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        시베리아ㆍ극동 농업의 현황과 우리의 진출방안 연구

        강명구 ( Kang Meang-gu ) 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2007 한국시베리아연구 Vol.11 No.2

        2010년경에는 전 세계적인 식량부족이 예상되고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 국제곡물시장이 카길 등 거대한 곡물메이저에 의한 독과점 구조로 되어 무역거래를 통한 식량확보 방안은 불안정성 및 과다비용 등의 문제가 예상되므로, 해외식량기지 확보를 통한 쌀을 포함한 곡물의 안정적 공급확보방안을 모색해야 한다. 안정된 식량확보를 위한 해외식량기지로서 중국, 남미 등도 고려 대상이 될 수 있으나, 남북통일 후 안정된 식량확보를 위한 해외식량기지로서 시베리아ㆍ극동지역 특히, 연해주의 넓은 농지는 더 없이 적합하다. 또한, 연해주는 북한과 국경선을 접하고 있어서 통일 후 이 지역에서 생산된 곡물을 북한지역과 북한을 통해 남한으로 수송할 때 드는 물류비용 절감 등의 이점과 농약, 유전자 조작 등의 위험으로부터 벗어난 지역이라는 점이 우리나라 해외 식량기지로서 적합하다. 러시아 시베리아ㆍ극동지역에 대한 농업부문 투자 활성화는 다음과 같은 면에서 볼 때 긍정적으로 평가된다. 이러한 결과는 아래의 요인으로 인하여 우리나라 및 제3국의 투자가 변할 것으로 보인다. 첫째, 러시아의 현재 저생산성은 구소련방의 해체, 경제위기 등에 의한 외생적 요인이 크게 작용한 것으로 오늘날 저생산성은 어느 수준까지는 회복 가능한 잠재성을 지닌 곳이다. 둘째, 높은 잠재성을 지닌 시장을 가지고 있다. 극동러시아는 우리 농산물을 소비할 수 있는 잠재적인 소비시장이다. 셋째, 현재 문제가 되고 있는 높은 수준의 물류비도 개선 가능성이 있다. 경의선 철로와 시베리아 횡단철도(TSR)의 연결을 상정하고 이의 물류비 절감효과를 분석한 대한무역투자진흥공사(KOTRA)의 보고에 의하면 해상운송보다 약 30% 이상의 물류비 절감효과가 있음을 전망하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 사항이 최종적으로 개선될 시점은 장기적이다. 따라서 시베리아ㆍ극동지역 농업부문 투자 진출은 장기적 계획하에 추진되어야 할 것이며, 사업 성공을 위한 전제조건으로는 무엇보다도 러시아의 경제회복과 법제도의 정비 등을 통한 투명성이 보장되어야 한다. 그리고 교역 및 투자의 효율성을 보장할 수 있는 물적 제도적 인프라의 구축이 또한 중요하다. The grudge which cabines to a trade name complement principle from such a point of view. the developing relationship will be able to keep a company questionable. To the economy of Korea and Russia the gain and loss of the both nations it agrees considering from inside restricted trade name complement result income demand and the export ability side, the economic relationship of both nations is not to the relationship of competition not to be, partnership in the agriculture field cooperation of Russia and Korea and its importance must let in the side which is a security of the stable agricultural products income unit. Russia the agriculture resources is abundant basically and agriculture production technique also it is coming up to the level which is considerable, it will reach and it is the actual condition where the management technique and the capital it will can apply are insufficient it cooperates like this dimension in necessity. The Fae-EastㆍSiberia area agriculture section investment advance under the internal organs planning must be propelled, what sees the transparent characteristic which leads a Russia economic recovery and the moral laws maintenance back must be guaranteed under the preconditions for an enterprise success. And the construction of material system infra will be able to guarantee the efficient characteristic of trade with also the importance of investment.

