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      • KCI등재

        언택트 경연프로그램의 소통구조와 자막의 기능 - TV조선 <내일은 미스트롯2>를 중심으로 -

        강연임 ( Gang Yeon-im ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 인문학연구 Vol.61 No.1

        이 논문은 TV조선 ‘내일은 미스트롯2’를 중심으로 언택트 경연프로그램에 나타나는 자막의 양상과 기능을 살핀 것이다. 이 프로그램에서는 자막을 활용하여 다양한 소통을 모색하고 있다. 일시적인 현상일지라도 소통의 새로운 분야를 개척한 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 논의한 내용을 단계별로 제시하면 다음과 같다. 언택트 경연프로그램의 자막은 다양한 소통구조를 확보하고 있다. 이 프로그램의 자막은 출연자의 발화 자막, 제작진의 해석 자막, 언택트 관객의 호응 자막으로 나눌 수 있다. 출연자의 발화 자막은 음성언어로 시청자들에게 이미 전달되었기에 상대적으로 중요성이 덜할 수 있다. 하지만 제작진의 해석 자막과 언택트 관객의 호응 자막은 새로운 정보를 담은 또 다른 소통구조라 할 수 있다. 시청자는 이러한 자막을 통해 프로그램의 진행과정이나 출연자의 성격, 방청객의 의견 등을 종합적으로 수용할 수 있다. 언택트 경연프로그램 자막은 다양한 기능을 수행하고 있다. 프로그램에서는 언택트 관객이 자신들의 생각을 호응 자막을 통해 적극적으로 개진한다. 언택트 관객의 호응 자막에 제작진이 가세하여 대화하듯이 해석 자막을 더하여 쌍방 소통을 이루기도 한다. 더욱이 제작진의 해석 자막은 등장인물을 스토리텔링하여 자막으로 제시함으로써 프로그램의 양적, 질적 풍요로움을 가져오기도 한다. 자막으로 서브 콘텐트를 형성하여 추가 정보를 제공한 것이다. TV프로그램의 맹점으로 지적되었던 소통의 문제를 언택트 경연프로그램의 자막이 어느 정도 해소한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 언택트 경연프로그램 자막의 특징은 다음과 같다. 먼저 언택트 관객이 호응 자막으로 프로그램에 참여함으로써 쌍방 소통이 가능하도록 했다. 이것은 자막이 정보 소통의 새로운 기재로 내재된 것이다. 다음으로 제작진의 해석 자막으로 서브 콘텐츠를 생성하기도 한다. 노래 경연의 경우 빈약한 콘텐츠는 물론 프로그램의 맥락 확보가 어려울 수 있다. 이러한 점을 보완하고자 제작진이 해석 자막으로 서브 콘텐츠를 구축하여 제시한다. 마지막으로 정보 확장을 위한 장치이기도 하다. 언택트 관객이 등장하여 자신의 의견을 피켓으로 개진하고 여기에 제작진의 해석 자막을 곳곳에 배치함으로써, 자막이 정보의 이해와 확산을 위한 커넥터 역할을 담당한다. 자막이 더 많은 정보를 생산·제공하는 장치인 셈이다. In this article, the features and characteristics of subtitles appearing in the untact contest program was studied, focusing on TV Chosun's 'Tomorrow is Mistrot 2'. In the untact contest program, subtitles became an important device for information transfer. So, viewers can enjoy the program while reading the subtitles presented on the screen. The above can be summarized as follows. First, the subtitles of the untact contest program can be divided into the utterance subtitles of the performers, the response subtitles of the untact audience, and the interpretation subtitles of the production team. The utterance subtitles of the performers present the utterances of the performers, moderators, and judges who participate in the contest. The untact audience response subtitles are the thoughts and feelings of the performers as pickets, Last, the production team's interpretation subtitles are the characters of the performers and the topic of the program. If we focus on the information nature of subtitles, we can see that subtitles based on the response of the untact audience and subtitles based on the interpretation of the production team are the core of the communication structure. Second, the function of subtitles for the untact contest program was considered. First, the communication function in the program was strengthened by adding an untact audience. The untact audience proved that viewers can communicate while intervening in the program by actively expressing their thoughts through the responsive subtitles. Moreover, the production team responds with interpretation subtitles, showing a two-way communication function. Next, the interpretation subtitles of the production team develop various episodes related to the characters and present them as subtitles. By storytelling the characters and presenting them with subtitles, the quantitative and qualitative richness of the program was sought. Third, the characteristics of subtitles for the untact contest program were reviewed. First, by allowing untact audiences to participate in the program with a picket message, two-way communication is possible. Next, the subtitles of the untact contest program have the characteristics of sub content. Additional information related to the singing contest was built as sub content to make it a reading-oriented text.

