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        축차간행물의 기본기입선정에 관한 연구

        최달현 한국도서관정보학회 1977 한국도서관정보학회지 Vol.4 No.-

        Many have been concerned with the entry of serials in cataloging. Thouzh they believc the form of AACR 6 should be revised, the agreement was not yet reached among them. Whercas some librarians advocate no different entry in cataioging between monographs and serials, some agree that all serials are to be entered under its title. Main arguments are on the concepts of "corporate authorship" and "generic titlc". On account of disagreemefit on these concepts, there appear different ways 9T serials entry in various catalogs or bibliogaphies. Being not clearly defined the concept of "corporate authorship" in Korcan Cltaloging Rules, main cntry of a scrial was quite different either in a few national bibliographies or some universities' catalogs in T a e g ~C ity. In consideration 01 the incompleteness and changing authorship or diffused riuthorship of serials, it is desirable to revise and simplif1, - our czttaloging rules as to all the serials are to be entered under its titlc. This would be in ac.:ord +;ith International Stand~rdso n serials, eg. ISDS and ISBD(S). When a generic term is included in a title, it will not be sn important groblcm as the title mould be usi~ally made up in the form of "corporate name+gcncric term". This is duc to the difference of construction of thc words bciwcen Korean and English languages.ds bciwcen Korean and English languages.

      • 정보학의 최근 연구동향과 이론적 흐름

        최달현,이영자 경북대학교 사회과학연구소 1988 社會科學硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        In this study, to grasp both the theoretical and empirical foundations of information science based on the current researches by information scientist, the contents of some key documents and abstracts of the papers in DAI and JASIS from 1980 to 1986 were examined. The conclusions derived from the study were summarize as follows: 1. The continuous and numerous studies on the bibliometrics as a mjaor area of information Science came to develop 'a general bibliometric theory' named also as 'a cumulative advantage distribution' explaining a common phenomenon inherent in some empirical laws such as Zipf's law, Bradford's law, Lotka's law, etc. But the experimental conditions and dimensions for the application of this theory into various real worlds, have been said not to be comphrehesive. 2. Though individual interpretations and disciplinary implications of the various phenomena of information by major information scientist have been made a more acceptable and general model of the concept of information, a more comprehensive technique of information measurement should be developed for the foundation of creating unique theories in the field. 3. The paradigm of information retrieval an information system development as a problem solving areas of the discipline has been altered and improved by adapting new technologies including natural language processing and expert system in the field of artificial intelligence as well as computational linguistics etc, together with fuzzy theory from the releted field.

      • 公共圖書館法 硏究 : 韓國, 日本, 美國, 英國을 中心으로 comparative Study

        崔達鉉 경북대학교 1987 社會科學 Vol.6 No.-

        Public library movement of United States and United Kingdom, so called the developed countries, is characterized by the upward one compared with the downward in Korea and Japan. In other words, libraries are originally the concern of local governments in the former whereas the central government initiated the public library movement in the latter. And there was a great difference between these two blocks in the preparation of public library legislation. In the US and UK every library law is a product of many studies carried out by governmental and professional research projects. In Korea, there has been a long silence since the 1964 library law was enacted. Responding to the need of information age, the law was revised thoroughly in October, 1987. However it still remains as an insufficient library law, for it lacks lots of necessary provisions for fulfilment of the current requirements to achieve pulic library's goal elucidated in Unesco Public library Manifesto. Major deficiences in the law are such problems as free library use, government unit for library services, appointment of professional personnel in all kinds of libraries, securing a firm and enduring library expenses, and library education and remuneration for librarians, etc. These might be the important future problems to solve.

      • 圖書館目錄上 번자표기의 實態와 諸 問題 : 우리나라 公共 및 大學圖書館을 中心으로

        崔達鉉 慶北大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        Librarian and bibliographers in the world have been greatly concerned in Universal Bibliographic Control(UBC) during 1970's in which various international activities occurred. Transliteration is one of the major problems to have an effective control of bibliography all over the world. So far many people have believed that Romanization was a unique and standard method to acquire an integrated world bibliography. However, many points at issue relating to Romanization have come to the fore again in recent years. In order to analyse the present situation of transliteration in Korea, I made a survey of script conversion practices in 101 public and university libraries through the questionnaires of which 67 libraries responded. I'd like to draw up some suggestions to alleviate the present situation. Firstly, it's desirable to separate the author-title catalog into three parts: Korean and Chinese, Japanese, and Roman alphabet. Secondly, in subject catalog, book entries with the same subject heading but in the different language should be filed by scripts. In order that libraries may bring together the same script entries, I propose to add a sort of symbol or letter to the end of each subject heading. Thirdly, the standard scheme for transliteration available to all the libraries in Korea should be established as soon as possible. Fourthly, translations from other languages into Korean should be entered under Korean main entry. Fifthly, our national bibliographic agency must take a more positive activities in which providing model of transliterated cataloging card for both Korean and foreign librarians is included.

