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      • KCI등재

        확산용액 중에서 LA-1 에 의한 Fe (3) 의 용매추출에 관한 연구

        박경호,오재현 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1978 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        1. 緖論 黃酸溶液 中에서 Amine을 抽出劑로 使用하여 Fe(III)의 溶媒抽出에 關한 硏究는 1955年 Baes에 依하여 처음 行하여 졌으나 그후 그에 對한 硏究가 극히 미비한 실정이다. 특히 Amine에 抽出되는 Fe(III)種의 형태는 Fe(III)의 濃度가 0.001M 以下인 경우에는 FeOHSO₄인 것으로 밝혀졌으나 이보다 높은 濃度에서의 이합체 生成 여부는 명확히 규명되어 있지 않고 HClO₄ 溶液의 경우와 같이 (FeOHSO₄)의 이합체를 形成한 것이라고 제한되어 왔다. 또한 抽出에 영향을 미치는 여러가지 因子에 對하여서도 단편적인 硏究가 行하여졌을 뿐 특정한 推出劑에 對하여는 綜合的으로 調査, 검토되어지지는 않았다. 이에 本 硏究는 Secondary Amine 인 LA-1(Rhom & Hass Co. 製品)을 抽出劑(희석제는 Benzene)로 使用하여 黃酸溶液 中에서 0.01M Fe(III)의 抽出實驗을 行하여 그 抽出機構와 抽出에 영향을 미치는 因子들의 영향에 對하여 調査 검토하였다. 또 Fe(III)의 抽出에 直接 관여하는 Amine Sulfate와 Amine Bisulfate의 평형관계에 對하여서도 검토하였다. 2. 實驗方法 우선 Fe₂(SO₄)₃·xH₂O와 H₂SO₄ 그리고 Na₂SO₄를 증류수에 一定比率로 加하여 원하는 PH 및 total SO₄^(-2)로 조절, 一定濃度의 第二黃酸鐵 水溶液으로 만들었다. 이 水溶液과 LA-1을 Benzene에 희석시킨 有機溶液을 各各 20㎖씩 取하여 100㎖ Beaker에 넣고 常溫(25℃)에서 磁石攪拌器로서 5分間 攪拌시켰다. 다음 Seperatory Funnel에 옮겨 約 30分동안 靜置시켜 水相과 有機相을 完全히 分離시킨 후 水相中의 Fe(III)를 0.01M EDTA로서 分析하였다. 3. 結果 1) 黃酸-Amine Sulfate-Amine Bisulfate 平衡 (R₂NH₂)₂SO₄+ H₂SO₄ = 2(R₂NH)HSO₄ 反應에서 平衡常數 K의 값은 9,500(moles/liter)^(-3)이다. 2) PH의 영향 logD(D는 分配係數)와 PH는 直線的인 關係式이 成立되며 그 기울기는 1이다. 위의 結果로부터 Fe(III)의 濃度가 0.01M인 경우 Fe(III)의 加水分解 時 어떤 이합체도 形成하지 않는다는 것을 알 수 있다. 3) 黃酸溶液 濃度의 영향 Total sulfate의 濃度가 커질수록 抽出率은 떨어진다. 4) Fe(III)의 濃度의 영향 Fe(III)의 濃度 變化에 따라 다음과 같은 實驗式이 成立한다. D = 1.75([A]-6[M]_o) D : 分配係數 [A] : Amine의 濃度 [M]_o : 有機相中의 金屬 濃度 5) Amine 濃度의 영향 log D와 log[Amine] 사이에는 直線的인 關係가 있으며 그 기울기는 2이다. 6) 他이온의 영향 1) 음이온 음이온의 첨가는 추축율을 저하시키며 그 저하정도는 CH₃COO ̄<Cl ̄<NO₃<CIO₄ ̄順이다 2) 양이온 黃酸溶液 中에서 LA-1 全然 抽出되지 않는 Zn 및 Al의 첨가는 Fe(III)의 抽出率에 어떠한 영향도 미치지 않는다. 7) 溫度의 영향 15°∼55℃ 범위에서 log D는 溫度가 높아짐에 따라 直線的으로 감소하고 있으며 Arrehenius plot에 依하여 얻은 Acfivation energy는 5.4Kcal/㏖ 이다.

