechen stream changed to ecological stream. In addition Hwamyeong-Dong altered heterogeneous multi-layered urban space from homogeneous rural space in terms of the apartment supply sectors and scale the distribution and kind of commercial facility residents `s composition. This has brought about the subdivision hierarchization of the space as well as the residence education culture. Especially Hwamyeong3-Dong that built to large scale apartment complex are significantly different from Hwamyeong2-Dong. Hwamyeong2-Dong is marginalizing step by step. However It is found that the residents in Hwamyeong2-Dong are making an effort for liveable place with ecological residential community and educational cultural community as the center.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        농부의 일기를 통해 본 1950~1960년대 주거문화와 마을 특성

        공윤경(Yoon-Kyung Kong) 한국문화역사지리학회 2017 문화 역사 지리 Vol.29 No.1

        본 연구는 전통사회에서 근대사회로의 과도기에 보이는 농촌의 주거문화와 마을 특성을 파악하고 그 의미를 제고하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 윤희수의 『대천일기』를 사례로 1950~1960년대 전통 농촌주거의 공간구성, 주택 수선과 세시의례 그리고 주거생활을 구체적으로 살펴보고 마을개발사업, 주민들의 인식 등을 통해 농촌마을의 특성을 고찰하였다. 윤희수家는 전통적인 농촌의 주거문화를 이어가고 있었고 특히 주택 수리와 관련한 세시의례는 1960년대 후반까지 유지되었던 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 1960년대 초반 ‘사랑채’, ‘사랑방’ 용어의 소멸,즉 주거공간에서 남녀유별사상에 대한 인식이 사라진 것은 큰 변화였다. 1960년대 후반부터 초가지붕이 부분적으로 기와로 개량되고 1970년 부엌, 우물, 변소 등에서 기능적, 위생적 변화를 보이기 시작하였다. 또한 대천마을에서는 개발 의지가 강한 지도자와 협조적인 마을공동체를 중심으로 마을 사업들이 활발하게 추진되어 1970년대 새마을운동으로 연결되었다. The purpose of this study is to understand and enhance the significance of residential culture and locality in rural area during the period of transition from traditional society to modern society. To this aim, the study concretely investigates the spatial composition of traditional rural housing, housing repair, seasonal rites, residential life and also considers locality of rural area based on development projects and residents’s perception in the 1950s and the 1960s focusing Yoon Heesoo’ Deacheon Diary. It was found that the household of Yoon Heesoo generally maintained a traditional residential culture and especially seasonal rites related to housing repairs until the late 1960s. However a big change occurred in the early 1960s. The terms of ‘Sarangchae’ and ‘Sarangbang’ became extinct. In other words, the perception of segregation by sex applied to residential space disappeared. The roof material was partially replaced by a roofing tile since the late 1960s and the functional and hygienic changes started to appear in the kitchen, well, and toilet in 1970. In addition, centering around the leaders who had a strong will for development and the community that was cooperative, the Daecheon village actively carried out village projects, which led to Saemaeul Movement in the 1970s.

      • KCI등재

        저소득층의 정주 지속성과 주택협동조합에 관한 연구

        공윤경(Yoon-Kyung Kong) 한국문화역사지리학회 2015 문화 역사 지리 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구는 마을공동체에서 자생적으로 형성된 ‘대연우암씨알주택협동조합’을 사례로 공동체와 주택협동조합의 역할과 의미를 조사하고 에키스틱스의 5가지 요소인 인간, 사회, 자연, 네트워크, 구조물을 원용하여 저소득층의 정주 지속을 위한 대안적 모델로서의 가능성에 대해 고찰하고자 하였다. 대연우암씨알주택협동조합은 에키스틱스의 요소 중 인간, 사회, 네트워크 측면에서 정주 조건을 갖추고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 주거권 실현이라는 목표를 달성한 이후 주민 참여를 통한 경제적 자립과 주민들간의 유대를 이어가기 위한 프로그램이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 자연, 구조물 측면에서 대연우암씨알주택협동조합은 정주 조건 을 제대로 형성하지 못한 상황이었으며 토지 확보, 재원 마련을 위해 정부나 지자체의 직간접적인 지원이 필수적 인 것으로 조사되었다. 따라서 주택협동조합이 저소득층의 정주 지속을 위한 대안적 모델이 되기 위해서는 첫째, 마을공동체를 통해 인간, 사회, 네트워크의 정주 요건을 갖추어야 하며 둘째, 개인의 재산 증식이나 투기 목적이 아니라 주거빈곤층의 주거권 실현 나아가 마을공동체 유지를 위한 목적으로 자연, 구조물의 문제를 극복할 수 있어야 할 것이다. ty as an alternative model for the residential sustainability of lower-income group focusing on Daeyeon-Wooam Ssial Housing Cooperative(DWSHC) in Busan. For the purpose, this study employs the basic elements(man, society, nature, network, shell) of Ekistics. It was revealed that DWSHC prepared the settlement ground from the man, society, network of Ekistics but that DWSHC needs a program to be financially independent and have close links with each other continually after the attainment of the housing right. Also it was examined that DWSHC did not prepare the settlement ground from the nature, shell of Ekistics. The government or local government has to support DWSHC directly and indirectly in the securement of land and finances. Therefore when housing cooperative satisfies man, society, network through a community and gets over problems of nature, shell to fulfill the housing right and to maintain community rather than increase property of individual, housing cooperative will be an alternative model for the residential sustainability of lower-income group.

