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      • 幼兒敎育에 있어서 敎授媒體의 活用에 관한 硏究

        金信子 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1984 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.44 No.-

        The resurgence of interest in child development and early childhood education that began in the early 1960s has resulted in a steady increase in manufacturers that are producing instructional media of every description for preschool. At times certain materials are most appropriately used in an instructional format for teaching and to have particular children practice a specific kind of learning. Which of the materials will be used and how they will be used are best left to individual programs and the way in which their curriculum is implemented. The purpose of this study is to survey the current status of the utilization of instructional media in early childhood education. The survey showed the following results: 1. Over 90% of 193 kindergarten teachers responded that their kindergarten possessed the following instructional media: picture-books, photographs, slides and flannel board. On the other hand, only 59% of 193 respondents possessed puppet theatres and picture dramas, which are supposed to be an effective instructional media in kindergarten. Also of the 193 teachers, 46.6% responded that there was a lack of instructional media in kindergarten. 2. Photographs, flannel boards, picture story book, tape recorders and slide were the most frequently utilized media in kindergarten. The reason for utilizing the above media was that teachers could instruct more effectively with them. 3. Of the 193 teachers, 79% responded that selected the instructional media according to the content and objectives of the subject. Most of the time, the teachers prepared instructional materials by themselves. The reason was that they could not purchase the proper commercial products for the kindergarten children. 4. The survey indicated that only 49.7% of 193 teachers had taken audio-visual courses at their colleges. Most of the respondents wanted in-service training for preparing and utilizing the instructional media. 5. Approximately 70% of 193 teachers responded that the instructional media were the essential elements in early childhood education. However, the survey indicated that a serious problem in applying the instructional media to early childhood education was a lack of proper instructional media. Therefore, research and development of instructional media for early childhood education is greatly needed. Media can make learning more effective by increasing the realism, the dynamics and the emotionalism of information, and it can increase the dynamics and the emotionalism of information, and it can increase the motivation to learn. However, the teacher must fully understand and appreciate the capabilities and limitations of media and must carefully plan for their effective use. The important distinction in discussing instructional media for education is the role of the teacher. One major responsibility of teachers in preparing an optimum learning environment for young children is to provide many types of instructional media. Then children, during the large blocks of exploration time provided each day, may choose for themselves how to elaborate their own skills in each area of development. In addition, teachers must select instructional media that can be used for helping children learn routines and instructional media that are appropriate for learning activities in an instructional format. The principles for selecting instructional media for any age child and for any type of learning activity are essentially of the same appropriateness (developmental match): versatility, variety, safety, function, durability and aesthetic qualities.

      • KCI등재
      • 산업훈련 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 : 가구 판매사원 훈련 프로그램

        김신자,주영주,이광희 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1995 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.66 No.1-3

        Rapid development of modern society demands incessant cultivation of new knowledge, function and skills. Even if a firm succeeds in securing qualified manpower, continuous training is imperative for the company to adapt to rapidly changing consumer tastes and business environment. Many of large size firms in Korea began to realize the importance of training programs of their employees. Therefore, they are developing their own programs and willing to spend a large portion of their budget to human resource development. Most of small and medium size firms, however, have not understood the necessity of training program of their won employees. Even if some of them want to make an investment on training their own employees. They could not find the right model suitable to small and medium size firms. Therefore, without analyzing the relevance for the model to their situation, they are forced to use the model mainly designed for large scale firms. After brief introduction, in chapter 2, we analyze the needs for new training programs and introduce well-known training models. We cannot, however, apply the models to the furniture industry without major modification to reflect the main features of furniture industry. Therefore, in chapter 3, we develop new graining programs which consist of four steps of need assessment, design, development, formative evaluation and which are more suitable to furniture industry. We do need assessments in four areas-business needs analysis, job analysis, task analysis, and content analyses. In the second step of design, we prepare program specification and road map. In the third step of development, we produce manuals, transparencies, slides and audio pates for the trainee. In the final step, we perform formative evaluation. In the last chapter, after summarizing our research, we make some suggestion on effective training programs for small and medium size firms on the basis of our study.

      • 여대생의 Recreation에 대한 실증연구

        김신자 부산여자대학 1995 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        현대인에게 건전한 여가생활을 정착시키고 전체가 균등한 여가문화를 향유할 수 있는 사회적 분위기를 형성하기 위해서는 개인이 가정에서의 일상생활, 직업적 노동 및 기타 사회적 의무로부터 벗어나 자유로운 상태에서 휴식, 기분전환, 자기개발 및 사회적 성취를 이루기 위하여 활동하는 시간인데, 이는 우리의 일상생활에서 좋든 싫든 누구나 항상 가지게 되는 시간이다. 현대인들은 이러한 시간을 앞으로 가면 갈수록 노동시간의 단축으로 인해 더 많이 갖게 될 것이며 여가시간을 보람있고 효과적으로 이용함으로써 삶의 질을 향상시킬 수 있고 정신적 재생의 기능으로 활용할 수 있다. 이러한 현실속에서 생활하고 있는 우리들로써는 하나의 목적이 있고, 민주사회를 영위하는데 필요로 하는 인간의 기본적 생활관 및 생활태도 육성이 시급하다고 생각된다. 그러므로 높은 지성과 뛰어난 기능 및 훌륭한 인간성을 육성하는데 목표를 둔 여대생들의 일상생활에서 Recreation 활동실태를 파악코져 가정환경을 중심으로한 「기저」 자료조사에서부터 Recreation에 얼마나 관심과 지식을 가지고 활동하고 있으며 그 무엇을 누구와 어떻게 활용하고 있는지 그리고 만족하고 있는지 여부를 조사하였다. 처음 조사를 실시하였던 82년도와 2차로 조사하였던 96년도 사이에는 여러 다른 상황들이 전개되는데, 급격한 여대생의 증가, Recreation 문화의 발전, 그리고 그 참여율의 증가 등 Recreation의 변화발전이 요구되어 졌고 또한 그 변화율도 컸었지만 실지로 이에 대한 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 이에 여대생의 Recreation의 실증연구를 통해서 변화되어진 양상을 알아보고 앞으로 함께 모색되어져야 할 여러 방향에 대해서도 생각해보기 위함이 이 연구의 목적이다.

