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      • Pinter의 The Homecoming에 있어서의 사랑과 사랑의 결핍

        金柱淑 단국대학교 영어영문학회 1979 Athenaeum Vol.- No.2

        이 작품은 자아 발견 과정을 통한 Ruth의 성장이라고 볼 수 있기 때문에, 용납할 수 없는 사건이 발생하긴 하지만 그것을 비윤리적이라고 할 수는 없을 것이다. 이것은 윤리 이전의 문제이다. 이극에서 Pinter는 우리에게 지적이며, 세련된 교양미 밑에 조심스럽게 감추어져 있던 곳으로부터 빠져나오는 인간 본연의 나신과 원시적인 욕구를 보여주고 있다. 그러므로 이 작품은 단순히 sex나 여성의 지배를 주제로 다룬 작품이 아니라 인간 모두에게 뿌리박혀 있는 활력과, 야수성, 열정, 사랑과 사랑의 결핍을 다룬 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        사회정의를 위한 수학 수업이 학생들의 수학에 대한 흥미와 가치 인식에 미치는 영향

        김주숙,박만구 한국초등수학교육학회 2015 한국초등수학교육학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 초등학교 학생들에게 수학 교육에서의 사회정의를 가르치기 위한 수학 수업 사례 연구로 이를 적용한 수학 수업을 통해 학생들의 사회정의를 위한 수학에 대한 이해를 돕는데 있다. 그리고 학생들로 하여금 사회의 불평등 문제 상황을 비판적으로 바라보도록 함으로써 보다 정의로운 사회를 만들기 위한 수학 수업에서 학생들의 수학에 대한 흥미와 가치 인식이 어떻게 변하는지 알아보는데 있다. 본 연구를 위해 서울특별시 서초구에 소재한 B초등학교 6학년 학생 18명(남 13명, 여 5명)의 학생들과 방과 후 동아리 수업 시간을 활용하여 8개 주제에 대하여 10차시의 수업을 진행하였다. 자료 수집 및 분석은 수업 중 활동의 관찰 및 학생들의 담화, 활동지, 설문, 인터뷰를 통하여 사회정의 이해, 수학에 대한 흥미, 수학에 대한 가치 인식에 대하여 알아보았다. 연구 결과 학생들은 사회정의를 위한 수학 수업의 과정에서 삶의 문제에 대하여 사회정의의 관점으로 재인식하게 되면서 비정의의 문제를 해결하기 위한 실천 의지를 기르거나 직접 실행에 옮기며 적극적인 사회적 행동을 표현하는 모습을 보여 주었다. 또한 학생들은 자신들에게 친숙하고 밀접한 사회적 맥락 관계에 있는 학습 과제를 해결하는 과정을 통해‘수학에 대한 흥미’가 높아졌으며, 세계를 이해하고 잠재적으로 변화를 이끌어낼 수 있는 실생활에 필수적인 학문으로서‘수학에 대한 가치’인식도 높아졌다. 사회정의를 위한 수학 수업이 학교 교육에서 정착되기 위해서는 사회정의를 위한 교육의 필요성을 인식할 필요가 있으며, 교사들의 사회정의에 대한 이해를 보다 깊게 할 필요가 있고, 질 높은 관련 자료의 개발과 현장에서의 적용 그리고 현장의 수업사례를 기반으로 한 교사 교육을 지속적으로 해 갈 필요가 있다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of teaching mathematics for social justice on students’interest towards mathematics and perceptions of mathematical values. Eighteen 6th grade students, at B elementary school in Seocho-gu, Seoul, who wished to involved in the study participated in the 10 hour lessons. During the lessons for social justice, the researchers analyzed the students' reactions in the lessons according to the three categories: Perceiving given problematic situations of social conflicts, searching for problem-solving methods based on mathematical analysis, and changing social behaviors to solve life issues through mathematics. They also examined changes of students' interest towards mathematics and perceptions of mathematical values through the activities and reactions using the preliminary questionnaires, observations of lessons, and students' activity sheets. The research results showed that the students perceived mathematics as a tool for social justice in mathematics lessons, tried to find problem-solving methods based on mathematical analysis, and expressed their active social behaviors by cultivating the will of practice to solve life issues through mathematics. Based on those findings, the study reached the following conclusions. First, the students recognize many of the social problems in their societies as social justice regardless of their economic levels. Second, learning activities need to design in a way that students can accept the social problems as realistic situations in teaching mathematics for social justice. Third, students look at the world from a mathematical perspective, have interest in mathematics, and recognize the values of mathematics in teaching mathematics for social justice.

