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      • KCI등재

        近衛篤麿와 北海道協會 : 明治期의 「귀족의 의무」와 개발

        Park Yang Shin(朴羊信) 일본사학회 2001 일본역사연구 Vol.14 No.-

        This article is to research the fact that Prince Konoe actively engaged himself in the development of Hokkaido as the president of Hokkaido Association, from the viewpoint of his recognition of Noblesse Oblige. Konoe thought that the noble who have property and honor must put their significance of their existence on the service for the nation and people. It was Hokkaido Association that was established by the suggestion of businessmen of Hokkaido who asked Prince Konoe to settle the depression of Hokkaido development through the help of the political force. Konoe heartily felt that Hokkaido can be the source of national wealth and that Hokkaido development is absolutely needed for the defence of the Northern area. Thus he eagerly supported the activities of the Association. The main activities of the Association consist of two. One activity is to provide the various convenience for the shifting from the main land. The other is a kind of the pressure force activity against the Parliament or government for the full equipment of the foundation facilities, especially the acceleration of construction of the railroad or harbor facilities. Konoe’s concern projected on Hokkaido Association was also applied to the international issues gradually. Later Doadobunkai and Chosun Association in which Konoe was engaged shared the common purpose to help the development of China and Korea. And the development was motivated by the economic improvement of Japanese and the defence of Japan.

      • KCI등재

        재한일본인 거류민단의 성립과 해체

        박양신(Park Yang-shin) 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2012 아시아문화연구 Vol.26 No.-

        이 논문은 1905년에 제정된 거류민단법에 의해 성립한 재한일본인 거류민단의 발전을 식민지 통치기반의 형성이라는 관점과 연결시켜 고찰하고 있다. 개항 이래 일본거류지는 행정사무를 처리하는 거류민역소와 의결기관인 거류민회를 갖춘 일종의 자치제로 운영되고 있었다. 그러나 청일전쟁 이후의 인구 증가와 그에 따른 공공사업 확대의 필요성은 거류지의 법인화 요구를 촉발시켰다. 이 요구는 이전부터 거류지에 대한 통일적인 규제 법규를 마련하기 위해 조사 중이던 일본정부 당국에 수용되어 마침내 1905년에 거류민단법으로 성립하였다. 일본 국내의 기초자치단체인 시정촌과 마찬가지로 공법인의 자격을 부여받은 재한일본인 거류민단의 성립은 거류민 자치의 발전인 동시에 거류지의 공공사업 확대로 이어졌다. 거류민에게 절실했던 학교의 증설, 병원, 도로의 신설 및 개수, 수도부설, 해안매립을 통한 거류지 확대 등 도시 인프라 정비를 통해 시가지를 조성해갔다. 이렇게 정비된 일본인 거류지는 일본의 한국병합으로 더 이상 존속할 근거를 상실하게 되었다. 거류민단측은 해체의 불가피성을 인정하면서도 일본인들만의 다른 형태의 자치제 유지를 요구하였다. 그러나 총독부 당국은 ‘일시동인’의 입장에서 이를 받아들이지 않고, 교육부문만을 학교조합으로 남긴채 거류민단을 신설되는 지방행정구역인 부(府)로 통합시켰다. 결국 거류민단 성립 이후 시가지 정비를 통해 도시적 발전을 보인 일본인 거류지는 일본의 식민지 통치의 한 기반으로 이어졌던 것이다. This thesis is to study the development of Japanese settlement corporation in colonial Korea based on its law enacted in 1905, in association with the formation of the basis of colonial rule. The increase of population after Sino-Japanese War and the subsequent necessity of expansion for public work urged the demand of incorporation of Japanese concession. This demand ended up establishing the law of Japanese settlement corporation in 1905 by the hand of Japanese authorities that had been researching to make the unified regulations. The formation of Japanese settlement corporation in colonial Korea led to the expansion of public work in the settlement as well as the development of the self-government. The settlement corporation built up a town with equipment of city infrastructure. Japanese concession didn’t hold the ground to continue to exist any more due to annexation of Korea. Japanese settlement corporation asked to keep another kind of corporation. But the Government-General didn’t accept their asking on the ground of ‘impartial treatment’. And the settlement corporation was incorporated into Bu, new local administrative district. In conclusion, since the formation of Japanese settlement corporation, Japanese concession had been developed through the maintenance and equipment of town and led to function as the basis of colonial rule.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 관료 경험과 식민정책론: 모치지 로쿠사부로(持地六三郞)를 중심으로

