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        다발성 동시성 조기위암에 대한 임상적 고찰

        회진 ( Hoi Jin Kim ),이준행 ( Jun Haeng Lee ),이준상 ( June Sang Lee ),문태건 ( Tae Gun Moon ),재준 ( Jae J. Kim ),이종철 ( Jong Chul Rhee ),노재형 ( Jae Hyung Noh ),손태성 ( Tae Sung Sohn ),성 ( Sung Kim ) 대한내과학회 2007 대한내과학회지 Vol.72 No.4

        Background: With the progress of limited surgery and endoscopic treatment for early gastric cancer (EGC), multiple synchronous EGCs, a cause of recurrence, become more important. The objective of this study was to elucidate the characteristics of multiple synchronous EGCs with an emphasis on features of preoperatively undiagnosed lesions. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 496 patients who underwent a gastrectomy for EGC at our institution between January 2004 and December 2004. Results: Twenty-four patients (4.8%) had multiple synchronous EGCs with 24 main and 27 accessory lesions. Multiple synchronous EGCs showed male predominance (p=0.03). Other characteristics including lymph node metastasis were the same as with single EGC. Out of 27 accessory lesions, six lesions (22%) were not detected preoperatively in six patients (25%). Macroscopically five lesions were flat and one lesion was depressed. Five lesions were located at the anterior or posterior wall of the middle and low third portion and one lesion was located at the lesser curvature side of the upper third portion of the stomach. Two lesions were 4 mm, one lesion was 8 mm, two lesions were 12 mm and one lesion was 15 mm in size (mean diameter = 9.1 mm). Histologically, four lesions were of the differentiated type and two lesions were of the undifferentiated type. Conclusions: Multiple synchronous EGCs have same clinicopathologic features as a single EGC except for male predominance. Considering the possibility of a synchronous lesion, one should examine the entire stomach precisely with special attention to the anterior, posterior wall and lesser curvature side of the same or neighboring area of a known EGC lesion before treatment. (Korean J Med 72:360-367, 2007)

      • Microsatellite 표지자를 이용한 고로쇠나무 10개 집단의 유전변이

        회진 ( Hoi Jin Kim ),정지희 ( Ji Hee Jeong ),조아르나 ( Aruna Jo ),용율 ( Yong Yul Kim ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        고로쇠나무는 유망조림수종 중 하나로 조림을 위한 종자는 대부분 채종임분에서 생산된다. 본 연구에서는 종자공급원의 효율적 관리를 위하여 3개 채종임분을 포함한 고로쇠나무 10개 집단의 유전다양성과 구조를 분석하였다. 8개 microsatellite 표지를 이용하여 확인된 유전자좌당 평균 대립유전자수(Na)는 8.2개 였다. 고로쇠나무의 이형접합도 기대치(He)는 평균 0.684로 관찰치 0.628에 비해 다소높은 수준이었다. 집단간 분화 정도를 나타내는 FST 값은 0.084로 전체 유전변이의 약 8.4%가 집단분화에 기인하는 것으로 나타났다. 위도와 유전다양성간의 상관을 분석한 결과, 이형접합도는 상관이 인정되지 않았지만 대립유전자 다양성은 유의한 상관을 보여(R=0.813, p=0.002), 북쪽에서 남으로 올수록 다양성이 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 고정계수(F)는 집단에 따라 -0.027에서 0.155 범위의 값을 보였으며 평균은 0.082로 이형접합체가 기대치에 비해 약 8.2% 부족하여 전체적으로 근친교배의 영향을 다소 받고 있는 것으로 추정되었다. 특히, 채종임분 3개 집단의 고정계수가 상대적으로 높아(F, 0.095~0.155) 근친교배의 영향이 큰 편이었다. 반면, 유전다양성(He, 0.712~0.736)은 다른 임분에 비해 상대적으로 풍부한 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 본 연구에서 조사된 고로쇠나무 채종임분 3개 집단은 유전다양성은 풍부한 편이었지만 근친교배의 영향은 상대적으로 큰 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 유전적으로 우수한 종자 생산을 위해서는 적절한 유전간벌 등 구체적인 채종임분 관리전략 마련이 필요하다고 판단된다. Most of the seeds for forestation of A. pictum subsp. mono, one of promising forestation species, have produced from designated seed production stands. In this study, genetic diversity and structure of 10 populations of A. pictum subsp. mono including 3 seed stands were analyzed for effective management of seed sources. Average number of alleles per locus was 8.2 based on 8 microsatellite loci. Observed(Ho) and expected heterozygosity(He) were 0.628 and 0.684, respectively. The FST value was 0.084, which means 8.4% of total genetic variation is due to genetic differentiation among 10 populations. Allele diversity was significantly correlated with latitude (R=0.813, p=0.002) that means population in northern part of Korea have more genetic diversity than those of southern area. However, observed and expected heterozygosity showed no significant correlation with latitude. The fixation index were ranged from -0.027 to 0.155 with an average of 0.082. Especially, three seed stands of the populations detected relatively high level of inbreeding(F, 0.095~0.155). However the genetic diversities(He, 0.712~0.736) in 3 seed stands were relatively higher than the other populations. In conclusion, three seed stands of A. pictum subsp. mono have relatively abundant genetic diversity but have more influenced by inbreeding. Therefore it needs to prepare a specific management strategy for the seed stands to prevent genetic erosion in seeds produced.