      • KCI등재

        스페인 톨레도의 역사문화경관 특성과 활용

        공윤경 ( Kong¸ Yoon Kyung ) 한국사진지리학회 2021 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Toledo, located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula, was formerly the military city of the Roman Empire, the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom, the northern forward base of the Islamic forces, and the capital of the Castile Kingdom. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics and utilization of historical and cultural landscapes focusing on Toledo, Spain. The results of the study are summarized as follows; First, the Convivencia of Catholicism, I slam, and Judaism led to the hybridization of culture and art. Convivencia was expressed in the mozarabe style and mudejar style in various buildings. Second, synagogue, royal palace, hospital and old castle were used as cultural facilities or accommodation facilities. It contributed not only to maintaining urban identity, but also to improving the value of the city and revitalizing the city. Third, Toledo established an integrated protection plan and an organization to manage the historical and cultural landscape, and to promote the convenience and welfare of residents. In this way, Toledo preserved the various historical and cultural landscapes achieved through coexistence with different religions, or sometimes utilized. Thus, today Toledo has been able to establish itself as a unique and exotic medieval city different from other European cities.

      • KCI등재

        해방촌의 문화 변화와 공간의 지속가능성

        공윤경 ( Yoon Kyung Kong ) 한국사진지리학회 2014 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Haebangchon(HBC) was illegal settlement that was made by returned compatriot and North Korean refugees taking the Liberation and War of Korea. But now the laborers, American soldiers and migrants of diverse nationality live together in that place. The purpose of this study is to investigate the method for sustainable space on HBC. For the purpose, this study examines the spatial reconfiguration by North Korean refugees` fixing, HBC s formation, self-help redevelopment, environmental improvement and the cultural change by alternative movement, community activity, migrant`s inflow. The HBC` change before the 2000`s was a fundamental change for the human life and a spatial change focusing physical improvement of residential environment. The residents resisted uniform redevelopment policy and made self-help reconstruction. Although recent change is a microscopical change, that was a change for amenity and a change that has exhibited cultural multiplicity. For sustainable space, it has to consider the historical consciousness and placeness of HBC on the environmental improvement. And the residents must participate environmental improvement to inspire the attachment and owner spirit about HBC. Also the residents must take the initiative in having an interest in community and doing continuously autogenous activity for the community`s vitality by getting out of the capital and power like so ‘Binzib’, ‘Namsangol Haebangchon’.

      • KCI등재

        몰타의 역사문화자원과 도시경관 특성에 대한 연구

        공윤경 ( Kong Yoon Kyung ) 한국사진지리학회 2017 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding and interest in Malta by investigating the historical and cultural resources of Malta and explicating the characteristics of Malta`s urban landscape in terms of religion and culture. For this purpose, this study explores various ways Malta has accepted and reconstructed its culture, including its language, religion, and architecture style, by focusing on the geographical position and history of Malta. Due to its geographical and historical conditions, Malta had been subjected to invasions and domination of the powers and has also formed its unique culture based on a mixture of race, language, religion and architectural style. The representative historical and cultural resources of Malta are the Megalithic Temples, Hypogeum, and Valletta city listed in the UNESCO World Heritage. The languages used in Malta are characterized by uniqueness and diversity. Malta is the only European country that uses an Afro-asiatic language. Interestingly, Malti, the unique language of the Maltese is the only Semitic language written in Latin characters. The diversity of language in Malta can be found in the various languages used by its people and in the names of cities. The most prominent feature of Malta`s urban landscape was that various architectural styles and cultures coexist. Among them, the architectural element of balcony best demonstrated the diversity and hybridity of Malta`s culture. The next significant feature of Malta`s urban landscape was that Catholic played a role as a leader of urban landscape. The 360 churches in Malta became a landmark and were a vital aspect that forms the skyline and cityscape of Malta.