        박양신 ( Yang Shin Park ) 이화사학연구소 2014 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.48

        Mochiji Rokusaburo, an elite graduated from the Tokyo Imperial University, served as a senior official both in the Taiwan Government-General from 1900 to 1910 and in the Korean Government-General from 1912 to 1920. This paper is about the colonial recognition and the theory of colonial policy of Mochiji based on his experience of colonial officials. Mochiji attributed the purpose of colony to the economic benefit and derived the practical policies in the light of that purpose. He opposed the assimilation policy which focused on teaching ‘Japanese’ in Taiwan education, but rather laid stress on the acquisition of scientific knowledge and practical training. In addition, the civil engineering works in Korea were actively carried forward since they are very significant in constructing the infrastructure to generate economic benefits from the colony. Anti-assimilation, one of the main features of his theory of colonial policy, was extended to the principle of self-government, in the face of the Korean Independence Movement. Mochiji asserted that granting much more ideological freedom and some rights is required to Chosun people along with the strong suppression as a strategy dealing with Korean Independence Movement. Accordingly, he also insisted that self-government should be introduced with establishment of Choson-Congress as its central momentum. In this theoretical change of thee colonial policy were exerted the historical understanding about colony and prompt grasp of the world current tendency.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1920년대 후반 한ㆍ일 비사회주의 농민사상의 공명과 변주

        박양신(Park, Yang-shin) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2014 역사문화연구 Vol.51 No.-

        이 글은 1920년대 후반 한ㆍ일 양국에서 발간된 농민운동 잡지인 『조선농민』과 『노민(農民)』을 중심으로, 양국에서 보인 이들 비사회주의 계열의 농민운동사상의 공통점과 차이점에 대해 고찰한다. 『조선농민』은 천도교 계열의 조선농민사의 기관지이며, 『노민』은 농민문예운동을 전개한 농민문예회의 기관지로 창간된 잡지이다. 양자는 농본주의를 표방하고, 당시 농민운동의 주도적 위치를 차지한 사회주의 운동과는 다른 농민운동을 전개했다는 점에서 공통되고 있다. 특히 후자는 반마르크스주의를 강하게 표출하는 특징을 보였다. 농본주의에 입각한 양자는 농촌문제의 인식에 있어 농촌의 궁핍에서 그 원인을 찾는 것 뿐만 아니라, 근대자본주의에 대한 비판의 화살을 도시를 향해 겨누고 있었다는 점에서 서로 공명하고 있었다. 또한 그 농촌문제를 풀어가는 방식에서 계급투쟁보다는 자발적인 협동조합의 설립을 통한 농민자치를 지향하고 있었다는 점에서도 일정 정도 공통점을 보였다. 그러나 『조선농민』의 경우는 민족주의적 성향이 강한 반면, 일본의 경우는 잡지 동인들의 아나키즘적 성향을 반영하여 민족주의적 색채가 옅었다. 그에 따라 이들이 지향하는 최종목표인 '농민자치'에서도 전자는 국가의 틀 내에 머문 반면, 후자는 국가의 틀을 벗어나 세계로 확대해가는 이념적 지향을 보였다. This paper is to examine similarities and differences of non-socialist peasants movements in Korea and Japan, based on magazines, Chosun Peasants and Nomin published in the two countries of the late 1920s. Chosun Peasants is a bulletin of Chosun Peasants Organization in line with the Cheondogyo. Nomin is a bulletin of Peasants' Literary Association which develops the literary movement for peasants. Both the magazines advocate the peasants-centered thought and develop peasants movement different from the currently leading socialist peasants movement. They resonate in that the peasants' problem is attributed to the poverty of rural area and the arrows of the critique regarding the modern capitalism are aimed at cities. Another shared thought of the two magazines is that they try to find the solution of rural area's problem in the establishment of the voluntary cooperative society instead of the class struggle. But as for the differences, Chosun Peasants has strong nationalist tendencies while Nomin shows less strong color than that. Accordingly, from the perspective of peasant self-government as the final goal, the former stays in the framework of the country while the latter is out of the country and toward the world to expand the framework ideologically.