      • KCI등재

        중앙아시아의 성장과 중국의 대(對)중앙아시아 통상전략 분석

        강명구 ( Meang Gu Kang ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2007 유라시아연구 Vol.4 No.2

        China expand the influencing power to Central Asia newly emerging nations which based on their status improvement at economy, diplomacy and military strength that intensified with their economy growth, widely. At the Chinese view, Central Asia is one of the suitable area to solve their problems which confront them now. Frist, Middle-Asia is most proper area to supply and demand of energy for Chinese economy growth at the west-part development. Second, China is under-high price``s consumption goods market with economic growth. Third, Central Asia try to balance and suppress Xinjang area`s separatism crusade at west-side area through out military and security cooperation which is based on multilateralism. China`s investment and trade to Central Asia was successful that competition with Russia and Europe, Japan. Therefore, this is China give us an suggestion about their successful advance in Central Asia. It give us an important precept that Chinese Central Asia advance which combination with governments, private enterprise and retailers. China`s advance in energy and farming filed which has large investment scale at Central Asia is led government agency, and cooperation at retail trade in overseas Dunganjok is arrest to our attention.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 금융위기 이후 카자흐스탄 은행산업 연구 -CIS 및 동유럽국가와의 비교를 중심으로-

        강명구 ( Meang Gu Kang ) 한국비교경제학회 2010 비교경제연구 Vol.17 No.2

        구소연방으로부터 독립한 이후 카자흐스탄은 외국인 직접투자(FDI)를 유치 해 국가건설에 있어 가장 중요한 기반인 중공업 및 제조업의 초석을 다졌다. 카자흐스탄은 적극적인 외국인 직접투자 유치 노력 없이도 원유 및 천연가스 개발을 위한 외국기업의 막대한 자본이 유입되어 경제를 성장시켰다. 그러나 안정적인 경제성장을 하던 카자흐스탄도 글로벌 금융위기 여파로 국가경제가 침체 또는 성장이 둔화되고 있다. 특히, 금융부문에 대한 대외의존도가 높은 카자흐스탄은 금융기관의 부실로 경제성장률이 급락하였다. 글로벌 금융위기 이후 카자흐스탄은 유가 하락으로 외국인 직접투자 감소, 금융기관의 신용경색으로 국가경제는 침체가 지속되고 있다. 카자흐스탄 정부는 신용창조 지속, 국영은행의 지배적 상황의 해소, 민간은행의 재편, 투자자의 시장참여 증가와 다양화를 통해 은행산업의 수익성, 자산 건전성, 자본적적성의 성장을 꾀하였다. 이러한 정부의 각종 정책에도 불구하고 2007년 발생한 미국 서브프라임 모기지사태에 따른 세계적인 경기침체로 카자흐스탄 은행산업은 침체되었다. 이에 카자흐스탄 정부는 붕괴되어가는 은행산업을 구조하기 위해 부실은행 지원, 산업구조조정 등의 정책을 시행하였다. 나아가 카자흐스탄 상업은행의 장기적인 발전을 위해서는 은행에 대한 신용 향상, 금융상품 다양화, 새로운 고객 세그먼트(segment) 개척, 리스크 데이터 구축 능력 강화, 장기자금조달 능력 강화 등이 이루어져야 한다. Since independence from the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan were invited Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) to make a basis of heavy industry and manufacturing that the most important infrastructure for the construction of the nation. Without active efforts to attract Foreign Direct Investment, Kazakhstan economy has been growing for inflow of the development of oil and natural gas Company`s massive foreign capital. However, Kazakhstan which were stable economic growth having national economic recession or growth slowdown for the global financial crisis. In particular, Kazakhstan which has highly dependent on foreign financial is plummeting economic growth for insolvent of financial institutions Since the global financial crisis, Kazakhstan`s national economy is depressing for reduced foreign direct investment and financial institution`s credit crunch that result from oil price drop. Despite this various policies of the government, Kazakhstan banking industry have stagnated according to the U.S. subprime mortgage situation occurred in 2007 as a global recession stagnation. At this point Kazakhstan government was performed policies such as support ailing banks and industrial restructuring to rescue banking industry`s collapse. Besides, long-term development of Kazakhstan banks, credit enhancement for the banks and diversified financial products, new customer segments development, construction strengthen of risk data, enhancing long-term fund raising capacity should be formed.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 금융위기 이후 중앙아시아에 대한 외국인 직접투자 분석 -카자흐스탄, 우즈베키스탄, 투르크메니스탄을 중심으로-

