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      • Yeats 드라마에 있어서의 假面과 神話 : 日本의 Noh(能)의 영향을 中心으로 On Japanese Noh's Influence

        許鍾 慶熙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        Yeats is admired as a great poet rather than a great dramatist. Even some of the early critics questioned Yeats's dramatic skill and scold him for a lack of consuming interest in character study and detailed plot development. But Yeats was no less a a dramatist for refusing to follow theatre tradition as it had been handed on him. Yeats wished to create a new and different dramatic form with which to project a radically different world-view. Yeats's drama reflects a recurrent effort to stage the deeps of the mind. To form a new drama, from 1904 to 1939, with his ideas of love, eternal life, and historical time Yeats borrowed some spirits and technique from the Japanese Noh Plays. Under the Japanese Noh Plays influence, Yeats began to develop a new dramatic form to put a new vision of the world. Yeats employs cultural phenomena for drama. Cultural authority was invoked through the use of subject matter derived from Irish material, legend, heroic myth, and folklore. To develop his ideas with Irish myths, legend, and folklore in drama he uses masks, dance and musical elements as in the Japanese Noh Play. Especially his use of masks, dance, and chorus represent his unique development of new dramatic world through Noh. But Yeats's discovery of Noh does not stimulate him to a radical departure from an old conception of drama. It enables him to cystallize ideas articulated in his theoretical pronouncements on theatre in the 1890s. Yeats drew his new ideas about drama from several sources: from Irish myths, Greek tragedy, Christian mythology, folklore, his imagination, and Noh. In keeping with the general development of Yeats's dramatic form, his serveral mythic dramas depend as much on musical or rhythmic composition as it does on esoteric philosophy and symbolic character relationships. Yet his plays for dancers-At the Hawk's Well, The Only Jealousy of Emer, The Dreaming of the Bones, Calvary-owe something to the influence of the Japanese Noh Plays, especially and basically with the use of masks, but the combination and weighting of theatrical elements Yeats employs is certainly unique and original.

      • KCI등재

        반민특위 황해·제주도 조사부의 조직과 활동

        허종 한국근현대사학회 2016 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.78 No.-

        The Hwanghae and Jeju-do Branch of the Special Investigation Committee of Anti-national Activities[HJBSIC] was established to punish the pro-Japanese group activists who were from or active in two provinces. Majority of the department were qualified as the subject of punishing the pro-Japanese group, but some were not. HJBSIC treated intensively the police force who persecuted independence movement, secret agents and government officials who cooperated actively with Japanese invasion war. It however made the least progress of provincial investigation departments due to the narrow activity area compared to other provincial investigation departments and the political and geographical characteristics of the region in charge. The pro-Japanese suspects whom the HJBSIC treated were given exemption rather than punished. It was because the special committee for anti-nation activities judged their activity not to be spontaneous but passive, and most of all, the case was treated when the activity of the special committee was actually closed and social atmosphere to punishment of the pro-Japanese was weakened. They entered into various fields of society including politics, economy and press. 반민특위 황해·제주도 조사부는 일제강점기 황해도와 제주도 출신 또는 두 지역에서 활동했던 친일파를 처벌하기 위해 설치되었다. 조사부의 다수 구성원은 친일파 처벌의 주체로서 자격을 갖추었으나 부적합한 인물도 일부 있었다. 황해제주조사부는 독립운동을 탄압한 경찰과 밀정, 일제 침략전쟁에 적극 협력한 관공리 등을 집중 취급하였다. 그러나 다른 도 조사부에 비해 활동지역이 좁았고, 담당지역의 정치적, 지리적 특성 때문에 활동성과가 도조사부 가운데 가장 부진하였다. 황해제주조사부가 취급한 친일혐의자는 처벌되기보다는 면죄부가 부여되었다. 반민특위가 이들의 행위를 자발적이 아닌 피동적인 것으로 판단하였고, 무엇보다반민특위의 활동이 사실상 종료되고 친일파 처벌에 대한 사회 분위기가 약화되었던시기에 처리했기 때문이었다. 반민특위가 해체된 후 친일혐의자들은 정치, 경제, 언론등 사회각 분야에 진출하였으며, 이승만 정권기에 일어난한국현대사의비극과각종 부정부패사건의 중심에 있었다.

