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      • KCI등재

        가상자속관측기를 이용한 3상 AC/DC PWM PFC 컨버터의 입력전압 센서리스 제어 개선

        김영삼,소상호,Kim, Young-Sam,So, Sang-Ho 한국군사과학기술학회 2013 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        In this paper, direct power control system for three-phase PFC AC/DC converter without the source voltage sensors is proposed. The sinusoidal input current and unity effective power factor are realised based on the estimated flux in the observer. Both active and reactive power calculated using estimated flux. The estimation of flux is performed based on the reduced-order virtual flux observer using the actual currents and the command control voltage. Moreover, source voltage sensors are replaced by a estimated flux. DC output voltage has been compensated by DC output ripple voltage estimation algorithm. The active and reactive powers estimation are performed based on the estimated flux and Phase angle. The proposed algorithm is verified through simulation and experiment.

      • KCI등재

        회중석의 염소화에 관한 연구

        김영삼,김수식 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1975 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        炭重石을 鹽素가스로 處理할 수 있는 鹽化製鍊法의 工業的 方法의 基礎를 確立 하는데 그 目的을 두고 炭重石을 木炭의 存在下에서 鹽素가스로 鹽素化하여 良好한 收率로서 텅그스텐을 鹽素化할 수 있는 好適條件과 灰中石의 鹽素化 특징에 關하여 檢討하였다. 그 結果 鹽素가스 流量은 580cc/min., 灰重石과 木炭의 混合 몰比는 1/6, 木炭과 灰重石의 粒度는 各各 200/325 mesh, 團鑛의 크기는 5/7 mesh, 鹽素化 溫度는 700℃ 以上이 適當하다. 700℃에서 25分 동안에 100%, 800℃에서 18分동안 100%, 900℃에서 15分 동안 97%, 950℃에서 15分 동안 99%의 텅그스텐이 鹽素化되었다. 600℃ 에서 900℃ 사이의 溫度 範圍에서는 一次反應이 適用되며 灰重石의 活性化 에너지는 約 3.8 ㎉/㏖ 이었다. 반면에 500℃와 600℃ 온도 구간에서 活性化 에너지는 14.3 ㎉/㏖이었다. 溫度와 木炭 混合比를 適當히 조절하므로서 WO₂Cl₂만을 또한 WOCl₄만을 얻을 수 있다. This study aimed at obtaining some basic knowledge on the chlorination characteristics of synthetic scheelite. Favorable conditions were found to be the chlorine flow rate 580cc/min, mole ratio of scheelite to charcoal 1/6, particle size of scheelite and charcoal 200/325 mesh respectively, briquette size 5/7 mesh, and chlorination temperatures higher than 700℃. The chlorination could be described as the first order reaction, and the activation energies under such conditions were estimated to be 14.3 ㎉/mole and 3.8 ㎉/mole respectively in the temperature range of 500-600℃ and 600℃-900℃. This large difference in activation energy may be attributed to the change in reaction pass with varying reaction temperature. Two kinds of tungsten oxychloride such as WO₂Cl₂ and WOCl₄ were obtained as the products and each could be particularly formed with suitable selection of the temperature and the scheelite to charcoal mixing ratio.

      • KCI등재

        CO2 박판 고속용접에서 용접현상 문석과 전류상승기울기의 영향

        김영삼,유회수,김희진 대한용접접합학회 2005 대한용접·접합학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        In high speed CO2 welding, it has been known to produce no sound bead with undercut or humping bead. In this study welding phenomena through synchronized high speed camera and output welding voltage and current waveform has been analyzed. For the purpose to improve a welding bead, effect of short circuit current rise slope has been examined. With commercial power source it was produced no sound bead by instantaneous short circuit, long arc period and stubbing at welding speed 2.5mm/min. Humping bead or undercut were showed by instantaneous short circuit and long arc period. Also, the weld bead was not formed during the long short circuit period after stubbing start and long arc extinguishment period after wire sticking by failure of arc regeneration, because the droplet was not transferred to weld pool. With increasing short circuit current rise slope the frequency of stubbing was decreased and the normal short circuit rate was increased. A control of short circuit current rise slope was effective factor in high speed welding.

