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        ⽴新,⾼⻜ 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2020 인문사회과학연구 Vol.21 No.4

        Abstract: The geographical characteristics and relations of Korean Peninsula appear frequently in the geopolitical classics. The countries of Korean Peninsula are surrounded by sea and land powers. As a typical Eurasian marginal zone, the geopolitical characteristics of Korean Peninsula are complex and diverse. It is not only the buffer zone of the land and sea forces as well as the bridgehead which is valued by those countries, but also an important part of maritime powers’ "island chain" to contain mainland countries, and more of a geographical "shattered area" under specific circumstances. Convenient land or sea exports to external region make Korean Peninsula (especially the unified Korean Peninsula) a significant portal area in the global geopolitical structure, and the value of it depends not only upon its location, but also upon its own national power and the features of the relationships between the countries of Korean Peninsula and the neighboring powers. Generally speaking, such a region, especially a political unit which is independent from mainland countries, is faced with the security problem of resisting the oppression of land forces on the one hand, and on the other hand, guarding against the invasion of maritime forces as well as those in the same marginal areas. Therefore, its traits of land and water are the basis of the security problems and also the cause of its turbulence. The geographical characteristics and geographical relations of the Korean Peninsula are the objective reasons of the "geopolitical destiny" that the peninsula countries are hard to get rid of. Of course, it should be noted that even if there is a so-called "geopolitical destiny", however, it is not meant to be a tragic history or an outcome, and this "destiny" can be adapted and changed through the political and strategic choices. 在经典的地缘政治学著述中,朝鲜半岛的地理特性和地缘关系被经常提起。作为典型的欧亚大陆边缘地带,朝鲜半岛的地缘政治特性是复杂且多样的。朝鲜半岛国家处在海陆大国的包围之中,朝鲜半岛不仅是陆海势力博弈的缓冲区和陆海国家所看重的桥头堡,也是和海洋强国规划的遏制大陆国家的“岛链”的重要一环,更是一种特定情况下的地缘“破碎地带”。朝鲜半岛还具有便利的通向外部区域的陆上或海上出口,这使得朝鲜半岛(尤其是统一的朝鲜半岛)在全球地缘政治结构中具有显著的门户区地位。朝鲜半岛的地缘价值不仅取决于其地理位置,还取决于自身实力以及朝鲜半岛国家与周边大国的关系性质。通常来说,这样的地区——尤其是作为独立于大陆国家的政治单位,在安全上面临的问题是,一方面始终要对抗陆上势力的压迫,另一方面还要防备海上势力以及同样是边缘地区势力的侵扰。所以,它的水陆两面的性质是它安全问题的基础,也是其动荡的原因所在。朝鲜半岛的地理特性和地缘关系也客观地造就了半岛国家难以摆脱的“地缘政治宿命”。当然,需要说明的是,即便是存在所谓的“地缘政治宿命”,也并非注定就是悲剧性的历史过程和未来结局。这种“宿命”既可以顺应,也可以改变——通过政治和战略选择来加以改变。

      • KCI등재


        立新,Guo Xu 한국아시아학회 2023 아시아연구 Vol.26 No.3

        The "idealist" ontology emphasized in the constructivism theory of international relations provides a way of thinking to break through the "material" competition between China and the United States in the changing world and realize the harmonious "way of getting along" through "concept identification". Based on the immaterial research perspective of constructivism theory, by focusing on the root of the social interaction between the two countries behind the national image building, the willingness to follow the international system and the transformation of the conceptual structure, it emphasizes that the development and evolution of Sino-US relations have internal coherence and regularity. Bring this series of regular social roots into the research topic of Sino-US relations under the perspective of world changes, and then clarify the obvious competitive nature of Sino-US bilateral relations. The main pressure comes from the overspill of explicit "identity politics", the recessive "populism" trend of thought and the inherent "threat paradigm" in the American society. China and the United States are faced with new issues that need to be discussed in the field of identity, national identity and conceptual identity. Therefore, the core idea of "Cooperative coexistence" is to emphasize that China and the United States should shape a broader sense of the overall situation and the world consciousness, strengthen the interaction and concept innovation in the field of ideas, dilute the ideological differences between the two sides, take the initiative to share experience in democratic governance, restore political mutual trust, form the Sino-US consensus values, modern democratic concept, and ultimately reshape the Sino-US concept of co-existence identity.