      • An Imaginative Woman에 관한 考察

        金會珍 서울市立大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        T. Hardy said in his diary, “The human race to be shown as one great network or tissue which quivers in every part when one point is shaken, like a spider's web if touched.”?? The passage above embraces his basic thoughts. Taking Hardy's main theme into consideration, this writer aims at characterizing imaginative Ella. Hardy emphasizes 'prenatal training' in this work, which he himself seemes to think to be a trick of Nature. In brief, by an agent of Immanent Will, Hardy created a tragic literature, whose function dignifies sorrow and disaster.

      • Thomas Hardy의 The Mayor of Casterbridge에 관한 연구

        金會珍 서울市立大學校 1994 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        This paper is intended as an investigation of human ambivalence and Henchard's psychoanalysis, that is, his tragedy founded on the basis of ambivalence, and Hardy's view of fate. Thomas Hardy's tragic literature can accomodate a world of contrasting elements, It is the result of his attitude towards life which was one of "Life offers-to deny". Most of his works consist of the contrasting realities of tradition and modernism. His novels compared to the pastoral ones can be applicable to the former and his technique to the latter. The dual aspect of his novels can be replaced with realism and fantasy. They are found in the descriptions of Norcombe Hill in Far from the Madding Crowd, Egdon Heath in The Return of the Native and Casterbridge in The Mayor of Casterbridge. Hardy's view of fate can be taken as another example. We see that under the transition period between an old and new world his modernism is a reflection of his ambivalence. These two contrasting elements are presented as the main sources of his ambivalent literature. In The Mayor of Casterbridge Henchard's dual personality is revealed through his character and action, and the character and any given situation. To Henchard's tragedy Hardy applied Novalis' aphorism, "Character is Fate".

      • Tetra-tert-butyl-tstrapropionyloxycalix [4] arene의 구조

        회진,노광현 한국결정학회 1993 韓國結晶學會誌 Vol.4 No.1

        Tetra-tert-butyl-tetrapropionyloxycalix (4) arena (C,6H,20s)의 분자 및 결정구조를 X-선 회절법으로 연구하였다. 이 결정은 삼사정계이고 공간군은 P1이다. 단위세포 길이는 a=13.664(5), b=17.585(5), c= 12.863(2)A이며 a=109.33(2), B=111.97(2), r=76.45(3) ˚, Z=2이다. 회절반점들의 세기는 흑연단색화 장치가 있는 Enraf-Nonius CAD-4 Diffractometer로 얻었으며, Mo-Ka X-선(A=0.7107A )을 사용하였다. 분자구조는 직접법으로 풀었으며 최소자 승법으로 정밀화하였다. 최종 신뢰도 R값은 2561개의 회절반점에 대하여 0.084이었다. 본 Calixarene은 partial cone conformation을 가져서 세개의 tort-butylphenyl group들과 하나의 tort-butylphenyl group의 상대적인 배열이 다르다. 세개의 propionyloxy group들은 macrocycle로 된 cavity바깥 쪽을 향하여 배열되어 있다. Tetra-tert-butyl-tetrapropionycalix (4) arena (C56H7208) is Triclinic, space group Pl, with a=13.664(5), b=17.585(5), c=12.863(2)A, a=109.33(2), B=111.97(2), γ=76.45(3) ˚, Z=2, V=2684.08A3, D, =1.152g/cm3, Dm=1.15g/cm3. The intensity data were collected on an Enraf-Nonius CAD-4 Diffractometer with a graphite monochromated Mo-Ka radiation. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by leastsquares methods. The final R factor was 0.084 for 2561 observed reflections. The configuration of the molecule from the X-ray crystallographic investigation has the partial cone conformation, three tort-butylphenyls are down and a tort-butylphenyl is up. Three propionyloxy groups direct toward the exterior of the macrocycle cavity.

      • Jude the Obscure에 나타난 Thomas Hardy의 Modernism에 관한 考察

        金會珍 서울市立大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.20 No.1

        The writer's approach to this thesis is to survey Jude the Obscure and find out T. Hardy's modernism. First, the writer examined Hardy and his own times and tried to ascribe his modernism to his own times' ambivalence. Hardy became aware that man's life, governed by old ideas and old institutions, desires to break out of these obsolete forms. This modern spirit causes man to question the old forms and seek new ones and hence to experience loneliness and frustration. Second, Hardy's modernism is classified into two parts. One part is surface value, which is equivalent to “The letter killeth.”The other one is inner value, which is “If he could only prevent himself grown up.”“The letter killeth”is related to the conventions of marriage and elite educational institutions, and “If he could only prevent himself grown up”related to lack of decision in marriage and vocational option. Finally, the writer concluded that Hardy's modernism in literature leads to open ending. Hardy's modernism is, in a sense, not to find peace in convention but to seek truth, and to experience loneliness and frustration. It is just like foolish and noble Don Quixote's progressivism.