      • 소맥분의 아미노산강화 - 새로운 단백원 개발 시급

        김영삼 한국식품산업협회 1973 좋은식품 Vol.15 No.-

        정부의 식생활개선정책에 발맞추어 우리들의 식생활구조는 점차 쌀위주의 고정관념에서 잡곡의 혼식, 분식의 패턴으로 현저한 변화를 가져여오고 유다. 그러나 식량소비패턴은 량과 질의 두가지 면에서 결정되어야 할 것이며, 현재의 식생활구조는 량과 질의 불균형한 소비 패턴을 보여주고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        재현 너머의 5·18, ‘타자-되기’의 글쓰기 -임철우의 『백년여관』을 중심으로-

        김영삼 한국문학이론과비평학회 2018 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.79 No.-

        Lim Chul-woo was a literary witness to recreate the events after the May 18 Gwangju Democratization Movement. The guilt and shame of the survivors was the driving force of the literary representation and testimony which continued from the short story 「Spring Day」 to the long story 『Spring day』. Therefore, after the 『Spring day』, Lim Chul-woo should have been able to escape from the historical crush. However, repetitive writing could not express the impatience of shame and shame left by the subject. 『One hundred years inn』 was requested when the reappearance could not be reached. 『One hundred years inn』 is not the writing of the representation and testimony but the ethical writing which keeps on looking back the subject continuously is the place of literature after the incident. For this purpose, this study focused on the relationship between ‘K’ and ‘you’ in the works. ‘K’ (Park Hyo-sun) calls three times to ‘You’, the speaker of the work on May 18. It was a summons of alive Kay. However, when you ignore ‘K’, the embarrassment and embarrassment of the self is born. The attempt to express this was the driving force of repetitive writing. However, the conversation with ‘Seonok’ makes us realize that self - compassion - centered self - writing does not allow us to look into the pain and sorrow of our neighbor. When I reached an ethical point of view that I was insensitive to the suffering of a neighboring neighbor through the continuous action of ‘I - look back’, a 『One hundred years inn』could be used. And this ‘me - look back’ act together with 5·18 provide the grounds to summon those who can not speak like the 4·3 Jeju events, the Korean War, and the wars of the Vietnam War to the island of Youngdo. Based on this analysis, this essay analyzed the existence of ‘K’ on three layers, interpreted it as a representation of each other by Lim Chul - woo and tried to reveal that each method of writing is different. The first ‘K’ represents the self, called Lim Chul-woo, who feels guilty and shame as being out of the eavesdropping. The writing of self-confessions corresponds to this. The second ‘K’ represents the self, called Lim Chul-woo, who attempts to reproduce Gwangju through literature as a testament to the truth of May Gwangju. Reproduction and writing of testimony correspond to this. The last ‘K’ is a voice calling ‘You’ from ‘Youngdo’ after death. It makes you listen to the suffering and groaning of the other person. It was the most powerful way to constantly summon the event to reality, as it was beyond the realistic language and the reappearance could not reach it, as if it were ‘apples-to-be’ writing, which conveys the stories of the ghosts like ‘applause shaman.’ In this study, I would like to present the conclusion that it is the writing method of Lim Chul - woo, who continuously makes the meaning of May - Gwangju as the ‘writing of the other-being’. 임철우는 5·18 광주민주화운동 이후 사건을 재현하려는 문학적 증언자였다. 살아남은 자가 지닌 죄책감과 수치가 단편 「봄날」부터 장편 『봄날』까지 지속된 문학적 재현과 증언의 원동력이었다. 그래서 『봄날』 이후 임철우는 역사적 짓눌림으로부터 벗어날 수 있어야 했다. 그러나 재현적 글쓰기는 사건이 주체에게 남긴 수치와 부끄러움이라는 정동을 표현할 수 없었다. 재현이 도달하지 못한 자리에서 『백년여관』이 요청된 것이다. 『백년여관』은 재현과 증언의 글쓰기가 아니라 지속적으로 주체를 되돌아보게 하는 윤리적 글쓰기가 사건 이후 문학의 처소임을 말해준다. 본 연구는 이를 위해 작품 속 ‘케이’와 ‘당신’의 관계에 초점을 맞추었다. ‘케이’(박효선)는 5·18 당시 작품의 화자인 ‘당신’에게 세 번의 전화를 한다. 살아 있는 케이의 소환이었던 셈이다. 그러나 ‘당신’이 ‘케이’를 외면함으로써, 임철우라는 자아의 수치와 부끄러움이 탄생하게 된다. 이를 표현하려 한 것이 재현적 글쓰기의 동력이었다. 그러나 ‘순옥’과의 대화는 자기 연민이 중심인 자아의 글쓰기가 이웃한 타자의 아픔과 슬픔을 들여다보지 못하게 한다는 사실을 알게 한다. ‘나-돌아보기’의 지속적 행위를 통해 정작 이웃한 타자의 고통에 무감했다는 윤리적 성찰에 도달했을 때 『백년여관』은 쓰일 수 있었다. 그리고 이러한 ‘나-돌아보기’라는 행위가 5·18과 함께 제주 4·3 사건과 한국전쟁, 그리고 베트남 전쟁의 원혼들처럼 말할 수 없는 자들을 영도라는 섬으로 소환할 수 있는 근거를 마련한다. 이 분석을 바탕으로 본고는 ‘케이’의 존재를 세 층위로 분석하고, 이를 각각 임철우의 다른 자아의 표상으로 해석하고 여기에 각각 다른 글쓰기의 방법이 공명함을 밝히려고 했다. 첫 번째 ‘케이’는 도청에서 빠져나온 존재로서 죄책감과 부끄러움을 느끼는 임철우라는 자아를 표상한다. 자기고백의 글쓰기가 여기에 조응한다. 두 번째 ‘케이’는 오월 광주의 진실을 알리고 증언하려는 존재로서 문학을 통해 광주를 재현하려는 임철우라는 자아를 표상한다. 재현과 증언의 글쓰기가 여기에 해당한다. 마지막 ‘케이’는 죽음 이후 ‘영도’에서 ‘당신’을 소환하는 목소리로서 임철우라는 자아를 타자들의 고통과 신음에 귀기울이게 만든다. 현실의 언어를 초과하고 재현이 도달하지 못하는 자리에서 마치 ‘박수무당’처럼 원혼들의 이야기를 전달하는 ‘타자-되기’의 글쓰기가 사건을 지속적으로 현실로 소환하는 가장 강력한 방법이었다. 본 연구는 이 ‘타자-되기’의 글쓰기를 오월 광주의 의미를 지속적으로 현재화하는 임철우의 글쓰기 방법론이라는 결론을 제출하고자 한다.