      • KCI등재후보


        원광대학교 법학연구소 2015 의생명과학과 법 Vol.13 No.-

        Different from the criminal law of Japan and Korea, Chinese criminal law directly and clearly specifies the crime of medical accident caused by physician’s negligent act. According to the article of 335thin Chinese criminal law, the crime of medical accident is defined as the behavior which caused the death or serious injury to the victim due to the severe irresponsibility of the physician. Firstly, analysis of constitution of medical malpractice crime Specific provisions of Chinese criminal law demands the establishment of every specific crime meets subjective elements and objective elements which contains four basic elements: criminal object, objective aspect of crime, subject of a crime and subjective aspect of a crime. So does the crime of medical accident. The first, the object of the crime Chinese criminal law commonly believe that criminal object means the social relationships which protected by criminal law is assaulted and threatened by commission of offence. Although Chinese scholars still hold arguments for criminal object of medical accident, the current view that believes the object of this crime is the nation’s management order towards the medical practice and the rights of client’s life and health. The mange and managed legal relationship of medical management between nation and physician, the serve and served legal relationship of medical service between physician and clients. This two aspects constitutes the nation’s manage order towards medical practice. The second, objective aspect of the crime Objective aspect of crime means the criminal law stipulates and explains the feature of objectively external facts that the social relationship protected by criminal law causes damage by behavior. Objective aspect of the crime of medical accident, for the sever irresponsibility of doer which caused clients die or serious damage the health of clients. One, the identification of serious irresponsibility Serious irresponsibility means the physician violates medical regulations or routine of nursing care in every medical link, they default or incorrect perform the responsibility of the nursing care. The medical regulation and routine of nursing care are not only can be written but also convention which is conventional and obeyed by physician in practice. For how to understand the “serious” of “serious irresponsibility”, it’s usually judge the quality of the behavior from the result and subjective state of mind in practice. Two, the criterion for judgment of serious damage the health of clients The constitutional essential element of the crime is the harmful results that the physician causes the death or serious damage to the health of clients. As for what is serious damage to the health of the clients, the criminal law doesn’t give clear explanation and the educational circles have different viewpoints. The scholars start a series of discussions and form the different views of medical criteria, criminal criteria and standard of administrative law. There is no unified view so far. Three, the identification of causal relationship Establishment of the crime of medical accident, there must have casual relationships between violation of medical regulation and death or health serious damage. For the definition of the casual relationship of medical malpractice crime, Chinese scholars have lots of arguments. Some determine the causal relationship should be positive causal relationship in medical malpractice crime. That is the internal, inevitable and in conformity with the law’s casual relationship between medical behavior and clients. For the specialty of medical malpractice crime, some scholars believe we should make a concrete analysis of each specific question and support the application of causal relationship of epidemiology. Also many other scholars advocate we can analyze the responsibility of the physician with the help of the degree of medical fault participation. They propose to draw on t... 의사의 범죄에 대해서 형법에 특별히 규정하고 있는 나라는 그리 많지 않다. 그러나 인신범죄로 규정한 업무상 과실로 크게 다치거나 죽는다는 법률 조항은 의사도 예외가 될 수 없다. 예를 들어, 1871년 독일 형법전 제222조에 규정: 과실로 사람이 죽게 되는 경우, 3년 이하의 금고에 처한다. 직업, 영업상의 부주의로 사람이 죽게 된 경우는 형법을 가중 적용하여 5년 이하의 금고에 처해야 한다. 일본 현행 형법전 제211조 규정: 필요한 주의를 태만해서 사람이 죽게 되면 5년 이하의 노역, 또는 100만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다. 중과실로 사람이 죽게 되는 것도 이와 같이 처리한다. 한국 현행 형법전 제268조 규정: 업무상 과실이나 중과실로 사람이 죽게 되면 5년 이하의 금고나 2000만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다. 위 국가와 달리, 중국 형법은 의사의 의료과실로 인한 의료사고죄에 대해 직접적이면서도 명확하게 규정했다. 중국 형법 제335조 규정: 의무요원이 주의를 다하지 않아서 환자를 사망하게 하거나 심각하게 환자의 인신 건강에 손해를 주면 3년 이하의 유기 징역이나 노역에 처한다. 이 법률 조항에 따라 중국 형법 이론과 실무계에서는 일반적으로 의료사고죄는 의무요원이 주의를 다하지 않아서 진찰하고 있는 환자가 사망하거나 환자의 인신 건강에 심각한 손해를 주는 행위에 한계를 정한다. 의료과정의 복잡성, 침입성은 의료행위의 위험성과 관련된다. 과학기술의 발전에 따라 많은 신 의료 설비, 의료기술, 의료수단은 의료진단 중에 사용된다. 사람들의 건강수요를 만족시키면서 의료행위의 위험 요소가 많아지고 있고, 그로 인한 의료손해도 자주 나타난다. 환자의 생명과 건강을 보호하기 위해 법률에 의무요원의 행위규범을 규제하는 규정과 요구가 필요하다. 중국 형법이 의료사고죄를 설치한 이유가 바로 여기에 있다. 그러나 의료과실 범죄의 형법규범은 장점과 단점의 양면성을 가지고 있다. 그것은 의무요원의 책임심이 강화되고 환자의 이익을 보호하는 반면에 무거운 처벌규정으로 인해 때문에 의무요원의 열의를 손상 시킬 수도 있다. 그래서 중국 형법은 일본, 한국과 달리 단독적으로 의료사고죄를 규정하고 가벼운 형벌을 설치한 방식은 당연히 의미가 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 법률 조항에는 부족한 점도 있는데, 그 예로 범죄 구성 요건의 규정, 법정형(法定刑)의 설치 등 문제는 아직도 재검토를 필요로 한다.