      • KCI등재후보

        19세기 말 일본인의 조선여행기에 나타난 조선상

        朴羊信(Park Yang-Shin) 역사학회 2003 역사학보 Vol.177 No.-

        This thesis is to research and show the clue of the 'imperialistic consciousness' leading to the formation of Japanese Imperialism. The research materials used here are the travelogues written and published by the Japanese around the age of the Sino-Japanese War(l894~95). From these is drawn the commonly represented Chosun image, which is analyzed in comparison with Japanese society. Chapter Ⅱ shows the outline of travelogues including the process by which the Japanese were able to travel the inland of Chosun and the entire conditions by which the travel was made possible, And then the main aspects of the Chosun image are listed. In sum, they are an unclean, idle and languid lot, with politics stricken with injustice and corruption and residing in the land where Japan dared to invader(Hideyoshi's Invasion of Korea in 1592) and showed its military majestic air in the past. The Chosun image is deeply based on the differentiation between peoples and the mission for civilization. It is this that is the significant factor of 'imperialistic consciousness.' Therefore, this is the Japanese view of Chosun corresponding to the age of Imperialism, which grew through the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 감성지능, 회복탄력성, 커뮤니케이션 유형이 스트레스 대처방식에 미치는 영향

        박양신(Yang-Shin Park),장성호(Seong-Ho Jang) 한국콘텐츠학회 2020 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.20 No.12

        본 연구는 대학생의 감성지능, 회복탄력성, 커뮤니케이션 유형이 스트레스 대처방식에 미치는 영향이 어떠한지를 밝혀내는데 목적이 있다. 대학생 303명에 대한 설문조사가 이루어졌으며 상관관계분석과 다변인 회귀분석을 실시하여 연구문제를 검증하였다. 분석결과 첫째, 감성지능이 높은 대학생일수록 처해진 스트레스 상황에서 문제중심적 대처방식, 사회적지지 추구 대처방식을 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 감성지능 중 감성 조절은 문제중심 대처방식과 사회적지지 추구 대처방식에, 감성활용은 정서완화 대처방식에 영향력이 가장 크게 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 회복탄력성이 높은 대학생일수록 처해진 스트레스 상황에서 문제중심적 대처방식, 사회적지지 추구 대처방식을 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 회복탄력성 요인 중 통제성은 문제중심적 대처방식에, 긍정성은 소망적사고 대처방식에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 사회성은 사회적지지 추구 대처방식에는 정적으로, 정서완화적 대처에는 부적으로 미치는 영향이 가장 큰 것으로 밝혀졌다. 셋째, 커뮤니케이션 유형에 따라 대학생의 스트레스 대처방식의 차이를 분석한 결과 양성적/능력있는 유형은 문제중심적 대처방식을, 여성적/순응적 유형은 사회적 지지 추구 대처방식, 소망적 사고 대처방식을 많이 사용하는 것으로 분석되었다. The Purpose of this study is to examine the effect of emotional intelligence, resilience, and communication style on stress coping in college students. The research problems were verified by correlation analysis and multivariate regression analysis. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 303 college students. The findings are as follows. First, college students who have high emotional intelligence show more problem-focused coping and social-support seeking coping in stressful conditions. Particularly, it is found that managing emotion in emotional intelligence has the greatest effect on problem-focused coping and social-support seeking coping, using emotion influences emotion-focused coping. Second, college students who have high resilience are also found more problem-focused coping and social-support seeking coping in stressful conditions. Especially it is found that controllability has the greatest effect on problem-focused coping, positivism influences wishful thinking coping. Similarly, sociability influences social-support seeking coping and emotion-focused coping. Third, those students who was androgynous with high assertiveness and responsiveness used more frequently the problem-focused coping, those who was feminine with high responsiveness used more frequently the social-support seeking coping and wishful thinking coping.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 다이쇼 시기 일본, 식민지 조선의 민중예술론; 로맹 롤랑의 "제국" 횡단