      • 大學 圖書館 年間 圖書費 豫算策定에 관한 硏究 : 年次 增加量에 의한 理論的 模型

        崔達鉉,孫正彪 경북대학교 교육대학원 1976 논문집 Vol.6-7 No.-

        This study is an attempt to present a model for a more reasonable, economical standard of an annual budget for the university and college library collection. The annual budgetary model for the annual increase of collection was calculated by a formula derived from a factor analysis of the fluctuations of external and internal mean price indexes. The result of this study is as follows: ⑴ The method of calculation for the study was employed by the following formula: For Korean books, B_Tn=V(c_(n-1)+C_(n-1)×33.8/100)……………………………………………………⑴ For Japanese books, B_Tn=V(c_(n-1)+C_(n-1)×19.2/100)×(E_(n-1)+E_(n-1)×22.7/100)………… ⑵ For western books, B_Tn=V(c_(n-1)+C_(n-1)×11.2/100)×(E_(n-1)+E_(n-1)×7.1/100) ………… ⑶ Total ⑴+⑵+⑶ ⑵ The result by the above formula is shown to 8,000 Won per student for 1975. Accordingly, the annual budget in future will have to be calculated by adding the rate of the price increase on the above result.

      • 文書館資料의 選擇論 : 政府 記錄의 保存을 中心으로

        崔達鉉 경북대학교 교육대학원 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        Modern archives function not only s a servant of the society performing its administrative demands and needs but also as a tool of science assisting discovery of the truth in historical studies. Therefore, every modern civilized countries have established archives appropriate to its own circumstances. The following proposals could be considered effective to facilitate the archival management of government records in Korea. First, nation-wide recognition of the role and activities of archives is essential to the effective management of government records with information or research value. In this respect, attitudes of policy makers in the central government would be most important to the development of national archives. Grigg Committee of 1952 in the United Kingdom is a good example for us. Second, professionally-trained staff produced by archival institutions must be in charge of archival management in various organizations including our Government Records Repository established in 1969. Third, all the important government records could be totally controlled only on such basis. Legislative and judicial documents should be preserved in the government's repository as well. Fourth, disposition of government records is to be done in accordance with a definite disposition schedule set up among the national archivist, administrators and subject specialists. This schedule is regularly reviewed and up-to-dated according to social changes. Fifth, although appraisal for the primary value of documents is made by administrative officers in cooperation with chiefs of operating agencies the national archivist has final responsibility of appraisal for the secondary value of documents. Last, an intermediate repository of documents for a temporary preservation before the final disposition would save important records from irrecoverable ruins. At any rate all the records could not be disposed without consent of the national archivist.

      • 圖書利用頻度 分析에 의한 學生利用 圖書量測定에 관한 硏究 : 大學圖書館 學部學生을 中心으로

        崔達鉉,孫正彪 慶北大學校 文理科大學 1975 文理學叢 Vol.3 No.-

        This study is an attempt to present a model for a more reasonable, economical standard of building a library collection for undergraduates students. On the basis of various circulation data of external and internal literature, the following methods of calculation for the study were employed: 1) A quantitative standard for undergraduate students was calculated by the exponential function derived from Trueswell's figure % of Circulation satisfied vs. % of Holdings satisfying circulation and Leimkuhler's hypothetical table for Relative use of stored items. 2) A standard for the annual increase of the collection was made by a formula derived from the principle of half-life in nuclear physics. 3) A statistical method for the measurement of duplication were formulas applied by the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation. The scope of this study was set up quantitatively by the number of students and limited to the circulation of books taken-out in the general collection. Other standards were excluded. The result of this study is as follows: First, the setting up the quantitative standard by solving of an equation of exponential function. C_q=K^avt_e, derived from the figure by Trueswell and Leimkuhler, revealed that colleges and universities will have to maintain the following ration of books to undergraduate students: 1) The minimum-more than 9 volumes per student. 2) The optimum-more than 14 volumes per student. Secondly, the standard of the annual increase of collection, a result of calculating the formula, N=N_oe^-λT, derived form the principle of half-life in nuclear physics, shows that colleges and universities will have to maintain the following ratio of books to undergraduate students: 1) The minimum-more than 0.62 volumes per student. 2) The optimum-more than 0.97 volumes per student. Thirdly, concerning the increase in student demand for duplication, colleges and universities will have to maintain a level of duplication to be calculated by the following formula derived from the standard deviation and coefficient of variation: 1) The quantity satisfying 99.73%…X_199.73%=X_1av+3×S/X×X. 2) The quantity satisfying 99.45%…X_199.45%=X_1av+2×S/X×X.

