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        강영순,오현이 조선대학교 1981 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.6 No.-

        We studied 240 casea of large fetuses seen in Chosun university hospital, from Jan. 1, 1976 through Nov. 30, 1980. During which time 3754 cases of total deliveries occurred. The resulrs obtained were as follows ; 1) The incidence of large fetuses weighing 4㎏ or more was 6.39 per cent of the total deliveries and the babies weighing 4.6㎏ or more was 0. 42 per cent of the total. 2) 3.75 Per cent of the large fetuses was born at 40 or 41 weeks of gestation and 39.58 per cent were over 42 weeks of gestation. 3) The large fetus was more frequently seen in multipara and as parity increases, the incidence of large fetus was gradually elevated, in para 3(10.23%). 4) The majority of large fetuses were found to be born either in mothers aged 25~29(50.42%), or in 30~34(31.25%). 5) Most cases of large fetuses(63.33%) were male and the female fetuses were found in 36.66 per cent(male : female=1.72 : 1). Over 4.8㎏ in weight, all were male. 6) The babies were born spontaneous vaginal delivery in 68.33 Per cent, Cesarean section in 15.00 per cent, and vacuum delivery in 14.17 Per cent. 7) Indication for Cesarean section was cephalopelvic disproportion(52.78%), fetal malposition(19.44%), and repeat C-section(16.67%) in order. 8) Incidence of anemia in mothers with large fetuses was 30.83 per cent and the anemia was more common in multipara(23.75%) than in primipara(7.08%). 9) The Apgar score revealed 95.00 per cent in 7~10 and 5.00 per cent in below 6. 10) Incidence of toxemia was 5. 42 per cent (13 cases in number).

      • 신생아체중 및 Apgar 평점과 산모의 제특성에 관한 연구

        강영순,오현이 順天鄕大學校 1980 의대논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The study was performed on 711 newborn infants delivered at the Chosuii University Hospital, during 1 year from Jan. 1, 1978 to Dec. 31, 1978. The results were as follows: 1. The male to female ratio was 1.18:1 The average newborn infant weight was 3.32kg (boy: 3.42kg, girl: 3.19kg) Incidence of low birth weight in infants was 5.6% (boy: 3.6%, girl: 7.9%) Incidence of excessive-in weight infants was 3.1% (boy: 3.6%, girl: 2.5%) 2. In ths relationship between mother's age and newborn infant's birth weight, the lowest incidence of low birth weight and excessive-in weight infants was in the 20-24 years old group. The 30-34 years old group had the heaviest average birth weight. (3.34kg) 3. In the relationship between gestational period and birth weight of newborn infants, the average incidence of low birth weight infant was 40% in the 36 weeks or less and was 11.3% in the 37-42 weeks period or more. 4. In the relationship between birth order and newborn infant birth weight, the 3rd group had the heavicst average birth weight, the lowest incidence of low birth weight infants was the 3rd group, and the highest incidence of excessive in weight infants was the 4th group. 5. In the relationship between history of abortion & low birth weight infants, and newborn infant's birth weight, incidence of low birth weight infants and excessive-in weight infants was higher as frequency increased. 6. In the relationship between gestational period & Apgar score, the highest Apgar score appeared in the period from 37 to 42 weeks. 7. In the relationship between delivery type and Apgar score, the lowest Apgar score was shown in the vacuum delivery, but normal delivery had the highest score.

      • 手術室 및 回復室과 麻醉器材의 汚染에 對한 硏究

        姜永淳 朝鮮大學校 醫學硏究所 1978 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.- No.-

        Infecting by organisms in the anesthetic, apparatus, in the operatin theater and recovery room is one of the important problems of hospital cross infection. Author has studied the organisms that have been isolated from the anesthetic apparatus. oparating theaters and recovery room and tested the sensitivity of isolated organisms to some antibiotics. The results were obtained as follow : 1) 8 strains of organisms were isolated from the anesthetic apparatus, the operating theaters and recovery room. 2) Pseudomonas and E. coli were resistered to some antibiotics.