      • KCI등재

        원리학습을 위한 교수전략

        김신자 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2003 교과교육학연구 Vol.7 No.1

        원리학습은 고차원적 사고기능으로 해결책을 찾고 결정을 내리며 창의적으로 사고하기 위한 기술들 의 사용 및 적용과 관련되어 있다. 원리는 수학, 과학, 사회과학, 어학 그리고 예술분야 등 모든 영역에 있으며, 수업은 다양한 상황마다 학습자가 원리를 적용해 볼 수 있도록 충분한 연습이 포함되어 있어야 한다. 교수설계의 분석단계에서 학습유형을 고려함으로써 학습자가 새로운 지식을 사용할 수 있도록 하기 위해서 어떻게 필요할 것인지 를 결정할 수 있다. 즉, 개념간의 관계를 단순히 설명하게 하는 것만으로 충분한지 아니면 다른 상황의 변인의 효과를 설명하고, 예측하고 그리고 통제하는데 이 원리를 적용할 수 있도록 까지 학습시켜야 하 는지를 결정할 수 있다. 이 연구는 원리학습을 효과적으로 가르치기 위하여 Smith와 Ragan(1999)이 제안한 교수전략들을 분 석 고찰한 것으로 이 전략에서는 특히 원리학습을 위한 교수사태가 중점을 이루고 있다. 이 교수사태는 Gagne가 개발했던 교수사태를 좀 더 확장한 것으로 도입, 전개, 정리 그리고 평가단계로 구성되어 있다.

      • 고령자를 위한 레인보우 건강체조 프로그램에 관한 연구

        김신자 부산여자대학 2004 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        The present age emphasizes the quality of life. People desire to enjoy a comfortable long life instead of a hard long life. However, the 80 year old people lose 60% of the muscle of the young people in their 30s. As the aged people lacks muscle tenacity, they become easily tired and vulnerable to wounds. Human brain cells are ceaselessly produced and destroyed. In conjunction with these facts, aged people are exposed to various diseases including aging of brains and dementia. To prevent these diseases, a special exercise is needed. It is the rainbow health exercise to vitalize brains and build muscles. The purpose of this research is to analize the rainbow health exercise program. It is designed to prevent the cause of dementia, disfunction in the brain cells. This exercise program is also designed to help the people who are already in the trouble of brains and muscles. The exercise program was developed by KENICHIT AKAHASHI in Japan to advance the health of aged people. Simply speaking this exercise is to stimulate both brain cells and muscles. It consists of five parts: 1. Improving body temperature 2. Concentrating mind and body 3. Stimulating brains 4. Stimulating muscles 5. Final adjustment The effect of this exercise has been well proved in Japan. I am pleased to introduce this program first time in Korea through this research.

      • KCI등재

        문제해결학습을 위한 교수전략

        김신자 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2002 교과교육학연구 Vol.6 No.1

        문제해결학습은 고차원적 사고 기능으로 해결책을 찾고 결정을 내리며 창의적으로 사고하기 위한 기술들의 사용 및 적용과 관련되어 있다. 문제해결학습은 모든 교과영역에 적용될 수 있는 기능들을 사용하는 학습기능이다. 이 기능은 다른 학습기능보다 학습되기 위해서 더 많은 시간이 걸리며 다른 많은 학습기능을 필요로 하는 복잡한 학습영역이다. 그리고 이 기능은 학습정보의 기억력과 이해력 그리고 기술의 적용 측면을 모두 포함하고 있는 중요한 영역이라고 할 수 있다. 이 연구는 문제해결학습을 효과적으로 가르치기 위하여 Smith와 Ragan(1999)이 제안한 교수전략들을 분석 고찰한 것으로 이 전략에서는 특히 문제해결학습을 위한 교수사태가 중점을 이루고 있다. 이 교수사태는 Gagne가 개발했던 교수사태를 좀 더 확장한 것으로 도입, 전개, 정리 그리고 평가단계로 구성되어 있다. Problem solving is the ability to combine previously learned principle, procedures, declarative knowledge, and cognitive strategies in a unique way within a domain of content to solve previously unencountered problems. Problem solving tasks can be simple or complex. Problem solving is simpler when fewer pirnciples must be considered. Problem solving differs from principle learning because problem solving requires the selection and combination of multiple principles in order to solve a problem, rather than a single principle. To solve problems, learners must search their long-term memory for relevant principles, knowledge, and strategies that might apply to this problem. The purpose of this study is to review and analyze Smith & Ragans' instructional strategies for problem solving learning. They introduced four components of cognitive processing in problem-solving: problem representation, solution planning, solution implementaion and solution evaluation stage. They concentrated on instructional events for problem-solving learning which are consisted of four steps. They are introduction, body, conclusion and assessment steps. Each step has a number of instructional and learning activities. Although research has clarified to some degree how people solve problems, many remain as to the qualities of instruction required to teach people to solve problems.

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