      • KCI등재
      • 스칸디나비아 家族에 대한 硏究[Ⅰ]

        金周淑 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1979 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to present some of the main facts and features of the family in Scandinavia, including Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The contents of the article are divided into six chapters : Introduction-Scandinavian Society, Population and Marital Status, Family and Social Welfare System, Reproduction, Sexual Behavior and Divorce. We shall emphasize the main points here and raise some further questions with regard to the Forean future family. 1. The Scandinavian population is characterized by a high proportion of old people, a high sex ratio among people aged 65 years ad over and a high proportion of unmarried female population aged 65 years and over. Mean ages at first marriage seem to have stabilized between 25-27 years for men, between 22-24 years for women. Nuptiality has been decreasing, especially in the younger generations, since the late sixties. This doesnt men however that the proportion of Scandinavian people living in a single status has been increasing, but rather that the number of cohabiting couples without marriage has been increasing. We have the figure of estimation for 165,000 couple cohabiting without marriage in Denmark as of January 1978. The data about Norway and Sweden also imply similar tendencies on cohabiting without marriage. Another feature about the marital statistics is the fact that the proportion of first marriage, as part of the total number of marriages, is decreasing and that the proportion of remarriage or third marriage of either one of the partners or both of them is increasing. 2. The Scandinavian family is characterized by the nuclear family which consists of parents and a few children. We can hardly find the extended family in the Scandinavian societies, even as a temporary arrangement. We can find two kinds of households in the statistics, one is the private household and the other is an institutional household, which manages the handicapped, the mentally ill and a considerable number of elderly people effectively. The Scandinavian family is the small-sized one with mainly one or two children. Over sixty percent of the total private households have no children living in same households. The relationship between husband and wife looks very equalitarian and democratic. The house works are shared by husband and wife. The majority of married women want to get a job outside their home. The economic activity rate of married women has been increasing recently. In 1970, the proportions of married women in total labor forces are 21.6% in Denmark, 14.4 in Norway and 20.4% in Sweden. Among the women aged 15-74 years, 59.2% of married women and 56.7% of unmarried women had jobs in Denmark in 1976, with a particularly high employment rate of 72-76% among women 20-44 years of age. 3. The Central government and the local authorities of the three countries have spent a lot of money and manpower for social security. In 1973, the total expenditure for social security in each country was 33253 million krone in Denmark, 18127 million krone in Norway and 45888 million krone in Sweden. These amounts are 21.0%, 18.6% and 20.9% of the total gross national incomes of each of the countries. This social security scheme covers various allowances for children, maternity benefits just after giving birth, the expenses for supervision of day nursery and similar institutions for children. This social welfare scheme also provide pensions for the elderly and all kinds of support for aged people. In other words, some of the traditional family functions like child rearing, protection for the weak or aged, have been transferred from family to society. 4. The reproduction level of the three countries is very low. The natural increase rates between 1970-1975 are 0.5% in Denmark 0.7% in Norway and 0.4% in Sweden. These low rates are due to not only the high acceptance rates of contraceptives, but also to the high rate of induced abortion. The numbers of induced abortion per 1000 live-births in 1975 are 386 in Denmark, 268 in Norway and 313 in Sweden. The so-called free abortion law seems to have contributed to the increase of abortion, especially in Denmark. Since the free abortion law came into force, every woman can get abortion at no cost, within 12 weeks of pregnancy, irrespective of her age or marital status. 5. The Scandinavian society was and is very permissive regarding relationships between man and woman including sexual behavior. We have found that there was considerable rate of premarital coitus and premarital conception in the Nordic countries in 19th century. Nowadays it is almost meaningless to distinguish between legitimate or illegitimate children. In fact the children born out of wedlock are treated just the same as the children born in wedlock under the law. As mentioned above, the number of couples-cohabiting without marriage has been increasing remarkably and it will probably continue to increase for a while. 6. The divorce rate has been increasing somewhat since the late sixties in Scandinavia. Among the three counties Swedens divorce rate has recently been slightly higher than those of the two other countries. About half of the divorces in the countries occurred in the first ten years of marriage. The remarriage rate after divorce has been decreasing remarkably in recent years. If we compare the Scandinavian family of today with the one in the sixties, we can find some differences in some respects. In the mid-sixties, Scandinavian society showed a higher nuptiality : since 1968, however, the divorce rate-which was quite stable from 1950 to 1968- has gone up. Since the end of the sixties some aspects about the Scandinavian family has been distinctly increasing : cohabiting couples without marriage, children born out of wedlock, number of induced abortion, and rate of divorce etc. Do the Scandinavian family continue developing to this direction? 7. The functions of the family in Scandinavian are quite different from the ones of Korean family in many aspects. In Scandinavian child rearing is supported by the society through the childrens allowances and institutional support like day-nursery and so on. Sex roles between husband and wife are becoming increasingly similar. Children usually get independence from their parents at earlier ages and are expected to live in their own flats independently. There is plenty of knowledge and information available about sexual life, but the Scandinavian ethic is very different from the Korean ethic and it rather seems that they do not have any ethics or rules to control their sexual lives restrictly in Scandinavia. The features of the family in Scandinavia should be considered with the political, economical, religious and cultural aspects of these societies, They have a long tradition of political democracy with the monarch systems, under the ruling social democrat party for over one generation, complete welfare systems under capitalistic economic systems, a history of Christianity for several hundred years, but never rooted in the mind of the people, and recent secularization of the Christianity. There is a long tradition of sexual permissiveness developed. These factors explain for some aspect of the social characteristics that formed the Scandinavian family today. It is now clear that the model of the Scandinavian family may be one of the future family patterns under the highly industrialized societies. Shall we expect that the Korean family will develop in same direction as the Scandinavian model in the future? There is only one common variable between the Scandinavian Society and Korean society : The former is industrialized society, the latter is industrializing rapidly. In spite of this common variable, the formation of the family in Korean society will be affected partly by the traditional values about family life and mostly by the future socio-economical systems of Korea.

      • KCI우수등재

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