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      • 日帝 統監府의 統治組織에 關한 硏究

        申相俊 韓社大學 1977 대학논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        As to how the Japanese Resident-General Office from 1905 to 1919 was being organized during the reign of the Daehan Empire is the writer's concern in this paper. (1) As the result of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce of 1876, the doors of the Chosun Dynasty was open for the commercial goods from Japan and moreover it resulted in letting the foreign advisors, mostly Japanese, to the significant posts of the Chosun Dynasty Government. The advisors were to interfere in matters of the Chosun Dynasty Government rather than being a good help to the Government. Their interferences were continued until when the Convention between Korea and Japan of July 24, 1907 (the so-called Jeongmi Seven Point Treaty) which it was set forth that all important legislative and executive measures of the Daehan were subject to the approval of the Japanese Resident-General, and that Japanese were to be appointed all responsible posts including Vice Ministers in the Daehan Empire Government. Upon the conclusion of the Convention between Korea and Japan (the so-called Eulsa Five Point Treaty of Protectorate) of Nov.17, 1905, they were placed under the supervision of the Japanese Resident-General, which robbed the diplomatic rights of the Daehan Empire and allowed a Japanese Resident-General to be stationed in Hansung (now Seoul). By the execution of the Convention of July 24, 1907, thereafter, they had become dissolved. (2) According to the Convention of Nov. 17, 1905, Japanese government issued an Imperial Ordinance No. 267 on December 20, 1905, and established the Japanese Resident-General Office in Hansung. The Resident-General directly subordinated to the Emperor of Japan had a considerably powerful authority concerning the matters of foreign affairs as well as of the administrative and military affairs of the Daehan Empire. His power became strengthened further as the Convention of July 24, 1907. According to the Ordinance, under the Resident-General were organized the Department of General Affairs, the Department of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry, and the Department of Police. In accordance with the amendment of the Ordinance of the Resident-General Office of March, 1907, the Department of Foreign Affairs was also created. In September, 1907, the Ordinance was so reamended that the Resident-General Office was to be constituted of the Secretariat, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Audit and Inspection, and the Department of Local Affairs. These were subordinated to the Secretary of General Affairs being under the supervision of the Deputy Resident-General. In order to replace the Daehan Empire Government counterparts and strengthen the Japanese ground, as the independent agencies subordinated to the Resident-General Office, the following offices were set up; the Administration of Justice, the Court, the Prison, the General Headquarters of Police, the Railway Office, the Communication Office, the Forestry Office, the Patent Office, the Army and Navy Attache, the Middle School and the School Association. (3) In addition to the above mentioned agencies, the Headquarters of Military Forces in Korea and the Headquarters of the Military Police Forces in Korea were established in order to safeguard the Resident-General Office system as well as to make a military base for the domination of China. (4) Then the annexation of Korea to Japan of 1910 was naturally the result of these chains of measures taken. Upon the annexation of August, 1910, transfered were the functions of the Resident-General Office to the Chosun Governor-General Office under the Japanese colonial rule 1910 to 1945. (5) The Resident-General Office played, as pre-planned secretly by the Japanese, the role of strong tool in stripping the government rights of the Daehan Empire and in grabbing in return the power stealthily in order to lay to ground work for the Chosun Governor-General rule. Accordingly, the Resident-General Office could had hardly become the quasi-military type and typically defense-structured organization system comprising of over 9,000 officials, and the highly bureaucratized system to make possible to control over all the matters of the Daehan Empire.

      • 福社行政의 歷史的 展開過程

        신상준 세계평화교수협의회 1979 아카데미論叢 Vol.7 No.1

        社會構造機能의 다양화로 인한 政府機能의 分化(differentiation) 내지 專門化 (specialization)와 專門職(Professions)의 政府 내지 社會構造 속에서의 比重增大는 國民의 福祉需要를 증대시키고 또 政府의 福祉機能擴大에 큰 영향을 주고 있다. 公共福祉 「서비스」의 創制는 많은 專門職人(professionals)과 專門分野의 技能人을 필요로 하게 되고 이들은 각기 자기 분야의 專門職性을 강조하면서 자기 전문지식의 확대를 招來시킬 뿐만 아니라 國民에게 그들 자신이 속하고 있는 專門職的 「서비스」 需要를 확장시켜 政府構造 속에서의 福祉行政機能을 강화시키는 결과를 가져 오고 있다. The influence of the order-disorder structural transition on the magnetic and the magneto-optical properties of Co-rich β-phase Co-Al alloy films has been investigated. The disordered state in these alloy films was prepared by vapor quenching deposition on glass substrates cooled by liquid nitrogen. The experimental study of the magneto-optical properties of the ordered and the disordered Co_(0.62)Al_(0.38) alloy films was carried out in 1.05-5.0 eV energy range at room temperature. The influence of the order-disorder structural transition on the magnetic and the magneto-optical properties is discussed by using the structural-defect approach.