        강명구 ( Meang Gu Kang ) 한국비교경제학회 2009 비교경제연구 Vol.16 No.2

        구소연방으로부터 독립한 이후 중앙아시아국들은 외국인 직접투자(FDI)를 유치해 국가건설에 있어 가장 중요한 기반인 중공업 및 제조업의 초석을 다졌다. 중앙아시아 국가들은 적극적인 외국인 직접투자 유치 노력 없이도 원유 및 천연가스 개발을 위한 외국기업의 막대한 자본이 유입되어 중앙아시아 경제를 성장시켰다. 그러나 안정적인 경제성장을 하던 중앙아시아 국가들도 글로벌 금융위기 여파로 국가경제가 침체 또는 성장이 둔화되고 있다. 특히, 금융부문에 대한 대외의존도가 높은 카자흐스탄은 금융기관의 부실로 경제성장률이 급락하였다. 글로벌 금융위기 이후 카자흐스탄은 유가 하락으로 외국인 직접투자 감소, 금융기관의 신용경색으로 국가경제는 침체가 지속되고 있다. 우즈베키스탄과 투르크메니스탄은 카자흐스탄에 비해 낮은 대외의존도임에도 불구하고 경제성장률이 둔화되고 있다. 이에 중앙아시아 각국 정부는 외국인 직접투자 기업에게 다양한 혜택을 제시하는 등 투자유치정책을 실시하여 빠른 시일에 자국의 경제를 회복시키는 것이 중요한 과제이다. Since independence from the Soviet Union, Central Asia countries were invited Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) to make a basis of heavy industry and manufacturing that the most important infrastructure for the construction of the nation. Without active efforts to attract Foreign Direct Investment, Central Asian countries economy has been growing for inflow of the development of oil and natural gas Company`s massive foreign capital. However, Central Asian countries which were stable economic growth having national economic recession or growth slowdown for the global financial crisis. In particular, Kazakhstan which has highly dependent on foreign financial is plummeting economic growth for insolvent of financial institutions. Since the global financial crisis, Kazakhstan`s national economy is depressing for reduced foreign direct investment and financial institution`s credit crunch that result from oil price drop. Despite Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan has low external dependence than Kazakhstan, economic growth is slowing down. Therefore, the governments of Central Asian countries important problem is recovering there economy as soon as through to enforce invite-investment policies and to give benefits to foreign direct investment companies.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ몽골 간 경제협력 현황과 중장기 비전 및 전략

        강명구 ( Kang Meang Gu ),추원서 ( Choo Won Suh ) 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2012 한국시베리아연구 Vol.16 No.2

        한국과 몽골은 역사적ㆍ인종적ㆍ정서적 유대를 공유하고 있는 관계이지만 양국 간 경제협력은 협력의 당위성에도 불구하고 현실적으로 결코 양호한 조건을 갖추고 있지 못하다. 풍부한 광물자원을 지니고 있다는 장점 외에는 광대한 영토에 비해 너무도 적은 인구, 긴 겨울을 동반하는 건성냉대의 기후조건, 바다의 부재(不在) 그리고 무엇보다 중국과 러시아에 둘러싸인 내륙국가로서 두 나라의 협력 없이는 대외통로를 확보할 수 없다는 치명적 약점이 양국 간 경제협력의 심화ㆍ발전을 가로막고 있기 때문이다. 따라서, 한국과 몽골 간 경제협력이 심화ㆍ발전되어 나가기 위해서는 공적개발원조(ODA)분야에서의 협력 등을 더욱 확대하면서 기왕에 진행중인 환경ㆍ농업ㆍ의료 분야 등과 같은 분야에서 다양한 협력을 확대해나 갈 필요가 있다. 경제협력 분야에서는 지난 해 몽골정부의 요청으로 시작한 몽골개발은행에 대한 산업은행의 위탁경영과 같은 금융 분야 협력에서 소기의 성과를 거두어나가는 것도 중요하다. 특히, 중장기적으로 몽골과 한반도를 잇는 ‘최적의 물류운송통로’를 확보해나가는 전략을 수립하여 남북관계 개선과 함께 이를 현실화하는 노력을 지금부터 추진해나가야 할 것이다. The Korea and Mongolia shared in the historical, racial and emotional ties, but the economic cooperation between the two countries is not good condition realistically, despite the necessity of cooperation. Population so small, compared to the vast territory has the advantage of abundant mineral resources, except snubbing of the long winter with dry climatic conditions, and, above all, as a landlocked country surrounded by China and Russia, Foreign passage without the cooperation of the two countries can be obtaineda fatal weakness that is because the deepening of bilateral economic cooperation. hindering the development. Therefore, the environment, agriculture, medical field, such as in the areas of ODA in the field of cooperation, while expanding to exit Economic Cooperation between Mongolia and South Korea have developed a variety of cooperation continue to expand, there is a need. In the field of economic cooperation, it is important to successful cooperation in the financial sector began in 2011 at the request of the Government of Mongolia for Mongolian Development Bank, consignment management and KDB. Optimal logistics passage between Mongolia and the Korean peninsula over the medium to long term, secured outgoing strategy, especially in conjunction with the inter-Korean relations improve efforts to realize it will move forward from now on.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        투르크메니스탄의 경제발전전략과 우리나라의 진출 방안