      • KCI등재

        감사품질에 대한 고객기업의 만족도와 감사보수의 관계

        박경호,송용호,이남주,최종학 韓國公認會計士會 2008 회계·세무와 감사 연구 Vol.48 No.-

        This study empirically examines the association between the degree of satisfaction on audit quality in view of the client firms and audit fees. While auditors directly review, examine and audit the client firms, the client firms provide auditors with related documents and audit evidences. In addition, client firms pay audit fees for the audit services provided by auditors. That is, both parties actively communicate with each other during the process of audit. Accordingly, the two parties are the most important principals for the audit tasks and it is also very important for client firms to be satisfied with the services from auditors and negotiate with auditors for audit fees based on the degree of satisfaction on audit quality. However, up to now, there have been almost no archival research on the audit quality in view of client firms, while there have been voluminous research on audit quality in view of the auditors. Considering audit fees are the price of audit services, research should consider both supply side and demand side of that service. Prior literature, however, has been focusing on the supply side characteristics such as audit hour, client size, audit risk, and auditor change. In this respect, this study has two contributions. First, we extend research area by focusing on demand side of audit service which is important but not actively investigated. Therefore, the findings in this study shows relatively new aspect to audit fee contract. Second, we further investigate which aspect of satisfaction on audit quality (external or internal) is more important for audit fee contract. If auditors provide high-quality audit services to client firms, the client firms would be more satisfied with those services compared to low-quality services and are expected to pay higher audit fees in return for the high-quality services. This study investigates the prediction using empirical data. The client firms' level of satisfaction on audit quality is measured by the survey data provided by Song's(2003). Song surveyed hundreds of companies and collected the answers on 42 questions on both the internal and external aspects of audit quality. A total of 123 firms' data are finally used in this research. In his paper, Song divided the degree of total satisfaction into two distinct components based on the client firms' point of view: internal versus external satisfaction. External satisfaction represents the audit quality perceived by client firms for the ability of auditors in providing outside parties such as investors with quality accounting information which is in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. In contrast, internal satisfaction represents the audit quality perceived by client firms for the ability of auditors in providing professional service to client firms to meet the demand of the clients. The empirical results from median regression analysis reveal that the audit fees are positively related to the total level of satisfaction by client firms as we expected. We believe this finding is meaningful to auditors because these empirical evidences suggest a new approach for audit firms to make themselves more competitive. When we further divide the total level of satisfaction to internal versus external satisfaction, the results show that only the level of external satisfaction is significantly associated with audit fees. This result implies that the main role of auditor is to provide audit service related with client firms' external satisfaction. Therefore, internal satisfaction on audit service is not directly related to audit fee. If client firms want more specific services closely related with internal satisfaction, they will buy non-audit services. Although our findings provide regulators, academics, client firms, practitioners, and investors with valuable insights into the determinants of audit fees, this study has some caveats. First, our analyses heavily depend on survey data for the measurement of client satisfaction. In general, survey data are regarded as unreliable because they are exposed to responser's subjectiveness resulting in measurement error. Second, our findings are based on one year data and small sample. Because of that, our results should be interpreted with caution. 본 연구는 회계감사 품질(audit quality)에 대한 고객기업의 만족도와 감사보수의 관계에 대한 실증적 연구이다. 고객기업은 감사인과 함께 회계감사시스템을 구성하는 주요 당사자로서 감사인에게 감사관련 자료를 제공하는 등 감사인과의 활발한 상호작용 속에 감사서비스를 받으며, 그 대가로 감사보수를 지급한다. 고객기업이 감사결과에 만족하고 적절한 보수를 지급하는 것은 회계감사시스템의 정상적인 작동과 발전에 매우 중요하다. 그동안 감사인 입장에서의 감사품질에 대한 연구는 비교적 활발히 이루어졌지만, 감사시스템의 중요한 당사자 중의 하나인 고객기업 입장에서의 감사품질에 대한 연구는 거의 수행되지 않았다. 감사인이 우수한 품질의 감사서비스를 고객기업에게 제공한다면, 이러한 서비스에 만족한 고객기업은 그 보상으로 높은 감사보수를 지불할 것이라고 예측된다. 본 연구는 이러한 예측을 실증적 자료를 이용하여 검증하였다. 본 연구에 사용된 감사만족도 자료는 송용호(2003)의 연구에서 사용된 것으로, 총 42개 항목의 평가항목에 대한 설문결과로 수집되었다. 송용호(2003)는 만족도를 ‘외적 감사품질’에 대한 만족도와 ‘내적 감사품질’에 대한 만족도로 구분하였는데, 전자는 일반적으로 인정된 회계원칙에 입각한 재무제표를 외부 이해관계자에게 공표할 수 있는 능력과 관련된 만족도를 의미하고, 후자는 감사와 관련하여 고객기업을 만족시킬 수 있는 능력과 관련된 만족도를 의미한다. 실증분석 결과, 감사보수와 관련된 다른 결정변수들을 통제한 이후에도 감사만족도와 감사보수 사이에는 유의적인 양(+)의 관계가 있다는 것을 발견하였다. 감사만족도를 내적/외적 감사품질에 대한 만족도로 구분하여 감사보수와의 관계를 분석한 결과, 외적 감사품질에 대한 만족도는 감사보수와 유의한 양(+)의 관계가 존재하였으나, 내적 감사품질에 대한 만족도에서는 통계적인 유의성을 발견할 수 없었다. 이는 고객기업이 감사보수를 결정할 경우 감사품질에 대한 외적 만족도가 내적 만족도보다 더 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 의미한다.