      • KCI등재

        영국의 공공도서관법연구

        최달현 한국도서관정보학회 1980 한국도서관정보학회지 Vol.7 No.-

        Public library legislation is the essential means of providing for all the citizen in modern society with a standard public library service. We can trace the origin of that back to the Public Libraries Act 1850 in England. This paper is reviewing all the measures concerning public libraries of England since then in order to find out some guidelines for revision of the Korean Library Law enacted in 1963. Although Public Libraries Act 1850 was an output of a series of social reform movement in the 19th century, it established first the provision of public library service su n.0, pported by public funds. However the Act had several restrictions hindering public library service from making progress. These are: 1. Adoptive legislation in nature 2. Limitation of the size of population and rate income 3. Small library authorities 4. Procedure for adoption by public meeting 5. Restrictions on the ways in which rate income might be spent 6. No governmental organization to direct or control for a standardized public library service 7. No cooperative schemes among libraries. Subsequent development was directed largely to removal of those limitations. The present Public Libraries Act 1964 as a model of public library legislation was enacted on the basis of such reports as Kenyon, McColvin, Roberts, and Bourdillon. All but the problem of small library authorities were removed with this new Act. The final object could be achieved by the Local Government Act 1974 which reorganized existing 383 small authorities into new 115 ones the average population of which was 280, 000. Now, McColvin's dream of 30 years could be fulfilled in the late 70's. He argued that the minimum size of population of a viable authority should be 300, 000. Although the effect of the 1964 Act on the development of public library services in England was great, there must be some considerations as to the provisions of public library objective, government funding for library services, free use of library materials to all regardless of residence, and placement of library committee within the authority.

      • KCI등재

        분담목록에서의 전거통제와 전거일파공유

        최달현 한국도서관정보학회 1996 한국도서관정보학회지 Vol.25 No.-

        This paper reviews various aspects of authouity control system and presents prerequistes for an effective authority control in our future cooperative cataloging. It can be summarized as follows. First, numerous factors affecting authority control must be analyzed and consistent procedures and policies on the authority control have to be established. Second, to make an effective bibiographic data base there must be a standard for the information processing and a systematic organization for information sharing and communicating. Third, for this objective we have to build a MARC format, establish a network for the exchange of automatic authority records among systems, standardize the transcription of multscripts, and establish a centralized automatic authority system for a consistent maintenance of authorityrecords of the union data base. Fourth, it would be one of the best way of achieving cooperative cataloging to set up such a nation-wide authority control system as the NACO in Japan.

      • KCI등재

        미국공공도서관의 봉사활동에 미친 연방정부의 역할에 관한 고찰-LSA와 LSCA를 중심으로

        최달현 한국도서관정보학회 1976 한국도서관정보학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        In modern times, it has been a most imporant problem for the community to make nation's information resources a\-ailable to all the people ~vithf ree and even access. In Nelson Associate's National platz for library service appeared in 1948, 50 million Americans were served by public libraries with inadequate service and 35 million have had no library service. Library Services Act signed bq- President Eisenhower in 1956 was a result of continuous efforts of AL.1 for 20 years. It aimed to extend public library service to rural population less than ten thousands. LSA was succeeded by LSCA in 1964 and continued with several amendments so far. 620 million dollars of Federal funds were put into local library administrati1.e agencies during 1957-1974 for the extension of library service and construction of library buildings. Federal funds also encouraged local library administrative agencies to ha\-e more interest in library and information service and carry out their own library programs. However, there are many current problems in Amierican pubic libraries still now, that is, uneven growth of public libraries, uneven distribution of information resources, inadequate library service to a large part of population, insufficient supply of library funds, lack of nationwide library network beyond local admini-strative jurisdictions and so on. National Advisory Commission on Libraries, Committee on Libraries, National Conference of Library and Inforination Science are results of government efforts to meet those problems and carry out effecti1.e nation's library policies. In other part, Congress authorized to open the White House Conference on Library and Information Science before 1978 to make a reco:nn:endation fostering the library use. It is expected that the elected President Carter will put more efforts in developing library and information services, for LSA and LSCA were mainly pushed ahead by Democratic Party. In conclusion I could find some factors through these analysis that would be of some help to develop nation's library and information services, especially in developing countries.

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