      • KCI등재

        카카오톡 메신저의 소통 양상과 사회언어학적 특성

        강연임(Gang Yeon im) 어문연구학회 2017 어문연구 Vol.92 No.-

        이논문은카카오톡메신저에나타나는의사소통양상을살피고, 카카오톡메신저의사 소통의사회언어학적특성과효과를고찰한것이다. 스마트폰이보편화되면서카카오톡메신저를활용한의사소통이중시되고있다. 카카오톡메신저의사소통은면대면의대화나 기존문자메시지소통과는다른양상을보인다. 그것은언어적장치외에비언어적장치를 적극적으로활용하여소통의새로운패러다임을구축했기때문이다. 그래서카카오톡메신저를 활용한 의사소통에서 다양한 사회언어학적인 기능과 특성을 살필 수 있다. 카카오톡 메신저소통에서 나타나는 특징과 기능으로, 먼저카카오톡 메신저에 참여하는 화자와 청자가 심리적으로 안정된 거리를 유지한다는 점이다. 화자의 발화에 대해 청자는 긍정이든부정이든 응답에 대한시간적 여유를 가질수 있으며 그로 인해감정적마찰도 유보할 수 있다. 또한 유희적인 조어 기능을 수행하기도 한다. 언어적인 생략과 축약·첨가와 비언어적인 그림과기호를활용함으로써 재미있는의미표현이가능하다. 특히 그림과여러가지기호의활용은화자의발화감성을더적극적으로드러낼수있다. 그림의 경우 화자의 자아 이미지를 형상화하여 대리만족을 얻을 수도 있다. 카카오톡 메신저 의사소통의 효과로, 우선 긍정적인 면은 여러 제약에서 벗어난 효율적 의사소통 담보, 정보의 시각화에 의한 발화의미의 강화, 그리고 원활한 의사소통을 통 한긍정적대인관계형성등을들수있다. 한편카카오톡메신저의사소통의부정적인면은 청자를 고려하지 않은 일방적인 의사전달, 무의미한 대화의 지속, 그리고 어문규범 일탈 표현의 남발 등을 들 수 있다. 카카오톡 메신저 의사소통은 매체의 발달과 함께 앞으로 그 쓰임도 점차 다변화될 것이다. 소통의 방법과 양상이 급격하게 변화하는 현 상황을 감안하면 카카오톡 메신저를 활용한 의사소통의 특징과 기능을 시차를 두고 다시 한 번 검토해야 하겠다. As the importance of conversation is receiving attention, the way and aspect of conversation is also being taken notice of. There are various kind of conversation nowadays since the media is advanced. However, like good packaging is also important as much as the contents, the form of conversation is important for true conversation. In this paper, the aspect of conversation and sociolinguistic characteristic aiming ‘Kakao-talk’ is being examined. And basing on this the positive and negative effects by ‘Kakao-talk’ is looked at. Hoping that ‘Kakao-talk’ becomes positive material for conversation, the summary of discussion will replace conclusion. Firstly, the used aspect of ‘Kakao-talk’ conversation can be divided into the lingual aspect and nonverbal aspect. In the lingual aspect, it uses noun expression which is based on ellipsis. On the other way, final consonant is frequently used based on addition. In nonverbal aspect, the emotional expression through emoticons and symbolic usage of letters stand out. Secondly, the sociolinguistic function of ‘Kakao-talk’ conversation is examined. ‘Kakao-talk’ conversation attend in maintaining psychological distance between speaker and listener. Maintaining reasonable distance between speaker and listener can prevent the emotional damage, therefore minimizing conflict causation. Also there is amusing language coinage. Abbreviation, consonant and neologism and make conversation participants share interesting vocabulary. It can also activate emotional expression. Through emoticons and various symbols, speaker can express one’s emotion in detail. Lastly, there is self image creation function. Through emoticons and symbols one can embody ideal image and propose it to the society, and get vicarious satisfaction. Thirdly, the effect of ‘Kakao-talk’ conversation can be divided into positive and negative aspect. The positive aspect of ‘Kakao-talk’ is effective conversation can be guaranteed without limits, reinforcement of utterance meaning by visualization of information, and positive personal relationship can be built through smooth conversation. On the other hand, the negative affect of ‘Kakao-talk’ is unilateral conversation which does not consider listener, meaningless conversation, and overusing expression which is against a norm of written and spoken language.