      • KCI등재
      • 小兒保健에 關한 調査 (I) : 腸內寄生蟲 感梁率을 中心으로

        姜永淳 順天鄕大學校 1978 의대논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        A survey on intestinal parasites infection among the pediatric age group has been carried out from the lst of July to the 3lst of August, 1977. These studies were carried out onthe pediatric age groups, who lived in the area Woong Chi Myun, Bo Sung Gun and Gwang Ju city, Chonnam, Korea. The methods employed were Kato's cellophane thick smear technique in 822 for the prevalence rate of various intestinal helminths, scotchtape anal swab technique in 792 for the prevalence rate of Enterobius. Vermicularis, intradermal test in 890 for the prevalence rate of paragonimus westermani, zinc sulfate centrifugal floatation technique in 822 for the prevalence rate of various intestinal protozoas. The results are as follows : 1. The positivc rate of intestinal helminths in the area of Woong Chi Myun, Bo Sung Gun was 81.7% of 394 cases studied eg, Ascaris lumbricoides 50.5%, Trichocephalus trichiurus 55.8%, Ancytostoma duodenale 0.8%, Trichosfrongytus orientalis 2.3%, Enterbius vermicularis 22.9%, Clonorchis sinensis 5.3% and Paragonimus wesfermani 4.5% respectively. 2. The positive rate of intestinai. protozoas in the area of Woong Chi Myun, Bo Sung Gun was 32.0% of 394 cases studied eg. Giardia tamblia 6.1%, Entameha hiotolytica 7.9%, Entameba coti 16.0%, and Endotimax nana 9.6% respectively. 3. The positive rate of intestinal helmintlis in the area of Gwang Ju city was 251 of 428 cases examined, eg ; Ascaris Iumiricoides 22.7%, Trichoephalus trichiurus 45.8%, Ancylostoma duodenale 0.2%, Trichstronglus orientatis 0.7%, Enferobious vermicutciris 10.0%, Ctonorchis sinensis 1.4% and Parngonimus wcstcrmani 0.5%, respecrively. 4. The positive rate of intestinal protozoa in the area of Gwang Ju city was 24.1% of 428 cases studied, eg. ; Giardia lambtia 4.9%, Eniameba hisfotytica 4.0%, Entameba coli 12.1% and Endotimax nana 6.3% respectively.

      • 小兒保健에 關한 調査 (Ⅰ) : 腸內寄生蟲 感染率을 中心으로

        姜永淳 朝鮮大學校 醫學硏究所 1978 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.- No.-

        A survey on intestinal parasites infection among the pediatric age group has been carried out from the 1st of July to the 31st of August, 1977. These studies were carried out onthe pediatric age groups, who lived in the area Woong Chi Myun, Bo Sung Gun and Gwang Ju city, Chonnam, Korea. The methods employed were Kato's cellophane thick smear technique in 822 for the prevalence rate of various intestinal helminths, scotchtape anal swab technique in 792 for the prevalence rate of Enterobius. Vermicularis, intradermal test in 690 for the prevalence rate of paragonimus westermani, zinc sulfate centrifugal floatation technique in 822 for the prevalence rate of various intestinal protozoas. The results are as follows : 1. The positive rate of intestinal helminths in the area of Woong Chi Myun. Bo Sung Gun was 81.7% of 394 cases studied eg. Ascaris lumbricoides 50.5%, Trichocephalus trichiurus 55.8%, Ancylostoma duodenale 0.8%, Trichostroagylus orientalis 2.3%, Enterbius vermicularis 22.9%, Clonorchis sinensis 5.3% and Paragonimus westermani 4.5% respectively. 2. The positive rate of intestinal protozoas in the area of Woong Chi Myun, Bo Sung Gun was 32.0% of 394 cases studied eg. Giardia lamblia 6.1%. Entameba hiotolytica 7.9%, Entameba coli 16.0%, and Endolimax nana 9.6% respectively. 3. The positive rate of intestinal helminths in the area of Gwang Ju city was 251 of 428 cases examined, eg. ; Ascaris lumbricoides 22.7%, Trichophalus trichiurus 45.8%, Ancylo-stoma duodenale 0.2%, Trichstroiglus orientalis 0.7%. Enterobious vermicularis 10.0%, Clonorchis sincnis 1.4% and Paragonimus westermani 0.5% respectively. 4. The positive rate of intestinal protozoa in the area of Gwang Ju city was 24.1% of 423 cases studied, eg. Giardia lamblia 4.9%, Entameba histolytica 4.0%, Entameba coli 12.1% and Endolimax nana 6.3% respectively.

