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      • KCI등재후보

        만경강 유역 수질 및 저질토의 중금속 함량에 관한 조사연구

        소진탁,이종섭,유일수,유은주,김환홍 ( C T Soh,J S Lee,I S Yoo,E J Yoo,H H Kim ) 한국하천호수학회 1991 생태와 환경 Vol.24 No.2

        Thecontents of heavy metals in water and sediment along Mangyung River was carried out from October 1989 to September 1990. The pollution levels of metals such as Cd, Pb, Cu, Mn and Zn were remarkably indicated high values at site (B). The results obtained are as follows; 1) In water, concentration of Cd, Pb, Cu, Mn and Zn are respectively N.D-15.39 ppb, N.D-21.07 ppb, N.D-28.48 ppb, N.D-152.40 ppb and N.D -86.37 ppb. 2) In sediment, concentration of Cd, Pb, Cu, Mn and Zn are respectively 0.11∼2.27 ppm, 5.48∼64.52 ppm, 4.48∼125.54 ppm, 176.58∼452.83 ppm and 24.18∼422.73 ppm.

      • KCI등재

        만경강유역 저질토 및 패류의 중금속 함량 조사

        유일수,유은주,이종섭,박현,소진탁,Yoo, I.S,Yoo, E.J,Lee, J.S.,Park, H.,Soh, C.T. 한국패류학회 1989 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.5 No.1

        Heaty metals in mollusks and in sedimints collected from five stations along Mangyong river area in Jeonra Bug Do were examined during 1988 through 1989. Concentration of heavy metals in Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata and Anodonta woodiana were highly correlated with that in sediments, And concentration of heavy metals in both of millusks and sediments from industrialized area was higher than the other stations. Above results suggested that Mangyong river was polluted with heavy metals and heavy metals were accumulated in molluscan soft bodies.

      • Prevalences of Clonorchiasis and Metagonimiasis along Rivers in Jeonra-Nam-Do, Korea