        강명구 ( Meang Gu Kang ),공석준 ( Suk Jun Kong ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2007 유라시아연구 Vol.4 No.1

        Turkmenistan has made a stepping stone finally to take off their domestic economy in the beginning of 21 century by virtue of speedy rising of natural gas and oil in the global energy market their long term economic recession. Recently, Turkmenistan has operated diverse policies to attract foreign investment which is able to draw out direct investment of foreign capitals for country`s economic development. Currently, there is notable increase of foreign investment into the industrial sectors such as energy, mineral resources development and processing, construction, construction materials, it makes economic growth of Turkmenistan This economic status may give obvious opportunity why it is considered of Korean company`s inroads into Turkmenistan. The industrial or business sectors which are expected to be higher value added business for Korean company could be manufacturing, energy industry and construction including civil engineering. Firstly, manufacturing business is able to be put in the first place. Turkmenistan is mostly dependant upon importing for its consumer goods and production goods. It is generally known that Korean goods relatively less competitive than those from china and India in terms of cost competitiveness due to much more higher distribution cost. Therefore, to reduce the distribution cost and increase price competitiveness, producing and selling in Turkmenistan is most important condition. Secondly, energy business can be discussed. Entering energy market in Turkmenistan is very encouragement business because it could be potential way to ensure overseas energy resources in the future. Additionally, for effective transportation of resources, previously built or constructing pipeline could be used. However, it is very difficult see notable number of investment on the progress because Korean companies are got into this business late, contrary to cooperation action such as several MOU and agreements in the level of government relevant energy resources development. Under this circumstance, buying the stock of oil fields owned by government or company settled in advance could be indirect investment way excepting direct investment. Thirdly, construction and civil engineering business should be suggested. Social infra structure of Turkmenistan is heavily required to repair or rebuild because most of them were build during period of Soviet Union. Accordingly, it is strongly expected that the demand for construction business will be fast growing because major civil project is increased by government investment. Entering and business expanding of Korea companies to Turkmenistan will be great chance to make threshold to Europe and Eastern Asia area and it could give positive influence and reputation to be able to expand import business.