      • KCI등재

        조직과 노조에 대한 이중몰입의 다차원적 연구

        강영순,최영근 한국자료분석학회 2011 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.13 No.4

        본 연구는 세 가지 차원에서 수행되었다. 첫째, 분류적 접근법과 차원적 접근법을 통해 조직 및 노조에 대한 이중몰입의 실재를 확인하고, 둘째, 평행모델 접근법을 통해 이중몰입에 공통으로 영향을 미치는 선행요인들을 다중회귀분석을 활용해 선정하고, 셋째, 최종 선정된 공통선행요인들과 조직 및 노조몰입 그리고 맥락수행으로 이어지는 최적 구조모델을 공분산구조분석의 단계적 카이제곱검증을 통해 구명하는 것이다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조직 및 노조몰입 사이에 정(+)의 상관관계(r=0.23)가 있으며, 연구표본 중 이중몰입 집단이 가장 많은 것으로 나타나(33.7%) 이중몰입의 실재 가능성을 확인하였다. 둘째, 협력적 노사관계, 상사의 상호작용공정성, 노동조합장의 상호작용공정성, 참여적 의사결정이 이중몰입의 공통선행요인임을 밝혔다. 셋째, 공분산구조분석을 통해 상사의 상호작용공정성을 제외한 나머지 세 가지 변수들이 노조 몰입과 조직몰입을 매개로 결과변수인 맥락수행에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 구조적 관계를 구명하였다. 본 연구는 이중몰입에 대한 다차원적 접근을 통해 이중몰입의 실재 및 인과관계를 밝혔다는 점에서 의의가 있다. This study pursued to investigate dual commitment of employees. Three approaches were employed to verify research problems. First, taxonomic and dimensional approaches were used to ascertain existence of dual commitment to organization and union. Second, predictive factors influencing dual commitment were investigated through parallel mode approach. Third, stepwise chi-square analysis of structural equation model was used to find out the best fit model to address predictive factors, dual commitment, and contextual behavior. The result of this study are as follow. First there are positively correlated between organization and union commitment (r=0.26). It is found that 33.7% of research participant devotes both organization and union. Second, this study verified predictive factors such as cooperative labor-management relations, supervisor's interactive justice, union representative's interactive justice, and participatory decision making. Third, structural equation model addresses that the research model developed though a review of literature fit to the data and theory even though the variable, supervisor's interactive justice, was not included in the final research model. This study found the existence of dual commitment and verified the relation among variables through multi-dimensional approach.

      • 한국 섬집단에 있어서 D.melanogaster의 효소좌위와 염색체간의 연관관계

        강영순,김욱,Kang, Young-Soon,Kim, Wook 한국통합생물학회 1992 동물학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        한국의 세 섬집단으로부터 채집한 Drosophila melanogaster를 대상으로 465개의 haploid genome을 추출한 후, 제 2염색체 상에 위치한 Gpdh와 각서 유전자 및 In(2I)t의 빈도를 조사하여 이들간의 연관관계를 분석한 결과 Gpdh와 Adh 효소 좌위 사이 에 유의 한 연관 불평형 이 제주도와 울릉도집 단에서 관찰되었으며 , Gpdh와 In(2I)t, Adh와 In(21)t 사이에 모두 유의한 연관 불평형이 제주도, 영종도 그리고 울릉도집단에서 관찰되었다. 조사된 전체 genome들 중에서 In(21)t 를 가지고 있는 염색체의 98%(48/49)가 Gpdhf와 Adhs형으로 연관된 결과를 보였다. 이러한 결과들로 볼 때 이들 효소 좌위 사이에 나타난 연관 불평형은 In(21)t와의 hitchhiking현상에 의해 나타난 결과로 해석되며 본 섬집단에서 그 정도가 더 심한 것으로 확인되었다.

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