        전라남도 영산강 및 섬진강유역 주민의 간디스토마와 요꼬가와흡충 감염율의 조사 및 이들 패류매개성 기생충의 제1, 제2 중간숙주를 조사한 바 그 성적을 요약하면 다음과 같다(조사기간: 1975년 8,9월, 1976년 7,8월). 영산강 유역 영산강을 상류(YU), 중류(YM), 하류(YD)로 삼분하여 10개 표본지역을 선정, 조사하였다(표 1 참조). 상류는 광산군 송정읍의 상부지역으로 장성군과 담양군이 이에 해당되며 중류는 송정읍과 나주군 영산포읍 사이의 지역으로 광산군 일부와 나주군이 이에 해당되며 하류는 영산포읍이하의 나주군 일부와 함평군이 이에 해당된다. 1. 주민의 감열율 : 상류 3개지역, 중류 1개지역 그리고 하류 2개지역 등 6개지역 주민 359명을 대상으로 조사하였다. 상류지역의 간디스토마 감염율은 29.9%(69/231), 중류 38.5%(20/52), 하류 21.1%(16/76)이었다. 전체적으로는 29.2%(105/359)의 감염율을 나타내었으며 남자는 39.3%(79/201), 여자 15.4%(21/136)로 전자가 2.5배 이상의 감염상을 보였다. 2. 제 1 중간숙주 : 간디스토마의 제 1 중간숙주인 왜우렁(Parafossarulus manchouricus)의 조사는 상류 2개지역, 중류 4개지역, 하류 1개지역등 7개지역에서 채집한 980개를 검사하였으며 그 중 11개(1.1%)에서 간디스토마셀카리아를 검출하였다. 지역별로는 상류 1.8%(6/333), 중류 0.9%(5/553)가 양성이었으나 하류지역의 94개에서는 모두 음성이었다. 요꼬가와흡충의 제 1 중간숙주인 다슬기(Semisulcospira libertina)를 상, 중, 하류의 각 1개지역씩 3개지역에서 모두 179개를 채집하여 검사하였으나. 요꼬가와흡충 또는 페디스토마의 셀카리아는 검출할 수 없었다. 3. 제 2 중간숙주 : 전지역에서 9종의 담수어 263마리를 포획하여 검사한바 간디스토마메타셀카리아의 양성율은 참붕어에서 62.9%(22/35), 피리 5.7%(3/53), 납지리류 21.9%(7/32), 돌고기 17.6%(3/17), 그리고 끄리에서 14.3%(1/7)이었으나 붕어, 모래무지, 버들붕어 및 꺽지 등에서는 검출할 수 없었다. 요꼬가와흡충의 제2중간숙주인 은어는 채집 또는 포획할 수 없었다. 섬진강유역 전라남도 관내의 섬진강을 상, 중, 하류로 구분하여 각 유역별로 2개지역씩 선정, 6개지역에서 조사하였다(표 1 참조). Soh, C.T. et al. 표 1. 영산강 및 섬진강 유역 조사대상 지역 =================================================================================== 영산강 유역 ∥ 섬진강 유역 ------------------------------------------∥--------------------------------------- 지 역 *조사내용 ∥ 지 역 *조사내용 ------------------------------------------∥--------------------------------------- 상류 1. 장성군 황룡면 황룡리 P. 1.2. ∥상류 1. 곡성군 곡성면 동산리 P. 1. 2. 담양군 봉산면 삼지리 P. 1.2. ∥ 2. 곡성군 곡성면 석곡리 P. 1.2. 3. 담양군 금성면 금월리 P. ∥ 중류 1. 나주군 영산포읍 1. ∥중류 1. 구례군 구례읍 신월리 P. 1.2. 2. 나주군 산포면 산제리 1.2. ∥ 2. 곡성군 곡성면 압록리 2. 3. 나주군 남평면 남평리 1.2. ∥ 4. 광산군 동곡면 복용리 P. 1.2. ∥ 하류 1. 함평군 엄다면 학교리 P. 1.2. ∥하류 1. 광양군 다압면 신원리 2. 2. 나주군 다시면 신풍리 P. ∥ 2. 광양군 다압면 고사리 P. 1.2. 3. 나주군 문평면 용문리 2. ∥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *(주) P: 주민 감염율조사. 1: 제1 중간숙주조사. 2: 제2 중간 숙주조사. 상류는 전라북도와 전라남도의 경계선 이하에서 곡성군 곡성읍 상부와 섬진강의 지류인 보성강유역이 해당되며 중류지역은 섬진강과 보성강이 합류되는 곳에서부터 광양군 다압면의 상류지역으로 곡성군 일부와 구례군이 이에 해당되며 하류는 다압면이하로 광양군이 해당된다. 1. 주민의 감염율 : 상류 2개지역, 중하류 각 1개지역 등 4개지역에서 296명을 대상으로 조사하였던바 전체적으로 간디스토마 충란양성자는 21명(7.1%)인데 비해 요꼬가와흡충충란 양성자는 123명(41.6%)이었으며 지역별 간디스토마의 감염율은 상류 5.6%(7/124), 중류 7.4%(6/81), 하류 8.8%(8/91)이었으며 요꼬가와흡충은 상류29.0%(36/124), 중류 58.0%(47/81), 하류 44.0%(40/91)이었다. 요꼬가와흡충충란양성자의 경우 남자는 55.5%(81/146)로 여자의 28.0%(42/150)보다 약 2배 가량 높은 감염율을 보였다. 요꼬가와흡충충란은 전 연령층에서 검출되었으나 간디스토마는 19세이하에서는 검출되지 않았다. 한편 두 흡충의 혼합감염율은 5.7%(17/296)이었다. 2. 제 1 중간숙주 : 왜우렁은 중류지방에서만 채집되었으나 간디스토마셀카리아를 검출치 못하였고 다슬기는 모두 663개를 채집하여 검사한바 62개(9.4%)에서 요꼬가와흡충셀카리아를 검출하였다. 이를 지역별로 보면 상류 9.2%(39/427), 중류 4.8%(3/62), 하류 11.5%(20/174)의 양성율을 보였다. 3. 제 2 중간숙주 : 전지역에서 10종의 담수어 175마리를 포획하여 검사하였으나 간디스토마메타셀카리아는 검출치 못 하였다. 그러나 그중 은어에서는 35마리 전부에서 요꼬가와흡충메타셀카리아를 검출하였다. 이상의 성적으로 보아 영산강유역은 간디스토마의 만연지역이나 요꼬가와흡충의 만연은 볼 수 없었다. 그러나 섬진강유역은 요꼬가와흡충 및 간디스토마의 만연지역이라고 볼 수 있으나 이 지역의 간디스토마감염이 토착성인지는 더 추구되어야 할 과제라고 본다.