      • KCI등재

        국어의 줄임말 현상에 따른 언어변이 양상과 문제점

        강연임(Gang, Yeon-im) 한국언어문학회 2016 한국언어문학 Vol.97 No.-

        This thesis is studied about formation aspects and influence of abbreviation in modern languages. And it is searched improvement method from an educational standpoint. If time and generation were changed, language culture was changed naturally. And new words are reflected Sensitively language culture. New words are blending and acronym in modern languages, and these are so frequent. So analysis of blending and acronym is neared by ordinary languages. A summary of this research as follows. First, new words by abbreviation are divided into blending and acronym. The blending are native blending, loanword blending and hybrid blending. The acronym are native acronym, loanword acronym and hybrid acronym. The blending has a great ripple effect according to flow in foreign language. The acronym can infer meaning how to know context. Second, new words’s problem by abbreviation is as in the following. First category of word formation is so ambiguous. A combination of apocryphal word and Hybrid–blending word, Hybrid–acronym make so ambiguous to treat its category. Second, it makes problem of vocabulary selection to write a sentence. It takes no notice of grammatical response, postposition usage, honorific speech, using the standard language, Abuse of the slang etc. So there makes a lot of ill-formed sentence. Third, It brings about the imbalance in the communication. Blending and acronym by abbreviation can understand to know utterance context or utterance information. If someone has no information about this, he can not accept with its meaning. Therefore It is a major stumbling block of communication. So making of new words and its improvement method are needed to come close in the view of educational standpoint. First of all, for a minimal filtering of smooth communication, it is ensured internal stability of grammar education. A good method of making word is studied for smooth communication.

      • KCI등재

        말하기 관련 비교과 프로그램의 운영 현황과 특징

        강연임(Gang Yeon im) 한국언어문학회 2017 한국언어문학 Vol.102 No.-

        This thesis is studied about a management state and education result of extracurricular program, which is ‘Speech Clinic’ in Mokwon University. In the second chapter, it is examined a management state and detailed example of ‘Speech Clinic’. In third chapter, Operational performance and its expectation effectiveness, and a necessity of extracurricular program that is Curriculum connection show. In fourth chapter, it tries to find a future measures and its solution of extracurricular program ‘Speech Clinic’. However after standing out of speech, each university operates a speech lecture. But speech ability can not good better if one or two speech lecture could complete. And after take a class, there is a need of continuous education service. Therefore to fill the gap, it is used an extracurricular program that is connected with speech class. The extracurricular program is very useful to offer an intensive education service for students. ‘Speech Clinic’ in extracurricular program of Mokwon university is very useful that a subject professor counsels directly, so they know very well about subject’s character, student’s tendency, and contents of a class etc. And it can offer one-to-one education service, so students can receive solution of their speech problems directly and concretely. In ‘Speech Clinic’, it has a standardized manual of speech problems, and their professors have an workshop regularly. They share with various information about counselling, and try to solve the problem Collaboration. The problems of extracurricular program are its temporary management and short connection of class. So to gather an educational effect with a long-term perspective, it can not stop but manage with continuous support. And with a standardization work of counsel manual and professor’s steady studying, and cooperative discussion, it could be operated elastically to give a real help for students.

