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      • KCI등재후보

        중국어 어휘와 한국 한자어의 동사 동형동소대등어의 머리자음의 대응관계에 대하여

        최금단 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2011 외국어교육연구 Vol.25 No.1

        In contrasting verbal vocabulary in modern Chinese with the comparable ones[nounal root of a word + verbal end of a word (∼ do)] in Sino-Korean words for Korean primary school education, we find that there are 599 words with the type of the same type and morpheme. Among them, two syllable verb in same type and morpheme vocabulary of AB:AB dominates 96.83% of whole vocabulary by 580 and one syllable verb in same type and morpheme vocabulary of A : A dominates 3.17%of whole vocabulary by 19. The aspect of head consonant of Chinese vocabulary that is corresponded at head consonant of Korean in words of same type and morpheme of Korean is more various. Head consonant of verb in same type and morpheme of Chinese vocabulary that is corresponded here upon in case of plosive /ㄱ/[ɡ˚ ], affricate ㅈ[ʥ̥], ㅊ[ʨʰ], frictional sound ㅅ[s], ㅎ[h] of Korean, goes ahead in front of vowel [i] or [y] is observed affricate of Chinese /j/[ʨ], /q/[ʨʻ] frictional sound /x/[ɕ] that is written. The relationship of head consonant of verb with same type and morpheme in Chinese vocabulary and Sino-Korean words in Korean is as following. 1)/ㅂ/[b̥]↔/b/[p], /p/[pʻ], /f/[f], 2)/ㅍ/[pʰ]↔/b/[p], /p/[pʻ], /f/[f], 3)/ㄷ/[d̥]↔/d/[ʈ], /t/[tʻ], /ch/[ʈʂʻ], 4)/ㅌ/[tʰ]↔/d/[ʈ], /t/[tʻ], 5)/ㄱ/[ɡ˚ ]↔/ɡ/[k], /k/[kʻ], /j/[ʨ],/q/[ʨʻ], 6)/ㅈ/[ʥ̥]↔/d/[ʈ], /t/[tʻ], /j/[ʨ], /q/[ʨʻ], /zh/[ʈʂ], /ch/[ʈʂʻ], /z/[ʦ], /c/[ʦʻ],/sh/[ʂ], 7)/ㅊ/[ʨʰ]↔/d/[ʈ], /t/[tʻ], /j/[ʨ], /q/[ʨʻ], /zh/[ʈʂ], /ch/[ʈʂʻ], /z/[ʦ], /c/[ʦʻ], /s/[s],8)/ㅅ/[s]↔/j/[ʨ], /x/[ɕ], /ch/[ʈʂʻ], /c/[ʦʻ], /sh/[ʂ], /s/[s], 9)/ㅎ/[h]↔/k/[kʻ], /j/[ʨ], /q/[ʨʻ],/x/[ɕ], /h/[x], /n/[n], 10)/ㄹ/[l(ɾ)]↔/j/[j], /l/[l], [i], 11)/ㅁ/[m]↔/m/[m], /w/[w], 12)/ㄴ/[n]212 Geum-Dan Choe ↔/n/[n], /l/[l], 13)/j/[j]↔/l/[l], /r/[ɹ], /y/[j], /w/[w], 14)/w/[w]↔/w/[w], ⑮/ɰ/[ɰ]↔/y/[j]

