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      • 교양 교재로서의 단편 소설 강의의 실제 : 헤밍웨이(Emest Hemingway)의 『청결하고 불 밝은 장소』("A Clean Well-Lighted Place")를 중심으로.

        김재봉 동아대학교 1999 동아영어영문학 Vol.15 No.-

        Teaching British and American short stories written in English as a liberal arts course is related to two important aspects: promoting linguistic skills as well as literary understanding. Short stories have been used widely as useful linguistic tools for the advanced English readers in college. But the literary, imaginative and cultural aspects of the genre have sometimes been ignored. Yet college instructors ought to encourage students to recognize these aspects and try to teach them every factors of a short story such as plot, style, theme, characters, narration or point of view, atmosphere and autobiographical background. In advanced English courses for college freshmen and freshwomen, short stories are widely used. Because the language is easy and compact, the story isn't complicated but simple and short, and the style is usually ideal prose literature. Short story teaching in the college classrooms should go beyond the level of simple language training to the level of basic literary program aiming at discussing human experiences as well as cultural influences and insights through creative works. Lessons of a short story should combine language and cultural background ideally. So, objectives of teaching a short story are to have students acquire reading skills, understand messages underlying the story, broaden their own imaginative life and attain cultural insights. To accomplish these objectives, every instructor should utilize all the possible educational methods with creative spirit and sincerity.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‌팀 기반 학습에서 동료평가의 양상에 관한 연구

        김재봉 한국교양교육학회 2014 교양교육연구 Vol.8 No.5

        This study delved into the aspects of peer evaluation in team-based learning through the survey study method. The findings were as follows: First, the biggest reason behind the top scores in peer evaluation was “function,” which was followed by “activity, data, attitude, leadership, and knowledge” in the order. Function was given the most priorities both in majors and liberal arts because of the perceptions of function as a subject goal and the methods of course operation. Second, as for the reasons behind the top scores, a priority was granted to function both in majors and liberal arts. Its priorities were greater in majors than in liberal arts with statistical significance due to the tendency of relatively less importance on liberal arts than majors. Finally, the number of items generated for the reasons behind the top scores was higher in majors than in liberal arts with statistical significance owing to such critical variables as the knowledge of majors and meta-cognition. 이 연구에서는 조사연구 방법을 통해 팀 기반 학습에서 동료평가의 양상을 탐색했다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 동료평가에서 최고점을 부여한 이유는 “기능>활동>자료>태도>리더십>지식”과 같은 양상을 보였다. 기능은 전공과 교양 모두에서 가장 많은 우선순위를 부여받았는데 이러한 원인은 교과 목표로서의 기능에 대한 인식이, 그리고 강좌운영 방식이 기능을 우선순위로 선택하게 한 요인으로 해석된다. 둘째, 최고점을 부여한 이유에 대해 전공과 교양 모두에서 기능에 우선순위를 부여했다. 이 중에서도 전공이 교양에 비해 통계적으로 유의미할 정도로 우선순위를 부여받았다. 그 원인은 전공에 비해 교양을 상대적으로 덜 중요하게 인식하는 경향성의 반영으로 해석된다. 셋째, 최고점을 부여한 이유의 항목 생성 수는 전공이 교양에 비해 많으며 통계적으로도 유의미하다. 이러한 항목 생성 수의 차이는 전공에 대한 지식과 메타인지가 중요한 변인으로 작용한 것으로 해석된다.

      • KCI등재

        자아의 양극성 탐색: 예이츠의 소설 『존 셔먼』

        김재봉 새한영어영문학회 2001 새한영어영문학 Vol.43 No.2

        One of Yeats's two novels and only one novel published in his lifetime, John Sherman is considered to be one of the most significant works in his early literary career. Though known mostly as a poet and sometimes as a dramatist, Yeats made great efforts to write prose fiction throughout his life, especially in his early years as a man of letters. John Sherman represents this endeavor of his and thus, is regarded as indispensable for us to understand Yeats's early literary world. In John Sherman Yeats deals with a division of the self and various aspects of the dichotomized parts of the self, shapes them into two main characters of the novel and shows us the antithetical ideas in motion. Everything in the work stands for the different worlds of the two selves personalized as the hero and his opposite character. For instance, opposing elements such as garden and social meeting-place, country seashore and metropolitan streets, simple introverted sweetheart and refined but vainglorious fianc□e and so forth reflect the division of the self concretely. The protagonist John Sherman is described as a passive and daydreaming youth loitering in Ballah, which is Sligo in reality, and William Howard as an active and realistic man of the world. Sherman chooses Ballah instead of London and returns to a simple natural way of life in the familiar seaside county. On the contrary, Rev. Howard remains in London for his wished-for luxurious way of life. In respect to the romantic relationship, the hero finally decides to marry his long-time female friend Mary Carton while the other man falls in love with too urbane a Londoner Margcaret Leland. This pattern of two opposite elements or antinomies embodied in the story is related not only to the central structure of its plot, but also to the pivotal subject. In addition, the novel symbolically dramatizes internal anxiety of the hero fighting with the other self. Yeats has not created d single unified image of character in John Sherman. But rather, he describes various incompatible aspects of life through two characters. So, this work is Yeats's first attempt to consciously express the polarity of the self by projecting dual characteristics of existence into separate personae in the novel.