      • KCI등재

        마이크로디그리의 교육적 효과와 발전 방향 모색 : 목원대학교 국어교육 MD ‘커뮤니케이션 마스터 코스’를 중심으로

        강연임(Gang Yeon-im) 어문연구학회 2020 어문연구 Vol.103 No.-

        이 논문은 사회 변화에 유연하게 대처할 수 있는 인재 양성 프로그램인 마이크로디그리(이하 MD라 약칭함)를 검토하면서 교육적 효과와 발전 방향을 모색하는 데 목적이 있다. MD는 핵심역량 사업으로 교과목과 교육내용을 재편하여 사회에서 요구하는 인재를 양성하는 것이 목표이다. 이를 위해 기존 학문 영역의 경계를 완화하고 다양한 교과를 구성하여 학습자들이 사회변화에 탄력적으로 대응할 수 있도록 교육과정을 편성한다. 목원대학교에서는 비판적 사고, 의사소통, 협업과 창의성을 기반으로 교과과정을 재구성하여 MD를 구축·운영하였다. 2019년 2학기에 10개의 MD를 선정·운영하였는데, 그 중 의사소통 능력 함양을 위한 국어교육 영역의 ‘커뮤니케이션 마스터 코스’ MD 사례를 검토하였다. ‘커뮤니케이션 마스터 코스’ MD는 소통 역량을 중심으로 기초·심화·확장 교과로 구성되었다. 단계별·분야별로 특화된 교육과정을 교과별 협업과 연계시스템을 바탕으로 운영하였다. MD 교육과정은 학생 중심의 교육 시스템으로 학생들의 수업참여 및 성취동기를 강화하고, 개인별로 요구되는 역량을 강화하는 데 도움이 될 수 있었다. 또 세 분야의 MD를 이수하면 교양 복수학위를 수여함으로써 대학 학사제도의 유연성 확보와 평생교육의 기틀을 마련하는 데도 유용할 수 있다. MD는 교육범위와 교육내용, 그리고 교육대상의 확장은 물론 교양에서 전공 수준까지 교육의 단계를 심화하는 효과를 거둘 수 있다. 또한 학생들이 희망하는 교육과정을 이수하고, 그것을 교양 복수학위제로 연결시키도록 하여 학사운영의 다양화를 꾀할 수도 있다. 이러한 MD의 안정적 정착 및 발전을 위해서는 학교 행정제도의 정비와 지원, 학문 간 융합의 수월성 제고, 교육 콘텐츠의 적극적 개발 및 단계별 구축 등이 필요하리라 본다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the educational effect and development direction while examining the microdegree (abbreviated as MD), a talent development program that can flexibly cope with social change. MD is a system that changes the framework and categories of education in order to proactively cope with rapid social change and diverse thinking. With this premise, the operation process and achievements were reviewed based on the “Communication Master Course” MD among the cultured MDs of Mokwon University. Summarize with the conclusions discussed so far. First, it is the purpose and operation system of Mokwon University MD. First is the purpose of education. Mokwon University MD is a system to foster competent human resources required by society by flexibly operating the curriculum. Mokwon University MD has selected the contents of education by stages and arranged them step by step so that students can choose and complete the fields they want to learn or have to learn. It can be seen that the MD of Mokwon University is intended to enhance the efficiency and utility of education. Next is the operating system. Mokwon University operates MD in liberal arts and GCP MDs. Among them, the liberal arts were divided into detailed MDs in 10 areas, and various subjects were arranged around each competency. Students can earn dual degrees by completing 12 credits in one of these areas and 36 credits in three areas. Second, the contents and direction of the education MD of Mokwon University. First is the educational content. Mokwon University MD has eased the boundaries of liberal arts by area and restructured by competencies to make it easier for students to learn what they want. The Communication Master Course MD consists of basic, advanced, and extended subjects on the premise of communication skills as educators and professionals. This course is designed to collect the courses related to communication in various fields and to learn in stages. In all ten fields of Liberal Arts MD, the educational contents were composed to have the convergence and multi-disciplinary characteristics of scholarship. Next is the direction of education. Liberal Arts Each field has its own direction of education. This is because the curriculum consists of various subjects ranging from the basic level of education to the level of advanced majors. In the case of the ‘Communication Master Course’ MD, students were trained in both the communication skills required to be educated and the communication skills required as professionals. However, mastering all of your liberal arts and professional communication skills can help you with all your college or social work. It started with the basic knowledge of communication and had a certain direction so that students could acquire expertise in stages. Third is the educational effect of MD. Mokwon University MD can achieve or expect its own educational effect. First, the scope of education and the scope of benefits can be expanded. By combining various disciplines with a common competency, the contents of education could be greatly expanded. In other words, the scope of education could be so diverse. This inevitably caused the beneficiary s category to expand. Similar subjects were grouped around competencies, which attracted students from various majors. Next, the curriculum was organized in stages in one category to enable education not only in liberal arts but also in the major level. In other words, education was facilitated from basic education to deepening of majors. Finally, it is possible to diversify academic operations. It is to ensure the diversity of degree acquisition by operating a practical and open system in addition to the existing school system.

