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        [특집 : 근대/탈근대 시대의 가치와 정책] 영국 신 노동당의 '제3의 길' 복지 정책: 좌ㆍ우파 복지 모델과의 단절인가

        강욱모 한국인문사회과학회 2000 현상과 인식 Vol.24 No.4

        이 글은 영국 새 노동당의 '제3의 길' 복지 모델이 그들의 주장대로 과거 옛 노동당의 좌파 모델과 대처와 메이저 정권하의 우파 모델과 단절한 새로운 사회 민주주의적 복지 모델로 자리매김할 수 있을지 살펴본다. 1988년 발표된 복지 개혁 녹서와 노동당 집권 후의 복지 정책을 통해 분석한 정책은 새 노동당이 주장하듯이 옛 노동당의 좌파 모델과 대처리즘의 우파 모델과의 단절을 추구하고 있는 것이 아니라 새로이 도전해 오는 사회 경제적 상황에 대응하기 위해 보다 우경화된 시각에서 좌파 모델과 우파모델의 조화를 모색하고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 결국 이 복지 정책은 양극단의 모델에 의해 추구되었던 과거의 영국 복지 제도와는 다른 새로운 형태의 복지 체계를 구축할 것으로 예상되지만, 이러한 정책이 새 노동당이 주장하듯이 새로운 사회 민주주의 복지 모델의 전형으로 자리매김할 수 있을지에 대해서는 아직 불투명하다.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 장애인 고용보장정책 : 쟁점과 정책

        강욱모 한국장애인복지학회 2005 한국장애인복지학 Vol.- No.3

        사회복지 패러다임이 복지 수혜자의 자립을 강조하는 근로연계복지(welfare to work)로 바뀌어 가는 추이를 반영하여 장애인복지의 주요 이슈 또한 점차적으로 소득보장 중심에서 고용보장으로 그 중심축이 이동하고 있다. 이러한 추이에 따라 우리나라도 장애인 고용보장정책들을 강구하고 있으나, 노동시장에서 장애인의 열악한 위치는 크게 변하지 않고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 이러한 장애인의 노동시장에서의 지위가 바뀌지 않고 있는 원인을 노동공급(인적자본 향상, 피고용자지원), 노동수요(노동시장 참여기회확대, 부대비용경감), 그리고 인프라 구축관련 정책(전달체계, 전담워크제 등)으로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 현행 우리나라 장애인 고용정책을 통하여 분석한 결과를 바탕으로 우리나라 장애인고용정책의 방향성을 몇 가지 제시하고 있다.

      • 경상대학교 사회봉사활동 활성화 방안

        강욱모 경상대학교 1997 學生生活硏究所報 Vol.23 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of the voluntary activities and to develop strategies encoraging more voluntary activities in the Gyeongsang National Unversity. For this purpose, a survey interview for the students was conducted to identify their characteristics, duration and continuation of action, motivation, and attitudes. The survey found that volunteers are not reliable work sources yet, because only 37.9 percent of students were experienced in voluntary action, and their participations are not on the regular bases and do not last long enough. This finding suggests that if systematic supporting body is established in the university, many students may better participate in the voluntary activities Based on these findings, some policy recommendations are suggested as follows; 1)The volunteer support regulation should be legislated as soon as possible. The regulation should include such regulations as establishment of volunteer center, curriculum, and supporting systems such as insurance, incentives, and approval of career. 2) The centralized supporting organization, so-called "Gyeongsang Voluntary Center" should be established. In order to establish effective center that provide organized, coordinated and well-managed service efforts, a broad and sustainable foundation of support is necessary. Most importantly, it requires the building of genuine relationship across the student body, academic discipines, community boundaries, administrative departments. 3) Voluntary coordinators should be trained so that they can play a variety of professional roles in managing volunteer programs. 4) Various voluntary action programmes should be developed. 5) In order to increase the efficiency in voluntary activities, database and computerization should be developed. 7) Against accidents during voluntary activities, a social insurance system should

      • KCI등재후보

        영국의 연금개혁 : 공.사 협력관계의 재구축

        강욱모,Kang, Wook-Mo 한국사회복지학회 2002 한국사회복지학 Vol.48 No.-

        This paper analyses the proposals contained in the British Government Green Paper, A New Contract for Welfare: Partnership in Pensions for low paid workers and the potential of the new rules to guarantee a decent income in old age. The UK pension system is a partnership between the State(providing the basic state pension and the SERPS), employers(providing occupational pension scheme) and private pension providers(providing personal pensions). Although the system needs to change, this partnership remains the right foundation. However, the pension Green Paper proposes substantial changes to second tier pension provision in the UK. In particular, the Government plans to replace the SERPS with a new State Second Pension. According to the Green Paper, this will result in "dramatically better pension provision for those earning less than ${\pounds}9,000$ a year" and through increased payments to private pension schemes, will also provide "extra help to those on middle incomes(${\pounds}9,000-{\pounds}18,500$ a year). Therefore, it discusses the general principles inherent in the design of the British pension system and analyses the balance of these principles is represented in the Green Paper. The paper then examines how the Government's proposals protect individuals from a means-tested old age. This paper finds that the Green paper's proposals add up to reinventing a new two-stage basic pension. However, two key features of a such a basic pension package are missing- an 'adequate' level of payment and comprehensive entitlement. Because of these missing principles we argue that the Green Paper's proposals incorporate for the low paid. The income from the basic pension and the secondary pension which is so near the means-tested minimum that little is gained in retirement from a lifetime of work and contribution. Indeed, the shift away from collective provision and the emphasis on individual responsibility will reinforce this inequality, so that many poor will continue to experience poverty in later life.

      • KCI등재

        베이비붐세대의 고용지위변화, 정신건강 및 삶의 질 간의 종단적 인과관계

        강욱모,김지훈 한국아동가족복지학회 2017 한국가족복지학 Vol.22 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the latent growth curve model of the longitudinal relationship between employment status shift, mental health and life satisfaction among baby boomers and the to derive the social welfare implications. The subjects were 610 paid employees of them who had steadily participated in the Korea Welfare Panel Survey, specifically in the 1st to 9th surveys (2006-2014), and their biennial specific data were analyzed. The mayor findings were as follows: First, the pathway of ‘shift of ‘status→depression_ICEPT’ and the pathway of ‘numbers of shift→depression_ICEPT’ were significant, but the pathway of ‘terms of shift→depression_ICEPT’ was not significant. and the pathway of ‘terms of shift→self-esteem_ICEPT’ was significant, but the pathway of ‘shift of status→self-esteem_ ICEPT’ and the pathway of ‘numbers of status shift→self-esteem_ ICEPT’ were not significant. Second, the pathway of ‘depression_ICEPT→life satisfaction_ICEPT’ was negative(-) related, but the pathway of ‘depression_ ICEPT→life satisfaction_SLOPE’ was positive(+) related. Suggestion and limitation of this study, and points to consider in future research were discussed.

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