      • Multi Cone Nailing 工法의 地盤補强效果에 關한 硏究

        김영삼,류제천,김송만,박춘수 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 2001 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.16 No.2

        In this study, the behavior properties and the influences of design variables related to internal and external stability in soil Nailed structure are expounded. Also, the Multi Cone Nailing method, which is new soil Nailing method transformed by addition of multi Cone are introduced. This method was designed when the failure is occurred by separation of Nail and grout material. The Soil Nailing and Multi Cone Nailing by pullout test results and analyses using SLOPE/W software for the purpose of making researches into the ground reinforcing effect of Multi Cone Nailing method are compared and analyzed. In the analyses using SLOPE/W software, I intentionally determined the analyzed section which is ground strata consisting of fill and weathered soil and has 7.0m excavation height. Analyses divided by without reinforcement, reinforced by Soil Nailing and reinforced by Multi Cone Nailing respectively, and determined section and soil strata was not changed because of the purpose of studying the effect by only reinforcement differences. The results of this paper are summarized as follow. From the pullout test results, initial pullout capacity in Multi Cone Nailing increased in 15% than it in soil Nailing. And residual pullout capacity decreased in 62% than initial pullout capacity in soil Nailing, but it is the same in Multi cone Nailing. As result of analyses using SLOPE/W software, the vertical slope is failed condition when without reinforcement, but is safe when reinforced by soil Nailing or Multi Cone Nailing. The factor of safety in multi Cone Nailing increase in 20% than it in soil Nailing. Compared with in soil Nailing, strength and shear resistance following the slip surface enlarged in Multi Cone Nailing, but shear mobilized decreased in it.

      • KCI등재

        $CO_2$박판 고속용접에서 용접현상 분석과 전류상승기울기의 영향

        김영삼,유회수,김희진,Kim, Young-Sam,Ryoo, Hoi-Soo,Kim, Hee-Jin 대한용접접합학회 2005 대한용접·접합학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        In high speed $CO_2$ welding, it has been blown to produce no sound bead with undercut or humping bead. In this study welding phenomena through synchronized high speed camera and output welding voltage and current waveform has been analyzed. For the purpose to improve a welding bead, effect of short circuit current rise slope has been examined. With commercial power source it was produced no sound bead by instantaneous short circuit, long arc period and stubbing at welding speed 2.5mm/min Humping bead or undercut were showed by instantaneous short circuit and long arc period. Also, the weld bead was not formed during the long short circuit period after stubbing start and long arc extinguishment period after wire sticking by failure of arc regeneration, because the droplet was not transferred to weld pool. With increasing short circuit current rise slope the frequency of stubbing was decreased and the normal short circuit rate was increased. A control of short circuit current rise slope was effective factor in high speed welding.

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