      • KCI등재

        교양 마이크로디그리와 복수 학위제도의 효용성

        강연임(Gang, Yeon-im) 다빈치미래교양연구소 2022 교양학연구 Vol.- No.18

        급변하는 사회는 대학 교육에서도 변화를 요구하고 있다. 사회에서 요구하는 역량을 파악하고, 그것을 학생들에게 교육하기 위해서는 다양한 교육 콘텐츠와 교육 방법이 필요하다. 대학 교육이 시대 변화에 민감하게 대응하는 것이 적절한지에 대해서는 이견이 없지 않지만, 중요한 점은 교양교육의 경우 사회의 요구를 무시할 수 없다는 점이다. 그러한 요구에 대응하면서 학생들의 능력을 키우고자 운영하는 것이 바로 마이크로디그리와 교양 학위제도이다. 교양 마이크로디그리는 지정된 교양 교과를 집중 이수함으로써 단기간에 미니학위를 취득하거나, 역량별 미니학위를 교양 학위로 연계하여 복수학위를 취득케 하는 데 목표를 둔다. 이를 위해 총 다섯 개 역량, 즉 이타적 인성 역량, 자기애적 감성 역량, 주체적 자립 역량, 창의적 문제해결 역량, 융화적 소통 역량을 설정하고 각 역량별로 5~8개의 교과를 배치하여 운영한다. 교양 마이크로디그리의 이수를 통해 학위를 취득하는 제도가 교양 복수 학위제도이다. 교양 복수 학위는 해당 마이크로디그리에서 각 12학점씩, 총 36학점을 이수하면 취득할 수 있다. 교양 교육과정 개편의 가장 큰 의미는 학생 중심 교육이 가능하다는 점이다. 학생 스스로 학위를 취득하기 위하여 긴 안목에서 교양 교과를 선택적으로 학습할 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라 교양 마이크로디그리와 전공 교육을 연계하기도 하여 학문의 다양성과 확장성을 경험할 수도 있다. 교양 마이크로디그리와 교양 복수학위를 이수하는 과정에서 학생들은 자연스럽게 융복합적인 사고능력도 기를 수 있다. 교양 마이크로디그리와 복수 학위제도는 급변하는 사회에서 요구되는 전문성을 교양 학위를 통해 해결할 수 있는 방법이다. 또한 전공학과의 변화를 효과적으로 모색하기 어려울 때 교양교육 과정을 통해 변화하는 시대상에 탄력적으로 대응하면서 전문성 제고도 강구할 수 있다. The changes in education according to the changed social changes were examined through the Liberal Arts Micro Degree and Bachelor of Liberal Arts system. There are many disagreements as to whether it is positive for education to respond sensitively to changes in the times, but the important point is that Liberal Arts education that meets the needs of society is necessary. It can be said that Liberal Arts Micro Degree and Bachelor of Liberal Arts system in Liberal Arts education are actively converging these. The above discussion is summarized as it is. First, changes in the educational environment and the necessity of redesigning Liberal Arts education were investigated. In modern society, knowledge and information required by society are rapidly changed regardless of time. Therefore, it is necessary to seek changes in the Liberal Arts education of the Universities in order to meet such demands. Now, it is necessary to move away from the perception that Liberal Arts are simply credits to be completed for graduation, and to seek a horizontal link between Liberal Arts subjects, and furthermore, it must change to the direction of educating the newly required professionalism. To achieve this, the need for a redesign of the Liberal Arts education is emerging because it is only possible to improve the existing Liberal Arts education system. Second, the operational status and educational performance of the Liberal Arts Micro Degree were reviewed. The Liberal Arts Micro Degree aims to acquire additional degrees in a short period of time by intensively completing designated Liberal Arts subjects, or to obtain Dual Degrees by linking mini-degrees by competency to Liberal Arts Degrees. To this end, a total of five competencies, namely, altruistic personality competency, narcissistic emotional competency, independent self-reliance capacity, creative problem-solving capacity, and integrative communication capacity were established, and a Micro Degree course was provided for each competency. International Society and Human Rights Expert Course for altruistic personality competency, Art Culture Planning Course, Creative Musical Production Practice Course, Festival Play Culture Planning Expert Course for narcissistic emotional competency, ICT Utilization Master Course, Korean Language Proficiency Crtification Course, Cultural Content Creator Specialist Course for independent competency, Software Coding Course, Convergence Cultural Knowledge Cultivation Course, Content Convergence Startup Course for solving competency the creative problem, and In the integrative communication competency, the Liberal Arts English Course, Humanities Counseling and Healer Course, and Communication Master Course were included. Third, the effectiveness of the Liberal Arts Micro Degree System and the Dual Degree System was examined. In order to meet the social needs, it is the Micro Degree and the Double-Degree Liberal Arts system that have expanded the Liberal Arts education to seek changes. Through this reform of the Liberal Arts curriculum, student-centered education can be made possible. This is because students can selectively study Liberal Arts subjects from a long-term perspective in order to obtain a degree on their own. It can also lay the foundation for convergence education. This is because the diversity of disciplines can be recognized by linking the Liberal Arts Micro Degree with major education. In the process of completing the Liberal Arts Micro Degree and Double Liberal Arts Degree, students can naturally develop convergence thinking skills. In addition, the professionalism required in a rapidly changing society can be solved through a Liberal Arts Degree. In general, the problem of rigidity to changes in majors can be actively resolved in Liberal Arts education.

