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      • Insulin 非依存型 糖尿病 患者에서 NPH Insulin이 血糖反應에 미치는 影響

        경란호,吳賢珠 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1986 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.38 No.-

        당뇨병은 생리적으로 혈당을 조절하는 insulin 분비의 절대적, 혹은 상대적 부족에 의한 질환이기 때문에 insulin을 사용하는 것은 당연하나, 투여 insulin으로 생리적인 혈당치를 유지하기란 쉽지 않으며, 개개인에 따라 insulin에 대한 반응도 다르다. Podolsky와 Bradley(1980)는 중간작용형 insulin에 대한 혈당반응을 제Ⅰ~제Ⅳ형으로 분류한바있으며, 저자등은 50예의 insulin 비의존헝 당뇨병환자에 NPH insulin이 혈당에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 혈당조절방법의 결정에 지표로 삼고자 연구하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 혈당반응은 정상반응형 23명 (46%), 불안정성반응형 19명(38%), 일과성반응형 4명(8%), 지연반응형 4명 (8%)의 순이었다. 2. 유병기간과 혈당반응형과는 무관하였다. 3. 각 체중군과 혈당반응형과는 상관성이 없었다. 4. 당뇨병으로 인한 합병증은 망막증이 26명(52%)으로 가장 빈도가 높았고, 신경증 25명(50%), 신증 15명 (30%), 감염 6명(12%) 등의 순이었으며, 혈당반응형별로는 신경증과 망막증은 일과성반응형에서 가장 빈도가 높았고(100%, 75%) 신증과 감염은 정상반응형에서 가장 높았다(39.1%, 13.2%). 이상의 결과로 insulin 비의존형 당뇨병환자에서 NPH insulin에 대한 혈당반응형별 빈도 및 혈당반응형과 당뇨병합병증과의 관계를 알 수 있었으며, 이러한 혈당반응의 형태에 따라 insulin 투여방법을 결정하여 더욱 적절하게 혈당을 조절하여야 할 것으로 생각된다. Diabetes mellitus is a disease of an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin and it is requred erogenous insulin to control diabetes mellitus in some patients. But maintaining the level of blood glucose at a physiologically normal range is difficult, also individual differences were found in response pattern of glucose response to iisulin. Podolsky and Bradley classified patterns of blood glucose response to intermediate acting Insulin from type Ⅰ to type Ⅳ. To identify the patterns of glucose to NPH and to determine the indicator of the sophisticated method of insulin injection, the authors studied 50 patients with noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus who were repuiring NPH. The results were as follows; 1. Normal response 46%, unstable response 38%, transient , response 8%, and delayed response 8% were observed in order of frequiency. 2. There was no correlation between the duration of diabetes mellitus and the patterns of glucose response. 3. Relationship between each group of body weight and the patterns of glucose response was not observed. 4. Diabetic retinopathy (52%) was the most frequent complication in all patients. Diabetic neuropathy (50%), nephropathy (30%) and infection were observed in the order of frequency. Diabetic neuropathy and retinopatliy occured most frequently in transient response group but nephropathy and infection in normal response group. The authors suggests that better control of diabetes mellitus applying sophisticated method of insulin injection according to the pattern of glucose response should be considered.

      • 肺結核을 同伴한 肺癌 患者에 대한 臨床的 硏究

        경란호,柳南壽 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1986 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.38 No.-

        의학 및 항결핵제의 발달로 폐결핵환자의 평균수명이 높아지고 폐암발생율의 중가와 더불러 기관지경검사 및 암세포 검출방법의 발달로 폐암발견이 더욱 용이해짐에 따라 우리나라와 같이 폐결핵 유병율이 높은 나라에서는 폐결핵을 동반한 폐암환자의 수가 증가하는 경향을 볼 수 있다. 폐암은 암 중에서도 악성종양에 속하며 조기진단만이 치유율을 높일 수 있으나 폐결핵을 동반한 경우에는 폐암조기진단의 시기를 종종 놓치게 되어 환자의 사망률이 증가되므로 이에 저자등은 1981년 1월초부터 1984년 9월말까지 국립의료원 흉곽내과에 입원하였던 1,044예의 폐결핵환자 중 비활동성폐결핵을 동반한 폐암환자 9예와 활동성폐결핵을 동반한 폐암환자 9예를 대상으로 임상적 관찰을 하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 18예 모두 남자 환다였다. 환자의 연령은 46세~75세로 평균연령은 62세였으며 70대(33%)가 가장 많았다. 2. 환자의 증세는 흉통(44%)이 가장 많았으며 기침 및 객담(39%)< 혈담(33%),호흡곤란(33%), 체중감소(11%), 아성(11%), 발열(11%)의 순이였다. 3. 입원 당시 임상적 진단명은 18예중 8예(44%)가 폐결핵으로 진단되었고 폐결핵을 동반한 폐암으로 진단된 환자는 6예(33%), 폐암 1예(5.5%), 기타 3예(16.5%)였다. 4. 흉부 X-선상 폐암은 종괴(Mass) 5예(28%), 허탈변화(collapse change) 5예(28%), 폐문종대(hilar enlargement) 4예(22%), 늑막엽동반 2예(11%), 팽륭(bulging) 공동 형성이 각각 1예(5.5%)였다. 5. 폐암의 조직학적 변화는 18예중 15예(83%)가 편평상피세포암으로 가장 많았다. 6. 폐암의 확진방법은 객담암세포검사로 발견된 경우가 18예중 14예(78%)로 가장 많았다. 7. 폐암이 타장기로 전이된 예는 18예중 8예(44%)였고 그중 쇄골상부임파선 전이가 5예(63%)로 가장 많았다. Eighteen cases with lung cancer associated with pulmonary tuberculosis were found in 1044 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who were seen in the National Medical Cancer from January 1981 to September 1984. 1. All patient were male. The youngest was 46 years old and the oldest was 75. The average age was 62. 33% of the 18 cases were over 70 years old. 2. The most common symptoms were chest pain (44%), couching and expectoration (39%), bloodv sputum (33%), dyspnea (33%), weight loss (11%), hoarsness (11%) and fever (11%) in that order. 3. Among the 18 cases, 8 cases (44%) were diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis, 6 cases (33%) were suspected to pulmonary tuberculosis with lung cancer. Diagnosis was more difficult in active pulmonary tuberculosis. 4. Chest X-ray finding of lung cancer were mass shadow 5 cases (28%), hilar enlargement 4 cases (22%), pleurisy findings 2 cases (11%), bulging shalow 1 case (5.5%), cavity formation 1 case (5.5%). 5. Diagnosed type of lung cancer were 15 cases (83%) of epidermoid cell carcinoma, 2 cases (11%) of adeno carcinoma, 1 case (6%) of mixed type of epidermoid and small cell carcinoma. 6. In 14 cases (78%) malignant cells were revealed by the sputum cytology examination. 7. Metastasis to other organs were noted in 8 cases(44%), supra clavicular lymph node metastasis is the most common (5 cases).