      • 中国会计教育情况与企业会计准则现状

        ,西卜(Zhao Xibo) 한국회계정보학회 2013 한국회계정보학회 학술대회발표집 Vol.2013 No.1

        존경하는 서희열교수, 내빈 여러분 안녕하십니까! 서울에 가까운 아름다운 강남대학교에 와서 회계 세무분야의 한국 전문가들과 함께 토론의 기회를 가지게 된 것은 큰 영광이라고 생각합니다. 저는 중국 인민대학교 경상대학에서 왔습니다. 연구분야는 기업회계기준 및 정부회계입니다. 서희열회장님의 지시에 따라 제가 중국 대륙의 회계학 커리큘럼의 현황을 소개하고 그 다음에 중국 회계기준 및 국제회계기준의 차이를 여러분께 소개하도록 하겠습니다. 아래와 같이 4부분으로 나누어 하겠습니다. 즉, 중국 회계 교육의 현황, 회계전공의 주요 커리큘럼, 중국기업회계기준 및 국제회계기준의 차이, 중국 회계교육의 발전추세이다. 尊敬的徐熙烈会长,女士们、先生们,大家下午好!(안녕하세요, 여러분)很荣幸有机会来到美丽闻名的首都圈特性化优秀大学——江南大学,同会计税务界的韩国专家和朋友们聚集一堂,共同讨论会计与税务话题。我来自中国人民大学商学院,主要从事企业会计准则和政府会计方面的教学和科研工作。按照徐熙烈会长的安排,下面我把中国大陆会计学教学课程的基本情况和中国会计准则与国际财务报告准则差异情况,向各位做一简要汇报。汇报包括四个部分:中国会计教育基本情况、会计专业主要专业课程、中国企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则主要差异、中国会计教育未来趋势。

      • KCI등재후보


        ,清,林(Zhao Qinglin) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2021 圓光法學 Vol.37 No.2