      • KCI등재

        말하기 능력 함양을 위한 토의수업 활동과 효과

        강연임 ( Gang Yeon-im ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 인문학연구 Vol.60 No.1

        이 논문은 토의수업의 준비와 수업활동, 그리고 수업 후의 결과 등을 살핀 것이다. 토의수업은 여타의 수업과는 달리 학습자들이 능동적으로 참여해야 가능하다. 그러한 점을 전제하면서 진행한 수업을 바탕으로 토의수업의 실태와 효과를 살폈다. 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 토의활동을 위한 준비 단계를 검토하였다. 말하기와 관련된 기초적인 이론 학습, 부담 없이 말할 수 있는 분위기 조성, 그리고 주제 관련 정보 획득의 필요성을 검토하였다. 이것은 본격적인 토의가 진행될 수 있도록 사전에 대비하는 것이면서 효과적인 토의를 위한 전략이기도 하다. 토의수업의 구성과 수업 활동을 살폈다. 토의수업을 도입, 전개, 발전, 마무리로 구성하고 각 단계별로 어떻게 수업이 진행되었는지 제시하였다. 발단에서는 본격적인 토의활동이 진행되기 전에 학습자를 파악하고, 말하기에 대한 인식 변환, 말하기와 관련된 기초지식을 익히고, 전개에서는 토의 주제 정보를 공유하면서 조별 말하기나 미니토크를 진행하여 토의 분위기를 고취한다. 발전에서는 토의를 집중적으로 진행하여 결과를 도출하고, 도출된 결과를 정리하여 발표하고 동료의 질의응답은 물론 평가를 받는다. 마무리에서는 토의 활동을 최종적으로 정리하면서 토의수업의 의의에 대해서 총평한다. 토의수업의 효과를 검토하고 토의수업을 위해 필요한 사항을 제언하였다. 토의수업은 소수의 의견도 중시하면서 최선의 방안을 모색하는 말하기이다. 그러한 특성 때문에 토의수업을 진행하면 학습에 대한 동기부여는 물론 성취감이 고취될 수 있고, 좋은 방안을 모색하는 과정에서 자기 주도적인 학습 태도를 기를 수 있다. 여러 사람과 의견을 조율하는 과정을 통해서는 의사소통 능력을 키울 수 있고, 토의를 통해 집단지성의 중요성을 인식하는 가운데 융합적 사고력과 종합적인 판단력을 기를 수도 있다. 다만 수강생 수의 조정, 다수를 위한 공간 확보, 평가방법의 변화, 교수자의 준비 등은 효과적인 토의수업을 위해 선결되어야 할 조건이라 하겠다. This study examines the preparation and discussion activities, and the results after the discussion activities in the discussion class. Unlike other classes, discussion classes are possible only when learners actively participate. On the premise of such a point, the actual conditions and effects of the discussion class were examined based on the class conducted. The summary is as follows. First, the preparation and strategy for the discussion class were reviewed. Discussion classes may be possible only when learners actively participate. Moreover, you have to express your opinion in words in front of many people. This may require preparatory activities. Students should learn basic theories related to speaking and conduct preliminary activities to create an atmosphere where they can speak without burden. And by acquiring subject information, you should prepare for a full-scale discussion. It can be said that it is a strategy as well as preparation for the discussion class to check all these matters. Second, the composition of the discussion class and class activities were examined. This is actually a class that was conducted and looked into as a model. The discussion class was largely organized into four stages, and the learning contents progressed in each stage were specified. In other words, it consists of introduction, development, development, and conclusion, and how the class was conducted in each step was presented. In the introduction, learners are identified before the full-scale discussion activities are conducted, the perception of speech is transformed, and basic knowledge related to speech is learned. In the development, discussion topics are shared and group talks or mini-talks are conducted to inspire the atmosphere of the discussion. In development, results are derived while intensive discussions on the subject, and questions and answers are conducted for each group. The contents of the discussion are then summarized and presented, and questions and responses from all colleagues are received as well as evaluation. At the conclusion, the discussion activities are finalized and the evaluation of the discussion activities as well as the significance of the discussion classes are reviewed. Third, the effect of speaking learning through discussion class was reviewed. Discussion classes are part of group speaking. Because of such characteristics, discussion classes can have various effects. Because all learners must participate, motivation for learning and a sense of accomplishment for learning can be encouraged. On the other hand, not only can you develop a self-directed learning attitude in the process of expressing opinions and finding good solutions, but you can also coordinate opinions with multiple people and develop communication skills. Moreover, since learners from various departments gat her and share opinions, the importance of collective intelligence can be recognized, and based on this, convergent thinking skills and comprehensive judgment can be improved. Fourth, there is no problem that must be decided in advance for the discussion class to proceed as intended. In order to increase the educational effect of the discussion class, the number of enrolled students should be reduced, and space for group discussions should be secured. In addition, because of the nature of the discussion class, qualitative evaluation rather than quantitative evaluation takes up a large proportion, so it may be better to choose the absolute evaluation method. In addition, rather than transferring knowledge and information, teachers need to be familiar with the purpose, method, and content of the discussion class so that learners can learn while thinking on their own.

