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        Depth sensitivity of stereoscopic displays

        최병화,최동욱,이재은,이승배,김성철 한국정보디스플레이학회 2012 Journal of information display Vol.13 No.1

        Depth sensitivity is considered one of the factors influencing 3D displays the most. In this paper, the perceptual 3D depth was quantitatively measured to compare the depth difference among the display devices. No difference was found in the typical display performance among the devices, but the subjective evaluation of the depth sensitivity where the disparity was varied showed that the organic light emitting diode (OLED) had the highest performance, mainly due to its almost 0% crosstalk, one of the features of OLED. Crosstalk is a form of image superposition that greatly affects the depth sensitivity. The experiment results showed that the quantitative depth sensitivity varies due to geometric factors such as disparity, viewing distance, and subjective sensitivity, depending on the display image characteristics, such as crosstalk and contrast.

      • 예산산성 내부시설로 본 백제산성 내 공간의 활용양상

        최병화 한국성곽학회 2022 한국성곽학보 Vol.27 No.-

        산성은 외침을 막고, 백성을 지키는 관방유적이다. 하지만 고대산성의 축성 목적은 일정 지역에 대한 장악(확보)를 우선하였다. 일정지역에 대한 장악은 무력을 기반한 통치, 관리, 방어 등의 개념이 포함된다. 따라서 산성 내에는 전투 가능한 방벽(성벽)이 축성되고, 안에 는 군사의 생존과 해당지역 관리위한 시설(각종 건물지, 용수시설 등)이 조성된다. 그리고, 축성주체(국가)는 이 같은 시설을 구비하고, 운영할 수 있는 일정 수준의 기술력과 제도를 갖추고 산성을 중심 무대로 다양한 행적(역사)을 남기었다. 따라서 산성의 실체와 그 역사에 접근하기 위해서는 오랜 조사와 고찰, 다양한 연구방법 의 적용과 검증이 필요하다. 국내 고고학에서 고분, 생활유적 등 다른 유구보다 연구 성장이 느린점은 城에 내포된 종합적이고 거대한 역사성이 있기 때문이다. 이 관념에서 “산성 내 공 간활용”연구는 성벽과 성벽시설(문지, 치 등)에만 집중되던 기존연구 성향에서 벗어난 다양 한 방식의 연구 접근을 위해 시도한 것이다. 본 연구는 백제 치성(縣급)으로 밝혀진 예산산성을 대상으로 하였다. 하나의 산성이지만 조사된 내부시설이 양호하고, 유구별 구조와 배치 등 공간 활용상태 파악이 가능하였다. 그리 고, 이를 토대로 유사등급(郡縣) 산성사례를 비교하여 백제 산성 내 공간 양상을 살펴보았다. 연구결과 산성 내부는 A.(정상부), B.(경사 중~상단부), C.(경사 하단부)로 구분되어 필요 시설이 배치된 것으로 파악되었다. A.정상부 공간에는 다각형건물(종교/제의), 석벽건물(대 형창고), 저장수혈, 저수조(물탱크) 등 저장시설이 밀집된다. 특히, 잔여대지(넓은 공간)를 필 수적으로 확보하여 사열(지휘)/제의(종교)/창고(물품)관리 등 공식적인 대규모 군사 활동이 가능케 하였다. B.경사 중~상단부 공간은 비탈진 경사에 협소한 평탄면을 조성하여 중소규모(6m이내) 시설을 배치하였다. 유구는 고래, 아궁이 등 난방 건물이 중심을 이룬다. 소규모로 분리된 병사 숙소/취사 및 기타 물품 제작소 등이 기능한 것으로 추정된다. C.경사 하단부 공간은 저지대로 유수처리의 집수지가 배치된다. 그리고 곡부 주변은 축 대를 시설하여 곳곳에 평탄지를 조성하고, 규모 있는 건물지를 조성한다. 정리하면, 산성 정상부 일원은 공식적인 대규모 군사활동(지휘/사열/제의/창고관리)을, 경사면 중~상부에는 병사 숙소/취사/생산 및 기타 소규모 활동을, 경사면 하부(곡부)에는 집 수지와 축대 등 배수 및 관련시설을 구비하는 등 계획적인 공간 구획과 활용이 이루어진 것 을 알 수 있다. The mountain fortress is a relic that prevents foreign invasion and protects the people. However, the purpose of the construction of the mountain fortress in ancient times prioritized the control of a certain area. Domination of a certain area includes concepts such as military-based governance, management, and defense. Therefore, walls are built in the mountain fortress, and facilities for the survival of soldiers and the management of the area (various building sites, water facilities, etc.) are built inside. In addition, main(countries) that build mountain fortresses should have such facilities and be supported by technology and social systems that can be operated. Therefore, acidity must be investigated and considered for a long time, and applied and verified by various research methods. In domestic archaeology, access to entities and research growth are slower than other remains such as tombs and living relics because of the comprehensive and huge historical nature implied in the fortress. In this sense, the study of space utilization in the mountain fortress was attempted to approach various research methods, away from the existing research tendency centered on the wall. This study was conducted on Yesan mountain Fortress, which was found to be a local government office(class 縣) during the Baekje period. Although it is one mountain Fortress, the remaining condition of the internal facility was good, and the state of space utilization such as the structure and arrangement of the facility could be identified. In addition, the use of space inside Baekje mountain Fortress was examined by comparing the cases of The mountain fortresses of similar class(郡縣). As a result of the study, it was found that the inside of the mountain fortress was divided into A(top), B(middle to top), and C(bottom of the slope), and necessary facilities were created. A. Storage facilities such as polygonal buildings(religion/sacrifice), stone wall buildings(large warehouses), storage pits, and water tanks(貯水槽) are concentrated in the space at the top. In particular, the remaining land (large space) was essentially secured to enable official large-scale military activities such as command/religion. B. Small and medium-sized(less than 6m) facilities were placed in the middle space by creating a narrow flat surface on the slope. Facilities are the mainstream of heating buildings such as ondol and furnace. It is estimated that small-scale separated soldier accommodation/cooking and other goods factories functioned. C.In the lower part of the slope, a water collection reservoir is disposed to treat water flowing to a low place. In addition, a flat land was built along with an embankment(築臺) and a building was built around it. In summary, official large-scale military activities (command/inspect/religion) were conducted at the top of the mountain fortress, and small-scale activities such as soldiers' lodging/cooking were conducted at the center of the slope. In addition, water collection and embankment(築臺) were built at the bottom of the slope to treat flowing water and build a building. In other words, planned space compartment and utilization were achieved.