      • KCI등재

        대학 교육역량강화사업의 성과지표와 여건지표의 타당도와 신뢰도 분석

        박경호 한국교육재정경제학회 2010 敎育財政 經濟硏究 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 대학 교육역량강화사업에서 교육역량을 평가하기 위해설정한 교육성과 및 교육여건의 세부 지표들에 대한 구인타당도와 신뢰도를 검증하는 것이다. 이를 위해 2009년 교육역량강화사업을 기준으로 취업률지수를 포함한 3개 성과지표와 전임교원확보율을 포함한 3개 여건지표에대한 요인분석을 실시하고 신뢰도를 위해 Cronbach 값을 활용하였다. 교육역량을 측정하는 한 축인 교육여건은 요인분석 결과, 요인부하량이학생1인당교육비는 0.93, 전임교원확보율은 0.84, 장학금지급률은 0.60으로나타나 하나의 성분으로 적절히 묶이는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 교육여건을 구성하고 있는 상기의 3개 지표의 신뢰도를 평가한 Cronbach  값은0.74로 분석되었다. 교육역량을 측정하는 다른 한 축인 교육성과는 요인분석 결과, 요인부하량이 취업률지수 0.72, 재학생충원율 -0.67이며 한 요인으로 적절히 묶이지않는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 신뢰도 분석에서는 두 지표의 Cronbach 값이 -0.30으로 나타나 신뢰도 모형의 기본적인 가정을 충족시키지 못 하는 것으로 분석되었다. The study is to analyse the validity and reliability of educational outcome and condition indices of the project enhancing the universities competency(: PEUC). For this purpose, we did factor analysis and analysed Cronbach's  based on the 2009 PEUC. The result showed that there were no evidences that educational outcome indices took validity and reliability. Two educational outcome indices didn't get consistent factor loading. They didn't meet basic requirements of reliability. In the contrast, educational condition indices met requirements of validity and reliability. Three educational condition indices got consistent factor loading such as 0.93, 0.84 and 0.60. And they provided 0.74 value on Cronbach's  .

      • KCI등재

        흡입화상 환자에서 기관 절개 및 체외막 산소화 요법 후 환기형 기관지 내시경을 통해기관 내 광범위한 염증성 가피를 제거한 1예

        박경호,박중현,박안나,유영삼 대한이비인후과학회 2015 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.58 No.12

        Foreign body impaction in airway is life-threatening as it can cause total airway obstruction. Such foreign bodies are removed under bronchoscopy in most patients. In some patients, however, the cardiopulmonary condition becomes unstable to undergo ventilating bronchoscopy under general anesthesia to remove the foreign body. In these conditions, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be adopted for cardiopulmonary support to stabilize the patient while removing the foreign body. ECMO supports tissue oxygenation and has been shown to improve survival of patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome. ECMO allows lungs to reserve their functions and decreases further lung injuries. The authors report one case of extensive tracheal inflammatory crust removed by ventilating bronchoscopy under tracheostomy and ECMO.