        박양신 ( Yang Shin Park ) 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2013 翰林日本學 Vol.0 No.22

        大正日本の文芸界においては民衆芸術論が廣く展開された。本間久雄の「民衆芸術の意義及び?値」から始まったこの議論は、「大正デモクラシ?」の基盤之なっていた「民衆」の政治への登場を背景之していた。本間によって民衆に?する「敎化運動の機關」之して提起された民衆芸術の主張は、アナキストの大杉?によってその意義が舊社會に?する新興階級の「戰?機關」に?換されるこ之になっていた。この民衆芸術論にはその理論的根?之してよくロマン·ロランの『民衆芸術論』が援用されていたが、その本がその基底に流れていた生命主義之之もに植民地朝鮮にも影響を與えるこ之になる。 三·壹運動の以後、植民地朝鮮の社會にも「民衆」の政治的登場が注目されるようになった。それを背景にして新聞?誌などには文學·芸術の民衆化、?ち民衆芸術をめぐる議論が繰り廣げられるようになる。1920年代初期の民衆芸術論にはロマン·ロランの民衆芸術論が引用される之同時に、生·人生·生活の次元からの芸術の民衆化が主張される傾向がみられた。壹方、1920年代半ばに再び登場した民衆芸術論は以前に比べてロランに依?する傾向が壹層?くなってきていた。これは舊社會に?する?爭の手段之しての芸術之いう?爭性がより?調されるようになったこ之を意味する。 The theory of the people`s art was widely developed throughout Japanese literary art world from the middle in 1910s to early in 1920s. The people`s art was originally considered the means of educational work for the people, which was raised by Honma Hisao. But the significance of the people`s art was changed into the means of struggle for the newly emerging class against the established old society by an anarchist, Osugi Sakae. Le theatre du peuple by Roman Rolland was sometimes mentioned as the theoretical basis for the theory of the people`s art. It is just Roman Rolland that influenced on Colonial Chosun with his idea of vitalism. The society of Colonial Chosun after The March First Movement paid attention to the political appearance of ‘the people’. Accordingly the discussion regarding the people`s art including popularization of literature and art was developed on the stage of mass media such as newspapers and magazines. The theory of the people`s art in the early 1920s quoted Romain Rolland and tended to insist the popularization of art on the level of human life. The theory of the people`s art reemerging in the middle of 1920s tended to obviously depend on Romain Rolland. It means that in comparison with the early theory of the people`s art, was emphasized the art as means of struggle against the established old society.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 커뮤니케이션 능력과 공감능력이 스트레스 대처행동에 미치는 영향

        박양신(Yang-Shin Park),장성호(Seong-Ho Jang) 한국콘텐츠학회 2018 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.18 No.9

        본 연구의 목적은 대학생의 커뮤니케이션 능력, 공감능력이 스트레스 대처행동에 미치는가를 밝혀내는데 있다. 대학생 292명을 대상으로 설문조사가 이루어졌으며 상관관계분석과 다변인 회귀분석으로 연구문제를 검증하였다. 분석결과를 정리해 보면 첫째, 커뮤니케이션 능력이 높은 대학생일수록 스트레스 상황에서 문제중심적 대처, 사회적 지지 추구 대처, 자기위로능력 대처를 많이 하는 반면 감정적 대처, 회피적 대처를 적게 하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 커뮤니케이션 능력 중 행동적 융통성은 문제중심적 대처와 감정적 대처에, 협력/지지는 사회적 지지 추구 대처에, 상호작용관리는 자기위로능력 대처와 회피적 대처에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 둘째, 공감능력이 높은 대학생일수록 스트레스 상황에서 문제중심적 대처, 사회적 지지 추구 대처, 자기위로능력 대처를 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 공감능력 중 역할수용은 문제중심적 대처, 자기위로능력 대처에, 감정파악은 회피적 대처에, 감정공명은 감정적 대처에, 진정성은 사회적 지지 추구 대처에 가장 큰 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The Purpose of this study is to examine the effect of communication competence and empathy on stress coping in college students. The research problems were verified by correlation analysis and multivariate regression analysis. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 292 college students. The findings are as follows. First, college students who have high communication competence show more problem-focused coping, social-support seeking coping, and self-soothing coping in stressful conditions, but less emotion-oriented coping and avoidance-oriented coping. Particularly, it is found that behavioral flexibility in communication competence has the greatest effect on problem-focused coping and emotion-oriented coping. Similarly, affiliation/support influences social support seeking coping, interaction management influences self-soothing coping and avoidance-oriented coping. Second, college students who have high empathy are also found more problem-focused coping, social-support seeking coping, and self-soothing coping in stressful conditions. Especially it is found that role-taking in empathy has the greatest effect on problem-focused coping self-soothing coping. Similarly, emotion recognition influences avoidance-oriented coping, emotional resonance influences emotion-oriented coping, authenticity influences social-support seeking coping.