        正确认识宪法规定的公民受教育权的规范性内涵,是切实保障公民受教育权的需要,也是解决当前教育领域诸多深层次矛盾、推动教育体制改革的需要。结合齐玉苓案的剖析,从宪法学的角度进行探讨,可知公民受教育权的规范性内涵主要体现在以下三个方面:公民受教育权的义务人只能是国家等公权力主体;公民受教育权是只能通过立法机关具体化的方式来实施的抽象权利;公民受教育权中所谓教育应限于中小学等基础教育,不包括学前教育、职业教育、高等教育和成人教育。从这三个方面来看,就算宪法司法化可行,齐玉苓案中法院对公民受教育权的理解和适用都是有问题的。 A correct understanding of the normative annotation of the right to education is the guarantee to this right, but also the need to solve the many deep-seated contradictions in the domain of education and promotion the reform of the education system. Combining with the analysis of the case of Qi Yuling, and worrying on the discussion from the perspective of the constitution, citizen’s right to education is a public power subject; citizen’s right to education is an abstract right that can only be achieved through the legislative legislative legislative legislative act; the education of citizens’ right to education should be limited to primary and secondary education, not including pre-school education, vocational education, higher education and adult education. From these three aspects, there are many problems in the court’s understanding and application of the right to education in Qi Yuling’s case.

      • KCI등재


        조휘( 辉)(Zhao Hui) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2015 의생명과학과 법 Vol.13 No.-

        의사의 범죄에 대해서 형법에 특별히 슈정하고 있는 나라는 그리 많지 않다. 그러나 인신범죄로 규정한 업무상 과실로 크게 다치거나 죽는다는 법률 조항은 의사도 예외가 될 수 없다. 예를 들어, 1871년 독일 형법전 제222조에 규정 과실로 사람이 죽게 되는 경우, 3년 이하의 금고에 처한다. 직업, 영업상의 부주의로 사람이 죽게 된 경우는 형법을 가중 적용하여 5년 이하의 금고에 처해야 한다. 일본 현행 형법전 제211조 규정: 필요한 주의를 태만해서 사람이 죽게 되면 5년 이하의 노역, 또는 100만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다. 중과실로 사람이 죽게 되는 것도 이와 같이 처리한다. 한국 현행 형법전 제268조 규정: 업무상 과실이나 중과실로 사람이 죽게 되면 5년 이하의 금고나 2000만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다. 위 국가와 달리, 중국 형법은 의사의 의료과실로 인한 의료사고죄에 대해 직접적이면서도 명확하게 규정했다. 중국 형법 제335조 규정: 의무요원이 주의를 다하지 않아서 환자를 사망하게 하거나 심각하게 환자의 인신 건강에 손해를 주면 3년 이하의 유기 징역이나 노역에 처한다. 이 법률 조항에 따라 중국 형법 이론과 실무계에서는 일반적으로 의료사고죄는 의무요원이 주의를 다하지 않아서 진찰하고 있는 환자가 사망하거나 환자의 인신 건강에 심간한 손해를 주는 행위에 한계를 정한다. 의료과정의 복잡성, 침입성은 의료행위의 위험성과 관련된다. 과학기술의 발전에 따라 많은 신 의료 설비, 의료기술, 의료수단은 의료진단 중에 사용된다. 사람들의 건강수요를 만족시키면서 의료행위의 위험 요소가 많아지고 있고, 그로 인한 의료손해도 자주 나타난다. 환자의 생명과 건강을 보호하기 위해 법률에 의무요원의 행위규범을 규제하는 규정과 요구가 필요하다. 중국 형법이 의료사고죄를 설치한 이유가 바로 여기에 있다. 그러나 의료과실 범죄의 형법규범은 장점과 단점의 양면성을 가지고 있다. 그것은 의무요원의 책임심이 강화되고 환자의 이익을 보호하는 반면에 무거운 처벌규정으로 인해 때문에 의무요원의 열의를 손상 시킬 수도 있다. 그래서 중국 형법은 일본, 한국과 달리 단독적으로 의료사고죄를 규정하고 가벼운 형벌을 설치한 방식은 당연히 의미가 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 법률 조항에는 부족한 점도 있는데, 그 예로 범죄 구선 요건의 규정, 법정형(法定刑)의 설치 등 문제는 아직도 재검토를 필요로 한다.

