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      • 頭部外傷患者의 心電圖에 關한 臨床的 硏究

        池善豪 우석대학교 의과대학 1967 우석의대잡지 Vol.4 No.1

        To investigate influences of head injury on the cardiovascular function, the electrocardiograms were examined in a total of 70 cases of head injury without pre-existing cardiovascular disorders. In 60 of 70 cases, the electrocardiograms were examined either before or after the craniotomy, and in the remaining cases, both before and after the craniotomy. The results were as follows: 1) The incidence of abnormal electrocardiogram in head injury was 45% of the cases. Among the abnormal electrocardiograms, nonspecific T change and arrhythmia were the most frequent findings. 2) The electrocardiograms before the craniotomy showed higher incidence of abnormal electrocardiograms than that after the crantiotomy, and nonspecific T change was the most frequent abnormal finding before the craniotomy, while arrhythmia after the craniotomy. 3) The incidence of abnormal electrocardiograms was higher in cases with serious or deeply seated lesions of the brain, and in expired cases.

      • 視床下部剌戟이 性行動에 미치는 影響

        池善豪 고려대학교 의과대학 1972 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.9 No.1

        The effect of testosterone on hypothalamic structure was studied to elicit sexual behavior in male rabbits. The method used was the stereotaxic implantation of small quantities of crystalline testosterone propionate in preoptic area of the hypothalamus. The results were as follows; 1) Normal rabbits following testosterone implantation displayed sexual behavior in higher percentage than without implantation. 2) After testosterone implantation, castrate rabbits displayed sexual behavior in lower percentage than normal rabbits. 3) In some of castrate rabbits, testosterone implantation revealed sexual behavior without histological stimulation of the prostate. However, there was no such sexual effect with cholesterol of sodium bicarbonate implantation. Therefore, it is assumed that sexual behavior in the male rabbit is resulted from the direct action of the sex hormone on preoptic area of the hypothalamus.

      • 重症頭腦外傷의 結果 硏究

        池善豪 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1978 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.1 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to report the outcome in 100 patients operated on at the Ewha Womans University Hospital for severe head injuries as defined by the Glasgow Coma Scale. The diagnostic categories of all patients were epidural hematoma(30%), subdural hematoma(19%), intracerebral hematoma(4%), cerebral contusion(18%), subdural hygroma(7%), and epidural and subdural hematoma(22%). The overall outcome following severe head injuries was as follows: 68% made a good recovery or were moderately disabled, 10% were severely disabled or left vegetative, and 22% died. The outcome from severe head injuries seemed to become worse with advancing age or pupillary change. The value of the Coma Scale is evidenced from the fact that all of the patients who did poorly or died had 4 or less points and all of the patients who scored 5 points or better did well.

      • 韓國人의 脊椎-基底動脈의 動脈瘤

        池善豪 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1978 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.1 No.1

        This report is made to investigate the clinical trend and actual conditions of vertebrobasilar aneurysm surgery in Korea. The author reports a series of 4 surgical cases of vertebrobasilar aneurysm not located at the basilar bifurcation, one on the basilar origin of the superior cerebellar artery, two on the vertebral origin of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, and one on the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Included in this series are all the cases of vertebrobasilar aneurysm operated upon at the university hospitals, Seoul, Korea. Regardless of the clinical picture, an initial four-vessel angiographic study in all subarachnoid hemorrhages should be performed to visualize the posterior circulation and particularly both posterior inferior cerebellar arteries. It is the author's conviction that the microvascular anatomy of the posterior part of the circle of Willis is important in vertebrobasilar aneurysm surgery. The author realizes that vertebrobasilar aneurysm surgery is technically more demanding, since use of the operating microscope and familiarity with microsurgical techniques are essential in its execution.

      • 腦室-腹腔間 및 腦室-心房間 側路術의 比較硏究

        池善豪 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1978 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.21 No.-