      • 유무선 기반 홈 네트워크의 관리 및 모니터링을 위한 툴 개발

        허종만(Jongman Heo),하재열(Jae Yeol Ha),김남훈(Namhoon Kim),이감록(Kamrok Lee),최해술(Haesool Choi),정범진(Bum-jin Jung),권욱현(Wook Hyun Kwon) 대한전자공학회 2007 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2007 No.7

        최근 홈 네트워크 환경에서는 이더넷, 전력선 등의 유선 매체와 함께 IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.4 등의 무선 매체 등이 함께 사용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 유무선 통합 홈 네트워크 환경에서 제어 및 감시 네트워크를 관리하고 모니터링하기 위한 S/W 기능 및 설계에 대해 제안한다. 전체 시스템은 전력선 기반의 네트워크에서 IEEE 802.15.4 및 RF 무선 네트워크 시스템이 통합되어 이루어지며, 로컬 및 원격 네트워크 환경에서 접근하기 위한 방법 또한 제안한다.

      • 韓國 野生風蘭의 自生狀況과 園藝植物化를 위한 硏究

        許鍾 釜山敎育大學 1972 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.8 No.1

        The aim of this study is to find out ways of cultivating the Korea wild neofinetia as one of the garden pants, which has been regarded as one of the most difficult things, by locating its natural-growing place, by studying its organic condition, and by experimentally studying the methods of its cultivation and care, 1. The natural-growing place of the Korea wild neofinetia is limited to Jeju Island and the islands of the south coast of Korea. 2. The Kind of the neofinetia growing in Korea is only "neofinetia falcata Hu" which is one of the 12 sub genuses Known in the world. 3. The neofinetia grows wild on the trunk of a dead tree or on a rock. 4. When planting, it is most desirable that every condition should be as near as possible to that of the natural-growing place of the neofinetia. 1) It should be planted on a dead tree, on a rock, or in a flowerpot, using moss as its material. 2) Its root being an aerial root, the ventilation of air is most important 3) During the winter, it must be kept under the condition of low temperature and high humidity. 4) The place facing south or east is the most ideal place as the planting place of neofinetia. 5. The writer has reached a coclusion of the experiment that if we pay attention to the above mentioned facts, we can get a gardening neofinetia from a wild neofinetia.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 현대 비극 속의 휴머니즘 : Death of a Salesman의 비전 Vision of Death of a Salesman

        許鐘 경희대학교 부설 비교문화연구소 2001 외대어문논총 Vol.- No.10

        Arthur Miller believes that themes and subjects of the modem tragedies should be concerned about common man's mutual relationship between human will and environmental elements. In his play, Death of Salesman, he tried to show his tragic characters involved in social power, individual value, judgement, loss of human dignity, etc.. And also he treated cruelty of human being, "element of sin" rooted deep within common man. In Death a Salesman Miller presents a fairly full context for the suicide, but he cannot show his hero attaining any profound understanding of his end. Loman's father made flutes and sold them himself throughout the states in the self-made businessman's manner. It is an image of peddler and pioneer. Willy Loman's brother Ben is the man self-made outside America. He also is a symbol of the pioneer, And the two sons penetrate some of the father's illusions. Loman shows phony dream about his sons. Once Loman's energy is drained by his society he is thrown aside, in this case casually sacked by the son of the man (Howard) who has been his boss for thirty-four years. Loman's exhaustion is the tiredness of empty buoyancy, of feeling 'kind of temporary' about himself. Lost honour and comradeship permeate Arthur Miller's work. His characters live on a vision they cannot make work. Miller pointed out that with love, responsibility to others and self-esteem we can overcome the absurdity of modem society. In this play he shows that this drama is not for social criticism nor individual psychological drama but for the victory of human dignity through self sacrifice where all human beings should live on.

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