      • KCI등재


        조립신(Zhao Li-Xin)(,立新),리단(Li Dan)(李丹) 대한중국학회 2021 중국학 Vol.77 No.-

        拜登执政后是否会重新调整中美关系成为世界瞩目的焦点。有预测认为拜登执政初期,其战略走向可能是奥巴马与特朗普对华政策的组合,即竞争多于和解与合作。拜登曾明确表示不会同中国进行“新冷战”,美国不会刻意排斥与中国的接触,并提出要在全球气候变化与公共卫生、核不扩散等涉及人类生存及全球安全的领域上与中国进行合作。但同时,拜登及其团队又宣称中国是美国“最严峻的竞争对手”,因此,美国在全球治理、外交与安全、人权及知识产权等领域与中国开展竞争。在对华战略上,拜登政府继续高调推进印太战略,并通过与域内首脑会晤等机制的建设,实现了美、日、印、澳等四国对话机制的升级,美国通过强化与传统盟友的关系,试图加强对中国的遏制。在台海问题上,美国在其认为的所谓“一个中国”的政策框架内,加强与台湾的民间交流与非官方关系接触,美国所谓的一系列提高台湾的自我防卫能力和国际能见度的行动,究其本质是意在维持台海关系现状。就目前而言,拜登执政之后的美国对华政策基本延续了特朗普政府对华战略竞争的基调,但是在某些具体做法上进行了一些调整。今后的中美关系既面临着挑战,也蕴含着机会,双边关系进入了“新常态”。 China-US relations have become the focus of world attention after the Biden administration took power. Some predict that Biden‘s strategy in the early days of his administration will be a combination of Obama’s and Trump‘s Policies toward China, which focus on competition rather than reconciliation and cooperation. Biden stated clearly that he has no intention to involve in a“new cold war”with China, he will not deliberately exclude engagement with China, he also has proposed that intensive cooperation with China will be put into effect on the theme related to climate change, global public health and nuclear non - proliferation. Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to claim that China is the Unites States’ “most rigorous competitor”. The US government will carry out a series of strategic policy in the areas of economy, security, diplomacy, human rights, intellectual property, and global governance. the Biden administration continued to promote the Indo-Pacific strategy more actively in order to achieve the upgrading of the four-country dialogue mechanism with Japan, India and Australia and also make great effort to strengthened the relationship of traditional Allies, by which achieving the goal of containing China. With the framework of the “One China” policy, the Biden administration intend to strengthen unofficial relations and non-government contact with Taiwan to improve Taiwan‘s self-defense capability and international visibility aim to maintain the status quo of“no independence”and“no unification”between Taiwan and the mainland. For the foreseeable future, Biden will inherit the tone of the Trump administration‘s strategic competition toward China through some necessary political adjustment. the China-US relations will be imbued with challenge and opportunities.

      • 新型冠状病毒背景下韩国餐饮行业现状分析与发展策略研究

        李倩,茹(Qianru Li),,佳(Jia Zhao) 동아시아무역학회 2020 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.2 No.2

        本研究的目的是分析新冠状病毒疫情对韩国餐饮行业的影响,并针对研究出的影响提出合理的经营方法,为韩国食品饮料行业的未来发展提供参考。本研究的方法主要是以文献数据为中心进行汇总式调查分析,选择有价值的数据进行分析研究。根据本研究的研究结果得知,随着新冠状病毒在全球的扩散,韩国的餐饮也遭受严重的打击,餐饮业市场萎缩,销售额下降; 人们的生活方式发生转变,非面对面服务需求在不断增大。本研究的意义是在于为韩国未来餐饮行业的发展提供良好可行的策略,为了提高调查结果的准确性,后续研究中可以补充新的调查方法; 并期待广泛研究其他领域。 Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 on the Korean restaurant business, and to put forward reasonable management methods for the future development of Korean restaurant business. Design/Methodology/Approach -Based on marketing, the main method of this study is to collect and analyze the literature data and select valuable data for analysis and research. Findings - This paper studies the market crisis and future development strategy of Korean restaurant business. Research Implications - In the management of this paper, this study has significance in alleviate the crisis of COVID-19 to Korean restaurant business and promote the development of Korean restaurants.