      • KCI등재

        일본 후라노(富良野)와 비에이(美英)의 농업경관과 농촌관광

        공윤경 ( Kong Yoon Kyung ) 한국사진지리학회 2018 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        Rural areas are attracting attention as the desire for tourism is gradually diversified due to increased leisure time, change of lifestyle and environmental awareness. As a result, interest in rural tourism using the culture and resources of rural areas is increasing as an alternative to overcome the downturn in rural areas. The purpose of this study is to examine the changes and characteristics of agricultural landscapes in Furano and Biei, Japan, and to raise understanding and interest in rural tourism. Furano began cultivating lavender for use as a raw material for cosmetics since the 1950s, and has created a colorful and diverse landscape centered on flowers. And Biei has a variety of crops planted in low hills, creating a unique landscape like patchwork. Furano and Biei, which were typical rural areas, began to be known as tourist destinations through three events(calendar, drama, photo book) based on agricultural scenery in the late 1970s. Furano and Biei became the center of agricultural landscape and tourism agriculture. It was because the people and the local government tried to overcome the aging and the decrease of the agriculture population and preserve and cultivate the agricultural landscape. In recent years, Biei has attracted farming harvesting experiences and school trips, and has been trying welfare-type green tourism such as education, healthcare, medical treatment and mind training.

      • KCI등재

        다문화공간에 대한 이중적 시선과 차별화

        공윤경(Kong, Yoon-Kyung) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2013 한국민족문화 Vol.48 No.-

        본 연구는 공간적 관점에서 다문화공간의 형성, 분포, 특성을 살펴보고 인종, 민족, 국적 등의 차이가 다문화공간의 공간구조에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 그리고 다문화공간을 바라보는 차별적, 이중적 시선에 대해 파악하고자 하였다. 다문화공간은 다양한 인종, 민족, 국적, 언어, 종교 등에 따라, 그리고 외국인 공동체의 사회자본에 따라 공간적으로 세분화, 개별화되고 있었다. 또한 우리사회의 차별과 편견 속에서, 지역적 특성을 보이면서 그 분포를 달리하고 있었다. 외부 세력에 의해 대중적인 장소성이 만들어지기도 하지만 외국인들은 특정 공간, 구체적 장소에 사회자본을 형성하고 새로운 장소성을 만들기도 하는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 외국인들의 특정 공간 점유뿐 아니라 다른 외부의 힘과 관계망에 의해 공간의 성격은 변화되고 공간 구조는 재구성되고 있었다. 아울러 선망과 배제의 이중적 시선에 따라 또는 상품가치, 시장가치의 논리에 따라 다문화공간에 대한 양극화, 차별화가 이루어지고 있었으며 이로 인해 에스니시티와 초국가적 사회공간은 상품화되거나 주변화되고 있었다. 특히 주변화되고 있는 외국인 밀집지역에 대해서는 치안 유지와 더불어 슬럼화된 주거환경을 개선하는 작업이 함께 이루어져야 하는 것으로 조사되었다. 다문화공간은 아직 수용국 주도적인 위치에 있으며 외국인들의 태도는 대부분 수동적이었다. 따라서 다문화공간이 공생의 공간으로서 지속적으로 생성, 유지되기 위해서는 정체성, 문화 등 상호 인정을 위한 외국인들의 주체적, 실천적 행위와 노력이 병행되어야 할 것이다. The aims of this study are to; first, examine the formation, distribution and characteristics of multi-cultural spaces while taking the approach of spatial point; second, investigate the effect of the differences in race, ethnicity, nationality on the spatial structure of multi-cultural spaces; and next to, find out about the discriminative, dualistic viewpoint towards multi-cultural spaces. The major results of this study are as follows. The multi-cultural spaces are spatially subdivided and individualized according to various races, ethnicities, nationalities, languages, religion and the social capital of the immigrants community as well. While faced with discrimination and prejudice, they are also distributed differently and reflected regional characteristics. Moreover, it was revealed that the outside power built popular placeness or immigrants made social capital and new placeness in the definite space and specific place. In other words, the spatial characteristics are changed and spatial structures are reconstructed through immigrants possession on specific place, external forces and networks. In addition, according to dualistic eyes of envy and exclusion or depending on commercial value and market value, multi-cultural spaces are polarized and discriminated. The ethnicity and transnational social spaces accordingly have be commercialized or marginalized. Particularly, it was necessary to improve the residential environment and concurrently maintain the public order in multi-cultural spaces that are being marginalized. Also receiving nation-state takes the lead still about multi-cultural spaces and immigrants take a passive attitude in Republic of Korea. Therefore in order to generate and maintain multi-culture spaces as symbiotic spaces continually, this study indicated that immigrants have to retain subjective activity and practical effort for the mutual recognition of identity and culture.

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