      • 糖尿病 合倂症에 對한 臨床的 硏究

        경란호 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1983 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.32 No.-

        1978년 1월부터 1983년 6월까지 이화대학병원 내과에 입원가료하였던 492예의 당뇨병 환자를 대상으로 임상관찰하여 연령별 빈도는 50대가 가장 많았고 남녀비는 1.01:1이었으며, 당뇨병의 발병연령은 50대(30.8%)가 가장 많았다. 유발요인으로는 감염이 32.5%로 대부분을 차지했으며 당뇨병의 주증상은 다뇨 및 다음이었다. 합병증은 491예중 239예(48.7%)에서 발생하였고 합병증의 수 및 발생빈도는 이환기간이 길수록 증가함을 또 치료의 기왕력이 없거나 불규칙한 치료를 받은 경우에 호발하였다. Anther studied 491 cases of diabetes mellitus and its complication who were admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital from January, 1978 to June, 1983. 1. Age incidence was highest in the 5th decades in both sexes, and male to female ratio was 1.01:1. 2. Age of onset in these cases was most common in the 5th decades(30.8%) and the duration of the diabetes mellitys was most prevalent in less than 3 months. 3. The most frequent known predisposing factor was infectioin(32.5%). 4. Common symptoms of diabetes mellitys were polydipsia(25.0%), polyuria(25.0%), polyphagia(20.6%) and general weakness(16.0%) in order. 5. Incidence of diabetic complication in these cases were 48.7% and diabetic ketoacidosis was seen in 2.4% of cases and hyperosmolar nonketotic coma was seen in 0.8% of these cases. 6. Diabetic retinopathy was 7.1% in frequency and proliferative retinopathy(4.3%), backgroud retinopathy(2.6%). 7. Diabetic neuropathy was 12.2% in frequency and peripheral polyneuritis was most common(6.7%). 8. Diabetic nephropathy showed 7.9% as their frequency. 9. Most of the diabetic complications were increased in regard to the duration of diabetes mellitus with or without irregular diabetic control.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        만성 신부전환자에서 당불인내성 예견 지표로서의 Serum Reverse T₃에 관한 연구

        손현주,김진수,민태희,경란호 대한내분비학회 1987 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.2 No.2

        To investigate the thyroid hormonal change and the usefulness of serum reverse T_3(rT_3) assay in predicting glucose intolerance in patients with chronic renal failure(CRF), we measured the serum thyroid hormone using radioimmunoassay and HbA_1C. Also we performed oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT) in 17 patients with CRF on hemodialysis therapy and 20 normal control subjects(NS). The following results were obtained: 1) The serum T_3 and T_4 concentrations were significantly lower in patients with CRF(89.11±14.11 ng/dl and 4.93±0.92 ug/dl, respectively) than in NS(156.80±21.38 ng/nl and 9.11±1.65 ug/dl, respectively). 2) The serum rT_3 concentration in patients with CRF was within and below the normal range, but the mean (183.92±52.40 pg/ml) was significantly lower than in NS(250.54±25.75 pg/ml). 3) The serum TSH concentration was within the normal range in patients with CRF. And the mean serum TSH(2.68±1.18 uu/ml) did not differ significantly from that of NS(2.08±1.00 uu/ml). 4) The serum TBG concentration was within the normal range in patients with CRF. But the mean serum TBG(18.32±4.39 ug/ml) was significantly lower than that of NS(28.50±8.97 ug/ml). 5) The serum rT_3 concentration of eight patients with CRF who showed impaired OGTT(226.10±45.97 pg/dl) was significantly higher than that of nine patients with CRF who showed normal OGTT(146.42±16.78 pg/dl). And in the whole patients with CRF, there was significant relationship between blood glucose levels and serum rT_3 concentrations. 6) In patients with CRF, the serum rT_3 assay showed a speccifictity of 100% and a sensitivity of 88% in predicting glucose intolerance. 7) HbA_1C was not good indicator for assessing carbohydrate metabolic state in patients with CRF. It was concluded that the serum rT_3 could be useful indicator for prediction glucose intolerance in patients with CRF. Future study for rT_3 in patients with CRF on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis will be needed for practical use.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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