      • KCI등재


        包秉龙,(Pauw Budianto),杨,兆贵,(Yang Zhaogui),,殷尚,(Cho EunSang) 한국문화융합학회 2020 문화와 융합 Vol.42 No.6

        印度尼西亚三教由来已久,佛、儒自上世纪中已取得合法地位,相较而言,道教发展远逊。七十年代开始,李尚湖先生因缘际会,创办太上门道。在短短几十年的时间里,太上门道已被广大的印尼华人所喜爱、所接受,并慢慢发展成有组织的广遍印尼的道教团体。太上门道发展如此迅速,其原因离不开其思想内容的魅力,能使人们感到其思想的时代感,也感到其思想的超越感。它能满足现代人对身心健康的需求,同时具有挖掘不完的思想深度,符合对生命奥秘充满好奇心的追求者、研究者的需要。另外,它的各方面思想与中国传统道家尤其是《道德经》、儒家思想观念有着密切的联系、继承与发扬的关系。李尚湖先生能因时因地对中国传统儒、道思想加以继承、转化,使太上门道能在印尼华人广为接受,这对发扬传统思想、文化有极大的贡献。本文为了较深入介绍太上门道,主要以文献分析法及实地调查法为主要研究法,探讨太上门道的教育宗旨(宣扬正道,破迷开悟)、基本教义(如重道理、礼仪,运用方术)、人生哲学(如追求淡泊宁静)以及修道思想(如追求思想、心理层面的解脱,第二是元神层面的解脱)等思想内容。研究表明,太上门道思想有其独特的思想内容,不少思想继承了中国传统的儒家、道家尤其是《老子》的思想。 Indonesia s Chinese three-religions (san jiao) have a long history. Buddhism and Confucianism have gained legal status since the last century. Comparatively speaking, the development of Taoism is far from satisfaction. Since the 1970s, Mr. Li Shanghu has established Taishang’men Taoism by chance. In just a few decades, the Taishang’men Taoism has been loved and accepted by the vast number of Indonesian Chinese, and gradually developed into an organized and widely spread Taoism group in Indonesia. The development of Taishang’men Taoism is so rapid, its reason cannot be separated from the charm of its ideological content, which can make people feel the sense of the times of its thought and the sense of transcendence of its thought. It can meet the needs of modern people for physical and mental health, at the same time, it has an endless depth of thought, which meets the needs of the curious pursuers and researchers of the mystery of life. In addition, its thoughts are closely related to the traditional Chinese Taoism, especially the Tao Te Ching and the Confucian ideas. Mr. Li Shanghu can inherit and transform the Chinese traditional Confucianism and Taoism according to the time and place, so that the Taishang’men Taoism can be widely accepted by the Chinese in Indonesia, undoubtedly has made a great contribution to the development of Chinese traditional thought and culture in Indonesia. In order to introduce Taishang’men Taoism in depth, this paper mainly uses the methods of literature analysis and field investigation as the main research methods, and discusses the educational purpose of Taishang’men Taoism (preaching the right Way, banish all blind faith and enlightenment), basic doctrines (such as emphasizing the truth/principle, rituals, and the divine arts), philosophy of life (such as pursuing indifference and tranquility), self-cultivation thoughts (such as pursuing the liberation of thoughts and mind, and the liberation of spirit level)and so on. The research shows that Taishang’men Taoism has its unique contents, and many thoughts inherit the traditional Chinese Confucianism and Taoism, especially the thought of Laozi.

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