      • KCI등재

        대만의 신남향정책이 수출에 미치는 단기적 영향

        최병화 한국국제통상학회 2022 국제통상연구 Vol.27 No.3

        This paper analyzes how Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy (NSP) affects the export performance of firms using customs transaction-level data of Taiwanese exporters for the period 2006–2017. The analysis shows that the NSP has not made the expected progress in increasing exports to NSP target countries and reducing exports to China over the short term. Contrary to the policy’s initial aims, the NSP has increased the value of high-technology-intensive goods exported to China. It has also increased export price, quantity, and value to Taiwan’s other major trading partners—the United States, Japan, and Korea. These findings suggest that the NSP should be developed further to provide tangible support for exports to target countries and to accelerate some measures for promoting early harvests and concrete achievements. Moreover, continuous investment and policy support are needed from a long-term perspective.

      • KCI등재후보

        금산 백령산성의 구조와성격

        최병화 호서고고학회 2007 호서고고학 Vol.0 No.17

        백령산성은 충청남도 금산군 남이면 역평리와 건천리 일대의 성재산 山峰에 위치한 둘레 207m의 테뫼식 석축산성이다. 산성은 2차에 걸친 발굴조사를 통해 다양한 부대시설과 내부구조가 확인되었으며, 성내에서는 백제유물만이 출토되고 있어 백제산성의 원형을 연구는데 매우 좋은 자료가 되고 있다. 산성은 주변으로 험준한 산맥으로 둘러싸여 시야가 좋지 않지만, 성이 위치한 능선 일대를 장악하여 제한적인 시야를 극복하였다. 그리고, 성내에는 목곽 및 구들시설과 같이 군사가 오래 상주할 수 있는 부대시설을 구비하여 방어기능을 유지하였다. 특히 목곽시설은 백제의 목조 건축술을 파악할 수 있는 몇 않되는 귀중한 자료로서 입지와 구조 등을 고려할 때, 식수나 생활용수를 저장하는 저수기능을 하였던 것으로 판단된다. 이외도 방어의 취약점을 고려한 현문식 구조와 치 시설은 백령산성이 변방에 위치한 소규모 산성이지만 적의 침입에 대비한 방비가 견고하게 갖추어졌음을 보여준다. 발굴조사가 이루어지기 전까지 백령산성은 주목받지 못하였지만 사실 백령산성이 위치한 교통로는 오래전부터 신라의 백제 침공로 가운데 하나인 탄현으로 통하는 주요 통로로 주목되어 왔던 곳이다. 백령산성을 경유하면 동쪽으로 영동, 진안, 무주로 연결되며, 서쪽으로는 東方城으로 비정되는 논산 은진을 통해 백제의 수도 사비로 바로 연결되기 때문이다. 이와 같은 지리적인 중요성으로 인해 백령산성이 위치한 교통로를 포함한 금산 전역의 古代 교통로는 諸학자들에 의해 신라의 백제 침공로 가운데 하나로 지목되어 많은 연구가 이루어져 왔다. 최근에는 금산과 진안에서 확인되는 가야 및 백제 유물을 통해 일찍부터 “백제-금산-가야” 교통로가 이용되었던 것으로 확인되었다. 이를 통해 보면 금산은 신라에게 있어 백제를 침공할 수 있는 전초기지와 같으며, 백제에게 있어서는 내륙 깊숙한 곳에서 신라를 방비할 수 있는 거점지이면서 진안을 통해 남쪽 가야세력과 연결되는 최단루트의 교두보와 같은 곳이었던 것이다. 따라서 백령산성은 금산의 역사적인 배경과 지정학적인 중요성을 고려할 때, 금산의 서남단에 위치하여 “백제중앙-금산, 금산-가야”를 연결하는 교통로 한가운데를 지키는 관문과 같은 기능을 하였던 것을 알 수 있다. Baekryeong Mountain fortress is a stone laid fortress situated at Seong Jae Mountain summit that encompasses Yeok pyeong-ri and Geon cheon-ri in Nami-myon, Geumsan Province, Chungcheongnam-do. It took on a shape of loop with a tombs-looking style, 207m in girth. There have been two excavations of the mount fortress, which uncovered a variety of auxiliary facilities and interior structure. Inside the fortress, many artifacts from the Baekje Dynasty were uncovered, collection of which will help in studying the original shape of the Baekje Dynasty mountain fortress. The mountain fortress wall is surrounded by rugged mountain ranges, which provide not a very good field of view. However, inasmuch as the fortress took a position on the mountain range, one can overcome the limited view. Inside the fortress, there were such auxiliary