      • 중왕산에서 활엽수림의 고로쇠나무 종자 낙하량의 연년변이 및 결실율에 영향하는 요인에 관한 연구

        회진 ( H. J. Kim ),갑태 ( G. T. Kim ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        고로쇠나무의 결실량 연년 변이 및 결실에 영향하는 요인들을 파악하고자, 강원도 평창군 중 왕산 지역에 분포하는 성숙한 고로쇠나무 30그루의 성목에 대하여는 흉고직경, 수고, 수광률, 인접 30m 이내 고로쇠나무 성목의 개체수, 결실률과 고로쇠나무가 혼효하는 활엽수림에서 낙하종자량을 2009년부터 2013년까지 조사하였다. 얻어진 주요한 결과는 다음과 같다. 2009년부터 2012년까지의 종자 낙하량은 각각 55,700, 4,060, 60,900, 45,670 ea/ha였으며, 2013년에는 403,450ea/ha으로 평년에 비하여 매우 많은 양이었다. 2013년은 고로쇠나무 종자다산해(masting year)였을 것이라 추정된다. 5년간의 결실률 평균과 흉고직경, 수고, 인접 고로쇠나무 성목의 수, 수광률 간의 상관회귀분석 결과 평균 결실률은 개체목의 수관층 수광률과 고도의 상관·회귀가 인정되었다. 이러한 결과는 고로쇠나무 채종림에서 수광간벌에 의한 종자 생산량을 제고하는 하나의 방안이 됨을 암시한다고 사료된다. To understand the annual variation of seedfall and the factors affecting fruiting rates of Acer pictum subsp. mono(APSM), We investigated annual fruiting rate, DBH, tree height, number of APSM trees within 30m on thirty selected APSM trees, and annual seedfall of APSM in the broadleaved forest in Mt. Jungwang in Gangwon-do, from 2009 to 2013. Main results are as follows. Amounts of annual seedfalls from 2009 to 2013, were revealed 5,700, 4,060, 60,900 and 405,670 ea/ha, respectively. In 2013, estimated masting year, large amounts seedfall revealed 405,670, compared to the other years values. Resuls of correlations and regression analysis between mean of annual fruiting rates, DBH, tree height, tree number of within 30m, rates of crown under sun light, Highly significantly correlated and regressed between mean of annual fruiting rates and rates of crown under sun light. This results would imply that thinning for tree growth through improved light absorption might be a method to enhance seed production of APSM in the seed production forest.

      • 제2분과 : 식물상 및 식생관리 ; 중왕산 천연활엽수림에서 고로쇠나무 종자낙하량 및 종자활력의 연년변이 연구

        회진 ( Hoi Jin Kim ),갑태 ( Gab Tae Kim ) 한국환경생태학회 2015 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2015 No.1

        고로쇠나무의 결실량 연년 변이 및 결실에 영향하는 기상요인을 파악하고자, 강원도 평창군 중왕산 지역의 천연활엽수림에서 종자트랩을 설치하여 낙하종자량을 2009년부터 2014 까지 조사하였다. 연도별 낙하종자량과 몇 기상인자와의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 2009년부터 2014년까지의 종자 낙하량은 각각 55,700, 4,060, 60,900, 45,670, 403,450 ea/ha였으며, 2014년에는 310ea/ha로 평년에 비하여 매우 적은 양이었다. 2013년은 고로쇠나무 종자풍년(masting year)이었다고 판단된다. 종자활력 간 종자립수는 고도의 통계적 유의차가 인정되었다. 가장 많은 낙하종자는 피해 또는 부후된 종자이며 평균 47.88%였고, 다음으로 쭉정이 종자, 미발육 종자, 건전종자 순으로 낮아졌다. 건전종자는 6.7~31.0% 범위, 평균은 16.74%로 가장 낮았다. 종자풍년인 2013년에 건전종자는 평년(320~17,840립/ha)보다 월등히 많은 125,070립/ha이 숲바닥에 떨어졌다. 한편 피해 또는 부후종자의 비율이 38%로 가장 낮았으나, 종자립수는 153,310립/ha로 가장 많았다. 이러한 결과는 종자풍년에 천연갱신을 위한 충분한 종자가 공급됨을 암시하고, seedpredator satiation hypothesis를 지지한다고 사료된다. 활엽수종의 종자생산에 대한 장기연구가 필요하다고 사료된다.

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