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        淸代 淮河中流域의 水利開發과 水災豫防 - 安徽省 鳳陽府를 中心으로 -

        金斗鉉 ( Kim Du-hyun ) 강원사학회 2022 江原史學 Vol.- No.39

        본 논문은 안휘성 북부에 위치한 봉양부 사례를 중심으로, 水利開發이 갖는 의미를 살펴보았다. 일반적으로 水利問題를 水運水利와 農田水利로 구분하고 있지만, 본고에서는 農田水利라는 관점에서 淮河中流域의 鳳陽府에서 시행한 水利事業의 목적과 그 양상에 관해서 살펴보았다. 鳳陽府는 지리적 특성은 강수량이 부족한 지역과 多雨地域을 구분하는 경계선인 淮河가 관류하고 있고, 강수량이 적은 지역에 속함에도 불구하고 빈번하게 수재가 발생한 지역이었다. 즉 거리상 황하와 상당히 멀리 떨어져 있음에도 불구하고 황하의 유수량을 줄여주는(減水河) 각 支流와 淮河가 합류하는 지역에 위치했다. 따라서 황하가 운반하는 대량의 토사가 하상에 침적하여, 河道가 지속적으로 막히는(‘淤塞’) 지역이었다. 河道의 ‘막힘’은 물의 흐름을 방해하고, 그 결과 배수문제를 야기하여 增水期나 暴雨가 내리는 시기에 쉽게 범람하여 빈번한 수재를 발생시키는 요인이 되었다. 빈번한 자연재해의 발생은 이 지역사회에 지대한 영향을 끼쳤다. 대량의 토사 퇴적층이 형성됨으로써 토질이 척박해지고, 이것이 빈번한 수재 발생과 맞물리면서 일반 농민들의 농업에 대한 의욕을 상실하게 했으며, 결국 생계가 막연해진 이들은 외지로 끊임없이 유망할 수밖에 없는 생존환경을 조성했다. 따라서 이 지역에서 수리사업의 중점은 자연스럽게 재해예방이라는 목적에 치중 할 수밖에 없는 상황이었다고 할 수 있다. 즉 다른 지역에서처럼 공적 혹은 사적인 수리시설의 축조를 통해 圍田·圩田 등을 개발하는 현상도 존재했지만, 잦은 토사의 퇴적과 이로 인한 河道의 소멸이라는 지형적 특성으로 인해 ‘與水爭地’현상은 지배적인 수리개발 양상은 아니었던 것으로 보인다. 이 지역에서 무엇보다 시급한 과제는 배수로의 확보와 이를 보호할 제방의 수축이었다고 생각된다. 특히 함풍 5년(1855) 황하의 河道가 북쪽으로 변경되면서 배수로 확보 문제는 중요한 국가적 과제로 부각되는 시기였다는 점에서도 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 청말 국가재정난의 심화로 인해 수리사업이 원활하게 진행되지 못함으로써 소기의 목적이 달성될 수 없었다. 이상의 사실을 종합해보면, 봉양부 지역의 수리개발의 양상은 지형적 특성의 영향으로 인해 재해예방 목적이 1차적 목적이었다고 할 수 있으며, 이러한 양상은 여타 지역의 수리개발과의 차별성을 보여주는 것이라 볼 수 있을 것이다. This article examines the meaning of water conservancy development, focusing on the case of the Fengyang Prefecture located in the northern part of Anhui Province. In general, water conservancy is divided into Water transport(水運水利) and Farmland irrigation(農田水利), but in this paper, the purpose and aspects of the Water conservancy business implemented by the Fengyang Prefecture located in the middle of the Huai River Middle Basin have been looked at. Fengyang Prefecture is geographically characterized by a boundary line that separates less rain region(過雨地域) and raining region(多雨地域). Although it belongs to the less rain(過雨) area, it was an area where floods occurred frequently. In other words, despite being quite far from the Yellow River in terms of distance, it was located at the confluence of each tributary streams(支流) and Huai River(淮河), which reduced the flow of the Yellow River. Therefore, it was an area where a large amount of soil carried by the Yellow River was deposited on the river bed and the waterway was continuously blocked (‘淤塞’). The 'blockage(淤塞)' of the waterway obstructed the flow of water, and as a result, it caused drainage problems, and it easily overflowed at the time of flooding, which became a factor causing frequent floods. Frequent natural disasters have had a profound impact on this community. As a large amount of sedimentary layers are formed, the soil becomes barren, and this, coupled with the frequent floods, caused general farmers to lose their enthusiasm for agriculture. In the end, these people, whose livelihoods became vague, created an environment for survival in which they could not help but continue to be promising. Therefore, it can be said that the focus of the water conservancy project in this area was naturally focused on the purpose of disaster prevention. That is, as in other regions, there was a phenomenon of developing Weitian(圍田) and Wutian(圩田) through the construction of public or private repair facilities, but due to the topographical characteristics of frequent sedimentation of soil and the disappearance of waterways, the phenomenon of '與水爭地' does not seem to have been the dominant hydraulic development pattern. It is thought that the most urgent task in this area was securing a drainage canal and shrinking the embankment to protect it. In particular, it can be confirmed from the fact that the issue of securing drainage channels was highlighted as an important national task in the 5th year of Xianfeng (1855) as the Yellow River's waterway was changed to the north. However, due to the deepening of the national financial crisis in the late Qing Dynasty, the water conservancy project did not proceed smoothly, so the intended purpose could not be achieved. Summarizing the above facts, in the aspect of hydraulic development in the Fengyang Prefecture, it can be said that the primary purpose was to prevent disasters due to the influence of the topographical characteristics. This aspect can be seen as showing the difference from the hydraulic development in other areas.

      • 栗谷의 社會 更張論에 關한 硏究

        金大鉉 圓光大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.31 No.1

        Lee-Yi titled Yul-Gok, like Toi-Ge Lee, is named as one of the great phylosophers, Scholars, Politicians, educators, writers, and eloquent orators the mordern Cho-Sun produced. His achievement is highly praised not only in the metaphysical problems but also in the metaphysical practical ones. His works therefore, can be said of variety. In the late 16th, Cho-Sun was in the presence of collision with lots of political and social conflicts. So Yul-Gok emphasized the moral of Suki Ciin, the essential confucianism and suggested his own view and policy about the problems they were confronts welfare, finacial, national defense, and social prdblens. The most essential priciple of solution can be summed up as collows: the first one is about economical principle-if an individual or a nation has no sufficient food of clothes, they can't keep up their living. The second one is about the reformation theory though the ryles are of pre-kings make, if they are not compatible with the time, they must be reformed, because there are ideology and vauesuitable for its own age. So, while he was in the office, he searched for the ploicy about the various reslistic problens on the king of day. But all the efforts of his ended in a failure with no co-operation and with the objection of his fellows including. However, as the nation was in the most complicate and troublesome age, he could not but repeatedly give an abvice to the king with unresearved criticism, commenting if the disorders were not corrected and the national defense were not firmly protected from the agression, it would be destroyed and could not be helped from the upheavel. In claiming the social reform Yol-Gok, like this, contended that the reform of law system or social regime should be suited for the contemporany situation and be based on the people's benefit and reality's sake. And it could not be realized without Chi, he said. Yul-Gok's idea is to be got to the principle of Kipal Li Sung Il Do(氣發理乘一途) by drawing Li into Chi's(理氣) operation. In refroming the social system, sible than the philosophy of Cho Li(主理) principle. His ChuKi(주기) LiKi Lon(理氣論) principle seems to very suggestive to the modern society at the time when the justice and realization are absolytely in need today.

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