facilities as wood facility, underground heating system, enabling the occupants to maintain a defensive position for a prolonged time period. The wood facility is one of the very few valuable historical relics, from which one can determine Baekje building techniques. It can be determined that wood facility served as a holding tank for drinking water. Furthermore, the wall took into consideration the fragile defense point by building a garret-gate style structure and chi(雉) facilities, all of which demonstrate that even though the mountain fortress was a wall of a small scale located in the outer area, it was nevertheless solidly equiped for defense. Before the excavation, Baekryeong Mount fortress did not attract much attention. However, the routes surrounding the mountain range served as major roads that led to Tanhyon(炭峴), which was one of the routes that Silla took to attack Baekje. If you stop over at Baekryoung mount fortress, you can go on to Yeongdong, Jinan, and Muju on the east side and to the west you can directly reach Sabi from Nonsan, the eastern-castle(東方城) and Eunjin. Because of such geographical importance, the ancient traffic routes surrounding all of the Geumsan area surrounding Baekryoung Mount fortress have been studied a great deal by scholars as one of the routes that Silla used to attack Baekje. Recently, some artifacts found in Geumsan and Jinan that were of Baekje Dynasty and Gaya Dynasty confirmed that the Baekje-Geumsan-Gaya route was used from the early days on. From these we can determine that Geumsan was like an outpost of Silla from which it could advance against Baekje. At the same time it was a defense post of Baekje against Silla and provided the shortest route for Baekje to join forces with the Gaya power through Jinan. Consequently, when considering Baekryeong Mount fortress's historical background and geopolitical importance, it performed the functions of a gate that guarded the Central Baekje-Geumsan and Geumsan-Gaya traffic route.

      • KCI등재

        A study on the optimum curvature for the curved monitor

        최병화,이승배,이자은,홍성수,이장두,김성철 한국정보디스플레이학회 2015 Journal of information display Vol.16 No.4

        Curved displays have been actively developed beyond the limits of the conventional flat displays. The curved displays are known to be advantageous for immersion, preferences, and viewing convenience. As such, it is necessary to conduct ergonomic studies on the curvature of the curved display. In this study, experiments were conducted to determine the optimal curvature of the curved display for six kinds of contents. The results of the experiments showed that the optimal curvature is 560.9 mm at the standard viewing distance of 600 mm, which can be considered an evidence that there is an intriguing correlation between the viewing distance and the display curvature. It is expected that the results of this study would improve the existing display products and would provide ergonomic guidelines for the users.

      • KCI등재

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