      • KCI등재

        연해주지역 농업부문 진출 및 농산물 교역에 관한 연구

        윤재희(Yoon Jea Hee),강명구(Kang Meang Gu) 한국문화산업학회 2006 문화산업연구 Vol.6 No.2

        Today, with the new economic world order the evening twilight of positive cooperation relationship is foreseen in the whole world , the atmosphere which aims at an economic integration in Asia. In the Pacific region. The Pacific area will not be able to be looking on, consequently the Far East policy of the Russia government very is had meaning which is important. The grudge which cabines to a trade name complement principle from such a point of view. the developing relationship will be able to keep a company questionable. To the economy of Korea and Russia the gain and loss of the both nations it agrees considering from inside restricted trade name complement result income demand and the export ability side, the economic relationship of both nations is not to the relationship of competition not to be, partnership in the agriculture field cooperation of Russia and Korea and its importance must let in the side which is a security of the stable agricultural products income unit. Russia the agriculture resources is abundant basically and agriculture production technique also it is coming up to the level which is considerable, it will reach and it is the actual condition where the management technique and the capital it will can apply are insufficient it cooperates like this dimension in necessity. The Far East area agriculture section investment advance under the internal organs planning must be propelled, what sees the transparent characteristic which leads a Russia economic recovery and the moral laws maintenance back must be guaranteed under the preconditions for an enterprise success. And the construction of material system infra will be able to guarantee the efficient characteristic of trade with also the importance of investment. Today, with the new economic world order the evening twilight of positive cooperation relationship is foreseen in the whole world , the atmosphere which aims at an economic integration in Asia. In the Pacific region. The Pacific area will not be able to be looking on, consequently the Far East policy of the Russia government very is had meaning which is important. The grudge which cabines to a trade name complement principle from such a point of view. the developing relationship will be able to keep a company questionable. To the economy of Korea and Russia the gain and loss of the both nations it agrees considering from inside restricted trade name complement result income demand and the export ability side, the economic relationship of both nations is not to the relationship of competition not to be, partnership in the agriculture field cooperation of Russia and Korea and its importance must let in the side which is a security of the stable agricultural products income unit. Russia the agriculture resources is abundant basically and agriculture production technique also it is coming up to the level which is considerable, it will reach and it is the actual condition where the management technique and the capital it will can apply are insufficient it cooperates like this dimension in necessity. The Far East area agriculture section investment advance under the internal organs planning must be propelled, what sees the transparent characteristic which leads a Russia economic recovery and the moral laws maintenance back must be guaranteed under the preconditions for an enterprise success. And the construction of material system infra will be able to guarantee the efficient characteristic of trade with also the importance of investment.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 에너지 전략과 한러 천연가스 협력의 가능성 및 제약요인

        김정기 ( Kim Jung Gi ),강명구 ( Kang Meang Gu ),이상준 ( Lee Sang Joon ) 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2018 러시아연구 Vol.28 No.1

        Russia has strengthened its capacity to increase energy exports to the Asia-Pacific region by changing the details of its energy strategy, but Russia does not change the principle in which energy cooperation will not be based on the economic benefit. Korean energy market becomes important for Russia as China’s gas imports have reached a certain level and Japan has concluded a large-scale US shale gas import contract. In order to offset the trade surplus with the US, Korea will determine the import volume of shale gas, and at the same time, determine the size of Russian LNG imports in order to participate in energy upstream sector and the LNG icebreaker orders. However, if it can be assumed that the ROK-DPRK-Russia gas pipeline connection project will be promoted as a means of solving the North Korean nuclear issue, Korea can rethink the balance of natural gas imports because the security benefits are greater than the economic benefits. The ROK-DPRK-Russia gas pipeline connection project is possible to contribute to the development of the Far East and peace on the Korean peninsula. Importing PNG and LNG can be an opportunity for Korea to become a natural gas hub country.

      • KCI등재

        산지거점 농산물유통센터(APC)의 경제성 분석 및 투자 방향에 관한 연구

        김동환 ( Dong Hwan Kim ),강명구 ( Meang Gu Kang ) 한국식품유통학회 2005 食品流通硏究 Vol.22 No.4

        APC(Agricultural Product Processing Center) is a marketing facility whose functions lie in assembling, washing, sorting, standardizing, processing, packaging, and marketing of fruits and vegetables, The necessity of large scale APCs has been insisted in order to meet the needs of consumers and agricultural producers, Modern consumers want fresh and safe fruits and vegetables, and producers want to strengthen their competitiveness against imported produce, Large-scale APCs, operated in large-scale and equipped with modernized machines and facilities, are expected to fulfil the needs of both consumers and producers in the modern era. Economic feasibility of large-scale APCs becomes quite low if the facilities are not in full operation. It is, therefore, very important, to design investment strategies which help APCs fully utilized. Among other things, it is most desirable for agricultural cooperatives or other organizations which have high marketing and management skills to operate the facilities, In addition, it is expected that operators of large-scale APCs have marketing agreement with agricultural producers in order to ensure stable supply of high quality raw materials, such as fruits and vegetables.

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