      • KCI등재

        대중가요의 외래어 사용양상과 국어교육적 개선방안

        강연임 ( Yeon Im Gang ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 인문학연구 Vol.38 No.4

        이 논문은 대중가요의 노랫말에 나타나는 외래어 사용의 문제점을 살피고, 국어교육적 관점에서 개선방안을 모색한 것이다. 시대가 변하고, 그에 따라 문화와 가치관이 바뀌면서 언어사용 양상도 크게 달라지고 있다. 외국문화나 문물의 유입이 늘어난 만큼 언어의 차용이나 혼용현상도 더욱 빈번해지고 있다. 그러한 과정에서 외래어를 잘 받아들이는 문제도 중요하지만, 국어를 온전하게 활용하는 방안을 적극적으로 모색하는 일도 마땅히 수반되어야 한다. 그 일환으로 본 논문에서는 대중가요의 노랫말에 나타나는 외래어의 문제를 살피고 그 개선책을 모색해 보았다. 먼저 외래어가 단독으로 사용된 경우와 국어문장과 혼용된 경우로 나누어 노랫말의 실태를 살폈다. 그리고 표기 면에서는 국어표기와 원어표기로 나누어 고찰해 보았다. 대중가요 노랫말에 나타나는 국어사용상의 문제점은 국어와 외래어를 혼용하다 보니 국적불명의 어휘를 양산하거나 비문법적인 문장을 만들어내는 것이다. 또한 문장 안에서의 연어 관계도 허용범주를 넘어서는 일이 빈번하다. 대중가요의 노랫말에 나타난 외래어 사용의 문제점을 짚으면서 국어교육적 개선 방안을 모색해 보았다. 즉 어휘사용과 문장구성의 측면에서 개선 방안을 찾을 수 있다. 어휘선택에 있어서는 기본적인 표준어 교육의 중요성을, 문장구성에서는 국어문법에 맞는 문장구사의 필요성을 강조하였다. 이러한 교육이 수반될 때 대중가요 노랫말에 나오는 비문에 대해서도 올바른 언어관으로 수용할 수 있기 때문이다. <Abstract> A study on the Aspect of loanword and improvement of korean education in popular song Gang, Yeon-im This thesis is studied about the use aspect of foreign language in words to popular song. And with this foundation, it is looked at the method of right korean usage. As Times have changed and accordingly culture and values are changed, so usage aspect of language is different. many foreign culture and civilization is accepted, acceptance of language or borrowing, mixing use is various. In the process of these status, it is important to accept a foreign language well. But the right usage of korean is needed without fail. The main contents is summarized as follows. First, it is studied about a circumstances of foreign language in words of popular song. In a popular song, korean and foreign language is mixed. That type is divided into only use of foreign language and mixing use of korean sentences. In a case of simple word korean writing is not awkward, but in a case of clause or phrase korean writing is a little awkward. Second, it is studied about a problem of korean usage in words of popular song. As korean and foreign language is mixed, a words of unknown nationality or a sentence of non grammatical sentence are made. For the more, a collocational relation in a made sentence is got out of its permitted limit. And this problem have a bad effect to learn a right korean. Third, with this problem it is find in a view of korean education. Specially word using and sentence construction. Concretely in a word choice the use of standard language is most important. Even if it is transformed, the acceptance based on standard language is different from the case without standard language. So the education of standard language is made firstly for a right choice of word. In a consist of sentence, the education of sentence that fitted korean grammar is progressing. And within a right grammar, the ellipsis and transformation should be made. Even now a non grammatical sentence in a words of popular song could be accept.

      • KCI등재

        체험 중심 말하기 수업의 구축 방안과 기대 효과

        강연임 ( Yeon Im Gang ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 인문학연구 Vol.54 No.4