      • KCI등재

        ‘대동아공영권’의건설과 식민정책학

        박양신(Park, Yang-shin) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2017 일본연구 Vol.28 No.-

        이 글은 일본의 ‘대동아공영권’ 건설에 대해 식민정책학 측이 어떻게 대응했는지를 고찰한 것이다. 식민정책학자들은 광역경제권론으로 ‘대동아공영권’을 이론화하였다. 그들은 광역경제권은 권내 각국의 유기적 발전을 목표로 하는 경제적 통일체이며, 권내 구성국의 경제 개발을 유도함으로써 공존공영을 지향한다고 설명하였다. 이와 더불어 그들이 제시한 식민통치 방침은 ‘협동주의’였다. 협동주의란 프랑스에서 종래의 동화주의 방침을 수정하여 제시된 식민 본국과 식민지 사이의 협력과 상호이익을 지향하는 방침으로, 이것이 ‘대동아공영권’이 지향하는 호혜적 관계에 부합하는 것이 라고 판단된 것으로 보인다. 그러나 이러한 입장은 식민지의 자치와 민족문제에 대한 관심을 상대적으로 후퇴시켰다. 가다 데쓰지에서 보았듯이 민족문제의 중요성은 인식하면 서도 민족자결주의는 부정되었고, 광역권 내 제민족의 협조만이 강조되었다. 이런 가운데 도바타 세이이치에 의해 ‘역식민’ 작용이라는 새로운 관점도 제시되었다. ‘역식민’ 작용이란 광역경제권 형성에 따라 일본 경제에 미치게 될 혁신적 작용을 의미 한다. 도바타는 식민지 개발이 산업 분야에 따라서는 본국과의 경제적 경쟁관계를 유발할 수 있으니, 경쟁력을 키우기 위해 국내 경제-특히 농업-의 개혁을 추진해야 한다고 주장하였다. This paper considers how Colonial Policy Studies responded to the con-struction of the ‘Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere’ of Japan. Colonial policy scholars theorized the ‘Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere’ with the theory of a wide area economic zone( Grossraumwirtschaft ). They explained that the wide area economic zone is an economic unity targeting the organic development of each country within the area, aiming for coexistence and co-prosperity through economic development. It was association principle that they insisted as desirable policy of colonial governance. The policy of association has been established by the revision of traditional assimilation principle in France, and it aims at the cooperation and mutual benefit between the colonizing country and the colony. However their position relatively reduced the interest in colonial autonomy and ethnic issues. As seen in Tetsuji Kada’s argument, national self-determinationism was denied and only the cooperation of ethnic groups in the area was emphasized. A new perspective of ‘counter colonization’ effect was also presented by Seiichi Tobata. ‘Counter colonization’ effect means innovative action to the Japanese economy to be brought about by the formation of a wide area eco-nomic zone. He argued that since development of colonies could cause eco-nomically competitive relations with metropolitan country in some industrial sectors, Japan should promote the reform of domestic economy, in particular agriculture, to make it competitive.

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