      • KCI등재

        초급․중급 TOPIK 한자어의 非專用․共用 조어 단위를 활용한 중국어 어휘 학습에 대하여

        최금단 한국중문학회 2022 中國文學硏究 Vol.- No.86

        In the TOPIK vocabulary, there are 107 coined word units for beginner TOPIK Chinese characters and 312 for intermediate TOPIK Chinese characters. Among them, there are 121 coined word units for nonexclusive and common use, and 841 lexical species of word families created with these coined word units. In addition, there are 69 nonexclusive and 52 common coined word units that have related words in beginner and intermediate grades. Among the 121 nonexclusive and common coined word units in the beginner and intermediate TOPIK, 64 Chinese characters as coined word unit, which account for 52.89%, are essential words for the new HSK, and are also the head words of 《現代漢語詞典》. Also, 116 Chinese characters as coined word unit accounting for 95.87% of the total 121 nonexclusive and common coined word units of beginner and intermediate TOPIK Chinese characters are the current Chinese vocabulary as the headwords of 《現代漢語詞典》. As shown by the high degree of concordance between Korean and Chinese vocabulary, selective and strategic use of the word family vocabulary along with the 121 nonexclusive and common coined word units of the beginner and intermediate TOPIK Chinese characters will act as a positive factor in the acquisition of Chinese vocabulary by native Korean speakers. TOPIK 어휘에서 초급 TOPIK 한자어의 조어단위는 107개이고, 중급 TOPIK 한자어의 조어단위는 312개이다. 초급⋅중급 TOPIK 한자어의 전체 非專用⋅共用 조어단위는 121개이며, 이들 조어단위로 조어된 단어족의 어휘 종은 841개이다. 초급⋅중급 TOPIK 한자어에서 초급⋅중급 상하 등급 간 관련어가 있는 非專用 조어단위는 69개이고, 초급⋅중급 상하 등급 간 共用 조어단위는 52개이다. 121개의 초급⋅중급 TOPIK 한자어의 非專用⋅共用 조어단위 중에서 52.89%를 차지하는 64개의 조어단위 한자어가 新HSK 어휘임과 동시에 《現代漢語詞典》의 표제어이다. 아울러 전체 121개의 초급⋅중급 TOPIK 한자어의 非專用⋅共用 조어단위의 95.87%를 차지하는 116개의 조어단위 한자어가 《現代漢語詞典》의 표제어로 현용 중국어 어휘이다. 韓中 어휘의 높은 일치도에서 보여주듯이 121개 초급⋅중급 TOPIK 한자어의 非專用⋅共用 조어단위와 그 단어족 어휘에 대한 선택적, 전략적 활용은 한국어 모어 화자의 중국어 어휘 습득에 있어서 긍정 요소로 작용할 것으로 사료된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국어의 자음을 역으로 활용한 중국어권 학습자의 한국어 자음의 발음 교정 방법에 대하여

        최금단 한국언어문화교육학회 2010 언어와 문화 Vol.6 No.3

        One of the basic elements in learning a foreign language is the pronunciation which also makes the primary difference between the mother tongue and the foreign language. When it comes to learning a foreign language, the difference in the pronunciation is more prominent than that of the vocabulary or grammar. Since Korean and Chinese are two different language families, it is natural that the Chinese students have difficulty in making the perfect sound when they learn Korean language. The pronunciation-errors pointed out by the comparative linguistics don't match completely with those found in the real situations, which defies the perfect regulation in classifying those errors, especially in allophone. However, the method proposed by the comparative linguistics still plays an effective role in presenting the classification and the regulated correction in advance. On the other hand, the sound analysis is faithful to its leading part in suggesting the rule excluding the all sorts of variables that could happen with individual characteristics or carelessness. This study devises an efficient approach to predict the errors and make use of Chinese allophone inversely through the way of comparative linguistics with the data of experimental phonetics.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 域外方言의 한국어에서의 활용 및 변화연구 : 韓國 初等學校 敎育用 漢字語의 動詞를 對象으로