      • 集團驅蟲에 依한 蛔蟲十二指 腸蟲(구충) 撲滅에 關한 野外實驗(第二報) : 冬節을 利用한 구충의 集團驅蟲效果 Followup studies for years after the treatment of hookworm in winter season

        蘇鎭琸,李在興,李俊英,金和濬,千炯福 최신의학사 1969 最新醫學 Vol.12 No.10

        Mass treatment of hookworm infection was practised during winter season, (February and December, 1967) in the lie-village, Palbong, Chollapukdo, Korea. The followings are the supplementary results after followup studies since the previous report in 1968.: 1. Total 36 hookworm infected cases out of 291 examined (inhabitants 362) were treated by repeated administration of anthelminthics, and complete egg negative were fulfiled on December, 1967. 2. In August of 1968, 205 people including the former 36 positives were examined for hookworm :infection. Among them, two were positive; one was new case and another one was the reinfected case. A Both of those were treated with appropriate anthelminthics. 3. In March of 1969, stool examination was done with the number of 197 people including all former Cases. One out of three positives was the reinfected case. It was suggested that the mass-treatment of hookworm infection during cold months might be effective !;to eliminate the parasite from. one community, but full cooperation of the villagers would be needed to ach complete success.

      • 集團驅蟲에 依한 蛔蟲, 十二指腸蟲(鉤蟲)의 撲滅에 關한 野外實驗(第一報) : (附) 메탄까스 發生用 糞尿탱크內 蛔蟲卵·鉤蟲卵 抵抗力 實驗 Addendum:Resistance of Ascaris and Hookworm Eggs in Methane Gas Producing Tank

        蘇鎭琸,盧全熙,崔吉俊,嚴英燮,李在興 최신의학사 1968 最新醫學 Vol.11 No.3

        The authors examined the prevalence of ascaris and hookworm infection in rural villages: Ije and Yongyon, albong-myun, Iksan - gun,Chollapukdo, Korea. The positive cases treated with appropriate anthelmintics iperazine adipate and Bephenium hydroxynaphthoate etc.). Additionally, the resistance of ascaris and hook- eggs in. methane gas producing tanks which were provided in I je-village were examined. The first year U are summarized as follows: The incidence of ascaris in Ije-village was 63.0% (184 out of 291 examined) before treatment and 70.5% titer 10 months, but the worm burden (E.P.G./gm feces) was 26,731 before treatment in average and 6,018 n' months later. -Yongyon, the incidence and worm burden in the same period changed from 77.1% (108 out of 140 exined) to 63.0% an& 22,091/E.P.G. to 4,709/E.P.G. Incidence of hookworm before treatment was 36(12.4%)out of 291 examined in Ije village, and 29(20.7/) t of. 140 examined 'in Yongyon village. After the treatment, the positives were only two in both villages pectively. On the third examination after the second treatment, the remaining two positives became gative. More than 15 % of ascaris eggs in methane gas producing tanks surived after 5 weeks during summer seasen, and hookworm eggs survived for 12 days which were the terminal date in the study.