        著者는 腦室-心房間 側路術과 腦室-腹腔間 側路術의 效果 및 그 合倂症을 比較 檢討하여 水頭症의 外科的 治療에 適用하고자 過去 4年間(1974∼1977) 梨花女子大學校 醫療院 附屬病院 神經外科에 入院되었던 水頭症患者 중 腦室-心房間 혹은 腦室-腹腔間 側路術을 遂行하였던 모든 患者를 對象으로 하여 側路術의 效果 및 그 合倂症을 分析하여 그 意義를 評價하였다. 對象患者 總 40例에 대하여 總 49回의 側路術이 施行된 바, 그 診斷範圍는 閉鎖性 水頭症이 24例(60%)였고, 水頭症의 原因은 頭蓋腔內 腫瘍(40%)이 가장 많았다. (1) 側路術前後의 患者의 狀態를 比較한 바 腦室-心房間 側路術의 效果가 휠씬 優秀하였다. (2) 患者의 死亡率은 腦室-腹腔間側路術이 施行된 患者에서 더욱 높았다. (3) 患者는 腦室-心房 間側路術의 施行後 훨씬 早期에 退院이 可能하였다. (4) 合倂症發生率 및 感染發生率은 腦室-心房間 側路術이 施行된 患者에서 더욱 높았다. (5) 感染이 發生되었던 全例에서 Staphylococcus epidermidis가 原因菌으로 證明 되었다. 腦室-心房間 側路術은 腦室-腹腔間 側路術에 比하여 그 效果가 優秀數하였으나 合倂症 및 感染發生率이 높았다. The author reports an analysis of 40 patients in whom surgical treatment for hydro-cephalus was either a ventriculoperitoneal or ventriculoatrial shunt. A total of 49 shunting procedures were required to control the hydrocephalus in these patients. This report analyzes the experience at the Ewha Womans University Medical Center Hospital over the last 4 years with regard to the effectiveness and complications of these two placements. When the effectiveness of the ventriculoatrial versus the ventriculoperitoneal place-ment was compared, the patients with ventriculoatrial shunts had better postoperative conditions than the patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunts; however, the patients with ventriculoatrial shunts developed higher rate of complications, including infections, than did the patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunts.

      • 外傷性 後頭窩內合倂症의 診斷基準에 關한 硏究

        池善豪 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1977 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.19 No.-

        著者는 外傷에 인한 後頭窩內 合倂症의 臨床的 趨勢를 把握하고 그 診斷基準을 設定하고자 後頭下頭蓋切除術에 의하여 外傷性 後頭窩內合倂症이 確認된 모든 患者를 對象으로 臨床的 特徵을 綿密히 分析하고 그 意義를 評價하였다. (1) 後頭窩內合倂症은 硬膜上血腫(43%), 硬膜下血腫(25%), 硬膜下水囊腫(21%) 및 小腦血腫(11%)이었고 全例에서 後頭部에 局限된 頭皮血腫, 頭皮裂創 및 頭皮挫傷 등의 外傷의 證據를 보였다. (2) 後頭窩內合倂症은 患者의 年齡이 적을수록 發生率이 높았다. (3) 後頭窩內合倂症은 意識障碍(89%), 生徵候의 變化(54%) 및 局在徵候(25%)를 보였다. (4) 後頭窩內合倂症의 全例에서 後頭窩의 骨折이 있었고, 骨折의 樣相은 後頭骨의 半軸前後面像에서 骨折線의 位置와 方向에 따라 5가지 型(Fig. 1)으로 區分되었다. (5) 後頭窩內合倂症의 確認된 出血源은 橫靜脈洞(9例)과 連結靜脈(3例)이었다. (6) 後頭窩內合倂症의 後頭下頭蓋切除術에서 後頭窩內壓의 減少를 위하여 大後頭槽를 切開하였고 그 生存率은 82%였다. 後頭窩內合倂症의 共通所見은 後頭部外傷이 同伴된 後頭窩의 骨折과 意識障碍이며 이를 後頭窩內合倂症의 診斷基準으로 採擇하고자 한다. Traumatic complications located within the posterior fossa continue to escape detection for they are not readily demonstrated by the new diagnostic studies and all too often are not considered until found at autopsy. This study is made to stress the importance of recognition and operability for hemorrhages and fluid accumulations in the posterior fossa as a result of cranial injury. Included in the series are all the cases of clinically significant verified complications in the posterior fissa due to occipital trauma. The various posterior fossa lesions seen at the Ewha Womans University Hospital over a course of 3 years (1974~1976) include the following : (1) epidural hematoma(43%), (2)subdural hematoma(25%), (3)subdural hygroma(21%), and (4) cerebellar hematoma(11%). The diagnostic criteria for recognition of complications in the posterior fossa are as follows : there is evidence of local trauma, such as a scalp hematoma, laceration or contusion to the occiput severe enough to produce a fracture of the occipital bone which may cause unconsciousness.


        兩側 扁桃破壞가 미치는 影響에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        池善豪 대한신경외과학회 1975 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.4 No.2

        To investigate the functions of the amygdala in limbic system, changes in heart rate and body temperature resulting from electrical destructions of amygdala centralis and piriform cortex were observed in a total of 40 rats varying in weight from 180 to 250g with the use of stereotaxic apparatus (Reyniers and Sons). The results were as follows; 1) Bilateral destructions of amygdala centralis revealed a tendency to increased heart rate and decreased rectal temperature. 2) Bilateral destructions of piriform cortex revealed no changes in heart rate and rectal temperature. Therefore, it is assumed that cardiovascular and temperature responses are not significantly resulted from the electrical destructions of amygdala centralis and piriform cortex.

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