        崔金丹 한국중국언어학회 2000 중국언어연구 Vol.11 No.-

        韓國和中國在地理位置上是不可分割的一部分, 在文化背景上又處於同一個漢字文化圈之內. 韓國從公元三世紀開始大量引進幷借用了中國的文字和詞彙. 因此, 作爲中國域外方言的韓國漢字語詞彙和中國語詞彙有着多關聯. 如兩國現用的多詞彙在外形上具有同類語素; 在內容上具有同樣或相似的含義; 在詞彙的用法上具有類似或不同之處. 本論文將中國域外方言-現用韓國小學敎育用詞彙中的 [名詞性詞根+動詞性詞尾(∼하다)] 型詞彙和現代中國詞彙進行了對比硏究. 根據所對比詞彙的外形, 含意, 詞性及用法進行了較細致的對比. 同形同素異義語. 本類型總69個詞彙, 占總對比硏究對象詞彙的百分之七點六三. 本類型在語素排列順序上對稱且相同; 在含意上具有較多的引伸義; 在詞性及用法上具有交叉或相反的特性. 本類型在對比硏究詞彙中所占比率居三, 且雙音節詞彙居多. 本論文總對比硏究語項共904項. 通過上述分類法, 總結出了以下兩點. 第一, 進行對比的韓中詞彙中, 占一半以上的詞彙, 在語素含意及詞性上相同或類似. 說明韓中兩國現用基本詞彙的用法上相同點居多, 這對於學習中文的韓籍學生構詞能力的提高上, 有較大幇助. 第二, 在對比硏究詞彙中有占總硏究詞彙百分之十一點五的104個詞彙, 具有較强的流動性. 這些詞彙所包含的意項較多, 詞性不穩定, 用法也隨之變化. 因此對於學習中文的韓籍學生來說是較難掌握的部分. 本論文只是對現用中國域外方言-韓國小學敎育用詞彙中的 [名詞性詞根+動詞性詞尾(∼하다)] 型詞彙和現代中國詞彙進行了對比硏究. 因數量過多, 沒能將全部韓國漢字詞和中國語的詞彙進行對比. 如有機會的話, 筆者將從整體的角度出發, 對此硏究進行更加廣範及深入的硏究.

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어의 삼음사(三音詞)와 현용 한국어 삼음절(三音節)한자어(漢字語)의 불완전(不完全) 동형(同形) 동소(同素) 어휘 대조 연구

        崔金丹 한국중문학회 2012 中國文學硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        本文就《現代漢語三音詞詞典》所收錄的4791個三音節現代漢語詞匯與韓國《新世紀國語辭典》所收錄的約17萬個現代韓語詞匯中的三音節(及其他音節)漢字詞進行了語素、語素排列形態及語義的對比, 幷從中統計出153對中韓對應不完全同形同素三音節漢字詞. 上述153對中韓對應不完全同形同素三音節漢字詞可歸類爲以下4大類。第一類: 中韓3(2):3(1,2,4)音節不完全同形同素完全對等漢字詞類型(132對, 占總對應詞匯的86.27%)? 。第二類: 中韓3:2音節不完全同形同素部分對等漢字詞類型(5對, 占總對應詞匯的3.27%)。第三類: 中韓3:3(4)音節逆序不完全同形同素完全對等漢字詞類型(5對, 占總對應詞匯的3.27%)。第四類: 中韓3:3(2)音節不完全同形同素完全異義漢字詞類型(11對, 占總對應詞匯的7.19%)。與崔金丹(2011)的<現代漢語三音詞與韓語三音節漢字詞中的同形同素詞匯的比較硏究>中所總結分析出的第一類:中韓3(2):3音節完全同形同素完全對等漢字詞類型(共376對), 第二類: 中韓3:3音節完全同形同素部分對等漢字詞類型(共18對), 第三類: 中韓3:3音節完全同形同素完全異義漢字詞類型(共13對)等三個類型的統計數據相結合進行再分類, 現代漢語三音詞與韓語三音節漢字詞的總體對比類型則可分爲7大類(共560對)。7個類型當中屬于中韓三音節對等詞類型的詞匯共有513對, 占7大類560對總對應詞匯的91.61%。由此可見中韓對應的三音節(及其他音節)漢字詞當中絶大部分的對等詞可在兩國語言當中相互通用。至于中韓三音節同形同素異義詞, 可通過詞形相同且詞義不同的反差, 進而强化對語義及用法的理解。因此韓語圈漢語學習者及漢語圈韓語學習者只要能구充分地分辨出母語與目標語的語素及其排列的異同, 卽均可運用本文所總結分析出的中韓對應三音節(及其他音節)的漢字詞, 更加靈活便捷地掌握目標語的詞匯。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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