      • KCI등재

        심경부감염에 대한 음압상처치료의 적용

        박경호,박안나,권창윤,유영삼,최정환,조경래,정의석 대한이비인후과학회 2016 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.59 No.2

        Background and Objectives Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) has been used in many surgery to treat complicated wound and impaired wound healing by delivering negative pressure at the wound site through a patented dressing, which helps draw wound edges together, remove infectious materials, and actively promote granulation at the cellular level. Recently application of NPWT has been increased to treat deep neck infection. We aimed to retrieve indications and guidelines to treat deep neck infection from our cases and after reviewing articles. Subjects and Method From our experience with 9 cases presented as deep neck abscess in which the application of a Vacuum-assisted closure device was used instead of common drainage tubes after surgical evacuation and journal review, indications and guidelines to apply NPWT as one of the tools to treat deep neck infection were retrieved. Results Indication and Guideline of NPWT. 1) For simple abscess involving single space excepting the mediastinum, intravenous administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics, needle aspiration or simple surgical drainage is recommended. 2) In the case of failure of previous treatments, NPWT will be necessary for immunocompromised hosts such as diabetic patients for whom more than two spaces are involved, the mediastinal involvement, compromised airway or disseminated intravascular coagulation. In severe cases involving the chest, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery or mediastinoscopy could be used. 3) For patients with improving signs such as decreasing pus, increasing granulation formation, negative culture results from sponge, and normalized C-reactive protein, we can stop NPWT and convert to the regular wound care. ConclusionZZIndication and Guideline of NPWT could be applied to treat deep neck infection. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2016;59(2):125-32

      • KCI등재

        Kinetic Study on Nucleophilic Displacement Reactions of Phenyl Y-Substituted Phenyl Carbonates with 1,8-Diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene: Effects of Amine Nature on Reaction Mechanism

        박경호,Min-Young Kim,엄익환 대한화학회 2016 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.37 No.1

        Second-order rate constants (kN) for nucleophilic displacement reactions of phenyl Y-substituted phenyl carbonates (7a–7l) with 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU) in 80 mol % H2O/20 mol % DMSO at 25.0 ± 0.1 oC have been measured spectrophotometrically. The Brønsted-type plot for the reactions of 7a–7l with DBU is linear with βlg = –0.48, indicating that the reactions proceed through a concerted mechanism, which is in contrast to the stepwise mechanism reported previously for the corresponding reactions with ethylamine (a primary amine) and piperidine (a secondary amine). The Hammett plots correlated with σ − and σ o constants exhibit many scattered points. In contrast, the Yukawa–Tsuno plot results in an excellent linear correlation with ρY = 1.27 and r = 0.57, implying that a negative charge develops partially on the O atom of the leaving group in the transition state. The bulky DBU is less reactive than the primary and secondary amines toward substrates possessing a weakly basic leaving group. It has been concluded that steric hindrance exerted by DBU in the plausible intermediate (T±) forces the reactions to proceed through a concerted mechanism because expulsion of the leaving group from T± could reduce the steric hindrance.

      • KCI등재

        Kinetic and Theoretical Consideration of 3,4- and 3,5-Dimethoxybenzoyl Chlorides Solvolyses

        박경호,Dennis N. Kevill 대한화학회 2013 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.34 No.10

        The solvolysis rate constants of 3,4- (1) and 3,5-dimethoxybenzoyl (2) chlorides were measured in various pure and binary solvents at 25.0 oC, and studied by application of the extended Grunwald-Winstein (G-W) equation, kinetic solvent isotope effect in methanolysis and activation parameters. The solvolysis of 1 was interpreted as the unimolecular pathway due to a predominant resonance effect from para-methoxy substituent like 4- methoxybenzoyl chloride (3), while that of 2 was evaluated as the dual mechanism, with unimolecular or bimolecular reaction pathway according to the character of solvent systems (high electrophilic/nucleophilic) chosen, caused by the inductive effect by two meta-methoxy substituents, no resonance one. In the solvolyses of 1 and 2 with two –OCH3 groups, the resonance effect of para-methoxy substituent is more important to decide the mechanism than the inductive effect with other corresponding evidences.

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