      • KCI등재

        만경강유역 토양 및 농작물의 중금속 함량에 관한 調査硏究

        유일수,이종섭,소진탁 대한보건협회 1992 대한보건연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Heavy metals in soils and agricultural products along Mangyeong-gang were examined with atomic absorption spetrophotometer during from October 1989 through Semptember 1991. Sampling stations were SamKi-Ri, Korangdong, Haejon-Ri, O-Jon-Ri, Daejang-Ri, Toksil-Ri. Yookang-Ri, Kongduk-Ri and O-bong-Ri from up-stream to the estuary. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Soils-Heavy metals in Samki-Ri were(mg/Kg): Pb 2.961, Cd 0.124, Cu 23.62 and Zn 27.321, where as Pb 49.114, Cd 0.517, Zn 135.957 Cu 46.175 in Korang-dong which adjacents to Jeonju industrial plant. The former showed the lowest, and the highest in the latter among the sampling stations. 2. Rice-Heavy metal contents in rice correlated with the soil contamination; Pb 0.123 and Cd 0.031 in Samki-Ri, while Pb 0.941 and Cd 0.238 in Korang-Dong. 3. Vegetables-Heavy metals in vegetables also showed similar correlation: Pb 0.149 and Cd 0.041 in raddich from Samki Ri, but Pb 1.943 and Cd 0.251 from Korang-dong. The overall result indicate that heavy metal contents in agricultural products are correlated with the contaminction of soil in correspanding sampling station

      • 數種化學製劑에 依한 農村糞尿分離式便所內의 蛔蟲卵 살란效果

        盧庸熙,金鍾煥,蘇鎭琸 최신의학사 1968 最新醫學 Vol.11 No.4

        Authors carried out an examination of the ovicidal effect of sodium nitrite(NaNO2), thiabendazole and alcium cyanide(CaCN2) against ascaris eggs in nightsoil at rural village. The combination of sodium nitrite (0.1%) and calcium superphosphate (6%) in feces effected 91.8^-100 per cent of destruction of ascaris eggs in the nightsoil tank. Thiabendazole destroyed the ascaris eggs 94.395.1 per cent at the terminal concentration of 0.01 per cent in nightsoil tank. 3. Calcium cyanide(CaCN2) did not destroy the ascaris eggs in nightsoil at the applicable concentration of 0.3 per. cent.

      • 2-Dehydroemetine hydrochloride(Ro 1-9334)에 依한 肺吸蟲症 臨床治療 成績

        임영찬,柳浩濬,金應瑞,金元一,李炫,朴柄宰,蘇鎭卓 中央醫學社 1964 中央醫學 Vol.6 No.2

        44 cases of paragonimiasis were admitted in 121 Army Hospital for the clinical trial with the drug, dehydroemetine hydrochloride. Dehydroenietine hydrochloride was administered to 19 cases with the doses of 1 mg/kg of body weight/day for 10 days, and second course of 13 day administration was followed after 12 day rest. The remain of cases were applied as control group for emetine-HCI, astiban, and 5% glucose solution. The result of the trial are summarized as follows; 1) 15 out of 19 cases showed decrease of E.P.D. (egg per day) after the second course. 3 converted. to egg negative and 5 showed complete disappearance of blood sputum. 2) Three cases showed radiological improvement in X-ray picture. 3) Blood pressure, red cell sedimentation rate, and white blood cell count became worse at the beginning of the administration of the drug in several cases with short duration, then continued to be with in the normal range of their values until after the second course. 4) Electrocardiographic changes were very slight in several cases, but recovered to normal in 1-'2 weeks after the administration of the second course. 5) Systemic side effects were practically absent. 6) No improvement of symptoms was observed in 2 cases administered with astiban, 3 cases with emetine-HCI, and 20 cases with 5% glucose as control.

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