        본 연구는 대학에서 말하기 교육의 필요성에 대한 인식을 바탕으로, 체험 중심 말하기 수업의 구축방안과 교육적 효과를 모색한 것이다. 이를 위해 체험 중심 수업의 이론적 배경을 살피고, 말하기 능력 신장을 위해 이론과 체험을 병행하는 수업모델을 구안하였다. 즉 말하기 이론 학습, 말하기 체험 학습, 체험에 대한 피드백으로 수업을 구성하여 학생들이 말하기 능력을 종합적으로 키울 수 있도록 했다. 이론을 바탕으로 구축한 말하기 수업 모델은 ‘말하기 준비단계→말하기 체험단계→말하기 발전단계’이다. 말하기 준비단계는 말하기 체험활동을 위한 사전 과정으로 말하기 체험과 관련된 이론수업을 진행한다. 말하기 활동단계는 체험을 중심으로 말하기가 진행되는 과정으로 구체적인 말하기 교육이 이루어진다. 말하기 발전단계는 이론과 체험활동의 결과에 대한 피드백 제공과 종합적인 정리 과정으로 수업내용을 총괄하게 된다. 이러한 체험 중심 말하기 수업의 효과는 첫째, 배경정보 활성화에 따른 사고력 확장, 능동적 학습 태도의 함양을 들 수 있다. 둘째, 듣기능력을 바탕으로 한 의사표현력 함양이 가능하다. 셋째, 통합적 활동에 의한 주제 파악 능력이 향상될 수 있다. 넷째, 화자와 청자의 상호작용을 바탕으로 원만한 대인관계 능력을 함양할 수 있다. This thesis studied about construction of speech class model and finding its effect to educate speech effectively. Speech is very important ability in these times. Especially university students are in need of that ability. So university should do speech education, and for this they must make speech class. This thesis makes an offer of speech class model to improve university student’s speech ability. It may be summarized as follows. 1. With a recognition of speech ability’s need, every university manages various speech lectures. ‘Speech’ lecture is classified with required courses, optional courses, and free courses. And its form is made up with theory center, practice center, and running parallel with theory and practice. 2. This thesis is made up of construction of speech class model. By setting Lewin’s dynamic theory in standard, it is made to start from ‘speech theory studying’, go through ‘primary speech→ secondary speech’ and finish at ‘self regulated control by experience(self-examination)’. 3. At the ‘Speech warm-up’, mitigating speech anxiety disorder by small talk and proceeding theory class about speech activity is the main point. Also this stage makes students recognize the linguistic and nonverbal elements carried by speech. 4. ‘Speech experience activity’ is a stage to prepare script for speech. Speech activity is progressed by prepared script, and feedback about that activity is provided. Feedback is departmentalized as total feedback and individual feedback, and the student proceed the speech experience activity again on the basis of the proposed feedback. 5. ‘Speech development activity’ is analyzing about one’s speech activity through speech experience activity and given feedback, and organizing and supplementing about merits and demerits of one’s speech ability. 6. The effect of speech activity class is summarized as follows. First, it can develop student’s active study attitude. Second, it can develop mind expressiveness based on listening ability. Third, it can improve understanding subject ability in combination activity. Fourth, it can improve amicable personal relations based on speaker and listener’s interaction.

      • KCI등재

        오락프로그램 자막언어의 특징과 문제점 - 〈효리네민박〉을 중심으로 -

        강연임(Gang Yeon im) 한국언어문학회 2018 한국언어문학 Vol.104 No.-

        The aspect of transition and problem about caption language has been examined with entertainment program 〈Hyo-rine minbak〉 as the center. In advance, the research tendency of entertainment programs’ caption language and recent progress of caption language were examined. Based on this, the problems of nowadays caption language were stated. To summarize the discussions until now as a conclusion is as in the following. Firstly, the research tendency and change of entertainment programs’ caption language is studied. The early captions were focused on objective and definite information delivery. So the research until now has been also focused on the caption language’s type, function, and positive and negative influences. The problem is nowadays caption language is quite different from the previous one. That’s because the production crews putting intended information as the caption is increasing. Especially as observation entertainment program increased, the caption language with production crews intention considering interest and connection is also rapidly increasing. The problems about this should be examined objectively. Secondly, the functional change aspect of caption language from 〈Hyo-rine minbak〉, which is a entertainment program was examined. 〈Hyo-rine minbak〉 is a typical observation entertainment program. However, the production crew presenting planned caption language is increasing at the observation entertainment program including the program above. 〈Hyo-rine minbak〉 is presenting caption language including story. This premises narrative arc from narrative text. Also by providing the caption beforehand, the interpretation of the following image or the characters’ action is attracted. So the substance the viewer should appreciate is suggested beforehand. On the one hand, when the character does not speak or only the landscape is described, the caption language explains about that situation in detail. This shows the reading text’s feature, since it’s similar to reading a written language. Thirdly, the problems of recent caption language was examined with 〈Hyo-rine minbak〉 as the center. First of all, due to caption language, it is difficult to concentrate on the screen or the characters’ action. This deviated from the television’s endemic function which is to offer visual image for the viewer to interpret freely. On the one hand, the information is arbitrarily interpreted. The information interpreted arbitrarily by the production crew while watching the visual image and the characters is presented in the shape of caption language. If things come to this stage, the viewers accept the information the caption language provides preferentially, reducing the scope of one’s thought. This brings to the problem that product crew unify the information which should be interpreted in a more various way. To overcome problems like above, image media need to realize the product crews’ provision of information and viewers’ interpretation is the main point. The product crews should offer objective situation rather than providing processed information, and let the viewers accept and appreciate freely. Only then the captions wⅢ be minimized and the entertainment program wⅢ become the open space of information.

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