      • KCI등재

        초등 화법교육 연구의 현황과 방향(Ⅱ)

        김재봉 한국초등국어교육학회 2010 한국초등국어교육 Vol.43 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to research the recent trends and future of the 'contents' related to the teaching and learning phenomena. The study of contents are divided into the structure of speaking and listening, the selection and organization of contents, contents and contents of system, instruction, research on the actual condition, contexts and attitude, speaking anxiety, view of speaking, paralanguage, reading aloud and recitation, debate and discussion, the speaking of social interaction and self expression. We summarize the above research trends synthetically. This is in substance as follows. First, our research must be divided into the structure of conversation itself and its use. Second, if we will select the teaching contents, we must choice coherent logic and reduce how to the teaching amounts. Thirds, we make up for the contents system that extend the ability of analysis, digest, and comment. Forth, we must strengthen the methods that analyze the conversation of instruction. Fifth, we must strengthen the contexts research that we are depended upon the text and text relations and we are depended upon the text and the user(reader, listener) relations. Sixth, although transactional view is emphasized concurrently, cognitive view is also emphasized continually. because cognitive view is the basic for communication. Seventh, we must also emphasize the length, strength and weakness, emphasis, and gesture. 이 글은 화법 교육 연구와 관련하여 교수·학습 현상으로서의 ‘내용’의 현황과 방향을 살핀 것이다. 내용에 대한 연구는 “말하기·듣기의 구조, 내용 선정과 조직, 내용과 내용 체계, 수업, 실태 조사, 맥락과 태도, 말하기 불안, 말하기를 보는 관점, 준언어 ,음독·낭독, 토의·토론, 사회적 상호작용과 자기표현으로서의 말하기” 등으로 구분된다. 이상의 연구 내용에 대해 종합적으로 연구 방향을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째,대화 구조 자체에 대한 연구와 그것을 활용하는 방안에 대한 연구를 구분하여 연구를 진행할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 가르칠 내용을 선정할 경우에 일관된 선정 논리가 필요하며 가르칠 양을 어떻게 줄일 것인가에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 셋째,“분석능력, 요약능력, 논평능력”을 신장시킬 수 있도록 내용 체계가 보완될 필요가 있다. 넷째,수업 대화를 분석하는 방법에 대한 연구를 강화할 필요가 있다. 다섯째, 글과 글의 관계에 바탕을 둔 맥락에 대한 연구와 더불어 글과 그 사용자(독자, 청자)의 관계에 바탕을 둔 맥락에 대한 연구를 강화해야 한다. 여섯째, 현재 의사소통의 상호교섭적 관점이 중시되고 있다고 하더라도 인지적 관점이 기본이 되는 이상 인지적 관점 또한 중시해야 한다. 일곱째, 말하기에서의 장단과 강약, 빠르게 말하기와 강조해서 말하기, 그리고 제스처에 대한 연구도 병행할 필요가 있다.

      • 예이츠 후기시의 역사인식과 반자아

        김재봉 동아대학교 인문과학대학 영어영문학과 1997 동아영어영문학 Vol.13 No.-

        A characteristic penetrating through William Butler Yeats's several later poems is the appearance of poetic personae which reveal an insight into the cyclicity of human civilizations with a grand view. These characters are voices chanting transcendentally the flux and reflux of history and vicissitude of all civilizations, ancient and modern. The personae have meditative and prophetic traits. The poet Yeats had a theory on historical movements which originated from his early mysticism and his later prose A Vision, and he explained in it the whole history with two gyres revolving perpetually. With this theory, the personae in the several later poems act as Yeats's anti-self or mask. The anti-self is an alternative or antithetical self that makes it possible for him to escape from personality into the impersonal realm where it can play various parts totally the opposite of poet's normal self. And the anti-self is what the poet is not, and it has a who eness and unity of being lacking in the real-life poet. Yeats created transcendental, mystic and Asiatic anti-selves to view a grand design of civilizations based on his historical cycles and overcome imminent sinister events, which is possibly the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The anti-selves are respectively a supernatural being, a hermit-saint or mysterious Old Rocky Face exclaiming the destruction of all things. They sometimes warn us not to hesitate to accept the fate and sometimes prophesy the eternal movement of historical cycles. The poet's wise eyes are everywhere in the poems such as 'Meru', 'Lapis Lazuli', 'The Gyres' and 'The Statues'.

      • KCI등재후보

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