      • KCI우수등재

        공공갈등에서 시민참여의 변화: 수도권매립지 사례에 대한 근거이론의 적용

        신상준,이숙종 한국행정학회 2017 韓國行政學報 Vol.51 No.3

        이 논문은 수도권매립지의 정책결정과정에서 발생한 공공갈등 과정에서 정부정책에 반대하는 시민들의 참여 변화를 분석하였다. 시민참여의 변화는 일정한 시기를 두고 다양한 요인에 의해 역동적으로 변화하기 때문에 실증적으로 분석하는 데에는 한계가 있고, 기존 연구모형을 원용하여 분석하기에도 적절치 않아 근거이론을 적용하였다. 분석결과, 수도권매립지에 관한 갈등사례에서 시민참여는 ‘정부정책에 대항하지만 반대운동 세력이 미약하여 참여가 변화되는 특징’이 있음을 발견하였다. 정책결정은 권력이 강한 개인 혹은 집단의 의지가 반영되는데, 수도권매립지에 관한 정책결정은 민간 이해관계자들의 힘이 약하여 정부정책에 영향을 주지 못한 특징을 보였다. 한편, 이들은 서로 신뢰하는 수준이 낮았고 수도권매립지로 인한 보상제도에 문제가 있어 민민갈등이 발생하고 있었기 때문에 반대운동을 위한 광범위한 조직화를 이뤄내지 못하였다. 이러한 분석 결과를 통해서 본 연구는 공공갈등 구도에서 행위자들의 권력차이가 갈등 관계에 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가설을 제공하였다. 그리고 갈등관리에 필요한 절차적 정의를 갖추기 위해서 제도적으로 민간 이해관계자들에게 권한을 부여하는 시스템을 마련할 필요성을 제안하였다. This paper analyzes how citizens who are opposing government policies in installing public facilities have changed their participation as the public-private conflicts have proceeded over the years. Our case is the Seoul Metropolitan Landfill Site conflict where multiple governments and private actors have engaged. This study applied grounded theory to analyze citizen participation changes in public conflict to capture the fluid and dynamic nature of multiple actors’ interactions. Citizen participation in this case is found to have changed due to the weakness of the opposition movement against government positions. Policy decision reflects the willpower of individuals or groups, and in this landfill site conflict private stakeholders were too weak to consolidate their opinions and make an impact on their government counterparts. There was no widespread organizational cooperation among the private actors, and their relations became confrontational on some issues. Low trust and government compensation weakened the united front of citizens towards the government. On the basis of these findings, this study proposes a hypothesis that the actors' power differences in public conflicts will significantly affect the relations among the actors, and, as in this and in most cases, government has more power and will to implement policies. To correct this asymmetrical power relation, we propose a system empowering private stakeholders and fulfilling procedural justice to better manage public conflicts.

      • KCI등재

        ‘양심의 자유’에 관한 헌법재판소 결정의 비판론적 검토

        신상준,이상경 서울시립대학교 서울시립대학교 법학연구소 2017 서울법학 Vol.24 No.4

        This article aims at the critical examination on the decisions of the Korean Constitutional Court with respect to the inconsistent interpretation of the application of the freedom of conscience. The freedom of conscience has necessarily political traits, for the freedom of conscience occurs on the conflicting point between the majority conscience and that of minority. Hence, it would be better off considering the freedom of conscience as being political and the irregular interpretation may derive from that political traits. Nonetheless, the function of the constitutional review is to protect the constitution, drawing the political reality and life into the inner boundary and orbit of the constitutional norms so that the constitutional fulfills the purpose of the soothing the harshness of political reality and the constitutional norms (Verwirklichung der Verfassung). If the constitutional decisions brings about the inconsistency, the people will not rely on the constitutional court’s decisions, which will cause the negative impact on the norm-forming or normalization of the political daily life (Normatisierung des politischen Lebens). Especially, the most contradictory and inconsistent aspects of freedom of conscience fall on the conscientious objection of military service. The inconsistency of the interpretation of the freedom of conscience mainly can be noticed on the conscientious objection cases. Therefore, it is proper time to re-examine of the freedom of conscience with the new perspectives. 양심의 자유에 관한 헌법재판소의 결정들은 양심의 개념, 보호범위 설정, 기본권 경합의 처리, 비례의 원칙 혹은 과잉금지원칙 적용 등에서 헌법의 일반원칙 뿐 아니라 헌법재판소 스스로의 선례와도 배치되는 부분이 있다. 이는 양심이 자유가 본질적으로 정치적 성격에 기인하는데서 원인을 찾을 수도 있을 것이다. 왜냐하면 양심의 자유는 법질서를 통해 강제되는 다수의 양심과 이에 배치되는 소수의 양심이 충돌하는 지점에서 주로 문제되기 때문이다. 따라서 양심의 자유에 관한 헌법재판소 결정이 다양한 스펙트럼에서 해석될 여지가 있는 것은 헌법의 정치규범성에 그 연원이 있다고 선해할 수도 있다. 하지만 자유민주국가에서 헌법재판의 본래적 기능은 정치생활을 헌법의 규범적 테두리 속으로 끌어들임으로써 정치를 순화시키고 헌법을 실현(Verwirklichung der Verfassung)함으로써 헌법을 보호하는데 있는 것이다. 따라서 헌법재판소 결정이 장기간 일관성을 유지하지 못한다면 헌법재판에 대한 신뢰 저하는 물론 정치생활의 규범화(Normatisierung des politischen Lebens)에도 커다란 타격을 줄 것이다. 양심의 자유에 관한 헌법재판소의 결정 중 가장 논쟁적인 결정은 양심적 병역거부에 관한 것이다. 헌법재판소 결정의 부정합성도 대부분 양심적 병역거부 사건에서 발생한다. 남북이 대치하고 있는 우리나라의 특유한 안보상황과 국민개병제 하에서 국민들의 평등주의적 병역의무 이행요구를 무시할 수는 없다. 따라서 우리의 특수한 안보상황 하에서 양심적 병역거부의 문제를 해결할 수 있는 방안을 모색하는 것이 바람직하다. 양심의 자유에 대해 새로운 시각에서 새롭게 접근해야할 필요가 여기에 있는 것이다.

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